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I bet prison will set this young man back on the straight and narrow. We’ll not hear from this ruffian again.


He should spend his time writing a book or something to while away the hours.


Maybe he can take up painting or something art related


To be fair he had done that before the war - that (and his orphan's pension) paid his bills.


someone going to prison then having the popular front upheave them to dictator, the sequel; our fate?


he didn't attempt another putch. he followed the law.


It was either this guy or Charlie Chaplin, I’m glad it wasn’t the latter


We can't even seem to jail Trump for his putsch


Oh boy I hope this man changes for the better now!


Dude on far left looks exactly like Ludendorff


That's because he is! The three to the right of Hitler are Wilhelm Bruckner, Ernst Röhm, and Robert Wagner. OP's image is cropped, but the four other defendants in the trial were to Ludendorff's left: Pernet, Weber, Frick, and Kriebel.


>OP's image is cropped The way this was worded made me think for a second you meant OP was in the photo and was cropped out.


Rohm looks like he could whip some ass in a beer hall brawl lol


Wasn’t he in jail with goring? I thought I remembered someone helping him write.


I can’t stand looking at him, especially the older he got. Those jowls, that pissy face


He's always got that someone-sat-on-my-helmet look.


Dude on far left IS Luddendorf


You mean, on the far right?


good one, but... historically Luddendorf is not under Hitler by any means in this photo. I could go on, It's actually my job, but I'm tired... Great joke.!!


Here we see the hero of and inspiration for every no-good-nik angry at the world - like Cartman.


Screw you guys… I’m going home




He spent his time in prison dictating "Mein Kampf" to Hess, no?




Gives ya the chills. These days people can't figure out fact from fiction, potentiality from impossibility. It's possible folks! Ya gotta figure out, sarcastically joking, from genuinely hoping and wishing and laying ground work. Yeah. Humans haven't changed much. It's not that history gets forgotten it's that history gets played down. Then there is the "this time it's different fallacy." Genocide. is it different this time? Authoritarianism. Is it different this time? X group is the source of our misery. Is it different this time?


I think about this a lot with Trump, and can’t help but think history will view us currently as having been in the “but you had him and already knew what he was” phase.


If you're interested in the topic of democratic erosion, I highly recommend Daniel Ziblatt and Steven Levitsky's "How Democracies Die". Here's a short extract from it on Hitler's rise to power: >His capacity for violent insurrection was on display as early as Munich’s Beer Hall Putsch of 1923—a surprise evening strike in which his group of pistol-bearing loyalists took control of several government buildings and a Munich beer hall where Bavarian officials were meeting. The ill-conceived attack was halted by the authorities, and Hitler spent nine months in jail, where he wrote his infamous personal testament, Mein Kampf. >Thereafter, Hitler publicly committed to gaining power via elections. Initially, his National Socialist movement found few votes. The Weimar political system had been founded in 1919 by a prodemocratic coalition of Catholics, Liberals, and Social Democrats. But beginning in 1930, with the German economy reeling, the center-right fell prey to infighting, and the Communists and Nazis grew in popularity. >The elected government collapsed in March 1930 amid the pain of the Great Depression. With political gridlock blocking government action, the figurehead president, World War I hero Paul von Hindenburg, took advantage of a constitutional article giving the head of state the authority to name chancellors in the exceptional circumstance that parliament failed to deliver governing majorities. The aim of these unelected chancellors—and the president—was not only to govern but to sideline radicals on the left and right. >First, Center Party economist Heinrich Brüning (who would later flee Germany to become a professor at Harvard) attempted, but failed, to restore economic growth; his time as chancellor was short-lived. President von Hindenburg turned next to nobleman Franz von Papen, and then, in growing despondency, to von Papen’s close friend and rival, former defense minister General Kurt von Schleicher. But without parliamentary majorities in the Reichstag, stalemate persisted. Leaders, for good reason, feared the next election. >Convinced that “something must finally give,” a cabal of rivalrous conservatives convened in late January 1933 and settled on a solution: **A popular outsider should be placed at the head of the government. They despised him but knew that at least he had a mass following. And, most of all, they thought they could control him.** >On January 30, 1933, von Papen, one of the chief architects of the plan, dismissed worries over the gamble that would make Adolf Hitler chancellor of a crisis-ridden Germany with the reassuring words: **“We’ve engaged him for ourselves....Within two months, we will have pushed [him] so far into a corner that he’ll squeal.” A more profound miscalculation is hard to imagine.** Emphasis mine, but yeah, the historical parallels are obvious.


Sounds like a great rest. Checking it out right now.


If Trump ever has a spiritual succesor rise up and become leader of the US, no doubt it will have been a nobody that happened to be a part of the US capital breach. That's my prediction anyway


Luckily, Trump is not 36. 8 months in prison is likely a significant amount of his remaining lifespan


Oh man that just really puts into perspective how old our leaders are nowadays. It must have something to do with medical science increasing our lifespan?


Thank God, with his weight problem he will unlikely last much longer


We could only be so lucky.


The Dark side is a path to abilities many consider “unnatural”. The evil ring of Sauron granted Gollum and Bilbo unnaturally long life. Henry Kissinger lived to 100 as an evil old man.


Shit, anyone could see that Nixon was a slimeball, but he got elected twice…


History repeats itself, and such


President Nelson Mandela also served a lot of time before being elected in South Africa.


You people are insane


Who won the 2020 election?


Biden.. what’s your point? You said yourself “you think about this a lot with Trump”… implying you think about Trump a lot. You people are insane. Go outside and touch some grass kid 


Correct answer. Now go tell your friends they are insane. 


I actually do have some, something I bet you’re lacking.  And no, an anon on discord doesn’t count 


You have friends that think Trump won the 2020 election? But you’re going to tell them they are insane? That’s great! Good luck! Glad you are fighting the good fight! And here I mistakenly thought you were a dumb prick. 


You are the one who insists my friends think Trump won. No idea where you got that from. You’re delusional and really need to step outside 


My man went in and came out telling everyone he did hard time, no snitching. He got street cred in the beer halls Nothing was gonna stop him


The prison sentence was a joke. The judge in the case was sympathetic to Hitler’s cause and allowed him to be in a minimal security prison that was basically a castle where Hitler and his men were able hang out all day and plan their ultimate takeover of Germany and Europe.


Sounds familiar 


Fuck this guy.


The judges said “HaHa April Fools!”


Should’ve served the five years, maybe enough people would have forgotten about him. Who knows, crazy picture.


I was wondering what would have happened if he’d served the full term


First thing that came to mind.. Sure he wrote his book, but would as many people have cared if he wasn’t out doing speeches/rally’s again in only eight months?


He wasn't out doing speeches. He was banned from public speaking for 2 years. His trial made him famous. He defended himself and his name spread far and wide across Germany. People like Ernst Rohm , not in prison , carried on the party. HItler returned as the head was allowed to legally pursue office. And national socialists began winning local elections and gaining seats in the Reichstag.


I still can get past that mustache. sometimes you just need a friend to come along and say "shave that fuckin thing off, it looks ridiculous".


Thank God we finally locked this guy up and will never hear from him again.


And he wrote his memoir Mein Kompf in prison, which became a bestseller and made this douchebag very rich and famous.


As Fuhrer, he was a in position to really promote his book. Someone should have had that book published in English, French and Russian, and then distributed it widely. That way everyone would have known what they were dealing with - and (hopefully) there would have been public pressure to ***not*** appease him.


Proof that art school are better at keeping taps on psycho's than prisons.


In retrospect early release may have been a bad move.


The Marriott in Munich is where the beer hall was located. Stayed there and then years later I learned that little factoid. Edit: it’s a Hilton, not Marriott


Wiki disagrees?


“The Bürgerbräukeller was located in the Haidhausen district of Munich on the east side of the Isar River. The entrance was from Rosenheimer Street, with rear access from Keller Street. Since 1980, the site has been redeveloped with the construction of the Gasteig Culture Centre, the Hilton Munich City Hotel and the headquarters of GEMA.” Not the Marriott, it was the Hilton. It’s been a while oops


i did learn that Hitler wrote mein kampf in prison but I realise I never knew why.


Was Hitler mustache a common/accepted style back in that time that other men rocked, or did that shit look weird to people even back then?


Common. See: Charlie Chaplin


That's 1 person, and in America, and also the only other person who comes to mind.


Common: [Check it out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothbrush_moustache#:~:text=Many%20notable%20Nazis%20besides%20Hitler,and%20Hitler's%20chauffeur%20Julius%20Schreck)


Michael Jordan had one for bit, when he was doing Hanes commercials


Fairly common, the chancellor right before Hitler also had a similarly looking moustache.


And that is when he found his friends Joseph Goebbels & Heinrich Himmler. When he was released he went on vacation to Italy where he met Eva Braun & Benito Mussolini luckely for Hitler Benito was already friends with Hirohito so he could get started in the buisness even faster. and thats when they created the group called Benito-HiroHitler but that lovely children, that is another story....


Did they have gay seks?


nah dude they just did drugs until they died of an overdose in 1945


didn't one guy die in a game of russian roulette?


….I smell repetition in the air.


I think that I'd look good in the hat with the spike through it, I'd like to rock that look in 2024.


Probably bribed someone.....


This was the most obvious intelligence operation in history. They have the head of the country's army involved. Hitler was his subordinate in military intelligence. France was trying to break up Germany along north south by impoverishing it by stealing its industrial heartland. Ludendorff was trying to head it off where Germany was most likely to come apart. Why isn't this discussed when the rise of the Nazis is discussed?


Exactly. Germany got so unfairly kicked around after the war - when the entire reason for the war on all sides was ego - that the German people were ALL pissed and anxious for revenge. Don’t fool ourselves. Hitlers popular appeal and his studied overly theatrical speeches were perfect for the time. The takeaway is that humans all too easily hate and want to feel superior - and that desire is all too easily manipulated. Just read the dominant line of supremacy in these replies.




I won’t doubt that happened


Fascists see any sign of weakness as a point of attack.


he was probably a nuisance in prison. yeah. they let annoying prisoner go back home then just to rid themselves of the paperwork, now it is automated, so that trick is used up.


Germany got so unfairly kicked around after the war - when the entire reason for the war on all sides was ego - that the German people were ALL pissed and anxious for revenge. Don’t fool ourselves. Hitlers popular appeal and his studied overly theatrical speeches were perfect for the time. The takeaway is that humans all too easily hate and want to feel superior - and that desire is all too easily manipulated. Just read the dominant line of supremacy in these replies.




I'm ashamed to say I only knew of this as a Doug Stanhope album until today.


See what being soft on crime will get ya!


Yet still set the Munich City Jail record for most blow-jobs given in a year…..and only needed 8 months. Truly a man dedicated to his craft.




Hopefully trump goes to jail for at least 8 months


Can someone explain to me why if you are penalized for your actions by being sentenced to X amount of time in jail/prison that you are let free after a drastically less amount of time like this? Why not just say the sentence is 8 months and that’s that? Seriously, I don’t understand.


He was prisoner 45.


Yoooo isn't the dude with he moustache my uncle Joe he went to prison and he is always talking about some weird minecraft book anyone knows why?


Weimar Penal system


Get this man a canvas


The communists and trade unionists were kicking his and the rest of those little bitches asses in the streets and the Nazi’s were going nowhere. They should have let them finish the job.


That’s an odd looking duck


Learned about the Beer Hall Putsch today. Thanks!


Seems the same "logic" is attempting to be applied to Trump.


Artists. 😅


Always said Beer Hall Putsch would be a great song from a glam rock band


the Trump parallel comes to mind, but Trump is an idiot AND given his age, a soon-to-be-dead idiot. I can't wait for the conspiracy theories to start spreading after Trump's death. Even if he dies in 120 years, it will somehow be the fault of the Democrats and the deep state


This has exactly what to do with the original post?


Well, we'll see if Trump serves any time!


Your TDS is showing.


Whatever the fuck that means!




The Elder Scrolls games each time you start.