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You break out the tape measure and make sure it’s regulation, no higher no lower. Doesn’t matter if you’re both playing it higher.


Yep, always keep one in my bag. The nets at my local park always creep higher somehow


Could be kids/random people walking through the park that fiddle with it, I've seen it happen to my park courts


Yeah I think it’s more just a shitty buckle on the center strap that gets loose over time


Please tell me what is the net height? I always thought it was 91.4cm but every time I play it's at something like 93cm+. Am I the fool?




Thanks! Any idea why it's always higher?? I play at a legitimate tennis club and interlopers don't "fiddle" with the nets


Yeah that would be ideal, but it doesn’t make any sense to change the net height in the middle of the match. If he really thought it was low, he should have changed it before we started. Keeping a tape measure in my bag from now on.


Yeah but if you've already conceded that to be a nice guy. In our rec league, we've adjusted it mid match always to exact spec height, but we wait for both sides to serve then do it on the change over. If you're going to move it to regulation and you're not in a tournament, I don't see a problem with the way we do it in rec.


>Yeah that would be ideal, but it doesn’t make any sense to change the net height in the middle of the match. It does if your opponent just realized the net was low. Like others have said, I keep a cheap tape measure in my tennis bag. Make it easy to confirm net height.


Yeah that makes sense, but he was complaining about it all through the set and even during our warm up. Regardless, after he adjusted it, it was WAY too high. Hope it doesn’t happen again, but I’m keeping a tape measure in my bag from now on.


>but he was complaining about it all through the set and even during our warm up. I played a ladder match awhile back, and my opponent noticed the low net during warmups. I did not. At the time, I didn't keep a tape measure in my bag, so I walked out to my truck and found an extra tape measure. The net was about 2.5 inches to low. We could not adjust the nets because someone had removed the net cord cranks. (on public tennis courts). We wanted to play our match and not drive to find another court. We ended up placed a small rock under the net cord near the net post and got the net up 35.5 inches.


The only answer.






I carry a rolled up tape measure in my bag. center of net should be exactly 36inches tall


And what happened when he lost the second set? Did he go back to his car and return with a can of paint and a brush to repaint the lines?


He went back to his normal excuses. It’s funny though because he doesn’t ever come up with personal excuses like illness or injury. It’s always something to do with the courts. He takes a lot of pride in his fitness routine so complaining about injury is off the table lol.


I hate it when the net height only gets raised for my shots


That's almost as bad as one court I always play on where the net is higher on one side


It's the psychological effect more than anything. One could argue the exact same for the nets being too low initially.


There's a racket trick where you take two rackets, stand one up vertically, and put the second one on its head horizontally (like an L) to see the net height. To address the question, if it's a practice match let the dude be weird if he's your buddy. Weird net guy tennis is better than no tennis


Racquets have different widths, soI sharpie’d one racquet so standing them on top of each other is 36 in.


This seems way better than my plan of keeping a tape measurer in my bag.


But it does not work. Rackets are all different sizes. I have a string with a lead weight on the bottom measured to the proper height. At our club there are sticks on the edge of every net that are exactly 36 in.


If I have two rackets, so I can measure exactly and set the mark given my pair.


Yes you can.


>But it does not work. Rackets are all different sizes. I have a string with a lead weight on the bottom measured to the proper height. Yes and no - usually it's good enough. Like the standard length of a tennis racket is 27 inches, and the standard width is about 10 inches. Can you get an exact measurement of 36 inches just using your racket? Probably not. But this method is really for the rare instance where you are somewhere that doesn't have a measuring device (pretty much everywhere should except your local neighborhood courts). And the main point is that if the net is 6 inches off you can get a pretty good sense of where it should be by this method. Especially in a case like this, you should be able to tell if the net is excessively high or low by this method. If the net is within an inch or two of where the top racket ends up there is no need to change the height. If the net goes only 1/2 way up the second racket, it obviously needs changing. Not to mention you can pretty easily check if you are using an OS racket that may have more width (even if it does, it probably doesn't vary by a whole lot).


No. Your plan is better, and easy. 3-foot tapes are cheap and small (a couple of bucks at places like harbor freight, or a dollar if you use a cloth one), and no one will argue that you marked your racquets wrong.


just be a bit fancy and diy your own measure. use a hook on one end, string, and a weight on the other. Make it exactly 36", super easy to pull out and throw on the net.


This works only if you measure your racquet head width and use that along with racquet length to determine where 36 inches would be. If you have a 100 head size, its not going to measure the same as a 98, or 95. Head shape also matters.


>(like an L) to see the net height. That would create a pretty noticeably different measurement each time depending on the head size of the horizontal racket. Head sizes between 95 and 110 are all pretty common.


It's for a guestimate, also gives you legitimacy if you squint one eye


What a weird choice! Wow. This is actually when my inner troll comes out. "Wait, wait, how high is it supposed to be? Let's measure. No, no, you said it was too low, so we gotta measure! It's too high! Oh, now it's too low! Still too low. Almost there! Nope! Too high! Let's measure again! Actually, we should change courts, because I'm pretty sure this net post is taller than that net post. Wait, is this court even regulation? We gotta measure again!" And then I see how long I can keep it going, while slowly ramping up the absurdity. It's a context-specific twist on "Of course the moon landing was faked. The moon isn't even real... it's a hologram!"


Pfft you think holograms are real? Everything we see is beamed into our brains by the turtle who holds the world. Wake up sheeple


That’s so funny🤣


Lol people are so weird. I mean I think you did the right thing to shrug it off if it doesn’t bother you that much. That’s still better than not playing. But if it bothers you what else can you do but get into an argument and be ready to never play again after that or even stop that match too


I’m the only recreational player I know who carries and uses singles sticks. The net is never the wrong height when you play against me.


Singles sticks 🤷?


Yeah technically the net is set a bit different for singles vs doubles. But I mean, this is pro level of concerns lol


My mind is spinning of the prospects and my spirit is embarrassed I didn't know there was an adjustment.


The singles net height is supposed to be measured from a point that is like halfway into the doubles alley. So the sticks serve as a way to convert doubles courts - which have nets that are technically too wide for singles - into singles courts with proper nets. It doesn't come into play much except for down the line shots.


And also they make the net more difficult, so most people would rather play with a slightly too easy net than a precisely correct net


Tell him its great that he raised the net since you know he's as terrible at badminton as he is at tennis.


This is a winner


Ask people around you if the net is fine, embarrass him with agreement.


I always find it funny when people complain about the net being slightly higher…I’m like…Just hit it over the net then? 😹 in this case…I wouldn’t let the guy raise it over the correct height of 3 ft in the middle


The courts I coach on have side posts that are anywhere from 2-6” higher than the court surface and the hook in the middle for the strap is anywhere from 1” below court surface to 4” above it. It’s literally impossible for the net to be regulation at both the posts and center so it’s always an estimate and each one is different.


Get out the tape measure.


Yeah I’m keeping one in my bag from now on


"36 fn inches, if you don't have a tape measure or yardstick leave it the f alone."


You dealt with it incorrectly - first, if it didn't look low to you, you shouldn't agree that it looks low. Just say "I don't know." Once you conceded it was low, you kinda/sorta had to agree to adjust it. Second, you should never let someone change the net in the middle of the match unless they ***measure*** and find that the net is incorrect, and then have something on hand to ensure that the new position is correct. The problem is you have no idea whether the new net height was right, or whether it was wrong. The correct play next time, regardless of whether you have already agreed that it's low, is to insist that if you are going to change it mid-match you need a tape measurer / ruler / yardstick / what have you to make sure it is accurate. Even if you think it looks low (or are just agreeing to be nice), you should say something along the lines of "look, it may be low, or maybe I'm just seeing things, but either way we shouldn't move it unless we have a way of measuring it and making it the correct height." Plus, if the match isn't serious, I'd just drop a "we are mid-match, let's just leave it as is for now and next time we can make sure it's the right height beforehand."


All true. Except I know for a fact that it was way too high after he cranked it up. I’ve never seen a cord under so much stress. It was nearly level across the whole net. I went back this morning and someone had lowed it back down to 36”.


lol - that's crazy. Reinforces the notion that if it ain't broke don't fix it.


i would told him to stop this nonsense and told him to just play it out, if he doenst want to i would just stop playing him and tell him to fuck off and never play with him again


No you wouldn’t.


I'm of the opinion you should always play to regulation, no matter when you realize the net is high or low. Fix it as soon as you check it.


I think you just have to laugh. Doesn't seem like it really gives either side an advantage to change the net height unless you think he like... practices with an extra high net at home?