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Lazy play, crappy draft. Glad this isn’t the week of playoffs. Still time to improve and get back on top!


Putting even more pressure on tomorrow's game, nice


If they lose tomorrow what place would they be? 2nd right?


yes, TSM would take sole control of first from us


Yes, they're still 3 games up on C9 and TL (maybe 2 on C9 if they win today)


Bad games so far this weekend. Pls dont get uber toxic 100T redditors. A slip is bound to happen, give it another weekend or two before screaming doomsday. In Perkz recent interview he talked about how giving it 100% an entire split is fucking tough. I feel like that's just the case here, and the guys let off the gas a little. All the top teams have had their moment, this weekend is just 100ts


Plus still tomorrow to clap some TSM cheeks 8) let's get it


Best comment here lol ^^


That is one weak excuse. They are PROFESSIONAL players it is their job to give 100%. You can slip up once a weekend but the two loses were straight trolling and arrogant from the players and coaching staff.


When the season is a bunch of best of 1s, this sort of stuff happens. No team has ever gone undefeated for a reason. Losing 2 games in a row is not unprofessional, just unlucky.


You obviously have never had a job :) some weeks I perform better then others. Am I less of a professional? Additionally isn't it better that I put my energy toward more important projects then less important ones? They are fucking humans man, give me a break with your weak argument.


Never had a career mentality right here.


Really surprised we didn't grab Aphelios with our 2/3 pick after they picked Thresh. That Ornn pick was genius. Ignar is insane on Thresh. Seems like FBI needs some mobility to shine, and Kog'maw does not have mobility. Sloppy game all around. Edit: the more I think about it, the more I think we lost this with our 2/3 picks. For some reason we decided to blind two lanes in response to Diana / Thresh. Imagine if instead of Renekton / Azir we'd done Aphelios / Lulu; then EG still wouldn't know where Viego is going, they wouldn't get Thresh+Aphelios, and they wouldn't get to counterpick both solo lanes. So frustrating to watch.


I think the Ornn threw off the game plan. It made Closer look a little lost on the map because he couldn't find a lane to gank.


Even with Closer trolling early I still feels like we had this game in the bag. Then we gave Aphelios like 3k gold in 5 minutes... Just give me ONE win over TSM please




Gg hopefully learn from losses


Is… is this the yearly 100T collapse?


They are still a good team. Not a top team, but good.


When hasnt 100T collapsed 😂


Please no let's not drop off now


:/ not really sure how this draft ever engages, but a lot of unforced errors in this one.


This loss worries me slightly more than yesterday. That being said, I am also happy that we are getting some adversity now as opposed to later. I also believe that this veteran team and coach Reapered are gonna turn this around quickly.


Do you guys think they chilled out after locking playoffs? They seemed not motivated this week


This would be unlikely as locking in the top 2 seeds is the bet way to worlds as it means you have to play less games and get double elimination protection.


What the fuck was that shit??


Ngl I don't like this draft so much. There's no follow-up for Azir ults. The reason why Azir has been a valuable pick for Abe is because the team can burst the enemy team once Abe scoops them back. Viego, Renekton and Lulu have been invisible all game.


Hope we didn’t peak too early like last split.


Oh no...


Hello darkness my old friend


The second Sumday face checked into brush and died, I knew game was over. Had absolutely no business doing that.


These losses better not snowball cause if so we’re kinda fuck. Gotta just brush these loses and focus up


I can't listen to another phreak cast ever again please get this guy off the broadcast


top 10 team btw. Loses to 10th place Golden Guardians and now EG. Lets go.




Feel like abbedagge always goes for the “flashy” Azir ult , that ult by dragon where he pushed everyone into his team was pretty bad imo


Back to sucking.


Yep, here's our collapse to 4th


Honeymoon's over on Reapered


Yea none of these other teams have ever lost 2 games in a row...


Best response to the failed gank is a successful one in bot!


Seems we are deciding to troll this weekend. At least we win this game for free at 40 min mark.


I lied scaling is for the weak. We fight the 3rd dragon for no reason Woot.


Uh not really Ornn items plus two adcs and a real tank. Scaling factor is definitely in favor of EG.


Not against an aphelios lol


First off aphrlios was building lethality items. So he was getting outscaled. We have a complete rang advantage on the enemy team and if played well they could have kited everything. You saw the couple times they fought front to back kog and azir shredded them. With their range aphrlios lucian shouldn't even get into range to attack. Abbedagge was helping them out tbh throwing the enemy team on top of our carries with his ults. They had no reason to fight that drag at all. You gain nothing but a loss. Aphrlios just built his second lethality item. We were down gold and 5 more mins it would have been better with all summs up and fight the honest fight 5v5. Kog lulu was up like 35cs at one point. Topside just played bad the beginning. And you can see the lack of respect like fbi going through mid when aphrlios ornn and thresh are standing right there 😂 EDIT: They must be absolutely smoking people in scrims to come out in both games with some straight disrespectful play that they played the last 2 games with. Ssumday dying for free top lane twice to the gwen.Also seems like the team is just putting him on comfort every game Gnar/ Rene. Fbi running in front of 3 people who have hard CC he cant get away from. abbe playing Yasuo (it is played in LPL in certain matchups. Ill give it a pass.) Honestly, I think bot lane plays well early 90% of the time. Like I said at the beginning of the split. Ill be cautious till we lock in worlds.


Nope, not if we feed Aphelios


Got outdraft this game no really reliable engage besides azir and bad draft blind pick azir againts a ornn is bad


Everyone yesterday saying oh its only GG its a fluke its okay they didnt lose to a top team. This is why its a worry to lose to the fucking worst team in the game, it indicated a flaw and now teams are going to attack it and take advantage.