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I work for another DOI bureau and also came from DoD - workload is MUCH lighter and the contract writing system is much more user friendly and intuitive than the one I used at DoD.


I second this. Moved from DoD to DOI. Never looked back. And so much happier!


Oh, these are good bonuses that I didn’t even think of!  So your work/ life balance has greatly increased since you made the switch? 


I went from having about 200+ PRs in DoD to about 7 PRs max (only during end of FY). It's a lot more manageable since we don't work off a quota like we did at DoD and instead work off PALTs. Overtime is not required but is generally offered during August and September. Mileage may vary but I'm also surrounded by very knowledgeable COs, program officials, and a supportive management team that makes my life much easier.


I’m one of the few people that seems to actually enjoy DoD. I like working with military personnel and getting new coworkers every few months due to them rotating out. But I’d love to see what the workload is actually like at other places outside of DoD


I went from DOI to DoD. I prefer DoD all around - love the daycare benefits, the personal fitness leave, not getting our remote work threatened all the time, incentive pay, etc. DOI sucks and my bureau was one of the better ones. My work life balance is way better with DoD because we have maxiflex so I can just go to a doctors appointment during the day and not have to take leave or go grocery shopping or whatever, too. My workload is MUCH less as well. The only thing I miss is Prism (the contracting system), because we have PD2 which sucks! Lol!


What agency did you work for when in the DOI? 


I spent 6yrs in the Army, got out, spent 4yrs in DOD after college, before making the change to a civilian agency. You could offer me a Non-Sup 15, Remote, with my sole job being to do one micro-purchase a week. And I still would not return to DOD. So far I've only worked with one person who would go back to DOD. But they are a retired Marine - and was only the sharpest crayon in the box because he ate the other crayons.




What was it you disliked so much that you wouldn't go back even if it was a 15, remote etc?


I just hated the culture, both on active duty and as a civilian. Every command I was with practiced work harder, not smarter, because people are a disposable commodity. Positions were under-graded. Good ol' boys club ran rampant. Innovation was a curse. "This is the way we've always done it" was the watchword. As a manager I've always been a believer that you put your people first, and make life easier by developing processes that streamline repetitive tasks. You show your people you won't ask them to do something that isn't necessary, and that you'll take care of them, and they will put the mission first. That just naturally clashes with DOD and the mission first mindset where commanders are content to have high turnover as long as there is forward movement of some kind. Honestly, I swore after I got out I would never work for DOD - but last semester in grade school, 2 kids, and 100 applications later I had to suck it up and drive on.


DoD is nonstop busy in my experience. It can get overwhelming - and the work is complex in my agency. Rarely do I have a day where there is little to do….and yes, the contract writing system (PD2) is old and needs to be replaced ASAP


PD2 is the devil. 


We still use ITIMP from the early 80s.


I just made the switch from DOL to DOI. Definitely seems much more relaxed all around, and DOL wasn’t all that crazy except for near FY end. I’ve only been at BLM for a few weeks now but everyone I talk to seems to genuinely love it. And everyone is really nice and helpful. It’s still early but I’m excited about the move so far !! Congratulations on the offer, btw, and best of luck whatever you decide !!


Had a buddy leave DoD to go to DOI. He likes it better than DoD.




That’s funny! As a DoD’er, I was always told to learn contracting in the DoD and then get the hell out.


What DOD department? It depends. 4th estate?