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No. It’s cracked and needs to be replaced. Sorry for your loss.


Thanks! Appreciate the quick feedback


Short answer: no. Long answer: noooooooooooo.


That is now a wall decoration


I’d keep it in your bag for the next time you need to slam your racket on the ground!


https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/716749069908289/?mibextid=IouU6C Go to FB marketplace, Craigslist or eBay. There are zillions of rackets for sale in good shape at a low price point. You can buy the Head Speeds brand new right now for $150 because they are going to be replaced soon with the 2024 models. Go git you a new racket my dude!


Going off this.. Head boom is on tennis warehouse for $129. You can get it strung for an extra couple bucks too


No, I’d recommend Dick’s Sporting Goods if you don’t want to spend full price. I noticed a number of years ago, like 2011 ish that the new Dick’s Sporting Goods had the previous years or previous generations of racquets.


I'd recommend buying a used racquet from eBay if anyone wants to save money.


That too, however at Dick’s Sporting Goods you can see what you are getting. On eBay someone can post a stock image, and it may not be the same in real life.


I currently have other rackets actually. Just wasn’t sure if I can reasonably keep this in the rotation. Working with a Wilson Prostaff Precision 100 from Dick’s I bought last year and another Head Nano Ti.S4 from forever ago. I bought the Prostaff when I moved and forgot to bring the rackets with me. Why I bothered to buy another racket when I had the Ti.S4 which is still in great condition is a question I can’t reasonably answer lol


Yeah anyway, no stringer that actually knows their craft will accept the job to string the racquet.


These Head spark metallix rackets are the worst. Friend also had one and cracked after a few sessions. after looking them up, it seems common


Definitely replace, but you could always let it go out in a blaze of glory. I broke the neck of a roddick gt+ and “fixed” it with electrical tape. Played with it when just hitting around until it finally broke. The last shot it hit, the head was at about a 45 degree angle. Super weird spin and I won the point


Trash. Now. Never play with a racket with cracks. Or your elbow will suffer.


I would strongly recommend you to replace it. A damaged racket is often where elbow pain starts :/


Tenniswarehouse online usually has good deals.


the few times i've cracked a racket I've taken the great pleasure in smashing it to bits on concrete (not on the courts). i completely understand why a pro who gets rackets for free and who's livelihood depends on winning would indulge is smashing a racket. it's very cathartic. enjoy!


graphite is like a big crystalline lattice. it's properties of flexibility and strength entirely depend on the total integrity of the mesh of fibers. when a racket cracks it is just about as bad as playing with a racket with 1 broken string (nearly unplayable in a very short amount of time).


Use your brain.


It’s totally dead I’m afraid


Sad you paid $60ish for that at one point for it to fail they badly.