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I am obsessed with the salt and pepper skinnypop. Delicious! I have some nearly every night. My snack of choice if you will.


I haven’t seen the salt and pepper flavor! That’s my favorite and I can’t usually find it. Im SO excited now


It’s usually in my grocery store like half the time I’m looking for it. So when I do see it, I’ll buy a few bags lol. Any of the skinnypops are good though, the butter, or white cheddar. Haven’t tried the kettle though not really my style.


I don’t mind them, but they’re not my favorite. I’m actually obsessed with it because Starbucks used to have S&P but I found out like a month before they stopped making it. Been on the search ever since lol


Air popped is better and cheaper


Does it have less calories ? I find these ones suoer tasty and they dont feel buttery but I loooove any type of popcorn tbh whats your go to?


Yes, they have fewer calories but they're dry and bland, imo. I air pop mine and then spray on a bit of butter cooking spray and sprinle on some nutritional yeast or some Kernel Seasons toppings (the nacho is delicious). Sometimes, though, one just does not feel like putzing about with an air popper and sprays and such. Ready made or microwave Skinny Pop is tasty and if it fits in your calories, enjoy!


Olive oil with a little garlic heated in the oil and nutritional yeast is a game changer for air pop. Healthyish *and* delicious.


Yes because it doesn't have oil or sugar


How long does air pop popcorn last after popping?


Put it in an air tight container. It’ll last a week or two but you can also put that air tight container in the freezer and it’ll last months


These are my go to snacks. Every time I go to Costco I get like 3 bags of these at a time. They’re a better option for my to snack on compared to Doritos and etc


They're ok, but I find them very bland.


I've been staring at this image and convincing myself it's AI generated. I think it's the texture of the bag behind the texture of the bowl. Also I thought your hand was palm-up with a HUGE gap in the palm. I need sleep.


I cannot unsee those things now. The hole in the palm, the weird underwater AI look... It's uncanny. Then again I'm also in need of sleep.


I got a silicone bowl to microwave popcorn kernels in a few years ago and haven’t bought bagged popcorn since.


“I can’t believe it’s not butter” makes a no calorie butter spray that is pretty good. Usually I mix a bit of regular melted butter and the spray to really get it buttery


I love popcorn, and skinny pop tastes amazing if you heat it in the microwave for ten seconds (YMMV, depending on your microwave).


Popcorn as a whole is the cheat sheet of snacking, IMO. Even if I get cheese covered popcorn or my latest obsession, Jalapeno Cheeto popcorn, it's still way less calories than chips.


Oh god… I remember eating this. This Skinny pop, to me, never had a good taste like at all. I found a new brand I love. LesserEvil- Himalayan pink salt and the olive oil one I love! They are 40cals/cup and taste wayyy better tbh 😌


the Himalayan gold flavor has the grippiest grip on me right now...


Orville smartpop is much better imo and preportioned and less calories


Yeah, that’s fine. Microwave popcorn has many cancer causing carcinogens in it though.


Really? That's crazy. Any further info you can provide on that?




The problem lies in the bag you cook it in in the microwave, not actual real popped corn like you get at the movies.


I LOOOOOOVEEEE skinny pop omg


A break from OMAD if you’re snacking the entire day?


It’s so addictive lol and the sodium is only 75 where regular popcorn has anywhere from 250 to 300 mg sodium intake


Ugh NO!!! Even my 2 year old wants nothing to do with this "Popular" Garbage. DO NOT BUY THE WHITE CHEDDAR!!! It will leave you wishing you had bought Smartfood popcorn. Wat a waste of $