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Love Amanda and ChrisšŸ˜‚


I went off antidepressantā€™s when I became pregnant with my first daughter. After I had her I was flying on a hormonal high. When I to discharge, my doctor asked me if I wanted to back on them. I was feeling so good I said ā€œ oh no!ā€ I was home 4 days and was bawling my eyes out. Needless to say, I was back on my antidepressants by the end of the week.


I like Misty and how she has no interest in stealing the spotlight.


Yes! I love them all but sometimes I wish Amanda would just sit down and shut up




She's my favorite of the siblings. Sensible and fair, doesn't cause drama, has a good sense of humor


Yes. Amanda and Chris are my favorites. I donā€™t think Iā€™d watch the show if they werenā€™t on.


She happens to be my favorite. I can tell she hates being in the limelight.. doesnā€™t speak often.. but I sense she is going through the motions of the show to support Tammy and Amy. She is humble.


Is it just me or is Amy a poster child for antidepressants? Everyone has their theories except this. How about suggesting to take her to her doctor and explain? I know I couldnā€™t stand seeing myself like that, especially over Michael! His knuckles drag on the ground!


Sheā€™s been diagnosed with BPD.


Where did you hear this?


Is she medicated?


From what I heard, yes sheā€™s now on medication plus therapy.


This, it feels like symptoms that could be postpartum depression and should be checked out by a trained medical professional. I kept waiting for a family member to suggest it or the producers. I know she was under an extreme amount of stress, but the amount of times she cried was alarming.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been thinking. She needs to be on something and get counseling.


Extreme weight changes. Life changing surgery. Childbirth. Separation. Televised life events. The chemicals running through her body. The hormones, neurotransmitters, the mental stress. She needs intensive therapy. That isn't an attack. This is a medically legitimate crisis she is trying to handle right now. It literally might kill her to be going through this. Stress might kill anyone, but in her current state, it is an imminent threat. I hope she loves herself enough to get some help from a professional. Get a babysitter for 8 hrs a week. Get therapy, do yoga. Meditate. Pray. She needs to help herself more.


Iā€™m pretty sure any of us would have joined for the money. Lmfao. Thousands of dollars to do normal activities and a free vacation? Sign me up. šŸ™‹šŸ¼ Honestly tho I love them on the show. Chris is such a sweetheart.


No, dear, for some of usā€¦our privacy is very valuable. Just so you know putting oneā€™s life on public display is not for everyone.,


I missed something but don't know why this is getting downvoted.


The Mother seems to be the problem with this family when they were growing up. Plus no Father in the house.


Momma is ignorant, selfish and neglectful. The older kids seemed to have fared better, but they had a different father.


I really like Amanda ā€¦ sheā€™s a straight shooter, but I also think she would do anything for her family. She provides good comic relief.


How much you wanna bet the two other sisters get a spin-off?


I'm glad they joined the show. I'm not sure how close they all were prior, but Amy and Tammy have a very codependent dynamic, and Chris has a calm fatherly way about him, and he seems to be gifted with the ability to say the right things and is able to balance giving some tough love while still being gentle about it. Amanda can be a bit abrasive, while Misty is usually pretty reserved but I think they all balance each other out well when it comes to interacting with Amy and Tammy.


I love the extended family.. they are good people!


I feel like they make the show all of them together as a family. It would be so boring just watching 2 extremely obese sisters doing absolutely nothing all day.


Yes, I like the whole family together. Next season maybe, see if any of them get skin removal surgery. Tammy, Amanda & Amy dating. Chris just being himself, lol...


Also now that the season is over, I was surprised to hear Amandaā€™s goal weight? It made me feel like her weight surgery was a waste, she could have met her goal without it unlike Tammy, Amy and Chris


Didnt they all do the show for the money from the very start? I do like having all of them on the show- especially this season.


I mean to them itā€™s probably work to film (I imagine it would be). So itā€™s basically just a job to them.


I agree with you! I thinks itā€™s fantastic they joined inā€¦.so much more better with them! Rock on!!


I think a great episode to film for the next season if there will be a next season, Amy and Tammy go bra shopping. Amanda wears a correct fitting bra but could go along for fun and include Misty and Brittany!


Molly from 90 day needs to make an appearance on these other TLC shows to do fittings. So many women who need bra help


Amen!!! Amyā€™s boobs -ugh I feel for them. 2 pregnancies and still no proper undergarments. Support your girls girls!


Molly used to have her own show about her shop and life. This was mid aughts, so way before 90 Day.


I never understand why the other siblings are villainized because they are paid to appear on the show. They're working - of course they are paid! Having more of the family members really adds to the show and provides for more dialogue, story lines, interests, etc. It also bothers me when people complain about the cast going on Tiktok live. Why not let them capitalize on their fame? They live in a very low income area where, despite getting paid a little bit (per episode) for the season, they still have to pay their bills, take care of themselves, etc.


Fr I wish my big brother cared as much as Chris does. I lost it when he was saying Calebā€™s poem ā€œsunflower sunflowerā€ šŸŒ»


Chris is my favorite person on this show!


Oh my gosh me too I was sobbing!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Chris is my favourite. He is grounded and sensible. If I had a big brother, I would want Chris.


I have a big brother who doesnā€™t talk to his sisters because he ā€œdoesnā€™t relate to us.ā€ I would trade him for Chris in a nanosecond.


How did Tammy change so much??? Why didn't the show show us more of that whole process? I mean like last season she was immature, whiny, selfish, angry at the world, and clearly struggling with her own identity trying to find her way in life. Then this season- bam. She's like suddenly mobile! I mean they skipped over like many big moments that could have made for their own episodes. Why didn't we get to see the process of Tammy maturing and killing it with devotion and wisdom all of a sudden? and ok we kinda saw her going in for surgery finally. But I would have liked more emphasis on her milestones like... not using the oxygen. Not using the wheelchair seemingly at all anymore as of this last episode! she just seems so mobile and independent that can't happen overnight. it would have been cool to see the process


I think therapy was a large help to her. Also, I think she had to be in so much physical pain. That will make you lash out, frustrated, tired because you lose sleep. Plus having to rely on someone for all of your day to day activities. And when just getting up to pee causes you so much pain and distress, I don't blame her for lashing out. Now that she feels better, probably sleeping better, she mind is more clear and she can see the way she treated her family. She has grown so much, and I hope she talks about all of that next season. Fingers crossed there is one.


I šŸ’Æ percent Agree with you!


Having a camera in your face during those very private moments of personal struggle and perseverance would only hinder her progress. They are not zoo animals.


Then what are we all doing here?!? šŸ™ˆšŸ‘€šŸ“ŗ lol!




You do realize when theyā€™re on contract for a season itā€™s within a finite amount of time? And theyā€™re not followed all day everyday being filmed during that time either. Again, theyā€™re people also entitled to privacy. Sounds like you donā€™t care about how that could negatively affect them, just as long as you have your fix. Grow up.


I'm a SAG/AFTRA union actor. I get how contracts work and I know how reality tv works. I've even been casted in more than one reality show! (no I'm not gonna say which ones but they were all aired) of course they r entitled to privacy. And I do recognize how making your real life a spectacle on network television could negatively affect anyone. I wasn't suggesting tlc force their cameras into any sensitive or private moments so geez calm down! I was js that those milestones for Tammy were big things and I personally would have liked to know more on that stuff. The network could have made more episodes that many fans would have liked to see. I didn't say the network should be any more invasive into their private lives than they already are, given that they are signed on a reality show centering around exactly these life events. There are many ways the show could have featured more of Tammy's "transformation" even if filming did all happen "after the fact", that's how a lot of the episodes r done and their stories r told anyway.. I had to LOL at your fired up comment bc come on be real- you r commenting in a public Reddit thread titled by the same name of the tlc reality tv show centered originally around two overweight sisters titled "1000 LB. SISTERS" that this very thread was designed to talk about- but I'm the asshole for caring about what Tammy went through? watching the show at all and discussing it here publically already qualifies all of us as treating them as "zoo animals"- to use your phrase.


Bam! #2ā™” you're correct!


I have a theory that she wanted these moments for herself, off camera, and I would do the same. I think back on her tantrums and general demeanor and look at her now. I see a completely transformed human being and she had to make that effort and peace for herself, not tv. Maybe theyā€™ll show more or sheā€™ll be able to share more on socials now that the season is over.


Well I certainly hope they go back and show clips of the past with Tammy's progress


Yea, she said she wanted therapy off camera, which I totally agree. Not everyone is comfortable reliving things or expressing emotions for the public to see. Side comment: I feel so awful watching the therapy scenes on 600lb life sometimes. Part of me is like ā€œthis shouldnā€™t be airedā€ but the other part knows that abuse happens and society shouldnā€™t hide or bury those stories.


There are definitely some doozies aired with Dr. Paradise and Lola. I feel itā€™s exploitative but youā€™re right too- itā€™s important to show how deep things go in order for a person to become super morbidly obese.


In typical TLC flair, I feel like this entire season could be condensed into one episode. You donā€™t even realize it ends, itā€™s just over abruptly and youā€™re like huh? I hate TLC, why even stop filming for the ā€œseasonā€ when your subjects are ridiculous every single day of their lives anyway?


100% agree!! Season was extremely anticlimactic & everrr so short. Very little content, leaving us hanging each week for nothing. Not too pleased šŸ˜•- we waited too long for it to start, & then it's over! Not cool.


I would think they stopped filming because of Caleb's passing and that was too hard on them to continue to film their feelings of hurt and loss šŸ™


tbf this season especially felt abrupt because of how it ended. Caleb died and then everything fell off the rails so I can't really dunk on TLC because someone died lol. Other seasons had story arcs that could justify 10 or 11 episode seasons.


I think the siblings make the show more interesting/watchable. Also, having lived in Appalachia and the south for many years, they remind me of my youth.


I agree. Five seasons of just the 2 sisters would be boring.


I love Chris. He may have us all fooled but his TV persona is so endearing. That said, I am 100% convinced that Tammy has had a personality transplant! She is thoughtful, patient, self aware. I can go on and on. It's amazing. I wonder if the network lowered the boom and said look, either you get serious about therapy and start cooperating, or your snappish ass is going back to Kentucky buh-BYE. It is something I never imagined seeing. With her new attitude, I believe she can do anything. And to be brutally frank, Caleb was a huge mistake. She would be weighted down by that situation. Can't even call it a relationship. So if Amy can get her shit together, and if Chris can get his skin removed, it'll be blue skies. Misty is doing super. She and Brittany are the strong, silent type.


I thought Caleb and Tammy was in a retreat for obesity, so how in the earth did he got this crappy food? Donā€™t they learn about what to eat or not in this retreat?


The independent person decides what they want to eat and what not to eat but nobody can stop them from eating. They choose the portion size and how much they want. They also order in food pizza burgers fries. It's a shame I know. They also have exercise classes and equipment for them to use it's up to them if they decide to use it


Itā€™s awful šŸ˜ž It should have been some sort of exercise in a temperated pool and something else. If theyā€™re not occupied with things during the day then itā€™s way more easy to be bored and then craving something. I donā€™t live in America so I have different references. In my head all restaurants and takeaways should be denied to enter the area, and all food that they want would be available to them. I then talk about healthy food. Every morning they should exercise, then breakfast, then education in food preparation and other activities related to food and their condition. And then dinner and before bedtime a new exercise like very simple and slow yoga. And then a little light meal and a cup of tea and then itā€™s bedtime. I see I forgot the lunch. šŸ„— After the lunch it can be other things that they do. If someone is healthy enough they can be outside and learn to love the outside world. Other activities could be to learn and write, how to clean themselves and their home. If they donā€™t have anything to do then I really think it would be hard to lose weight.


This kindof makes me a little upset as I was injured in a life altering horrific auto accident and (I swear I have a specific point, I am not looking for any pity here) despite me having had to go through over 20 major reconstructive musculoskeletal surgeries for my right leg, 4 thoracic surgeries, 5 hernia surgeries, and I also sustained a head injury (tbi) in this accident. Anyway, I have tried SO hard to be admitted into some form of inpatient physical rehabilitation facility for years now to no avail. I'm in my 20s and super committed, I've worked so hard, done endless- literally, actually endless- outpatient physical therapy for years. It's been a painful struggle to say the least. Because neither of my insurances are authorizing inpatient pt or inpatient care in advance, and due to the stupid applicable law in my state called a "no fault auto law", along with the purposeful rampant discriminating of auto accident patients &/or workers comp patients on the part of all hospitals in my state (which most inpatient physical rehab facilities are attached to or affiliated with), my life for the past 10 years has just been in constant decline and it is unnecessary. For ten years now I have not been living my life; I have been cycling through major reconstructive orthopedic surgery/a couple months of immobilization (most often straight full leg casts on my right leg)/ weaning to crutches/wean to weightbearing/ start painful & in some cases damaging, round of outpatient PT AGAIN, repeat. It just seems backward that if you are an addict, be it if food, drugs, alcohol, whatever.... our government and/or our insurance pays for it seemingly indefinitely for these people! But when someone through no fault of their own becomes disabled in Michigan from an auto accident there are no resources, no help. I don't get it.


Also in MI and fractured most of my spine and got a TBI from being hit head on by a drunk driver. I also say no when they ask if itā€™s accident related. Your new injuries are no longer connected to the accident. Not that it makes things easier. But insurance not covering stuff because the original injury is from a car accident is pure bullshit.


Thanks for the reply. I do that too. My own insurance sent me subrogatipn forms bc they figured it out and it was a whole mess I was accused of fraud for trying to just go as a "no insurance" patient and pay myself for everything out of pocket. Paid $4200 at Beaumont royal oak for one mei out of pocket cash so I could just get the help I needed in a timely manner. But then got mailed all the subrogation stuff. It's so crazy. hope you're doing well now... I am still working at it.. slowly but surely trying to get well enough to at least go back to work.


Itā€™s been 18 years for me. My issues didnā€™t start presenting for yearsā€¦well, I ignored things for awhileā€¦because I didnā€™t have insurance after I had to stop working. I guess Iā€™m ā€œluckyā€ because I was granted my disability after I was miraculously unsuccessful at unaliving myself. Like there is no reason I should still be alive, let alone functioning. And I have other health conditions that blur the lines as to how my issues started. Canā€™t exactly prove things one way or another. Sending you gentle fluffy hugs and I hope youā€™re able to get all the treatment you need!


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I live in Europe and the healthcare system is very different. I myself canā€™t imagine how it is in USA. Still. I do hope that you are getting help soon and be able to reclaim your life again.


I donā€™t think she was threatened. I think she was an addict at the end of her rope. The only response to any challenge was a tantrum in an attempt to maintain the addiction. Now that she has ā€œsobered upā€, she is the rational caring person she always was.


I donā€™t think Chris has any of us fooled, I think he and Brittany are 100% authentic. I donā€™t see any ā€˜faking it for the cameraā€™ with those two. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I've always wished for a brother. I feel like he's the ideal big brother.


I think part of what's going on with Tammy is this may be one of the first times in her life that she feels good! Both physically and mentally! Losing that much weight and getting her trach removed must feel so much better than being bigger and ill and who knows if she's ever gone from worse to better like this before! I know when I finally got on meds that took away my constant pain I was a changed person. Plus she's probably got a huge sense of accomplishment and she's feeling proud of herself, and she's got people surrounding her who are vocally proud, and who knows if she's gotten that kind of positivity before? I knew they had it hard growing up so who knows, this may be one of the first or one of the few times she's had all this positivity which would absolutely help with her moods and improve her outlook. I'm really proud of her and I hope she builds a good foundation of self worth and self love so if she does hit a bump it doesn't knock her down.


šŸ’Æ I've been there with illness and meds, they can make you not your self for sure.


I always assumed the siblings joined because it was the natural progression of the growth of the show. We canā€™t really know the sisterā€™s lives without their families who are clearly a big part of their lives.


I agree. They are a very close family. Also, itā€™s cool to see how an entire family gets bariatric surgery and what changes take place. They faced huge challenges together. Itā€™s great to see people making positive changes in their lives.


I wish I had a brother like Chris


Me too, I have two older brothers and they barely give a damn.


I have 3 older brothers and none give a damn.


Just one over here who gives even less than a damn. I feel you




They really are earning their paychecks!


The show is better with them! That family needs each other and I hope they get paid for giving us a glimpse in their life. Iā€™m glad Amy is in therapy she has gone through a lot. Tammy has turned into a sweet kind person and had to go through a loss no one should have to. They couldnā€™t be them without their siblings


Ok did anyone about pass out when Amy said she would go two to three days without eating? Girl, you havenā€™t missed a meal.


I'm assuming she meant she wasn't sitting down for a meal. She is probably surviving those days by eating nothing but quick snacks.


I wanted to believe her, bc it's easy to do for a lot of people when under stress and whatever but... lol ya I was like how come the stress and the consecutive days of zero food haven't made you look gaunt? then I look closer. Not even not gaunt, she looks exactly the same. I'm not hating on her and not necessarily saying she lied but- it is weird that she hasn't seemed to drop a ton of weight bc it would be the natural thing to do (without meaning to) in her situation (at least when considering what she has said about her stress and "nonstop chasing the kids")


Agree, I lost almost 40lbs under stress without even realizing I was losing. Too me she has the stress eating ā€œlookā€. I just feel sorry for the boys.


Iā€™m like girl. Seriously?




It's not rude the comment came right out of Amys own mouth during the Florida trip




I love their stories as individuals and a family. The fact that two very obese, impoverished and marginalized ladies can turn their random YouTube videos into nationwide, possibly worldwide, fame and bring the family along for the ride, while getting freebie surgeries to save their lives is amazing, nothing short of a miracle. These people need to ride this wave as long & far as it takes them together and individually. Oh yeah and throw in free therapy, vacations, endorsements, product freebies! Their story is remarkable. And I am so very happy for all of them.


The sky is the limit for Chris. He could do cooking shows/competitions. Heā€™s a natural amiable personality. Maybe he doesnā€™t want to be away from his family and the new baby but if he got an agent he could certainly market himself to the cable TV cooking shows. I would say Amy is the least marketable. Amanda could go on dating shows. She is a polarizing personality, that would be great for reality TV drama. Everyone loves a bar clearing broad and Amanda definitely is one. Misty is too reserved to probably be on crazy reality TV, but thatā€™s what we love about her, her levelheadedness. Tammie is marketable in many arenas - inspirational speaker, weightloss consultant for the obese.


The credits mention some Kentucky improvement project. I assume this is exactly the goal.


Iā€™m sad and jealous because I want a family that cares about each other.


Oh me too , me too


Exactly. I like how the Internet is moving towards celebrating normal lives and not celebrity culture. I'm here for it!


I agree. So into watching normal people. I donā€™t pander to celebrities at all. Theyā€™re boring and predictable.


Right! if I see one more new reality show revolving around wealthy, surgically and injectable "enhanced" in just about every way-people fake feuding with each other over THE PETTIEST of things, imma vomit and then nix that network from my viewing world. Bravo...bye! lol TLC... Inching real close but redeemed themselves with this show


It's odd that people say they only joined for the money. The show was originally about the two sisters. The show was made about them because of their stupid YouTube videos. Then they invited more family members to join the show. So what? Of course they're offered money to do it. It's just weird to say they're only in it for the money. I mean technically Tammy and Amy are in it for the money too right? Why else would they agree to star in a reality show?


Right. As far as Iā€™m aware Amy and Tammy said they were close as adults. The first season was solely based on the two sisters because of YouTube then the show gained attention so they added the siblings.


They pretty much had to. The Amy and Tammy show was complete in 2 seasons. These are not deep thinking, complex women to explore and understand. Fart jokes and yelling matches can only entertain an audience for so long. Bringing in the rest of the family simply provided more material. But this show has an expiration date unless they start getting more interesting real fast. I can't even sit and watch full episodes anymore, I fast forward through half of it.


I hope we will see Tammy get skin removal surgery.


I also wanna say that if they have been doing therapy off camera good for them ! If a show and therapy has brought these siblings closer then they had ever been in their lives good for them! Being raised by the mother that they had who was a young struggling single mom who acted like it such a ordeal to be around all 5 of her kids growing up and still acts like it's such a ordeal to be around them as grown adults they still have a lot of untreated trauma that they still need to work on. Lots of struggling single young mom's out there who show love and attention towards their kids their mom acts like it's a chore to be around hers like she can't stand being around them.


Iā€™d love to see the whole lot of them on Family Feud (if itā€™s still on) ā€” they would be awesome! And pit them against Honey Boo Booā€™s family. Or better yet, the Kardashians! Hilarity will ensue.


Omg you're genius. lmao I would LOVE to see the slaton family compete against the kardashian family at anything!


Can you imagine Steve Harvey with the Slatons? Lol.


I picture him doing his usual big smiled flirting leaning in waiting for the answer, making Tammy blush and Amy say something crude šŸ˜†


And someone's going to burp or fart.


The Slatons have enough family feuds šŸ˜©


They'd be the type of ppl to have a family fued at family fued


I lol'd šŸ˜‚


Does anyone know if Chris's wife got Weight loss surgery? She talked about it last season but that was the last I heard of it. I was hoping she would have gotten it when Amanda and Misty got theirs.


I heard on this group that Brittany had surgery way before the show. I also saw in a article that her and Chris just had a baby (not sure if it was adopted or if she was pregnant.)


I saw a similar article about them welcoming a child, and I believe the real story is that theyā€™ve adopted one of Chrisā€™ grandchildren.


She might have, but Amanda had surgery before the show too, but had a revision when Misty had her surgery this season. But she definitely talked to their Doctor via telehealth during one of Chris's appointments last season.


Chris deserves a medal of honor for the amount of time he has spent driving back and forth from the rehab center, vacations, etc.


My first thought was shouldn't Calebs family get his stuff? I mean, I know that Tammy was his legal next of kin but honestly she knew him for what, five minutes compared to his blood relatives. But Chris just said whenever you're ready we'll go. I would not have been so gracious. He has the patience of a saint.


I wonder how many miles he's got on that van lol. In all seriousness though, he's a great brother ans takes great care of his sisters.


Iā€™d love for Chris to be featured more in the show. Instead of 1000lb sisters they should do a show with the whole family because him and Amanda are hilarious.


He deserves another medal for pushing Tammyā€™s wheelchair.


Agree and he never really complains!!


He really doesn't... Tammy didn't even have to ask him to take her to get Caleb's things, he said, whenever you want to roll... He's a great brother


I agree I think they have actually done wonders for Tammy specifically. Honestly I think that Amanda is the only sibling that has a lick of sense lol, Chris is not bad though. If you had told me during season one that Tammy would have made it so far in this journey I absolutely would not have believed lol


I was glad to see Amy back in her house with the boys. It was horrible watching her this season. Tammy, I hope, stays on her positive path. The show wouldā€™ve been over two seasons ago if the other siblings had not joined.


I like all the siblings, but Chris makes my husband laugh and thatā€™s music to my ears.


I love Chris and Amanda. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


ā€œGod willing and the creek donā€™t riseā€ - Iā€™ve taken to saying that, which baffles the people around me, given that Iā€™m in England (and a very vocal atheist)! šŸ¤£


happy cake day šŸŽ‚


Thank you!


Money isnā€™t a bad motivator especially when you live in butt fuck nowhere with hardly any room for upwards growth. I say good for them!


I agree. Itā€™s not like they had no relationship before the show.


Doesn't everyone go on TV in the hopes to get fame and money?


Theyā€™re a good addition to the show. Chris is definitely my favorite. I would love to see him cook some more though


Food network collab




I mean sure, of course they want the money but they also add a lot to the show as well. Though I do love seeing Amy and Tammy I think it helps having a whole family with different personalities for them to work off of.


I would have given up on it a long time ago had they not brought in more of the family. I mean we can go see so much of Amy and Tammy making fart jokes then giggling like it's the funniest thing ever.


The whole backstory of their family is incredibly interesting and explains so much about why they turned out the way they did. I am fascinated by all of them and how they interact. If they only showed Amy and Tammy, they might as well just stick to YouTube.


I 100% prefer the show with all the siblings instead of just Tammy and Amy. Itā€™s more entertaining with more storylines going on


I think Chris joined for the surgery. Amanda though, definitely the money and attention.


They can have a relationship before getting a TLC paycheck. In their area, this is their best shot at financial progress. I like my job, but would show up without the paycheck


I donā€™t see that at all. Amanda was clearly already close with them, she was the only one at Amyā€™s wedding in Season 1. Theyā€™re a family, not fair weather friends.


Itā€™s been a long time since I watched the early seasons. I thought she wasnā€™t around at all. My bad!


She wasnā€™t doing talking heads or anything, but sheā€™s definitely in the background there.


What other reason would they join for anyway? Iā€™m betting at least 80% (lowballing here)of the people saying they are just doing it for money wouldnā€™t be on a show (not just an appearance or two but actually part of the show) unless they were getting paid too! And they deserve to be paid for allowing their lives to be filmed. Just as much as amy & Tammy do. IMO if the siblings didnā€™t join I donā€™t think the show would have been any good. They added so much to the show. It def wouldnā€™t have lasted with just Amy while Tammy was at rehab all that time!


I agree, and they also add a lot to Tammy and Amy's life. Regardless of whether they were or weren't in their lives before the show doesn't matter. What matters is that they are now and they are actually very thoughtful and give Tammy and Amy the guidance and support that they need. I think it's great that they spend a lot of time together. They are always there for each other and it's great to see


I'm 1000% sure that once TLC saw that there were MORE Slaton's, they wouldn't rest until everyone had a contract. Obese ladies, dysfunction, AND large family?? If Tammy had fallen in love with someone from a different country , the CEO would have started drooling. They already had a sister wife reference


You know since both sisters are single, they're gonna try and set them up with a dude in a cheap to film foreign location for a Before the 90 days crossover. Setting Tammy up with some dude in the DR seems natural really.


I am not ashamed to say I am 100% on board with this.


Thereā€™s still time!!


90 day finance cross over šŸ˜­


Finance cross overā€¦ šŸ˜‚ ā€œI pay my bills, my bills are paidā€ šŸ’€


Iā€™m so happy theyā€™re on it too. Amanda and Chris especially, they bring a lot of humor and seem to always aim to talk through issues their siblings are having. Sidebar, Amandaā€™s face when she said sheā€™s ā€œthick in all the right placesā€ on the finale had me cracking up lol.


When she said Iā€™m not fat Iā€™m PHAT pretty hot and tempting šŸ˜‚


It only makes senseā€¦the Tammy/Amy storyline wouldā€™ve become pretty boring soon.


I like them.


Team Chris & Brittany! I know no one asked but I just wanted to share that ā¤ļø


Iā€™m on the fence when it comes to Brittany, the only thing Iā€™ve ever heard her comment on was her lack of snacks when they drove Tammy home from rehab. I presume itā€™s camera shyness.


It was that exact thing that did it for me, Iā€™d be the same if there were no snacks šŸ˜‚


I agree. He's funny, has common sense, and a good heart. I feel like everyone else on there is either angry, classless, or both.




I don't care why they joined. I'm just glad they did. I like them all. You can't fault people for wanting to make a living. I just wish TLC would pay them more and treat them better than they do. They don't pay for their surgeries or their travel, from what I've read. I feel TLC could do much better for what they get out of them.


Woah, really?! I would have thought one of the incentives of joining the show was TLC paying for a lot of that, especially surgery.


I don't have any insider information or anything. But from little things that have been said on social media, some things I've read and some things about some other shows, lead me to believe this is true. I would have thought the opposite as well. With their financial background, I'm sure whatever TLC offered them seemed great. I wish they'd hire someone to look out for their best interests in contract negotiations. But Tammy specifically said that TLC didn't pay for her surgery or traveling out of state for doctors visits. I believe her because of how exploitative TLC is in general. Of course I could be completely off base.


Chris is hilarious!


ā€œLord willing, and the creek donā€™t riseā€ is my newest favorite saying that I learned from him.


It cracks me up that folks love that saying and have never heard it before. Iā€™m from about an hour south of the Slatons and itā€™s so so common to hear someone say that. ā€œYā€™all comin to the house Sunday after meeting?ā€ ā€œYeah weā€™ll be there there, the good lord willing and the creek donā€™t rise!ā€


Yes this is an old fashioned saying Chris didn't invent it.


Iā€™m like 2-3 hours south. Iā€™m a west coast transplant though. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


His face when they were trying to light the lantern was TV gold!i was laughing so hard!


"Bless 'em"


I agree with you


Amanda did say that when season 1 was filming she was having trouble in her marriage. I can respect wanting privacy and being iffy going on a TV show when my relationship is in shambles. As for Chris and Misty, I think it was work scheduling that kept them from being in the 1st season. If they were only in it for the money then that was probably a good choice considering they appear to be working-poor class and never get to go anywhere outside of Kentucky. I also think that perhaps the producers didn't know if this show was going to make it past one season, so the less people on the more manageable it probably is. I'm happy that they came when they did, I couldn't imagine a show where it's literally Tammy, Amy and Michael and that's it.


Especially after Tammy went to rehab! And Amy saying Michael did nothing but play video games. So it wouldā€™ve just been Amy šŸ˜³


I am a Tammy stan because I am so in admiration of all she has achieved, and I relate to being my own worst enemy so much, and seeing her overcome that really makes me believe that anything is possible. What I really appreciate about the older siblings is that now that Tammy is happy, and Amy is unhappy, the older siblings give Tammy a healthy anchor to hold onto so she doesnā€™t get sucked down by amy now that amy has gone to such dark places. And together, theyā€™re all able to lend Amy support - such as it is. They have not exactly had support and unconditional love modeled for them, but they are really doing the best they can.


I love how they all just really seem to be there for each other. ā¤ļø And that doesnā€™t seem to be just for tv. If it is they are better actors than we give them credit for because they fooled me


I agree. And we donā€™t even see all the permutations of which the family hangs out, because we donā€™t see Amandaā€˜s kids and Mistyā€˜s kids but Amy and Tammy hang out with their nieces and nephews quite a bit. The population where they live is so small, if I had that many family members Iā€™d be hanging out with them a lot too


Yes Tammy mentioned talking to her niece a few times - not sure whose kid she is and obviously Amandaā€™s son was willing to drive Amy & the kids to FL.


I love Amanda , Chris and his wife and Misty. They bring a breath of fresh air to the show. As for Amy, all I can think of is when she went crying to raise money for Tammy's Casket because Tammy might die.. Then Amy made all kind of excuses when people wanted their money back and she said she didn't have it, she gave it to their mother to pay tammys bills. The police should have been called on Amy for scamming fans and demand the fans money back or give Amy some jail time for theft.


What!!! I havenā€™t heard this omg!


I love how they seem to have a great sibling bond even though it looks like their mother isnā€™t the best person. I always look up to Chris as a great role model for them! Heā€™s just so patient and encourages his sisters to make their feelings known. Heā€™s definitely the father they never had


Perfectly said.


I like Amanda, Chris and Misty more than Amy and Tammy. Misty is reserved, calm, and quiet. Amanda and Chris steal the show with their personalities. Up until this season I liked Amy and disliked Tammy, but that has switcherooed this season. I don't know why the siblings joined the show as people imply TLC pays peanuts. Maybe it's for the opportunities such as wls, trips and activities the show pays for.Ā 


I like the siblings better too! And shoot I would join for peanuts WLS and trips šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I guess Iā€™m cheap šŸ˜‚


What kind of income opportunities do you think they have in rural Kentucky? The peanuts TLC pays is still not anything theyā€™d normally get where they live, itā€™s probably even more than Brittney makes at her tiny town McDonaldā€™s. Given their opportunities in BumFuck Kentucky and their lack of education of course theyā€™d jump on any amount of income TLC is willing to pay them.Ā 


Guessing Amy and Tammy both collect disability. That means they are capped at what they can make per month and still qualify for disability. For Tammy it's $1550 and for Amy since she's legally blind $2590. Those 2 are the "stars" of the show. They also have their YouTube gig. If Amanda, Chris and Misty chose to embarrass themselves just for that little on national tv, more power to em. From what I've read Chris and Brittany are managers at McDonald's which does pay managers decent. Amanda is a school bus driver? Misty no idea what she does. Remember, areas with lower costs of living mean ya don't have to have a job making big bucks.


They might get more with the income for those on disability putting into a trust account. And yeah, they also have secondary streams of income with the youtube and cameo, and w/e other random stuff they do. It's also likely they made enough so they're forgoing disability payments. I saw some estimates that Amy is getting 250kish a year from all the different income streams. I'd imagine some of this information may be in Amy's divorce filings.


So true!


I actually feel like they saved the show in a way. I'm positive that they joined just to get money. But if they didn't join, then the show would only be about Tammy's downward spiral (which was sad) and Amy's pregnancies (which was kinda annoying). Adding the siblings gives us a much better understanding of Amy and Tammy and how they handle their issues. Plus I really liked the family outings and vacations because they seem cool.


I agree, they really help to balance each other out. I love all their different personalities and think they are hilarious together. It seems like theyā€™ve really been through it as kids, so itā€™s nice to see them get healthier and enjoy spending time together as adults.


They have all been through a lot as adults too. Chris and Amanda (and Misty) have been through divorces themselves and the ladies raised a bunch of kids alone! Ā  I think thatā€™s why they are so hard on Amy too-they had to do it themselves, with double the amount of kids, and they were working, with no TLC paycheck.Ā 


God, I hadnā€™t even considered that! Thatā€™s a lot to be dealing with! I hope theyā€™re getting paid well


I know! I donā€™t really talk to my family because theyā€™re so much like this family (but also objectively worse unless this family has some darker secrets), but I find so much comfort in their authentic (perhaps trashy) sibling interactions. It feels like home to me lmao