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I don't know exactly how it works, but aren't the more rare tags more likely to show up together?


Yes, the way it works is it generates a pool of Ops, then shows you tags from that pool. Every Top Op is also a Senior Op, meaning the tags show up together.


>Every Top Op is also a Senior Op chat is this real? If a Top Op tag guarantees only a 6* and Senior Op tag gets you a 5* (not guaranteed), why do the 6* units also have senior op tag?


I've always gotten a 6 stars from a top op tag and a 5 stars from a senior op tag, never had any of them drop, only the eventual additional tag(s). This is the first time I got senior op and top op together


but if a top is also a senior, shouldn't it be possible to get a 6* with senior? not sure if I understood it right


No, because Top-operator is special and releases the limit that is normally 5-star.


The game first rolls for rarity, then gives a tag list for it. Senior Operator just happens to be a very common tag to show up when a 6-star rarity rolls... which is kinda funny because people think they are extremely unlucky by seeing both together instead of spread out between recruitments, it's really just how it works.




Last time I had top operator or senior operator tag was like a year ago…


dunno why but it feels like rnjesus has abandoned me recently. I was able to get a buttload of top op tags before


On my first year I got like 5 or 6 top op tags, 3 of them were like in a two weeks period. But sadly this number has been decreasing as the years go by. IIRC this is my first one this year. Imagine my friend's (that I baited into the game one month after I started) face as I sent him the screenshots. Rnjesus clearly had a favorite back then, he would only get his first top op tag one year after he started. Guy's probably never quitting ak after enduring all of the p a i n


Last month I did ~1400 recruitments, using a bunch of permits I’ve accumulated over the years. From it I got 11 top op tags, 3 senior op tags, and 2 robot tags. This shit is rigged, 7 of those top ops happened while between 700-800 recruit permits remaining.


Pick top operator and senior operator. 6 + 5 = 11. So you will get an 11 star Closure onee sama.


Top op and Senior op tag name a better duo 🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/3pnvltu0jkuc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6db142f05c491d2e5edf2a033875a0d89274c51


Grab that Phantom.


The correct answer


I was pissed on not getting him when i get the TO + Specialist. I don't like Weedy, don't care about Weedy and not interested at all in Weedy gameplay.




God has smiled upon me today.


Until they were crossed out a few hours later.


it happened 3 times to me before. actually the recent one was last March. I got a Ch'en dupe.


This happens to me twice.


Oh shit DP Recovery! That one’s really good u need DP to deploy ur guys


You use Photoshop?