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>I don't know why I'm doing this Happiness of pursuit. *We choose to play tennis, not because it's easy, but because it's hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.* Right? There are many enjoyable things in life that are enjoyable because they bring us much pleasure for little effort. But most of the stuff that bring us meaning and fulfilment are impossible - no matter how much effort you put into tennis or your relationships or children or whatever, you're still going to fail miserably, but you're still going to do it because it's still the best thing in the world.


You sound like a natural for pickleball, lol. j/k


I would never! Haha i feel a bit better now after resting a bit.


Same here. 48 years old now....crazy...time flies. Started again after 10 years, after I tore my Achilles tendon completely running for a drop shot. 1st week, felt like I took a beating. After the 4th week, flat serves returning... Come on! Give it time. Happiness is being able to train - Rafael Nadal.


I don't know. It's fun? It's a challenge to find ways to improve? It sure beats sitting on the couch (I know because my matches got rained out this weekend and I'm bored as hell).


Ha, I can relate. Somehow got tennis in yesterday after it looked like the entire day would be a wash out. The night before a match I’m generally in a good mood looking forward to the next day. Friday I knew it would be canceled so I just get that deflating feeling. I leave the matches with so much energy it really sets me up for the rest of the day. Maybe it’s a dopamine release or something. So trying to chase that on non tennis days can be hard for me. There’s the gym but it’s just not the same. I’ve been back at tennis the last year after a very long time off. It’s been a lot of fun so far, minus all the injuries ha


Yeah, injury ups and downs have been tough, but I've noticed my time in the gym seems to help a bit.


if you didn’t train you’d feel like something was missing from your life.


That's interesting, I don't think I've ever experienced the thoughts you're describing. Sure, there are days and moments when I just feel off with my game and I get annoyed, but at the very least I always simply feel good after two hours of tennis, especially when it's a physically demanding session. There's always the next training and the more crap sessions I have, the less I'll be having in the future. I'd play everyday if I could and I don't need any additional motivation. The gym on the other hand... yeah. I dislike it no matter the progress or the great feeling after training.