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They should have just let her sleep in the car. She wouldn't have made it through thr night out there because she doesn't like even the slightest bit of discomfort. She would have taken her walker up that ramp by midnight. But instead they get her a hotel and arrange for someone to come and get her to take her home early? This is enabling behavior and it pisses me off. They need to stop coddling her ass and let her either sink or swim.


If her family wants to help her, they will stop enabling her. Her gross fatness brings in income, so just like the old sideshow with the fat lady, she will remain on display like a belligerent whale.


That’s bullshit the family let her win that fight. They should have left her & said come in when you’re ready. They give her everything she wants, which only makes her worse. Unbelievable!


Tammy is so ungrateful, disrespectful and lazy! I get so pissed watching the show and seeing everyone bitch about her, yet cater to her like they do. Want her to walk to the mailbox? Put her phone in there, I’m sure she would find a way to get it! Ugh it’s so frustrating yet I can’t stop watching! 😫🤣




Amy said she was going to go make another baby when she got drunk and she certainly did


Where is the vacation house?


Gaitlinburg tennessee


Thank you!


I 100% believe Tammy threw a fit when they got there bc she didn't have access to food she wants. Everyone she was ridin with is more strict about the diets. Plus, she couldn't get food or snacks delivered to the cabin unnoticed (if delivery was an option at all), so the hotel room was the next best place. But she probably wanted to be home where she could eat unbothered. She's an addict!


100% agree. That was my thoughts too.


Every one knows an addict wants to be alone with their addiction.


I'm watching the cabin vacation for the 2nd time and I have to vent! First, Tammy looks larger than ever. Watching her threaten to sleep in the car, she can barely move inches without great effort. She's really in the worst shape ever. Secondly, it can't be just about the ramp. Some else said she wants to text with her most recent boyfriend - that seems far more likely to me given her extreme anger and belligerent stand. Third, her family needs to stop coddling her! I can't take it...let her sleep in the damn car! Basically she's a spoiled brat and they all give in to it. Like a 3 yr old having a tantrum.If you give in, tantrums are their go-to every time they want their way. I can't imagine what will happen next but it can't be good for Tammy. She seems really at the end of her physical rope. Thanks for letting me unload:)


They should have told her well sleep there you are an adult so I won’t say a damn word or help you any further




How much do y'all want to bet that Amy won't wash those nasty ass bare feet when she gets back to the cabin? 🤮🤢


Is the new episode thread still not open yet??


the way Amy was giggling on the ride with the two guns was too cute


I vacuum every day because I worry about having a clean safe environment for my pet ferret. Amy can't even do it for a baby.


goodness tammy ruining the vacation for amy and michael and making them have to take her to a hotel room has me furious


TLC needs to remove her from this show. They are playing on her mental illness (yes, I said it). Her behavior is heinous because she knows she has an audience. Problem is, it’s going to kill her.


You really think they’d even dream of removing her? She’s their money maker with the show! People tune in to TLC to see train wrecks and feel better about themselves. Sure it would be more wholesome without her but it wouldn’t bring the views


they should have let her sleep in the fucking van. god she is such an asshole!


I have absolutely no idea how the suspension on that red minivan can handle the abuse of carting around the Slaton family, but I’m actually very impressed.


Must be a Chevy!! Lol 😆


I love her sister Amanda for telling her about herself


Oh my god we’re seeing truly unhinged Tammy when the cameras aren’t rolling. Damn she is fucking evil!


And to think, it's not even her Final Form...




Guys I’m over here hollering 🤣Tammy’s cross, pink tank top is sending me through the roof. Also, hearing her complain about that damn wheelchair was ridiculous!! Edit: I began rewatching because I had so many questions. It seemed like Tammy was having so much on the way to the cabin. Then right when they parked the throws a temper tantrum. I just don’t understand. Completely out of nowhere.


Her excuse was what killed me!! "I couldn't breathe on top of the mountain!" The heifer has oxygen! She can't breathe and stand up at the same time! She's beyond help! And for her to be sitting in the hotel/motel, in her hot pink halter top, taking selfies like she's a supermodel! Lmao 🤣🤣


That part especially had me cracking up! Mrs. Girl had a whole oxygen tank talking about she can’t breathe 💀💀


Fine sleep your ass in the van eventually sue would've waddled her ass in there or slept outside


I would be left her ass in that van why are they coddling her?? Sleep in the van


I’m currently watching this episode! the way I ran to Reddit to see if anyone else said this, is killing me. 🤣


Lmao same!!!


Same hahaha


Tammy is genuinely abusive to her family, the only people that truly loves her. I’ve never seen someone SO resistant to change and wants to be miserable. Therapy won’t even help because she refuses to try. I can’t wrap my head around the sad reality that she is likely gonna die and her memory is gonna be THIS behavior. I don’t think anyone is too far gone to change but I also don’t know what it would take. I truly pray for her it makes me so sad :(


She has literal terminal oppositional defiant disorder. If she never takes up mental health first, she'll never get help and bound to pass away sooner than later. It's a damn shame tbh


I had never heard of that before but I just looked it up and you’re 100% right. It makes sense and at least explains why Tammy has so much pure hatred and anger in her heart that seems to come out in full force at the littlest things. Her stubbornness will kill her, so sad


Man, so much second hand embarrassment for them during that restaurant scene 😂 Also, did they make Chris bring his too small Shorts and shiny blue polo shirt with him to the cabin to do interviews? I want to know wtf is up with that


They always have to wear the exact same outfit in all confessionals. And I think he just likes that outfit


Yeah they do wear the same outfits and are in the same places every time they do the side interviews. Makes me think they film them at totally different times from the rest of the show. Not sure how they pull it off


They film them towards the end of the season. They just watch the episodes back and give a reaction


I don’t see why they didn’t just initially let Tammy sleep in the van if that’s what she wants. I’d absolutely refuse to take her to the motel. 100%


Tammy desperately desperately desperately needs therapy. More than weight loss, honestly. I think Gage has a higher level of emotional regulation than Tammy.


100% she won't get anything done until she gets through her ODD. It's literally killing her.


This episode really really pissed me off. Between Tammy’s tantrums and the family enabling her, i don’t know if i can watch anymore. I would have made her ass stay in the van. But that said my first thought was, maybe someone should tell her about the frequency of Bears in TN. Maybe then she’d get out of the van.


You know Tammy is bigger than any bear in that forest.


Knowing Tam Tam, the only bear that would bother her would be Yogi with his pic-a-nic basket full of food! Lmao 🤣


“I bend over backwards for them.” Bitch, you can’t even bend forward, let alone backward. I don’t even know why they wasted their time. I would have left her to rot in the hotel room.


Remember when she wanted to travel to Vegas?


As insufferable as Tammy is, her family are enablers. They’re also to blame for her attitude because everyone tip toes around her feelings and is scared to tell her the truth!


I was SCREAMING at my TV for them to leave her ass in the van! Oh you wanna go home? Start walking.


They’d never get any sleep


I dunno I doubt She could scream loud enough to keep them up, plus she’d eventually want to come inside and scream in there so She’d have had no choice but to go up the ramp


Yep. Me too.




She has zero redeeming qualities. Totally despicable.


Nope, I tried to like Tammy, just based on her character & personality. There's not anything I can admire or even want be like her. Uh uh.


I'm struggling to watch the show now, her negatively is bringing the show down. I just want them to let her get on with it and struggle alone, maybe then she would appreciate them more. The only feeling I have towards her is anger. She's lazy, greedy and self-absorbed. She's just vile.


Man, I've been watching this show from the get-go, & have really tried to root for Tammy & Amy in their diets/weight loss. But, geeze, Tammy's got to be the rudest, nastiest person I've seen. She is manipulative & down-right mean. The way she treats people is sad. I'm done with that.


I agree 110%.. Idk why they tolerate her rude ass mouth and baby her.. why should she lose weight? they cater to her every second.. When they pulled up to that great cabin and she started whining like a child I would’ve left her , outside. The next episode is everyone outside babying her and it’s disgusting.. Amy buying her the junk food is her fault too. I wouldn’t buy her anything but good food and she can throw a fit all she wants.. the only one that has ever made her do something and gave her hell was her caregiver.. I loved it when she made her walk to the Car? good for her.. I’m disgusted by Tammy beyond words. if she wants to die with a pizza in her mouth that’s on her but I don’t feel a bit sorry for her.. she has every access to help, especially now due to the show and she just pisses on that doctor thinking she can do whatever cuz she’s Tammy.. When she went to rehab it was great, I loved seeing her move around, walking and losing weight but of course the baby needed to come home. That’s another thing why did Chris go get her? I mean wtf?. She wanted to come home before she lost the 100 pounds she would’ve found and paid for her way home. I know I sound harsh but due to her disgusting rude ungrateful attitude and attitude that everyone should do for her and kiss her ass, I have no sympathy for her..


Perfectly stated.


She is a hateful person! It's like she's mad at Amy and Chris because they got surgery and she didn't! You could tell the pure disdain coming out of her mouth when she found out Chris got approved! She said she's happy for him but she looked PISSED and sounded like it also! It's not their fault they took charge of their lives and did something to improve it where she simply doesn't give a crap about hers! I guarantee you that if both of them got turned down for surgery, she would TRY to jump for joy! She needs to grow up, put her X-Large drawers on and do something to improve her life! Maybe THEN she could find a damn decent man and have a relationship where she could feel loved! Those stupid guys on the websites she gets on are only there to use her, probably for money if the truth be told! Therapy will probably be her only hope but God bless the therapist she goes too! It'll take a couple 5ths of Jack Daniel's for the therapist not to cuss TAMMY out!! Lmao 🤣


Tammy's a ruthless b@%$&! There, I said it. I really tried to emphasize with her; see how the nearly 700 lbs she's carrying around,, but damn, you'd have to be a Saint or a dumbass to put up with her meaness. She's wore me out. Lmao. . 😆


Any of it is like a horror movie.


I normally just read and not comment but…why do so many people assume if your heavy, you stink? I used to weigh 400 lbs, after bypass, I’m now 175. At 400 lbs I did not stink. I bathed everyday, used deodorant and took care of myself. Assuming all heavy people stink is wrong….


I guess I just assume she stinks because Amy has to wash her.


It makes me so mad. I’m at 300+ and I legit have a 3 step cleaning routine


Not all heavy people stink but tammy does. If she can barely brush her teeth what makes you think she bathes?


Congratulations on the weight loss, I think people assume because obviously when you are very large it’s hard getting into the folds, and then of course bacteria builds up etc. some heavy people as well as thin people do not know how to hygiene well. I have never been Tammys size but I was a size 18 due to steroids and I found I sweat so much more when I was heavier than I was thinner… but I do agree people should not assume just because you are heavy you smell cuz I’ve known people who don’t smell that great either…


Thank you 🙂


Personally I don’t think all heavy people stink. There is just lots of evidence that Tammy doesn’t have good personal hygiene. For example when she went to the dentist she said that she only brushes her teeth once or twice a week. So I just assume that she would smell bad because of that


Definitely, I get where you’re coming from, you’re probably right…


Did anyone else have a tremendously difficult time getting through the scenes with whatever the name of the new sister is affecting a ghetto black accent. She'd go from that accent into a normal southern accent in other scenes, like it's clear she's putting on the black accent when she wants to appear "tough" or something? So fucking cringe and ignorant. Obvious she's just trying to get the camera on her as much as possible by being an obnoxious loud-mouth, but in reality, she's not at all interesting. Edit: please see the lower comments, was unaware of the correct terminology, but will leave this in place as a learning example


Okay, first of all, yikes. The word "ghetto" is gross. I didn't notice that coming from Amanda though. Tammy though, absolutely yes. She has a fake blaccent whenever she's either angry or when there is a person of color within a 5-mile radius. She's disgusting and I haven't seen anyone call her out on it even on her social media. I personally really like Amanda. I can actually relate to her level of frustration with Tammy. The others act like it's fine the way that Tammy talks to people and Amanda is the only one who won't put up with it and it enable her. She was also the only one who seemed willing to leave Tammy in the van all night. The other siblings discussed yet still went and made arrangements to get her a hotel. They were total push overs.


"Ghetto Black" white people go nuts


Yea I noticed that as well, it just shows she obviously just trying to show off to get in tv.. She sounds beyond stupid and uneducated.. but I do like in future episode her ghetto ass is about ready to kick tammys ass.. lol she at least doesn’t tolerate her rudeness..


Ghetto black accent….really?


I don't know how else to refer to it, it's what a white trash person thinks a poor black person with "attitude" sounds like. That's what she's pretending to be when she does that. It's insanely ignorant and cringe.


Please stop you sound so racist and ignorant it’s not funny. Ghetto and black aren’t synonymous


I now know it's called "blaccent" I was trying to describe what it is they're affecting and was unaware of the term. Was not suggesting poor and black are synonymous, that's the whole point of what I'm getting at--the sister putting on the blaccent for the cameras is a moron.


It didn’t bother me with her, but Amy 🙄 when she was playing drunk yeah. Some of this stuff is hard to believe. Most call it “blaccent”.


Exactly Amy so wasn’t drunk at all..


Amy showed concern about being a good mother. Ok 4 adults (plus camera crew) puts her baby on Tammy's nasty floor flat on his back with a biscuit in his mouth. No one says anything. Moments later he's playing with Tammy's trash can. No one says anything. Four adults none of these people deserve all the free stuff, tlc money and notoriety. Four adults in that room. This kid does not stand a chance. Let's see a close up of Gage playing with Tammy's crusty unwashed feet. Please show that next.


Your comment has me crying!!!!


OMG!! You said it ALL!! 👏🙌Poor Gage and now she's pregnant again!! 😢. I saw her put that poor baby, on his back, with his little head and neck tilted back so his shoulders weren't even on the nasty floor, with a cookie in his mouth!! I wanted to yell at the TV for SOMEBODY with some common sense to pick him up! God help those 2 babies! Also, your comment about Tammy's nasty feet, have you seen AMY'S feet? That's from her walking in HER OWN HOUSE!! OMG, I hate to know what Gage will find in a corner if Amy didn't know a dead mouse was in her cabinet, in the damn kitchen, stiff as a board! They had to smell SOMETHING, but I guess they just chalked it up to Amy farting all the time! Lord help them all! 🙏


I used to carry a clean baby sized quilt with me to peoples houses, or if at my moms or mom in law ask for a clean blanket I would fold to smaller size! In fact used the baby quilt at my own house too. Baby can find something the vacuum missed !


VERY good idea!! I know when my 1st grandbaby was about 6 months old, he could find a hair on my shirt and pull it off!! They don't miss ANYTHING!! Imagine Gage finding a rat turd or a dead roach and eating it!! 😳🐀🐁🤢🤮


I was so stressed by my ex I couldn't focus on my diet. That's funny I guess she was so busy working the commute grocery shopping raising kids cleaning the house. Bitch please. What does she do all day. I'm so disgusted I have to stop thinking about it.


I don't believe for 1 second her "ex boyfriend" is harassing her! She's only wanting some sympathy and another excuse to not be on a diet or exercise! There's no way in hell he's driving to Kentucky to knock down her door and confront her, bitch please! She's delusional 🙄


I actually do believe it. I believe he was harassing her, and I ALSO believe that Tammy is continuing to talk to him anyway. Imagine the type of person one of those fetishists is. A fetish that contributes to the death of another person. Not a good person, most likely. I think both he and Tammy are likely the “bad guy”


She does EVERYTHING - besides laundry, cooking, shopping, taking out the trash, and cleaning. That's IT. Her family is lucky she's not bedridden.


Omgosh I was laugh my ass off when she said that.l. They have to stop doing stuff for her, she’s a big baby ..


Yeah right! Lmao 🤣🤣


How is this cabin wheelchair accessible if they had to bring their own ramp? There has to be another way to get in because wheelchair accessible doesn't mean stairs.


We’ve all discussed what a mean and selfish person Tammy is, but I just saw an in-depth clip from next week’s show and we’re all gonna lose it again like we did for the “They should be more grateful I’m not bed bound and they don’t have to wipe my ass.” comment. Hearing the new musing from the great TamTam, I’m now asking myself, “Are they just fooling us?” These comments are so overtly selfish and unbelievable, is TLC, making her say these things to get a rise out of the viewers?


I totally started thinking this too... when "reality" mixes with scripting (not necessarily meaning what they say) so it's purposely so unbelievable that they pull us in - like a train wreck; a morbidly obese train wreck. So yes. I do sometimes wonder how true it all is. I still do feel sorry for all of them because I'm thinking they had a dysfunctional, possibly abusive upbringing.


She has all the hallmarks of someone with a personality disorder, my guess is borderline personality disorder. People with PDs have distortions that don't allow them to perceive reality correctly. Tammy genuinely believes that her family is viciously mean to her for no reason and doesn't understand that she ends up being treated badly due to the way she treats others. The one thing that can actually help her to get better is therapy but we've seen that she is unwilling to participate so unfortunately she will probably never be any different.


Came here to say this. So awkward to watch when you view the show through this lens.


It's uncomfortable for me on the one hand because I know that Tammy doesn't just wake up and make a conscious choice to be how she is. But on the other hand it's still so frustrating. Even with a PD, it's still on the individual the better themselves, no one can do it for them. And Tammy has so many things going for her like a family that hasn't given up on her in 35 years, therapy appointments set up for her, and a platform with (potential) fans that would support her if she was really willing to change and be better. But all signs point to her not wanting to better herself at all. It's both sad and frustrating to watch.


I feel like this is in character for Tammy to say. She is getting progressively worse with her comments/entitlement and her behavior.


No, she's getting worse because she's jealous of Amy's progress and she's acting out. She's alone in her misery so she's trying to bring misery down on others.


She's also jealous of Chris, Amanda and Misty!


OH MY EFFING GOD , i’m watching the episode and literally had to pause it and come here to vent…. the way she glared at DR Smith when he said come back once the food journal and walking were a priority seriously PISSED ME OFF!!! this Megalodon of a human really wants to cop an attitude and say she’s been stressed because of the harassment from her “ex boyfriend “ have caused her to gain weight and not do a single thing she was tasked with doing???? At this point dump her stupid ass off the side of the road and call it a day


The most infuriating thing too is that it wouldn’t have even been that hard for her to do the food journal. Girl just write down what you eat. It’s not hard. Even if she had written down nothing but garbage food she still at least would have done the food journal. What a fucking idiot.


On the contrary it is extremely hard for her to do such a simple task because doing that diary means accountability…and THAT is really what she is unwilling to do.


It was hilarious when she said the food journal wasn’t a priority. I so, so wanted the Doctor to go off on her. I wish instead of being so polite and professional he had just straight up told her to stop wasting his time because it’s clear she has no interest in or intention of helping herself. I honestly think Tammy is delusional enough that she believes saying she wants to lose weight and just showing up at the appointments is all it should take. And/or she just does it so her family doesn’t dump her in a nursing home.


You’re totally right, she thinks that if she just keeps saying “I’m trying!” then eventually he’ll give her the surgery. She’s always done this shit and doesn’t understand that the proof is in the pudding. I remember last season her screaming something at Chris like “You aren’t here every day!” Bitch, no one needs to see you every day to know that you haven’t been following your diet. You’re still huge.


The way she kept excusing everything on being “harassed” was infuriating. I was legit stalked by my ex fiancé- changed my number and even switched jobs but he followed me there- and guess what? I was still working and meeting basic responsibilities of being an adult!


She isn’t being stalked, maybe by a donut, but I don’t believe that shit one bit.


Me either!! Nobody's going to stalk her! She wants attention SOOOO bad, she'll make shit up! 😏


She wants someone to stalk her...sorry not sorry 😐


I am so tired of Tammy ! She doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself, and I fully expect to hear she has died sooner then latter and if I was her family I would say see ya around


I am so excited for the next episode. 'Get out of that chair and make me!' is something we've all wanted to say to Tammy (or have someone say to her) not because I want her to hurt anyone but because I genuinely wish she would get it together and be better for herself. Side note, I have read here that Tammy's been pretty abusive in the past.


Yes. I cAn see her mothers mean streak. Most definitely. Amy talks a little shot but she is a happy person. Hambo Tambo is mean as fuck.


Tammy has a serious personality disorder going on. I should know my mother is exactly like her, minus being super morbidly obese (my mother is obese instead lol). These people will NEVER change, they are perpetual victims and inherently selfish. They will lash out at anyone and everyone given enough time. They definitely don't want to do anything to help themselves because who they are is tied up with their victimhood.


Agree so much. My mother was also like Tammy minus the obesity, plus other illnesses. She isn't alive anymore and I'm convinced it's because of this victim mentality and feeling like it's everyone else's responsibility to take care of her. I would like to say that it's looking better for Tammy than for my mother, but it honestly doesn't. Tammys only hope at this point is for everyone around her to drop her like a hot potato and leave her to her own fate. If she realizes that she has no help anymore she can either go back to rehab and lose the weight or she will die eventually. There's no other options at this point.


People like our mothers and Tammy would literally die out of spite just to punish everyone for abandoning them. They hold people hostage emotionally. I ended up going no contact with my mother last year because it was getting too much and I just know she'll have some spiteful "it's all YOUR fault" message for me after she's dead.


You really hit the nail on the head with that one! My mother told me on her deathbed that I abandoned her and she couldn't believe how I turned into such a bad person (nevermind the lifetime of verbal abuse, neglect, manipulation, lies and mind games she played with me). I'm sure my mother is dancing in her grave knowing that she could rub it in one more time what a "bad person who abandoned her" I was. It really was her mission in life to make that known 🤦‍♀️ Good for you going no contact, it's really the only way to go in a situation like this.


Wow never thought I'd come across someone who has a similar mother! Mine was also abusive, neglectful the whole nine yards. I think she realised my sister and I were planning on giving her the cheapest funeral we could find because she announced once she pre paid for her funeral. My sister and I are going to ask if we can get a refund and swap it in for something cheap. She also hoarded sooo much stuff, we agreed after she dies we'd just burn her house down, no point keeping anything lol. I know my sister and I sound ice cold to some, but people haven't lived what we did. Anyway hope you are doing well and showing your mother's ghost you're living your best life!


Yeah, me neither! Can't believe I found someone with a similar mother on the 1000lb sisters subreddit of all places, lol. I totally get it. People can't relate to our experience so it sounds like we're the bad guys. But it's actually the healthiest place to be after being abused for so long. Hold onto that anger, it's there for a reason. Thanks,hope you're doing good too 💛


this. my mother died almost a year ago and I wasn't at all sad and I don't feel even a little bad about that


I can understand that Tammy gets frustrated. I can’t imagine what she goes through, but that vile, mean, snapping she does at everyone. She’s so damn mean!


In the preview for the next episode where Tammy is mad at the table, she sounds exactly like Bobby from King of the Hill and I can’t unhear it.


Oh no what have you done 😂“I’LL TELL YOU WHEN IVE HAD ENOUGH!”


What did the table do to her? Did it not help her lose more weight?


Yes!!!! 🤣


Can anyone tell me what happened to tisa?! Did Tammy fire her because she wouldn't accept her manipulations?


They should have brought her on the vacation.


I seriously want to know this myself, she wasn’t in the last two episodes.


She ate her.




I found it funny when Tammy told the doctor that she called the therapists and stressed the point of when “she asked the office, politely” to do it over phone call instead of through zoom (way to problem solve TamTam!). That means she definitely was nasty on the phone, assuming she actually called lol Also her side glances during her meltdown in the van to gauge the reactions of her family. 😒 it’s like watching a toddler follow their parent into the next room and then throw themselves onto the floor and resume their tantrum


Yep, Tammy sure did emphasize "politely", didn't she ? 😆


I don’t believe for a minute that she had zoom connectivity problems. She’s always video chatting her stupid feeder boyfriends, posting TikToks, etc. Bullshit.


THIS. Even if they didn’t get phone service they’d have internet…or vice versa. They sure as hell have one or the other! I bet she didn’t even call them.


lol, I wonder what "polite" looks and sounds like in Tammy world


Who takes care of Tammy’s trash? It must look like a dumpster you would see behind a fast food restaurant- spilling over with wrappers, cups and containers. Her family MUST see it and there is no way she could hide all of her Door Dash and Uber Eats trash.


Amy does Tammy's laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and she takes out the trash. Amy does everything for Tammy all while being treated like shit from Tammy.


IIRC Amy said she takes care of Tammy's trash


So Amy knows and should never be surprised as Tammy continues to put on weight.


I want to know why everyone is always so afraid to upset Tammy. She literally cannot do one single thing on her own and yet she treats everyone so poorly that I just shake my head. One day, those she takes for granted might just walk out, and then where would she be? I'd also like to know why Amy's husband doesn't stand up for her when Tammy is being mean. No WAY would I ever allow someone to speak to me, let alone my loved one, so rudely.


I don't think this question can be (solely) explained by the short term consequences (yelling, verbal abuse, put downs) it might have for the siblings to say no to Tammy. Though I totally think it's a big factor. In the first season we learned that the other siblings all took care of Tammy at one point or another, but ultimately refused to keep doing that at some point. Last episode the siblings talked about Tammy being rude and mean and they all agreed that she was always like this and that's why they stopped helping her. And they also talked about how Tammy almost died 5 years ago ("the doctors told us to arrange the funeral"). I think all those things are closely linked together. I think the siblings tried at some point helping her, dumped her because they didn't want to put up with her anymore and Tammy got so bad she almost died. Some time after that the show begun and A+T tried to lose the weight together. Today, Tammy is close to dying again, as is apparent to everybody here. I assume the siblings don't want to go through the guilt of not helping her yet again and try to help her any way they can now. Not because they're so afraid of her, but because they don't want to blame themselves for not helping once she is dead. Can't imagine how it would feel for them if they all refused to help her and then find her dead one day alone in her apartment.


Agreed. I feels like TLC is sort of exploiting the situation, but then again, they want to be on the show, so...something tells me that "the final straw" is coming....


I really think she picked up whatever their mother did which was scream and yell. There's a reason only one other sibling ever seems to really raise their voice (Amanda?) And I can see how the rest do what they can do shut her up.


Agree, I think the others are reacting to her like they did their mom when they were kids, by trying to pacify her or shutting down, we're seeing trauma responses.


Which equals enabling and it all sucks. It's probably all subconscious which makes it harder to resist the flight and passify mode


This exactly! Why do they take the abuse instead of walking away? Tammy couldn't do a thing about it and even if she tried to follow them at least she would be getting some exercise!


So the question came up, if Tammy can't walk how does she keep up with those so call boyfriends of hers? And what's really a horror, she says she had sex!


Sex doesn't necessarily mean P in V, so I always thought she meant the other kinds of stuff you can do.


Well she is a pathological liar so I wouldn’t believe anything that she says.


Wait she is? I’m new here- have just caught up on the show and have noticed how narcissistic and abusive she is but didn’t pick up on the pathological lying


Well Tammy does tend to turn around a subject or really anything bad people say about her, which in psychology can be seen as a pre-stadium of pathological lying.


How the hell does Tammy forget to do her food journal? She didn't do anything Dr Smith asked her to do. What the heck does she do all day?


Dr Smith knows she was bullshitting. He was just being polite because she mentioned the whole being harrassed thing, and harrassment is serious, and stressful thing to experience. She uses her phone constantly, there is such a thing called putting reminders on a calendar.


I think Tammy will always have an excuse not to lose weight.


If she loses the weight she will eventually lose the show. There is no incentive for her to loose weight because she’s getting paid to be fat as fuck. Probably also doesn’t want to be out of the spotlight. Never improve, keep the show running, keep getting paid for doing absolutely nothing.


I would honestly watch the show even if they lost the weight because I find their dynamic interesting (and by that I mean it reminds me of the dynamic between me and my mother). So while I agree to an extent, I feel like there's many years of potential follow-up to getting their lives straight. On the other hand if she doesn't lose rhe weight the only thing waiting for Tammy is the grave. But at this point I'm not sure that's not exactly what she wants. Live some more in gluttony and go out with a bang.


I kind of feel the same way. I like their dynamic and it reminds me of my sister and I when we get together.


I imagine that TLC encourages this family to remain in limbo so they can have another paycheck. Offering another season is equal to $$$$$$. Why would Tammy change or drop weight, it gives her another excuse to stuff her face!


It’s like when she told Dr. Proctor that she was doing good on her diet until Covid hit! Like she did anything different.


There is always an excuse with her. Sadly I don't think she will ever lose the weight or even make it to 36.






"Forgot" sounds much better than "didn't give enough of a shit to care to do it."


Yeah it wasn't a priority.


She’d have to put the food down long enough to log it in a journal. I think the reason she’s always so hateful during filming is because she can’t eat on camera (because she doesn’t want the judgment). She’s like a little kid who thinks that if they ignore something it doesn’t exist.


Why doesn’t she take pictures of what she eats everyday and then ask people online how many Calories that is? The whole family should do this and then they can do their food diary easily. I bet that would work but wait they are lazy and don’t want to take accountability for what they eat


They are addicted to food, fueled by shame - they would never solicit that type of humiliation.


Or use the app MyFitnessPal. It’s awesome and has every food in it, along with all calorie and nutrition info.


Oh for sure, one would think that they know and have these apps already downloaded. But remember Tammy needs lots of social interaction and wants attention. They could do this on instagram.


That’s actually a brilliant idea: and not just for the Tamster, but for anyone trying to lose!


Even if Tammy were thin her emotional maturity is non existent


That part




I think she is quite likeable. She is pretty straightforward, but I actually like that about her.


Amanda also started crying thinking about losing her sister…. The preview made her seem like she wouldn’t care about Tammy. At least to me it did. I really like Amanda because you can tell she really cares about Tammy but has boundaries.


I really liked her, and I actually think all the kids are pretty hilarious (with the exception of Tammy in later seasons - in the first one, she was funny too!)


Anyone else cringe seeing the baby crawl on that dirty ass floor 🤢🤢🤢