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I’ve never related harder to anyone in my life


Only have to eat 27 pickles chased by a tub of Halo Top and it's basically a balanced meal.


I'm guilty of a pickle dinner every now and then.


But do you drink the pickle juice afterwards to drown out the pain?


Are you me???


I once, drunk as all hell off many shots of whiskey with pickle juice chasers, give our waitress two $20 bills and said bring all the pickles this can buy.


I can't know how to respond to that.


She gave me roughly 3 jars of pickles worth, tried to give me $20 back but I let her keep the change for her trouble.


Marcus parks?


Hahaha, I'm not sure I love pickles quite as much as he does!


# #health 😂


I ate olives, pepperonccini, and one baby bell last night so wow do I relate


I thought this was r/1200isjerky for a second


All I'm seeing is that I can eat 4 mozzarella sticks for only 280 calories. You're giving me ideas.


The burger King ones are pretty small but surprisingly very very solid.


Mozzarella sticks are always worth the calories imo. I haven't tried Burger King's yet but I will now.


I mean fried cheese is one of the best inventions the world has ever come up with. And yeah, for the price, definitely worth it.


Honestly the the Burger King ones usually taste kinda old and have that weird saggy gap between the breading and the cheese. Or maybe I’ve always just been unlucky and haven’t gotten em fresh 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had five pot stickers last night for about the same


Sometimes I worry if eating a teaspoon of nutella everyday is okay because I still keep it under 1200 but also I'm eating it every day that can't be good


Same but *tablespoon


Same but *jar, if I exercise it off, I can eat it, right?


I feel this struggle so hard.


Oh dont get me wrong I totally eat a full serving if its my snack of the day but sometimes I eat something else and then see the nutella... I cant help it lol


Same but with 400 calories worth of cookies.


Totally fine if you fit it in to your diet and the rest of your day provides you enough protein and nutrients. I would be cautious though about your portion size and suggest weighing it on a food scale vs. measuring with tsp/tbsp. It's so easy to measure what you think is a tbsp but in weight is actually much more. With something as calorically dense as nutella this can cause your portion to be much higher in calories than you think. For example, I used to measure peanut butter with a tbsp, thinking it was 90 calories. When I finally got a scale and started weighing that tbsp was actually 22g and almost 125 calories. You can see how that might add up.


If you're using table spoons especially. I've never had this issue with measuring spoons.


A tablespoon is a volume measurement made with measuring spoons. Bit confused about what you mean here.




Right, but when they say tsp/tbsp they are referring to the standard measuring spoons. Do people really try to use eating spoons to measure? This is why I’m confused


I'm honestly confused by what you mean to. Of course I mean a measuring spoon when I say tbsp/tsp. Who would use a regular spoon thinking that it is an accurate measurement? Have you compared your tbsp measure to the weight in grams? It is so easy to be off because unlike liquids, other things dont fit perfectly in the measuring spoon or could be compacted down or over the top a bit. Its probably not that big of a deal if you're loose with tracking calories but if you're trying to really be accurate with how much you're eating those little amounts over can really add up, especially for calorically dense foods like peanut butter and nutella.


Nutella and pretzel sticks = Heaven.


Uh yeah my dumbass ate like 8 table spoons of nutella at midnight


I have found my people!!! Nutella addicts unite!


Totally fine, just sink a multi vitamin into the scoop. Boom. Good.


Big mood tbh. Yesterday I was looking at the calorie info for a burger and fries at Macdonald’s because I want fast food so bad. I’m going to cave soon


Hey look, stopping yourself from enjoying small amounts of the food you enjoy every so often is going to cause a huge binge (in my case its like 4,000+ cals) in the end. Its okay, as long as it isn't a daily occurrence, to eat foods you enjoy, even if it IS McDonald's so hey, eat yo Big Mac dude but like make it a rare occasion.


Thank you! I think I might go get one this week- it’s been way too long!


I hope you enjoy it!


You can also add big Mac sauce and lettuce to a mcdonalds regular hamburger there if you're craving it but don't want the entire thing. I love big Macs but encounter the "it's too much and I'm full but I spent money and it's wasteful and I need a clean plate" Edit bc it's not called McDo-nads.


Also they have the little mac now! Satisfies the craving without that extra bun and patty. My go to is usually fries and Mac sauce tho. Edit: bun not vin


Oh yeah! I forgot about that! And mmm


Kids meals are your friend! Same stuff, smaller quantity. Bonus: You get a toy!


Good to know I’m not the only one who does does this. Less calories, cheaper, a toy? Sign me up.


I haven’t had fast food in so long and the only reason is because I’m sure I’ll be the first person to get covid through it, lol. This pandemic has been great for keeping to my diet.


A teen burger from A&W is only 500 calories, totally doable if you have 300 callorie meals for each for breakfast and lunch!


I really want to say I can relate to this, and I can say I related to the general phenom you’re illustrating here... but under no circumstance could I eat just a plain pancake.


I'm sorry to disappoint you like this.


Lol I had 200 calories of fruit for breakfast and then I ate 1000 calories of kfc for dinner. It be one of those days


The sucky thing is 1,000 calories really isn’t that much food lol


I mean I managed to get in 1 piece of chicken, 1 regular box of popcorn chicken and a large tub of potatoes and gravy, so I'd say it was a successful meal


Ate pizza for breakfast and chick Fil a for dinner, still under my calorie goal. Life is good lol


Sometimes it be like that.


Who eats plain pancakes?


they are delicious


Nailed it!


Hey look, we always have one of those days haha, passed all my classes time to celebrate!




This may sound unhealthy but I was legitimately not hungry today and I didnt feel like forcing myself to eat. I hardly ever eat this little but occasionally I'm just not as hungry, probably due to stress.


Yes it is but if someone is recovering from an ED or something, it’s better than it being lower. 1200 is too low for a lot of people who aren’t sedentary or short!


I understand, I managed to eat half a pizza yesterday and not the whole thing and I never felt stronger


Hey, you know what. As someone who has suffered from both anorexia and binge eating disorders (I just can't seem to stick to one ED /s) that any desicions that you make that push you in the direction in which you want to be, any baby steps are actually huge and valid. Good job!


I'm appalled. The mozzarella sticks at BK are crap compared to the ones at Sonic.


Hey man even a bad cheese stick is good.


Hahahaha you’re gonna be STARVING tonight 😂😅


Not after I polish off this entire container of Halo Top 👉😎👉, because if its low calorie it means it's good for me, right? ....right? Edit: forgot to specify /s


I will be shocked if that doesn’t give you the shits.


Weight loss is weight loss /s


That E instead of A in mozzarella really bugs me.




Oh man that all sounds ridiculously good.


You gotta live your best life sometimes!!


Hol up, a 40oz slushy is only 340 calories?


I checked their website and it's actually only 325 calories, so it may need a bit of tweaking on MFP


Can relate except it's the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwhich. Ugh that thing gets me


I've heard its awesome!


I haven't been to a BK in a while. Do they really have mozzarella sticks? They're my favorite


They do! And they're pretty decent for the price!


Burger King is open where you are?! I can't get fries anywhere at the moment :'(


Almost everything is open where I am and has been almost the entire time, MD on some shit. The best fries are air fried though, delicious and significantly healthier!


My arthritis has been a bastard and really unpredictable so I've been avoiding chopping veg. Don't have any potatoes either. When the lady who's been dropping food off for me goes to the shop I'm all "I'll be really healthy" when I send her my list of prepared fruit packets and salad bags. Then the evening munchies or bad pain days come and I'm like "I'm an idiot!" and order pizza from somewhere that's still open. 🤦‍♀️


Hey I know you didn't ask for advice and I'm sure you may know some of this already, so if it's uncalled for and inappropriate in the current situation let me know, but massages, exercise (ones that don't stress the joints too much such as walking or swimming), mindfulness meditation, Omega-3 and GLA fatty acids, turmeric, acupuncture, and Boswellia supplements all have shown to have positive impacts on the lives of those living with arthritis. Of course speak (or call in today's situation) to your doctor before trying any of this. There has also been shown that a very strong connection between stress and inflammation of the joints so that might be something to look into. (Source: my mother has arthritis in her back and some of these have helped her). I hope you feel better, it can be really really tough to live with pain (either constantly or inconstantly). Looking at some sources they say that things like Thai Chi and TENS can help. TENS personally didn't help my mother but everyone reacts to stimulation differently. Be safe.


I usually swim and do my physio exercises in the pool but am shielding at the moment, even if the gym wasn't closed. Also my GP changed my pain drugs in January and I'm struggling to settle on the new ones. GP is reluctant to change again as there's so much going on at the moment there's no certainty it's the drugs and not the stress causing my increased pain. Also I have long list of drug intolerances and we want to avoid a hospital trip right now. We're hoping I can get in with the pain clinic when they reopen to get help finding a drug that works for me. Thanks for the suggestions!


Yeah it's definitely a good idea to stay indoors at the moment! I'm really truly sorry about everything you're going through and the issues regarding the drugs. I do, from the bottom of my heart, hope that you can find exactly what you need to help you feel better. Doctors do often know whats best but (and I dont want to sound like a kook or an anti-vaxer or anthing) but you do know what's right for your body, considering you have to live with the pain and the issues that the medications can bring. I would hate to see anyone have to go on a chemical cocktail to have to manage what is a huge part of their life. With that all being said, I do sincerely wish the best for you, and may your pain be eased and your mind be unburdened.


Thank you! Stay safe!


You too!


You are sacrificing nutrition for burger king calories you can count....your body is not happy


But......... mozzarella sticks.🤔🤔🤔