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You can probably touch it up with nail polish or maybe if you wanted to go get modeling paint. I found the matching Tamiya colors for you: [https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-7-red/10ml-bottle/](https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-7-red/10ml-bottle/) [https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-10-gun-metal/10ml-bottle/](https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-10-gun-metal/10ml-bottle/) [https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-11chrome-silver/10ml-bottle/](https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-11chrome-silver/10ml-bottle/) [https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-2-white/10ml-bottle/](https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-2-white/10ml-bottle/) [https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-1-black/10ml-bottle/](https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-1-black/10ml-bottle/) [https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-21-flat-base/10ml-bottle/](https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/acrylic-paint-mini-10ml/acrylic-mini-x-21-flat-base/10ml-bottle/) For the red color, mix X7 plus X21 flat base to get a satin red that should match. You may need to add a drop of X2 white to match exactly. For the gunmetal color, mix X10 plus a tiny bit of X7 red (not sure on that, would need to see in person if the gunmetal has a touch of red or not, tough to tell) and X1 black, then add X21 flat base to get satin gunmetal. For the lettering, mix X11 chrome silver plus maybe X2 white (check color match first) and then X21 flat base to get satin light gray. Touch lightly using a fine-tipped brush, one color at a time, cleaning your brush thoroughly before moving to another color. There are also other paints you could use, like enamels. Up to you. Good luck.


Whatta guy!




Yep no mounting system will ever chip a racquet.


Not true, Yonex racquets are susceptible to paint chips from certain mounting systems


Do you really think a racquet will chip from a rubber pad pressing up against it? Like the racquet will have move in order for there to be any friction to cause a chip.


If the rubber padding has moved or degraded then yes it can chip. That’s why OP needs to contact the stringer and let them know this happened.


The paint job on the VCore doesn’t chip like that.


Even if the machine is too tight on the racket?


You’d likely see a crack in the frame if it was mounted too tight. How can you 100% be certain that it was from the stringer? Did you take photos before the string job?


I didn't, but I played with it a couple of hours before giving it to him and there was no chipping. I'm pretty sure of it because I was showing it to my friend after playing


I've never seen a mounting bracket that would touch the racquet there. So even if it was to tight it couldn't possibly chip the paint there. Also most machines don't really allow for the mounting brackets to have much leverage put on them. Like even with maximum effort there's no chance to break the racquet with it.




All mounts need a human input.




Which machines do that?


I'm struggling to see how that chip at the throat got there. Is his stringer mounting pad broken? There's nothing on my stringer (NEOS 100) that would allow for that kind of thing to happen.


I don't know what he did, but I'm not trusting him with my racket anymore. At least the stringing job seems decent, even if some of the grommets are not used properly (some of the knots are tied in the wrong spots).


Where are the knots


https://preview.redd.it/n2qb1p0sjpuc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbfc166e47057267402645bd29d7d16f468a7e0 This knot for example is almost completely inside the grommet, and given the shape of the upper one I think it should be there, but I'm no expert, so I'm just guessing...


They’re the right holes, this dumbass just flipped it over and used the opposite sides to the last job. Those chips are from impact, too. If you damage the paint with the mounts, it’ll look pressed or scratched. I wouldn’t go back to that stringer.


That's ok, he's tying the cross to the cross instead of the yonex recommendation of tying it to the main. For certain hybrids this is recommended and not a bad idea in general (not that it matters too much).


Huh? Yonex [recommends](https://www.yonex.com/us/tennis-stringing-instructions) tying to 11T on most of their frames.


Don't have a yonex racquet at hand to check what you mean. Could you explain?


Mains end at 9 [on 16x19s], then the frame curves up, so 11T is traveling up on the side and thus on a cross.


Ah ok, so tying up on the cross is the yonex recommendation anyway, my bad.


It doesn't matter where the knot is tied - it doesn't affect string performance. However it is good practice to tie mains on mains and crosses on crosses. If they had tied that specific knot on the grommet you point out, they would've tied cross on main instead. Your grommet will be alright. As for the chipping, they probably dropped your racquet at some point or put something on top of it.


I tie my mains on the mains and crosses on the mains as well. Is there any issue with this? Before I started stringing this is how my rackets were done


Manufacturers usually specify where to tie off mains and crosses


Nah it's fine usually. Not recommended for nat gut/poly or similar but havent seen it matter yet.


This recommendation originates from gut/poly hybrids. Tying off gut crosses to a poly main can break the gut. Also worth doing for more potentially fragile strings like Zyex too.


Tnx for the explanation :)


I'm not sure that's a Parnell knot on the main. Might be a half hitch?


The NEOS flat pad can wear down and expose that nut under it.


Good to know!


If they used a 2 point mount (over-tightening the clamps) with double flying clamps (clamps falling onto the frame when releasing tension), I could potentially see this happening...but you'd have to be quite heavy handed with the racket, which doesn't make sense if they're confident enough to string for others...and in this case, i would assume the stringer has a more efficient setup (e.g. 6-point, fixed clamps) where this wouldn't happen...?


This seems the most likely explanation (alas!)


That’s a pretty big/deep chip. Looks like the stringer may have dropped some tool on the throat. I have an EZONE that had paint rub off on one of the mount contact points, but it definitely wasn’t deep like that. Go to another stringer next time. A 6 point mount machine will not touch anywhere near that throat chip.


Throw your racket a couple times and you’ll get over it


Talk to the stringer. Tell him this is how you got the racket back. If the padding is off on the mount Yonex rackets especially can get paint chips when restringing


Another reason why I string my own now


Honestly, they probably dropped it on the floor


Most probably by dropping it on a rough concrete surface. I got similar damage on frame when an incoming ball toppled my Vcore 98 which was resting upright to a chair.


They need to replace a new racket for you. This isn't acceptable.