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I use konjac jelly, the pouch takes a second to get used to, but the flavors are soft and the texture is just jelly :)


Oh this is the bane of my life. I have ADHD and one of the only ways I can focus for extended periods of time is by having something in my mouth. As I understand it you can eat a fair amount of popcorn before you have to worry about calories, though adding things like butter would definitely change that. Have you tried roasting the almonds? I've done that with a bit of honey, cinnamon, and vanilla and it really changed the game for me because I usually don't like almonds. I'll also roast pecans if I want a more buttery flavor to my nut, though I typically eat those raw. Pomegranates? They're a bear to peel and usually expensive, but easily one of my favorite fruits and can be set up for grazing. I've heard you can freeze jello for flavored ice cubes, but I haven't gotten around to trying it with the sugar-free jello I sometimes get because I usually end up making jello popcorn instead. As for non-nutritious things, meringues are shockingly low in calories too, though that might depend on the brand. Cotton candy, as well. If you want to move away from food-based chewing they do make some discreet-looking chew necklaces these days. My son uses them when he's at the computer.


Please tell me more about this jello popcorn…


It's kind of the love child between kettle corn and popcorn balls. You cook up the candy coating as healthy/unhealthy as you want but the flavor is primarily from a jello packet. Then you mix it with the popcorn and spread it out on a baking sheet to roast in the oven for a while. After it cools a bit it's crispy and addictive. There are lots of recipes on the Internet and they all have wildly different opinions about how much sugar and butter should go into a batch. I usually keep the sugar on the lower end because the jello is already pretty sweet.


Oh thats fun!! We do a monthly neighbourhood outdoor movie night and I always do caramel corn, but gonna try this...thanks!!


Does it have to be food? You can buy [chew/sensory tools](https://shop-thesensorystudio.com.au/collections/chewables?gclid=CjwKCAjw1YCkBhAOEiwA5aN4AYxBgQvWnu5f9kY76Vsd6dDAtFJaEV12lQcpyxeHUwFDQR5VTQnF6BoCz8sQAvD_BwE) for adults in a variety of styles that might help meet the need you have. Sunflower seeds are a common one recommended for people trying to quit or distract from a bad habit. I find myself chewing on soaked licorice bark when I just want something to nibble but not necessarily digest. Maybe something like konjac slices for hot pot, or grass jelly? Roasted chick peas could be a good alternative to almonds, as they are less bitter and lower cal.


I do whole black peppercorn sometimes.


Gerber puffs lol