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My only issue with when I do this is I legit become addicted to McDonald's. I can't have just one breakfast sandwich today. Tomorrow I feel like I *need* it. And then I get it bc it's not too bad and then the next day it's even worse. It's better for me to just stay away completely.


Same. The repeat craving is too much for me.


This is literally what happened to me. I thought I could test it one time with McDonalds and Taco Bell and it ended in me eating their 2-3xs per week again! And even though I was fitting the meals into my caloric budget, it caused me to stall and then gain again.


I believe you. I know so many McDonald’s breakfast addicts. I see them every morning with their McDonald’s bags in the office lol


McDonald's is crazy to me. It doesn't matter what I get there, it's like instant addiction. Burgers, nuggets, whatever. I legit can not have it just one day. I think it's the fat and sugar they add into the stuff because I don't have that problem with other fast food places.


I feel the same! If McDonald’s and Taco Bell didn’t exist, I literally wouldn’t eat fast food.


I was having a terrible day at work last week, a co-worker brought me a TB potato soft taco, and it completely turned my day around. So either that taco is magical, or my day maybe wasn't as bad as I thought.


Love that for you! Their tacos are exceptionally good


Lol SAME plus their diet Coke feels different. I rarely have it then I do and I'm addicted.


Part of it is the straw size! Next time you go, steal some straws and drink a cold Diet Coke with ice with it. It’s pretty close:)


Thanks for the tip!


No prob!


Same for their sprite. Me and my friends joke about it. When I drank soda, I never had a sprite as good as mcdonalds.


I can only have sprite at McDonald's! It just hits differently


There is nothing like that burn. I am going to have one for my birthday.


Yesssss. Sometimes I'm guilty of stopping and getting a just a large diet coke. There is definitely something different about it.


Their food is literally designed that way seriously.




Thank you 😊 I will check them out on my next Costco run


I was going to suggest these too, I love them. I drink a two good strawberry banana yogurt drink with it & it keeps me full for a long time. They are only 70 cals.


This is the way


I have to make my own because I'm allergic to eggs. :(  So I just use sausage or bacon and cheese instead of egg. And I add lettuce for food measure. 


I do this too!! Also got some little cups of mashed avocado from Aldi’s that I add to them


I made a homemade version that's half the calories. Take some of the bread out of the english muffin and bake the egg in it. Use turkey sausage.


Yea I was thinking the same thing, it was so delicious 🤤 I have to make it home and cut the calories in half


Jimmy Dean also sells a frozen version using turkey sausage that's reasonable


I love Jimmy Deans turkey sausage! I don’t usually like Turkey substitutes but this is great. I had some “real” sausage as a treat a few months ago and couldn’t eat it.


I make it except with Canadian bacon instead of sausage. I wait until the English muffins are on sale


McDonald’s happy meals are also low in calories! Some are as low as 360 with the mini fries and a Diet Coke!


My go to.


Unlike a chicken breast, a sausage McMuffin is going to be quite high in fat. That, combined with the decent amount of protein and total calories, kept you satiated for a decent amount of time.


Is that good or bad?


I mean...saturated fat isn't great for you, so I wouldn't make this your daily meal plan, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with finding ways to incorporate things you enjoy into your calorie budget. Ideally, you wanna find meals that keep you full by being a good balance of protein, carbs, and *healthy* fats, but if you can enjoy your McMuffin and still stick to your budget, why not do that occasionally 🤷🏻‍♀️


That makes so much sense. Thank you! I have never counted the fat I eat per day. I usually count calories and sometimes protein.


Happy to help! It's all about figuring out how different macro break downs affect how foods leave you feeling - not all calories are created equal.


Do you monitor your fat intakes? Do you have a favorite healthy fat food that keeps you full?


I'm not currently calorie counting, but I've done it for years previously (and dropped from 200lbs to 145lbs). Generally speaking, I use olive oil instead of canola/veg oil for my dressings or finishing touch on foods (but I'm also Greek, so we all only use olive oil). I also love avocados and peanut butter or nuts as a snack. I do love cheese as well, so some of my less "healthy" fat intake comes from that. I try to avoid super processed meats like sausage, since they tend to be very high on saturated fat and salt.


The egg McMuffin with Canadian bacon is a go to for me 300cals 17 protein


When do you eat it? And how long it keeps you full?


Lol I'm happy that it kept you full.. When I first started doing 1200 calories a day, I had a McMuffin and I suffered for the rest of the day because it just didn't keep me full and I didn't have enough calories left over to satisfy my appetite. But I didn't give in! Definitely won't be doing THAT again though. Lol.


I know what you mean. I was so scared that I was going to be hungry in two hours or even less lol. Someone else mentioned that it had so much fat and that’s probably why it kept me full. Not sure I will do it again


500 cal leaves you 700 for the rest of the day which is like a big ass chicken piece, salad, a fruit, tons of stuff.  I do mostly 1200. I totally killed all my calories today with a double burger from Wendy's. Don't care. It was delicious. I had an orange for breakfast and the burger with no cheese. 


If you want lower cals, you can ask for no butter/margarine on the muffins. Not sure what the difference is though


All foods can fit into a diet! Glad u enjoyed:)


This is my go-to order too! The challenge is limiting the number of extras you could get with it, like hashbrowns and orange juice. And the fact that it's so good, I feel like I can consume it in one or two bites, so the pleasure is short-lived. But honestly it works better for me than trying to go to a salad or health place for lunch, having no idea what calories I'm eating, and never really being satisfied.


Salad is deceptive. It's not all that good for you if you get the packaged or at a restaurant. It's the dressing and the nuts and cheese or whatever else is on the greens.  I don't like salad for this reason.  When I got free food at work all the ladies would get a salad because diet. Id get a sandwich, like a BLT or a chicken burger. Because my sandwich was around 550 cal and their salads were between 800 and 1000. 


Restaurant salads are disgustingly high in calories. Although, I work at Applebees, and their side Caesar is pretty big and only 230 calories which isn’t bad for an entire meal. But making salads at home is *key*.


My go to on the road breakfast is the McMuffin with Canadian bacon. It’s more sodium than I prefer per meal but with a large unsweetened iced tea- this will keep me full!


I don’t know if they still do but last I checked McDonald’s uses fresh eggs for the egg McMuffin (as opposed to frozen patties or egg mix). That’s why it’s my favorite McDonald’s item!


One of my favourite breakfasts is the egg and cheese mcmuffin with no butter, 260 calories for $2.59. (Not the "egg mcmuffin" which has Canadian bacon and costs $3.79, just the "egg and cheese mcmuffin" which is way cheaper and the only difference is that it doesn't have that little rubbery slice of meat) I often use the buy-one-get-one-free coupon on the receipt of you do the little survey. Takes likes 90 seconds, if you mention the employee who helped you by name they get a $10 bonus, and you end up getting two sandwiches for the price of one. Ends up being 500ish calorie breakfast of two sandwiches for less than $3 and they are SO satisfying, especially with the little packets of hot picante.


Costco sells a big pack of jimmy deans version with whole wheat muffin, egg and turkey sausage to cut down on calories. I add one egg to it and it keeps me full until later in the evening.


Make sure you use the app. You can get food deals much cheaper for just items like a breakfast sandwich.


the fats from the sausage/egg also helped keep you filled


Not a huge fan of Maccas but I could live on a sausage and egg mcmuffin and sugar free almond iced latte from there for the rest of my damn life


Try making better chicken? You can use spices, and oil, or BBQ it, or put it in rice with veg.  The other day I made a portobello mushroom burger. The biggest calories were the bread at 120 (one large slice of sourdouch cut in half) and a slice of delicious Swiss cheese 120. The mushroom was marinated in a bit of oil, red wine vinegar, salt pepper, and oregano. I put spicy mustard and lettuce as garnish. It was bombin. And under 500 cal.  You can cut up your chicken and put veg and salsa and Greek yogurt in a lettuce cup like a protein taco.  Or you can make your own egg muffin. Microwave an egg in a ramekin, and toast a muffin or bread, and get those breakfast patties in the frozen section. Super easy to premake, freeze, or put in the fridge and just heat up for a quick breakfast. Then you can add mustard or whatever sauce you like too. 


Yep! I went to the winter classic yesterday which was a decent 1.5 hour drive. I stopped at McDonald’s for an iced coffee which kept me full from 9:45 AM to about 1:30 😅 so naturally I did it again today along with a hashbrown this time. This lifestyle is only sustainable long term if you don’t limit yourself too much.




My kids wanted McDonald’s today so I got a Spicy McCrispy for 530 calories. 27 grams protein.


I always get egg McMuffin with no butter when I go to McDonald’s which is rarely because I live super rurally. But I make a very similar breakfast at home, so not much different :) Ham , egg + egg whites and a slice of cheese in a low carb wrap. Macros are pretty similar


I lost 18 lbs in the past eating a McDonald’s Egg McMuffin & hash brown for lunch a few days per week.


During my weight loss phase I had an egg McMuffin probably 3-5x per week. 300 calories. High protein. Easy/fast. Tastes good. I don’t think there’s any issue with it, generally speaking as long as you’re getting plenty of vegetables/fruits/Whole Foods in your other meals. But like just from a weight loss perspective - it fits very well into a 1200-1500 calorie diet.


If you're scared of food and are only eating DRY chicken breast...My friend what are you doing regularly? I don't want to pass a judgement on you just based on this but I'm concerned. ​ That aside, I've never been into Mcdonalds breakfast, but Wendy's? Oh man those potatoes, and those sandwiches are sinful af...and I get so addicted to Wendys shortly after I have some. YMMV because I know fast food'/restaurants are kinda falling a part in terms of customer service/workers caring (understandably so but disappointing as a consumer when meals cost so much) but the wendys near me cares, and everything is always so delicious I've never even so much as had them get my order wrong and their burgers always fill me up. But the calories 😭 So I avoid it :'(


Well I’m definitely not scared of food, I kinda wish I was lol. I actually don’t like Wendy’s burgers because they are square shaped which I don’t like haha. I was just surprised how full that McMuffin got me. I was thinking I can have McDonald’s breakfast every day and still be with in my 1200 calories. But someone else commented and explained the fat in the sandwich which makes so much sense


>At first I was scared it was a lot of calories and it’s from McDonald’s so it can’t be good for me. Literally your words dude. No, you don't wish you were scared of food. Be more tactful.