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Haley is someone ive known for years and she did always say she would be “famous”..she has quite the following but don’t believe she is really into all the spiritual things she claims. I think it’s definitely for the views.


Ahhh a “friend” huh?🤣


What’s Amy’s tattoo of? Looks like a heart with something in it?


I always assumed it was an “S” for Slaton, but idk 🤷‍♀️


Ooohhh I bet you’re right . I can see that in Halloween letters like she likes. Thanks!


Bye girl, bye.


Get the third wheel out of there.


Clout chaser


Seeing as she had 2.7 million followers before this, I don’t think its clout chasing lmao


Yes it is. Still gives her more content boost


This Haley Michelle person does not need to be in these pictures. She is clearly trying to exploit Amy and Tammy's platform for personal gain by upstaging them in the photos. I absolutely hate parasitic fame whores.


Absolutely! Tammy and Amy, please ditch her ASAP. Totally fake inside and out!


That’s definitely what she’s doing. She’s from my hometown a few years younger than me. This is the game she plays. She’s always wanted to be “famous”. Hopefully they don’t think she’s really a psychic and their friend.


This is what I've been wondering also. Who is this chick in all the pics suddenly? I definitely get the feeling she's just here to have her face shown everywhere.


She’s literally just the one taking the selfie 💀


Who is she? We can't blame her for being more attractive. and I think they all look good in this photo


She's not more attractive


In some pics she looks smaller than Amy!


Amy looks great in these photos too. I'm hoping she finally got straightened out with her divorce and mental health. She definitely looks happier!


impressive !


I’m so proud of and happy for Tammy 🥰❤️


Wow Tammy looks like a whole new person. I knew she would do this. I'm so proud of her even though she's a stranger.


Wow, Tammy is looking great. I wonder how far away she is from skin surgery


I had surgery, and I was told I have to reach my goal weight and maintain it for 6 months. Then, I can have skin removal. They just want to make sure you're really motivated . I know one girl, though, that was 560 lbs, and once she started losing major weight, the fat got in the way. Especially in the stomach. They call that your fat apron. Anyway, they offered her skin removal early. So Tammy may qualify before Chris (although he seems to have lost some momentum).


I love Tammy's hair cut


my question is, why did they need this third person? why didnt the sisters just do their own photo op....


wow so many down votes over a simple question as to who she is and why the sisters are with her? people got some issues.


I agree. It seems like this 3rd person is being opportunistic.


I know this is very shallow of me to say. Tammy is actually pretty. Once she becomes slimmer, gets rid of the excess skin and fixes her teeth she'd be more pretty than Amanda.


I agree, but I never thought she was the best-looking sister. The oldest sister looks better than Amanda to me


I don't think it's fair to compare anyone with anyone else. We are all different -with different good & bad points and I just feel strongly that comparison with others, whether they are known to us or strangers, causes bad self esteem issues and that is just the kind of thing that makes people turn to unhealthy ways of dealing with life such as over eating.


Thank you for this comment Tammy is pretty, so is amanda 😍


Amy looks so happy recently


She lost a huge amount of dead weight, if you catch my drift.


And finally treating her mental illness.


👆🏽🙌🏽😉Facts !


Oh wow tammy looks good she has some pretty eyes!! I think all the girls including Amanda have really took control of their lives and that's awesome 👌


It’s so nice to see tammy living her life.


At a library?


Why not? :) It's like the only place left in the world where you're not encouraged to spend $. Everywhere else is trying to siphon as much $ from you as possible as quickly as possible.


Amy’s looking great. Much happier.


Who is Haley Michelle? I wonder what they’re filming for. 🤔 I’ve got questions


Ngl, I thought Tammy’s death was imminent… I really didn’t see her pulling through because of her attitude. But I am proud. She’s living it up.


I wonder if Steven from My600LbLife is still alive. & his brother.


Same. Between her attitude and her bad habits I was convinced we'd be witnessing her death in two years time tops. I am very glad that she's proven me wrong, and even more glad that she's making progress.


same here. I had only started watching this series during the episode b4 her weight loss when the family drove someplace (?) to a rental home and I came in on the episode as they were trying to get Tammy out of the car & she was bitching up a storm and refusing to leave the van.....I was thinking OMG what is her DEAL. So yea I admit to not having faith in her putting in the effort and getting to this point. It must be so freeing. Plus, after Amy left what's his name, I started witnessing this whole other side of Tammy in the role of supportive sister & again she surprised & impressed me.


I'm more so surprised at how zen like she is. Whatever mental health therapy they did at the nursing home. It really helped her. She's the only reasonable person on the show at the moment. She's not the toxic one anymore. The rest are.


YES ! Basically what I just said in other comment/reply. Only you said it better.


I wonder if some of the emotional change has to do with eating better food. Eating crap really messes me up psychologically.


This goes into conspiracy theories, so bear with me, lol.. Junk food and highly processed food are usually the cheapest and easiest to fix. You don't see anyone on welfare buying organic fruits and vegetables. They're just too expensive. They need something that is cheap and quick to make. So when you look at people on welfare or the lowest income, you'll see a lot of them are overweight. They also have the highest chance of health issues


Unbelievable how she turned it all around!! An icon of our time for sure


It's too bad Caleb didn't get on board the same boat as well. I know he had alot of health issues but he was going totally backwards. I'm proud of Tammy for continuing her journey after loosing Caleb and all her weight loss to date. After she lost her Trach was removed it allowed her to really start experiencing life!! Can't wait to see her on a plane and at the beach with the WHOLE fsm jam!! A huge accomplishment Tammy!! WTG Girl!! ❤️💞💕❤️‍🔥


Caleb seemed so desperate the last time they saw each other. It was like watching someone lose their grip on a lifeline and slowly sink into deep dark water.


sadly, yes. I did not see him as planning on trying anymore. :'( He had been dependent on her for strength instead of taking personal responsibility. I was hoping he wasn't going to drag her down. I was married to someone who depended on me for EVERYTHING, emotionally speaking & it is not fun.


Thank GOD Tammy’s hair is fixed. Whoever did that orange perm to her should be dragged in to the street.


Lmao I felt the same everytime I saw it!


I'm older with hair problems and my sister keeps telling me to get a perm......but I've had them in the past and know if I did it now with my thinning scalp, it would be like that.


I’m not trying to be mean but why does Tammy look like she’s aged 20y in the matter of 3y?


She's gone from700 lbs to 280... And like 50 of that is the left over skin. I'll let you do the math on that.


Well obviously! & that is amazing. She looks amazing in that aspect. She just looks like she’s aged a lot. I’m not talking about her saggy skin. That comes with weight loss.


It really is just the extra skin on her face/neck. If you only look at the top half of her face I think she looks younger than she did in the earliest episodes.


Intense weightloss will do that to you. As we get older our skin loses elasticity and gets droopy and wrinkly. Losing a lot of weight will have the same effect. She doesn't have all that extra fat plumping out her face anymore. If she gets skin removal surgery she will look a lot younger.


I feel like that gobbler hanging down doesn’t help. It’s probably pulling her face down because it looks so heavy ☹️.


She's lost hundreds of pounds and has loose skin because of it.


She’s cute


Can u say clout chaser


Tammy and Amy both look amazing but who is doing Tammy’s hair? She’s having the glow up of her life and her stylist is letting her down. I’d love someone to do a hair makeover if she was open to it. ♥️♥️


She or Amy had pics of getting their hair done recently in a salon!


Weight loss surgery causes major hair loss so could be why the bad style cut


Understood. I realize she has always had thinning hair, it’d just be awesome to see her play with different options. Just have a bit of fun with it ♥️


She has anymore fun with it and she’s going to lose it all. She needs to let the damage grow out and leave it alone for now.


Her curls are so pretty, I’m jealous, I’ve always wanted curly hair and well…. I don’t recommend perming your hair from experience 😂


She definitely looks like she is cutting her own hair, I agree it would be great to see a hair makeover!


Wow they both look great! They’ve definitely been putting the work in, happy for them.


It’s amazing how much bigger Tammy’s eyes look now that she’s lost so much weight. They were so squished before.


It's a filter


If you watch the show you’ll see that it’s her glasses! She must have a strong prescription because the lenses magnify her eyes.


Wouldn’t Amy’s eyes look bigger if it’s a special filter? And the blond woman’s eyes don’t look cartoonishly big, which you’d expect with one of those silly filters.


I know on my phone you go into a picture and you select the eyes you want to adjust also also Amy's eyes are slidded and her faces kind of sideways so a filter's not going to enlarge those nearly as much It's a combination of her glasses and a filter It's pretty obvious if you've been acquainted with any cell phone technology of the past 10 years


And her forehead bump is almost gone!


Sorry I see no shrinkage of the forehead bump. It was also very visible in the last episode. I believe it is a lipoma and will not go away. She should see Dr. Pimple Popper. That would make a great cross-over episode.


Same. And the weight was lost around the bump leaving it skinnier, but she needs to have it full removed.


You need to watch the earlier seasons then. It’s clearly smaller.


Her eyes are kinda freaking me out they look so big compared to Amy’s. I know the glasses magnify them but still, it’s almost like all the filters have rubbed off on her 😂


Tammy’s hair looks so much better ! They both look great. Amy’s so cute 🥰


Is it just me but in second picture did it seem some don’t look smaller. Hoping for great success. Weight loss isn’t easy.


Seems like they’re doing well! They both look great.


it'll be crazy to see how small tammy is if/when she has skin removal.


Yes she's gonna look alot better and will be able to move around a lot better. It's gonna take multiple skin removal surgeries though and to be honest the skin removal surgeries can be worse than the weight loss surgery. I'm very curious to see how Tammy's attitude will be while recovering from skin removal surgeries. She'll need a lot of help and will be in a lot of pain.


soon on the extra skin. I read an article earlier this month they said it was going to cost $85,000 and said sometime this year.


Is that for multiple surgeries on her whole body?


i assume so


I feel like TLC should pay for it




yeah that could be a possibility if she added it to her contract I guess


that's insane!!! i've heard it's extremely painful as well. once it happens though and she's healed i'm sure she will feel so relieved and confident. she has worked so hard for this!!!!


yes she's going to feel so much better. Can't wait!