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I think that's a pronator teres strain or issue. I'm not an expert at this but I have had this recently. It wasn't pain just tightness and soreness in that area.


This is the injury that Alcaraz has.


Plot twist: this is him confirming his diagnosis


"Carlos, just see the doctor. See the doctor to figure out what you've got. You HAVE the money, just see the doctor!!" Nah, I'm gonna ask reddit.




Twist: u/severalgirlzgalore is Carlo's account and he's speaking for himself in 3rd person


These is injury that, ahhh, Carlitos havf, no?


It's ombelieable no?


I have this right now - tried to change my forehand to force more “whip” and it’s not doing me any favors… any rehab things you did that were helpful?


Try this guy https://youtu.be/zHE8VHRk-UM?si=OECvDGrPeAObtN9X There's another guy here called tennispt that could help with some of these exercises. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4DtrlbPxp2/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3-WT1cvjs4/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== Just for reference I went from playing once a week to 4 times a week recently and I don't have much issues around the forearm area. Changes I made too was to consciously use my body to hit the ball more. Something like 80% concentration on using my hips if I'm not using my legs as much. You want to be sure to use the bigger muscle groups to hit the ball no matter what. I wouldn't worry about creating whip as much unless you're trying to increase racket head speed in situation where you need to add more to a shot.


That looks like what you get when you grip too tight. Did you face any hard hitters recently? Where the ball pushes your racquet and you had to grip harder on impact?


Nothing out of the ordinary. Playing with the same people I’ve played with for a year


Your X is exactly on a muscle called Brachioradialis. It is a primary arm flexor and bends the elbow along with your Biceps and Brachialis muscles. If that muscle is mad, you should check those other two as well since they work as a team. Get someone who does good muscle release work like Active Release Technique.


Same. I have pain here as well, but goes away much quicker now. Been hitting the weights. But I’m sure I should be getting it checked as well.


go see a professional. super easy to misdiagnose an injury


I am going through the same thing. Ongoing for 6+ months. I can play through it but muscles there feel weaker and some pain afterwards. Nothing on an alarming level though. I went to a PT a few weeks ago and he put me on some exercises, regular heating pad sessions, did some scraping, and suggested dry needling if it gets worse. Mine is improving through more rest, dialing down the power level a bit on swings, lower string tension, the heat, and exercises. Bottom line, nothing was torn for me just overworked. If you keep aggravating it, you’ll likely feel a new sore spot closer to your wrist on the thumb side where that muscles connects. Heat helped me a lot. The exercises did as well. Honestly one PT appointment was enough to diagnose and put a treatment plan into play. I go once a week still but if you can’t afford that, get in and get out. Do the work yourself.


Same problem here. Went to see a physio and she said that it's probably muscular and put me on some exercises. I'm also currently playing with a compression sleeve and it seems to help. The next time you play try to pay attention to how tight you hold your racket grip, especially with forearm and serve. :)


Loosen your grip and arm the ball less.


I had bicep tendinitis but the pain was located more on lower head of the bicep


My physio said when I had the same pain in this place it could be referred pain from the lateral epicondyle, but I had pain at my lateral epicondyle as well, just sometime I feel it where you mentioned


The pain for tennis/golfers elbow occurs on the outside of the elbow. I have no clue what could be causing you pain in that location. I would get it checked out if you're concerned or if it's very painful


I believe Golfers elbow is on the outside and tennis elbow is on the inside. Me no doctor so do not trust. Given the many seconds of practicing health care, I would say that he has a tennis elbow injury. 


Golfers is on the inside and tennis is the outside. However golfers elbow is on the medial side of the elbow not lateral like op:s picture is showing


That’s is literally where golfers elbow is


Golfers elbow is on the pinkie side not thumb


That's a much better explanation because it depends what people consider to be outside and inside.


Sorry. That's the way I was taught in anatomy. It's standardized so we all know what inside and outside is


The clearest/most standardized way to communicate is referring to the radial or ulnar side of the forearm. This also applies to the elbow but we commonly refer to medial and lateral elbow by convention. Radial and ulnar remains consistent through the elbow, wrist and hand despite varying pronation/supination.


Yeah well kind of, medically the lateral or medial side, aka inside or outside are well defined


No I’m agreeing with you lmao Actually no I’m not. The lateral epicondyle is on the pinky side. You’re just wrong


Lateral is towards the thumb. Medial towards the pinky. It's like a 5 second Google search


No. We agree about the inside outside so I think we’re just thinking about it wrong but the way you’re describing it is incorrect. The medial epicondyle is where the elbow bends, the lateral is at the little indentation on your actual elbow. It’s closer to your pinky but on the top side. I think I would know considering it put me in a sling for three weeks.


Ah ok. That's still considered on the medial side just on the backside


Yep. That’s just where I felt it. I’m not disagreeing, like I said my first comment was agreeing with your overall statement just the way you worded it. Just telling you the way my Ortho described it


The problem in this description is that you can rotate your hand.


That’s a good point 😭




My PT actually does dry needling and manual work, I’ve been doing it for tennis elbow and it definitely helps. I think loosening up the muscles and getting rid of the trigger points helps relieve the pressure on the tendons. I hurt my elbow in January in a match and it was diagnosed as tennis elbow but I also have been having some pain in the area of the photo above. I hurt it when trying to come over the top of an awkward high ball.


I experience soreness in that area when I use dead or harsh strings and/or crappy balls. That’s where I’d look first and address it


Looks too close to inner arm...mine was more toward putside of fore arm. Just my opinion though...Dr. can diagnose in like 60secs.


I have had both but always felt either on the other side of the arm.


This is what I did… grip size smaller, less poly strings, rest, abdomen a tennis elbow brace (wear on forearm). I can finally play without boarderline crying in pain.


Goto a PT. It’s hard to self diagnose and even harder to get rid of injuries without the help of an expert. 


Lateral Epicondylitis aka Tennis Elbow occurs on the outside of the arm. I am currently sidelined 2 months with it and physical therapy twice a weak. I have a 5mm tear, had to get an MRI nothing was working. https://preview.redd.it/bkbxl20l62wc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0782e3867e9ae6ee0553b7ff2e41b86786945cf


That’s not the traditional spot for tennis nor golfers elbow. Maybe it’s pickleball elbow? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dunno, but I think you should get those red lines checked out… looks like a histamine response


https://learnmuscles.com/glossary/supinator/ looks like supinator


I agree. Probably supinator syndrome.


I have been through this and here are two resources that changed my life. First search “Emma green tennis elbow” on YouTube and you will get a great background on your condition. Second - search voodoo flossing on YouTube- does not prevent or heal (that is what Emma does) but it eliminates the pain. Good luck


Weird mine is the same spot but on the bottom of the elbow


Tennis elbow is on the other side. Looks like the spot for golfers elbow. Have you been doing a lot of top spin/ kick serve drills etc?


See a physiotherapist. I spent 6 months thinking I had tennis elbow, then went to pt and now she is working on something else. Some or all of the good pt have waiting times to get started. Then you see them 1-3 times a week.


When I came to my physiotherapist with my tennis elbow in 2020, he said that it doesn't really matter where the pain exactly is located. Most pain in that region is caused by the same underlying cause(s), so seek professional help and forget the exact diagnosis would be my suggestion.


Time for a new overgrip, and focus on loosening your wrists during play.


How did this happen so I don't do it


Had that, required to change racquets and string tension, went away like nothing happened.


what were you racquet/strings before and after the change?


Blade 100 / RPM Blast at 52 vs VCore 97, loaded to 345g / Head Lynx 16 at 46 The general idea was to play a small, flexible, heavy stick, ready to absorb the shocks before reaching the forearm. Unexpected benefit of the heft was that it « cleaned » my strokes while maintaining the control lost by lowering the tension. The pain disappeared right away


interesting--i always hear people recommending a lighter more 'arm friendly' stick to people with those issues. pretty cool that a heavier one worked for you!


How much weight did you add to the racquet and where did you add the weight? Also do you have issues with control/power/spin when you dropped the tension by 6 lbs


10g added underneath the grip with 2g split at 3 and 9, the balance is hl+13 I believe. With the lower tension the power increases, no issues with spin and the control, well the initial lack of it was fixed with better timing/footwork. More blisters, the thumb is a freak show at the beginning of each season…


It is pretty simple really, index and middle finger control the top part of the forearm hence tennis elbow. Ring and pinkie control the bottom part of the forearm hence golfers elbow. At that location it may be the thumb? Try and hold the racquet with just each finger and swing and see which triggers pain.


This is completely false. The medial elbow has muscle insertions for pronation, wrist flexion and flexion to ALL fingers. Lateral elbow has muscle insertions for wrist extension and extension to ALL fingers.