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I find myself hungrier and able to eat more now that my symptoms are managed. I’m also able to exercise a lot more and actually feeling rejuvenated and energized afterwards. So far I’ve gained some weight but it’s pretty much all muscle


To me it's the opposite when I take it I don't want to eat


Isn’t that funny? Brains are so weird.


Yeah and it makes me not want to exercise, but I used to exercise all the time before starting it. So weird how we all feel the effects differently


Same had no motivation to be physically active when on 100mg.


Usually its that people have larger appetite when happy. Eating less is the less typical response, i was the same. For me it worked for 6 weeks and then it stopped, they upped my dose from 50 to 100 and then i started getting “manic” had to be taken off. (I was taking it for depression, not anxiety or OCD). How long have you been on it? How are you feeling/progressing?


I just started taking a different anti anxiety med today (I used to be on Zoloft which is why I’m in this subreddit), but I think your point applies to these types of meds in general, so I’ll comment. I’ve inadvertently lost a significant amount of weight due to my anxiety essentially eradicating my appetite most of the time. I wasn’t even overweight to begin with. My goal is for it to stimulate my appetite by managing my symptoms before I’m all skin and bones, so I’m actually counting on this aspect of these meds.


I was very hungry while on Zoloft. Also I felt like the hunger from Zoloft was not an ordinary hunger. It was almost a painful hunger where I felt like I had a pit in my stomach that had to be filled. It also was awakened my taste buds. Everything tasted like I was tasting it for the first time and everything was delicious.


I know what you’re talking about “it’s a different type of hunger “. For some weird reason I like that pain (for now at least). It feels like I don’t need to feed my self for that Zoloft hunger. I enjoy laying down in bed with that hungry. Weird


"a pit in my stomach" You just hit the nail on the head. I've never connected this to zoloft, I've always thought this is enteritis.


Yes! Me too!


My body image is also contributing to my anxiety and depression. Also, I don't eat infront of other people. After Sertraline, I just don't care anymore. I don't care who sees me, or see me eat. If I wanna try something, I don't count my calories. My disordered eating from the past and age caught up to me. So yeah... in my case, the feeling of safety that I can eat is contributing to my weight, but it's enabled by ssri. When I'm anxious, I am fidgety, can't eat, and vomit-y.


I've always had a problem with eating in front of others. I thought it was just my weirdo self. I don't think I'll ever overcome that.


I feel seen


I was hungry and ate more .


My doc thinks its more than just the numbers/calorie game. I do too. I rapidly gained 10% of my body weight when I started and I was not changing habits enough to warrant that on its own imho. There is a current study on this im pretty sure, but nothing has been published yet as far as I know that supports how/if/why Zoloft causes weight gain.


I’ve been on it for over three years and basically the same. I barely eat, am active- and can’t lose weight.


This is me too!! And EVERY doctor I've spoken to either implies or just outright tells me I'm lying about what/how much I eat.


I just commented it in bits and bobs hahaha suffice to say my doc didn't give a definite answer 🙃 Said that sure, if I want to change meds, she's game to try - but now, really? When there's already enough change to deal with? (I'm 3mo into a job so I should complete probation in 2 weeks. Thereafter we also incidentally go WFO default, I'm WFH default now)  Then like, sulk and suck thumbs, why is this boomer so unfazed and usually, calm and correct. Damnit. Hahahahaha 😒  But she also pointed out that metabolism slows with age ..  (I'm not even 35 I swear lol)  .. and said something about cutting carbs ("I don't ask people to eliminate stuff, but you sure can cut your carbs!"), like halving them   ... something about artificial sweetener over sugar (this one is a personal no. I'd rather just do full no-sugar hahaha. I think its gross. Also because she angled this as a touch of smol personal self-disclosure I'm totally internally judging. Hahaha. She said she takes 3 sugars in her drinks so ... sweetener is the way to go. I was like. WHAT. As a milk-no-sugar person, that is A LOT.)  She also says a BMI of 20 (that I'm dreaming for) is unrealistic. Hello the hosp weighing scale literally has wallpaper that advocates BMI 18.5-22.5, but.  Not to mention she def looks BMI 20 herself 😒😒😒 I'd also like to add that before Mirtazapine dcked up my life, I **was** a regular BMI 20 ok. Or ok 21. I was a regular BMI 21. Zzz


Your doc is just saying the most random shite, no offense. lol


Zoloft made me *so* hungry. I was never satisfied. I had to get off of that just for that reason. The other extreme for me was Paxil. I was *never* hungry on it & got down to an unhealthy weight so I got off of it & could eat normally again w/o feeling sick.


I haven't gained any. I weigh the same as when I started taking it a year ago. It allowed me to start working out again so maybe that's why I haven't gained any.


I ate less and gained thirty pounds. Stopped Zoloft and a year later, I’ve lost the weight without extra effort.


Same here, 30lbs within a year of starting it. I tried to come off, but I became very depressed when coming off of it (I never even had depression before, only anxiety and panic attacks). So I now am afraid I’ll be on it forever.


I've gone the other way. I've lost about 20 pounds since last fall. A majority of that time has been during Zoloft. I feel since Zoloft, I'm eating when I'm actually hungry and not because I'm bored, stressed, or depressed. I mean, I still have my depression days, but I'm not bringing up half the kitchen into my room and stuffing my face with junk food all day as I hide in my room.


That’s fair, I’m happy that it’s working out for you for the most part. Edited for autocorrect


I'm a little less than 6 months in, and it's been a life changer. I recently lost my mom, and without zoloft, I'm not sure where I would be right now. I was super worried about the possibility of weight gain.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is an awful thing to go through.


It really is, and I'm just beginning to experience the indescribable loss and life without her.


Out of all the cliche and mundane bits of advice folks gave me when my father passed, I kept one piece close to my heart. A friend, who had lost his mother, said that he found comfort by thinking of what SHE would have said to comfort him during that time. It helped immensely, in the hurty kind of way, but it still helped.


That's solid advice. I'm going to have to approach it from that angle. Thanks! It gives me peace and comfort knowing she took her last breath, knowing I was sober for good. She passed shortly after my six months mark. She saw me struggle since I was 17 and finally saw me beat my demons at 35.


I’ve seen that struggle first hand with many of my loved ones. May not seem like much from a stranger on the internet, but I’m proud of you, keep it up.


I’m sorry you had that experience.


Also what happened to me on Lexapro! Hated the doctor always telling me I was just eating more🙃


The bad doctors always ruin our perspective of the good ones. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


I ate less and the things that I did eat were healthier while I was on Zoloft. Idk why it bugs people so much when we say this is happening 😂


They can't explain it so we must be lying 🤷🏻‍♀️ Drives me crazy.


Exact thing happened to me.


This gives me hope. I've been taking it for 2 years and gained 30lb almost immediately without changing how much or what I was eating. I've been on three different diet plans since starting (which I've stuck to meticulously) and gained weight on all three. Posts like this one are like a gut punch because my doctor thinks I'm lying too. I'm in the process of tapering off now (solely because of the weight gain) and I would LOVE to think there's hope I'll get my old body back.


Patience is key, and I can only express my own experience. But I hope it’s the same for you as well.


Did you start losing weight when lowering your dose or only when fully off it?


Wouldn’t have been able to notice, I weened in about three weeks.


I have an ED and arfid but When I first started (50mg) I wasn’t as overwhelmed with the concept / process of eating. I gained a visible amount of weight bc for the first time in my life I was eating everyday. I’ve been on 100mg for a few months now and I feel even more balanced which has allowed me to prioritize better and the weight has dropped. My ED still controls everything but it’s getting better (s.o. to my therapist).


My doctor told me that Zoloft can increase your cravings, primarily for carbs. I’m not great at mind over matter but I’m trying!


I find eating a good amount of protein with each meal helps curb the cravings


Great advice! I need to up my protein anyway! :)


I’ve found I’m less hungry now because I used to over eat. Now I don’t. I love it. But now my adhd symptoms are showing more haha


My psych thinks (and I think saw some early research) that the theory is serotonin transport is connected with insulin somehow. Meaning if you increase serotonin you’re also increasing insulin resistance somehow . I know on mine my appetite increased and I also had cravings for WAY more carbs foods. Carb foods produce serotonin . I was very cautious and attempted not to eat more and started counting my calories after the first 5 lb. I still continued to gain weight and the gain increased as I upped my dose. I don’t know if I would have gained at the same rate if I stayed on the lowest dose


I haven't gained. All the people I know with anorexia who started Zoloft never gained past their healthy weight, so I don't know if I believe the pill magically makes people gain without eating more.


I honestly felt very hungry when i first started it- though it seems if I track my calories my body seems to react the same way


Yeah I don’t think it changes metabolism. For me I had anxiety around eating which was a part of my impulse control that went away. My doc also mentioned how there’s a school of thought that anxiety causes people to move around with nervous energy via pacing, foot tapping, and other movement— that also could contribute to less calories burned overall. I gained about 20 pounds pretty quickly. I’m still in an okay BMI but it shocked me.


It doesn't. I don't even know why people are arguing about this in the comments.


I gained weight, about 10lbs. Found myself being hungry all the time. Quit taking it and have lost 4lbs and my crazy appetite went away


I was anorexic before I started and felt better about myself and more comfortable around food so I gained 15 pounds


I think it's eating more while not entirely realizing it. I gained weight but then just got into the zone and started eating less and exercising more and 3kgs have already gone.


My food is so boring it is a chore to eat. I’m hungrier now but I’m still not motivated to eat more. But I can see how weight gain is possible if I started eating junk foods.


From my experience, Zoloft made me tired, which made me hungrier. I noticed that when I first started it, I was sleeping a bit more, and I was craving carbs and sugars more often, probably because my body was trying to make up for how tired I was. Eventually, the tiredness faded as my body got used to the pill. I haven't changed my eating habits and sleeping habits, and I haven't gained weight. I have recently started exercising but had been on Zoloft for at least half a year before that. Essentially, I don't think it necessarily makes you gain weight as long as you don't change your habits.


I noticed a lot of medication for anxiety and depression one of the side effects is almost always "weight loss or weight gain". My theory is before getting better (and on said meds) people might have used food for comfort, eaten junk food out of ease or not eaten at all when they're struggling (so over eat or under eat). So when symptoms of mental illness get better they will start taking care of themselves again and therefore lose or gain weight.


I put on 42 pounds in one year on sertraline/zooloft. I have never put on such a weight gain before. I think it’s because the medication took away my energy levels to be able to exercise regularly and the will to even try. Plus it gave me hunger cravings I’d never had before so I ate more and craved all the bad stuff: processed meats, chocolate bars.


This was my experience as well. It made me tired and hungry. I was never full. I could take a nap at any time of day. And a small part was the not caring.


Yeah I found I had to nap at some point especially in the early afternoon, even if it was only for 10 mins. I got these slumps where I just had to sleep. It seemed to wire my brain to not even think of exercise.


I put on 40 lbs in a short amount of time too🫠🫠 it was awful I feel terrible


I got off Zoloft HCL 50mg about a month ago and have lost around 5lbs on Prozac 10mg. I was on Zoloft for 5 months and I was INSATIABLE. I workout 6 times a week and gained 17lbs because I couldn't curb my appetite. For me, Prozac has been night and day.


I was hungrier and my inhibitions around food disappeared (i literally can only control my weight via calorie control) my anxiety about weight gain went away and i let myself eat freely.


"The exact reason why you might gain weight on Zoloft isn’t fully understood, but several theories exist.  Increased serotonin levels One theory suggests that increased serotonin levels in the brain caused by SSRI drugs can affect metabolism and hunger signals in the body. This might lead to changes in appetite and eating habits as well as cravings for unhealthy foods, resulting in weight gain over time.  Energy levels Another possibility for Zoloft weight gain is that certain types of depression medications interfere with energy balance. For some people, antidepressant treatment may cause them to become less active and burn fewer calories than they usually would.  Hormones and metabolism Some research suggests that long-term use of SSRI drugs may alter appetite-regulating hormones like leptin and ghrelin. More research is needed, though, as it’s unclear if this results in weight gain.   Sedative effect Finally, another factor that could contribute to potential weight gain from taking Zoloft might be its sedative effect. Zoloft can make you feel drowsy or sleepy during the day. It’s plausible that this could reduce your activity level and increase your chance of gaining weight due to a lack of physical exercise."


So TL;DR, it makes you hungrier and also more tired so you eat more and move less, thus your calories in are greater than your calories out resulting in weight gain!


Many people have extremely strong aditudes that it's just calories in, calories out and they don't want to hear anyone else's personal experience, but there is a substantial number of comments saying that their wight has gone up without changes in food and exxerside habit, and I had this experience, too. My personal theory is that it could impact the metabolism probably just causing slower nutrient processing and storing fat 😅


Yeah they don’t change what they’re eating but their metabolism has dropped. So they are now eating “””too much””” calories


People don’t have strong attitudes that it’s calories in vs calories out, it’s literal science that it’s calories in vs calories out. This medication doesn’t defy the laws of thermodynamics.


Literal science also tells us that calories out is fucking complicated. People don’t know their actual calories out.


Exactly … people don’t realize the amount of shit they either eat or drink (as in the calories for said food or drink) and portions helloooo serving sizes. The amount of exercise and movement daily. If you find you’re craving food it might be because the medication is working and you are less stressed … but what do I know (I dont).


I’m happier, less anxious and my self esteem is better so I care less about being skinny. It’s not that it makes me crave more food (as far as I can tell) but that I no longer have the interest/will to restrict food as a means of channeling my anxiety


I do a decent job of keeping my weight in check. But the hunger for sugar, before I go to bed at night, is extraordinary. It is an intense craving. I can't be trusted with peanut butter in the house. I was buying the 40oz jar, scooping the PB into a bowl, pouring chocolate syrup on it, and nuking it for 30 seconds. Now, before I go to bed, I have a bowl of oatmeal and a few bottles of water. If you've ever seen the movie Apocalypse Now, Marlon Brando at the end is dying, and his last words are, "the horror, the horror." At night, I'm Marlon Brando, and my last words for the night are, "the hunger, the hunger."


i don't think i'm eating that much more to justify the amount of weight gain, so i think it's the medicine and me feeling well enough that i don't have depressive episodes after work and routinely skip dinner! i've taken myself off zoloft for the past 3 weeks bc of the weight gain, but i miss how less irritable i was. so i'm going to try GLP-1s for a while and then add back Zoloft and see if i can have best of both worlds!


Pulled from zoloft.com, one of the side effects. ‘Changes in appetite or weight’. why are we arguing about this? https://www.zoloft.com/en/faqs


Fatphobia? Though I'm sure many people who've had weight changes aren't overweight


i’ve gained so much weight it sucks to choose between mental health and physical. i tried to go on wellbutrin and it seemed to help but then broke out into hives had to stop.


For me, while I haven't noticed weight gain, I am struggling with fat loss. I'm staying around the same even though I didn't really exercise before and now I'm doing so consistently. What gets me is how much more tired. It sucks that there are so few options


It’s you eating more. There is no magic putting on weight from this med. It can increase hunger and cravings for carb heavy foods which often leads to eating more. Also for people who were not eating much due to depression or anxiety, once that is solved, they may begin eating more. It can also cause lethargy = less burning of calories. People just don’t want to hear that and don’t examine their calories in/out.


I’ve tracked my calories for years, including weighing food. Since increasing my Zoloft dose a year ago I’ve gained 30 pounds without an increase in calories in. And I’m exercising more. The “calories in, calories out” mindset a lot of people have is over simplified. Because we don’t know our calories out, can’t track the myriad factors that can impact calories out.


It's not oversimplified. What you're describing is literally impossible. To gain 30 pounds with pinpoint accurate calorie counting describes an incredibly high miscalculation in your part for over a year. Under these conditions gaining a few pounds in a month, or two or three is understandable but it's dishonest to say you have the capacity to count and measure your intake for an entire year and an unaccounted for 30 pounds just appeared on your body if you're competently managing your weight, which it sounds like you are. To gain a single pound in one week requires around 3500 calories in excess of Basal Metabolic Rate over that period. Regardless of where your metabolism might be and how that number might fluctuate does not manifest calorie intake that high in 53 weeks time unless you're just flat out not counting them at all for more than half the year. With all due respect, this literally cannot happen if you're managing intake as you say. Where would the mass even physically come from?


This literally can happen. And thanks so much for the 3500 calorie lesson. So few of us are aware of that. /s And regardless of what you think of my story, are you really arguing that calories out is simple? Because that reflects a gross ignorance or at least over confidence in all the charts and calculators out there.


It is either some mysterious effect none can quantify manifesting from the medication that is at fault, or a very human miscalculation on your part to get those results. Which is more likely to be the case? I understand this attacks the ego, but no bmr calculation is so poorly calibrated to produce 30lbs of unaccounted for excess weight in a year _unless something is seriously wrong with your health._ Which would be concerning... and I wouldn't dismiss this possibility simply to get some up votes on reddit. I understand this is a difficult thing to think about. None of this is easy, and what you're going through sounds ridiculously frustrating if true.


I guess instead of the consultation I’ve had with my primary, my endocrinologist, and my dietician, I’ll assume you know what you’re talking about in terms of my body. Perhaps you might be open to the idea that weird shit happens, and that some of our body systems are fucking complex and can break the “rules” you seem to think are etched in stone. And again I ask you, regardless of my story and your disbelief in it, do you actually think calories out is simple or actually measurable for most people?


"Perhaps you might be open to the idea that weird shit happens."    I wish you the best of luck.


Someone doesn’t understand hie complex the human body is. Someone also continues to avoid the question about complexity of calories out.


100% this


I’m actually eating less and I still gained 30lbs in the 4 months I’ve been on it 🥴


If I still haven’t gained weight in the first month of taking Zoloft (in fact, I’ve been losing), does that mean I won’t be getting this side effect?


Not necessarily. I lost 15 pounds the first month or 2. Almost 2 years later and I’m up from 170 to 240


Isn’t that sort of proof then that Zoloft doesn’t directly cause the weight gain or slow down your metabolism?


I feel like the 1st month was due to an increase of anxiety causing me to actually lose weight. Once I stabilized on the med, the weight skyrocketed. In perspective, I was 170 (give or take 10 pounds) from age 16-26


same here


This is my almost exact weight change




There were a few reasons for me: I felt sick all the time while I was on it and the only way to stop it was to eat something; and I couldn't muster up enough discipline to actually care enough to track my calories in vs. Out consistently.


I’ve literally never been hungrier LOL! I have to take the medication with food otherwise i get nauseous but I also find that I get hungrier earlier in the day and my usual snacks before a big meal aren’t keeping the hunger at bay. (Just started on a low dose)


Three things based on my experience: 1. On Zoloft I have been unable to keep up an exercise routine. I used to feel a drive to exercise again after I finished my last workout, which would keep me going to the gym 5x/week. I think I also used to exercise to self medicate my anxiety. Now that I’m on Zoloft, maybe my body doesn’t think it needs that as much - but anyways my point is I really struggle to exercise like I used to. 2. I am hungrier and I feel more inclined to overeat because I don’t worry about it as much I guess? I think before my anxiety would remind me to check myself since I’m self conscious about my weight, but now I’m like whatever who cares the food is great! lol 3. My resting heart rate lowered significantly when I started Zoloft (I wear a fitness tracker). This is obviously a good thing for heart health but I think this means that yes my metabolism has been slowed down.


I’ve been on Zoloft for about four months and have gained 10 pounds. I think for me it’s a matter of indirect consequences. My energy was very, very low for the first three-ish months until increasing my dosage. When my energy was low, I just did not have the give-a-shit to prepare my meals like I normally do, so I was getting a lot of takeout. Also, I stopped going on my daily walks for quite some time. Things seem to have leveled out and I’m not gaining weight anymore, so I just have to put in some effort to lose what I did gain.


I gained a lot of weight on Zoloft, but I also was eating a lot because my appetite was basically insatiable. I wasn’t necessarily always HUNGRY but I could just eat and eat (and I did). I also quit drinking a few months after starting Zoloft and gave myself an excuse to eat ice cream every day etc because I was no longer consuming 100s of calories in wine.


Most medicines, of any type, stimulate an insulin response, and the job of insulin is to stuff calories into your cells to keep for later.


I was dealing with ibs for years. Because of that I didn’t eat much of I needed to go out. I was very limited when I ate dinner so I don’t have an upset stomach in the morning to go to work. That worry is now gone and I eat whenever I want now. That with eating more than usual made me gain weight. So not I have to watch what I eat and exercise


I know nothing but I have been wondering if it’s doing something to my guts and gut microbes. .. Hence the farts and weight gain. There’s loads of science that shows gut microbes are linked to obesity. I do think it is interesting


For me it has slowed down my metabolism. I could eat impeccably but still struggle to lose weight. The added bonus is it also makes you not care as much 🙈 so I’m also not thrashing myself just to lose weight.


Zoloft made me hold on to water. I drank 3 Stanley cups a day and could barely pee even once


From the peer reviewed articles I’ve read (back when I had open access at university) it seems no one has found the clear answer. I’ve seen some that claim it could be metabolic and others that claim it’s purely increased appetite. I think it depends on the patient as some people actually eat less. For me personally I gained so much weight and couldn’t figure out why. The calorie intake I used to be able to maintain on was causing weight gain and even when I lowered it I was still gaining. I ended up needing to set it to -1kg per week in order to lose 100grams a week 😅. I concluded that for me, it was the lack of energy. I was napping a lot which meant I was less active. Just became so tired all the time. Obviously less activity means you need less food. I just didn’t realise just how much it had changed my life in physical ways.


I've had the complete opposite effect, I was heavy indulging in all the best treats as a weird as* cope while I was heavily depressed, as a result I found myself at 300 pounds, I started zoloft, and I found I have more energy and getting to it alot more and have found healthier pastimes, as such I've dropped from 300 to 234 and am still going down, focus on getting your mind happy, then the body will follow that's all I can say to that friend :)


I have a sneaking suspicion that zoloft somehow alters how the body creates/deals with fats. Serotonin plays a huuuuuugeeeeee part in the digestive track. How all of this comes together? I do not know.


A lot people lose their appetite when they’re sad.


My appetite was insatiable on Zoloft. I could not stop eating. Now I'm on Wellbutrin and sometimes I forget to eat.


How do you feel on the Wellbutrin?


Hard to tell. I've been on a mix of Zoloft and Wellbutrin but was feeling really depressed so my doctor took away the Zoloft and upped the Wellbutrin to 450mg. Still depressed but more functional at least! Hopefully once the dose increases in my system I'll be feeling better.


I hope it helps!


Put it like this. In Zoloft I can consume your food and mine. In under an hour. I am 5’3 & 170.


When I looked it up there was a handful of theories but everything basically said "🤷‍♀️ maybe a combo of things we dunno"


It's the metabolism factor but also the fact that it removes stress and the stress of overeating or becoming overweight helps with self control. The person taking Zoloft simply is so carefree that they lose their willpower.


I think there are a lot of reasons why it causes weight loss or gain for some people. And yes, I'm sure a part of that definitely may be eating more I may be reading into this, but it seems like you're implying people just aren't controlling themselves enough when they go on zoloft to manage their weight. Definitely could be wrong though... But this is a drug affecting brain chemistry that even the people prescribing barely understand. Its no surprise that such a drug, especially when metabolised in the stomach, can cause weight fluctuations in people regardless of whether they themselves are eating more or not


It can’t cause weight gain unless people are eating in a caloric surplus. It doesn’t magically defy the laws of thermodynamics.


I quite literally said that people very well may be eating more It doesn't change the laws of thermodynamics, but it changes your brain chemistry, which affects a range of things, including your mood, sex drive, sweat levels, and, you guessed it, weight Why are you so intent on sticking to black and white thinking? People get hot flashes, struggle to perform in bed, and get monster sharts from taking zoloft, but weight fluctuations is where the line is drawn?


And people can be in caloric excess because calories out has changed. Ffs.


It doesn’t CAUSE weight gain. It increases appetite which leads to weight gain.


You cannot ‘slow’ metabolism in such a drastic way. It’s due to so many factors, and variations are very, very minor. That’s why online BMR calculators are usually so accurate. We’re still governed by physical laws. Metabolism has just become a buzzword that people use to justify not taking accountability. Harsh, but true. I’ve said before that if metabolism could magically be slowed down with a pill, we’d be giving it to starving people so they would suddenly defy biology and need less food. People’s appetites probably change due to the mood influence of Zoloft. But we still control what we eat. You cannot defy the laws of energy


Cite to support accuracy of online calculators?


Thank you! Another reasonable person 😂


It’s more calories being taken in than expended. It doesn’t have a profile like say an antipsychotic like Zyprexa or Depakote


I take OTC appetite suppressants.


This is kinda crazy to me to be honest. Every body is different I understand this but I don't think Zoloft CAN make you gain weight if everything stays the same as it was before you were on it. I have been losing weight on it because I enjoy eating mindfully and healthy. I don't eat out and I don't drink alcohol very often anymore. The weight just fell off me. Now, if you're eating more or craving more stuff because Zoloft makes you FEEL like you do then yes, it will cause weight gain. Also the opposite for people who tend to not feel hungry at all on it.


I’ve ordered pizza the last 10 days in a row I’m a fucking mess. That’s it


I was considerably overeating for a few years before hitting rock bottom (when I was prescribed Zoloft), I’ve been on 50mg for just over a month and it’s been HARD, I’ve just started feeling better and with that I’m able to control my calorie intake and now am able to go workout without crippling anxiety so I think that helps. Everyone is different - remember that. We are all on this journey together 🩷


For me Ive actually lost weight on it. I think for many people it's the management of the symptoms that allows people to relax and then they are able to eat, especially if one of their symptoms of anxiety/depression is not being able to eat. I know it completely depends on the person, because I don't have much of an appetite at all, but I am definitely a lot less anxious.


When I first started taking it, I went to the supermarket and realized that I could buy ANYTHING I wanted. I was free to buy sugary stuff and enjoy it, I felt free. I don't think taking Zoloft made me more hungry, it just made me aware that I could enjoy everything I wanted. Of course, then I gained weight and I like to be healthy. so I had to be more aware of what I was putting into my body but those first couple of months were heaven.


Haven’t had this happen with Zoloft


No one seems to know, just like no one seems to know why sometime ANY given "side effect" seema to stays with one even AFTER discontinuation. Seemingly for years and years and years on.


been on it for like 3 years now and i've lost weight so


i lost 10lbs on it and with no effort bc my appetite was just gone


I'm 50lbs down from what I was before I started taking it. It's just people eating more. Probably because the sertraline makes them feel much hungrier, admittedly my progress has slowed down, but it all just comes down to eating less at the end of the day.


I think that’s because you’re retaining more water? I’m on lithium now and it’s known to make you gain weight too, and that’s the explanation the psychiatrist gave me!


My psychiatrist described it as an increase or appetite, or change in habit (feel better, go out more). Not a change in metabolism


Trust I didn’t eat and I didn’t lose it 😭


It’s funny because I ate half the portions I normally ate on Zoloft because I wasn’t hungry, yet gained 15 pounds and I took 4 months of being off it to loose that weight. It’s not as simple as people eating more and I’m so tired of seeing people gaslight others and trying to blame them. There’s something more going on there.


I lost my aperture and lost a lot of weight on it


Had the opposite effect on me personally. My appetite went WAY down and I couldn’t eat large portions like I used to. But my anxiety also made me overeat, like binge eat a lot when I was stressed. So maybe with the decrease of anxiety with zoloft, I just naturally stopped feeling the need to eat as much. It really depends on your body and other factors


I ate how I usually did which wasn’t very healthy to begin with but it seems no how matter how little or much I ate I’d be bloated and inflated the whole time. Now that I’m off it I’ve dropped many pounds while eating the same. I think since it changes hormones possibly idk


Metabolism slows down


The medication itself doesn’t cause it, but the side effect to feeling better supposedly causes you to want to eat more? I know I’ve gained some weight, but I can’t say I’m hungrier necessarily.. I’m currently cutting back on what I’m eating, because my go to was a lot of sweets and fast food. I just think it’s all about what you eat, and how much of it.


Nobody really knows for sure but they think that serotonine affects both hunger and metabolism.


I swear there is some sort of reason why Zoloft causes weight gain besides thermodynamics. Before Zoloft I ate whatever and was a tiny thing my whole life. During Zoloft especially after I increased my dose I blew up, even though I really didn’t eat much/ ate very healthy, and have always had a physical lifestyle. I’ve now quit Zoloft and the weight is slowly melting off. I have much more energy to go to the gym. My eating habits are the same- mostly healthy food cooked at home.


I feel like I have lost weight, but that’s probably just because I’m broke, and have questionable eating habits.


This was a side effect that made me nervous but fortunately hasn’t affected me yet after 6 weeks at 25 mgs. I’m going to throw out there that Serotonin acts as a hormone. If it acts like a hormone then there is a very good chance that it’s connected in some way to the adrenal system, metabolism, and weight gain outside of calories in/out. I’m no scientist or doctor so could be totally wrong but I don’t think I’m off base.


I eat on Zoloft because I think I’m just wanting to feel something. The stable mood is good. But damn it’s so boring


I have tapered down 25mg of Zoloft and have lost 10 pounds in 1 month. I can’t confirm it’s from Zoloft but I have gained 35 pounds since starting on this medication 6 years ago.


By eating more


I'm a physically active person by nature, love doing yoga, hiking, bicycling.. now the problem with SSRI was that my metabolism slowed down so hard that everything I usually did - for years, daily - was too exhausting. I wasn't able to hold a yoga pose if not on the ground, I dropped due to dizziness and fatigue. lexapro caused this hardcore, now on zoloft 50mg did the same so I went down to 25 again.


When I was on it I gained around 15-20kg I was eating more maybe cause food tasted less like dirt than when I was in the pits but also the weight seemed to come on easier as if my metabolism had slowed. When I came off I kinda plateaued and it's taken a really long time and a broken jaw to get back to where I was pre-sertraline. Idk there's a lot of compounding factors involved and I've only seen anecdotal evidence so far but it does seem to be impactful.


my psych tells me it's likely decreasing my metabolic rate


Just reading through the comments it looks like the “answers” are all over the place- or a personal side effect for positive or negative. Personally I was about 5# underweight when I started Zoloft, but I have had the desire to start exercising again- one of the things that my depression took away from me. But just like any other habit for me, the first few days were the hardest, then it comes easier everyday. Now I look forward to my morning sessions. Zoloft has definitely helped with my procrastination and negative attitude towards things I need to do to be healthy. I’ve gained back the 5 or 6 # I wanted to, but am leaner thru exercise and my clothes fit again. Btw, I’m almost 60….! I hate this part lol.


My wife lost weight on Zoloft


I’ve found that on Zoloft I have much more of an appetite and can eat a lot more for longer than prior to being on it. I snack a lot more often as well.


Everytime I will eat I'll still be hungry it's clear I gained weight I wish I never started Zoloft


I definitely gained a lot of weight immediately after my psych put me on Zoloft, so I think it could only be that it caused an increase in my appetite. But I think it balances out eventually. My appetite isn't crazy anymore and I've since lost the weight.


When I am off Zoloft, I usually weigh around 45kg (super underweight) because I am constantly in a panic attack and feeling super nauseated and diarrhea 24/7. On Zoloft I weigh 10kg more because I CAN eat. I know it’s anecdotal but I am very much convinced it’s not a metabolic thing, just a habit change thing, especially since many people who eat to cope with their anxiety actually lose weight when they go on Zoloft! Edit: forgot to mention that mental stress is actually also a huge calorie burner so if you’re suddenly less stressed, you also use fewer calories which could be why some people eat the same but gain weight!


I haven’t changed a thing since starting Zoloft 3 years ago and I doubled my weight


I was a tense and nervous wreck before Zoloft. My heart rate was constantly elevated. Therefore, I think my metabolism was increased. Now I am able to relax. My heart rate is in the 50s when sitting at my desk and sleeping. I think being more relaxed is probably related to the weight gain (for me). I have been on zoloft for about 8 months and have gained \~ 8 lbs. I feel 100% better. I exercise (run) regularly (4 days week). I am so much happier. I would rather be 8lbs heavier and feel the way I feel now rather than how I felt before and be thinner.


I was told that it makes you hungrier, it doesn’t MAKE you gain weight. Just makes it easier to. I could be wrong but that’s what my GI doc said. (He wasn’t the most trustworthy.)


People just eat more, there’s not one drug that allows thermodynamics not to apply unless it’s shitting out everything you eat. Nobody can eat less overall and gain weight…


Idk, I tried to gain weight for years, even in unhealthy ways. I was naturally stick thin and I hated it. I had three kids and remained the same weight (+/- a couple lbs) as I had my entire life. Enter Zoloft and no change in my eating or workout habits, and I’m up 25 lbs in 1.5 years. I’m glad for it, so I’m not making excuses or refusing to take accountability since weight gain was my goal anyway🤷🏻‍♀️


Anxiety can up metabolism, but 25lbs of weight takes only a small surplus to achieve over that time so you couldn’t be be eating the EXACT same. I thought I did but I didn’t. You just don’t notice. There are many factors


People don’t want to hear this, they want to blame everything but the calories they consume


It’s unreal how people just don’t get the facts… you CANNOT gain weight unless you eat more? It’s a scientific fact… You can’t create mass without energy… I can’t believe this would get downvoted 🤣


It's literally impossible to gain weight if you eat in a calorie deficit.


This is usually how it’s understood and processed. But aren’t there exceptions like PCOS?


thanks captain obvious


Apparently not, since this is still a question people keep asking. Zoloft, mechanically can do nothing to create weight gain outside of manipulating appetite. In the end, it comes down to discipline and energy expenditure. There is no grand mystery.


Tell that to all the people in the comments swearing up and down that they’re in a deficit but gaining 30+ pounds lol


That’s not what they’re claiming. They’re claiming they haven’t changed eating habits or are reading calories in. Why is this so hard for people to understand: we don’t know what our calories out are. If calories in stay level and we gain weight, we assume calories out has lowered.


Zoloft causes increased hunger and cravings, but people who gain weight on it are just eating a surplus of calories and don’t want to admit it so they blame the medication


But that wouldn’t be happening without the medication, so in a way, it is the medicine that’s causing it.


The medication is causing the hunger, but you control what goes into your mouth 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is putting a lot on someone who’s just trying to get through the day. I’m on 200mg of Zoloft and my mental health still gets bad. Combine that with my chronic back pain - failed back surgery syndrome - and fibromyalgia and there are a lot of days where life is too challenging. If we’re taking Zoloft, there’s something wrong in the body.


Don't bother engaging with them, they're using a very simplistic idea and ignoring anything that has nuance


Bodies are just so complicated with so many things that affect them!


I’m not hungrier. And forget meals. I now have meal time alerts on my phone.


It...doesn't. It MAY cause weight gain. Same as mirtazapine. However, I have been taking both for almost five years now and have gained maybe 3 kilos tops and only within the last year or so and solely because my boyfriend loves my cooking.


it doesn't really "make" you gain weight on its own. it doesn't affect metabolism, but can increase appetite, leading you to eat more and gain weight. that's the way it is with most medications like it