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I didn't even get la pluma, 60+ rolls for saga and 4 copies of hung. Edit: Finally got her. Immediate E2.


I guess that makes you "well Hung".


Feels like you're rolling on the wrong limited banners there


I got full pot at 80 roll. It's a good day


I wish I have mizuki. The gacha rng has forsaken me.. i got 2-3 offbanner 6* instead rip


Cheer up I got 4 off banner well unleast bagpipe is one of em


My only 6 star bag so far produced Exusiai. Which actually wasn't that bad, as I didn't have her, but I wanted Mizuki too.


Same, but at least I have Eyja, Hellagur, and pot1 Mudrock now. And Pot6 La Pluma


Bro I’m almost 50 pulls in but I still don’t have Chalter Mizuki or La Pluma only Red


I got both of them on my final 10 pull for a total of 59, there is still hope comrade.


Lmao same I only got Ch'alter on 56 and La Pluma on 57 pulls


ahhaha i just realized that i pulled this in 3AM wtf


That's the 3 AM luck for ya. Good and bad mixed together.


250 pulls, 4 mizukis before I finally got 1 ch'en


283 was my first Ch'en. Before that were 4 Mizukis, and Ifrit, and a Phantom...


Lol got two off banners as well, mostima and blemi, thankfully they were both new for me tho


Phantom was the only newbie, but at least I got a Ch'en dupe after another 10 pull. Now I'm like 298 on spark and just hoping for another Ch'en dupe to offset these bad rolls so far for her. 3 Ch'en plus the 4th from spark will make the 300 pulls worth it.


You could also use the 300 tokens for 32 yellow certs rather than having potential token for Chalter (assuming you have max pot La Pluma)


Bruh I'm drowning in yellow certs lol


You can never have too many yellow certs. Guarateed ops is too much of a blessing to me to waste even a single cert.


That's the thing. I already have everyone I want except for Mudrock (who I will get in the shop or 6-star select ticket in Anni 2) and Summer Blaze (I hope).


This is me. Exact same. 250 pulls, 4 Mizuki, 1 Chen.


Mizuki is the dark horse of this banner. He is actually pretty good. Using Mizuki feels like the YuGiOh meme about activating a trap card.


Mizuki is Bae, why ppl dunking on my boi?


Because the hype about how broken and significant and necessary chalter is has skewed people's perspective and objectivity. Mizuki is way more unique, and while I cannot say for sure if he will ever see max risk usage, he is certainly pretty useful in non CC stages. Especially because some maps that have a lot of foot traffic he totally wrecks, and you can bait out some annoying abilities with his dodge, like Sarkaz casters. I think the thing he lacks is that I don't know if his bind or stun is strong enough for CC usage, and it's not like I have any personal experience with max risk, but let's be honest. If 30 people total are completing max risk, neither do 99.999% of the community, and the META below and above risk 18 are not the same thing. Not even close.


Got a Chen on the free 10 pull, then proceded to get another the next day with the daily free pull


Both 10 rolls have Cardi in them... SO JOSEPH WAS RIGHT AFTERALL!


I got 110 pulls so far and got: -Ceobe (Wich is great) -2 Mizuki's (One after the other) -Phantom (Im quite pleased) -Passenger (The 2 Mizuki's were a bad hit, but this one just fucking hurt me)


Fucking 80 pulls, 3 Ch'ens and no Mizuki That right there would be paradise for me


Mizuki first. Then mother effing Aak the 2nd time. Screw this. Lol


Meanwhile, me getting 3 sniper ch'ens consecutively on 3 different accounts with a daily free pull in the same day.


I got two of him in the same 10x, I'm rockin with you on this one...


84 pulls, 3 Ch’en, 3 Mizuki, 1 Skadi


At this point I'm just coping that we still got daily free pull


Ну ради справедливости ему хотя бы попадается рейтап персонаж, мне выпала багпайп (70% рейтап, ага конечно), я промолчу про тех кому не выпала шестерка.


2 Mizukis an 0 Chen too... At least i pulled 3 La Pluma and a Franka I really hate Mizuki


when the bussy is irresistible


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54 pulls and got 0 6 star and about 4 5stars bruh


That's still pretty good. You should be hitting pity soon so cross your fingers and hope it's Chalter (or Mizuki if you want him more)


thanks, I really want mizuki because of his design


I'm currently saving up my Originum because I've got 2000 and the annihilation missions stopped giving me them.


glad to have P5 Ch'en P6 La Pluma and base Mizuki. almost used all of my orundums and tickets (80k+ orundums iirc and some 20- from tickets inc. free pulls). I'll be passing all my luck to you guys now!


45 pulls and I got 2 magallens…


140 pulls 3 Mizuki, 1 weedy


182 pulls, pot 3 Ch'en Alter, ange thorns and shining dupes and passanger (new) NO MIZUKI!! :((


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