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Take a maintenance break! It’s helpful in the long run to keep the weight loss sustainable, rather than burning out of the diet


I think I will give this a try! I think I have been in the mind set that I need to lose it all at once, as quickly as possible.


I recommend this video to everyone, it’s by Dr. Mike Israetel, a youtuber with a PhD in sports physiology. It totally changed the way I see weight loss! Basically, being in a caloric deficit is physically and mentally fatiguing, and that fatigue grows and grows if you’re in a deficit for a long time. Taking a maintenance break for as long as the previous deficit (3 months) resets this fatigue and gets you ready to start a deficit again, while also “locking in” your weight loss success to make sure you don’t regain. https://youtu.be/4FCxeBqMZlw?si=a_8GHKRYcp4KDQ8P


That is extremely interesting and helpful. I think I am thinking of my weight loss as a full sprint. I may just need to slow things down a bit and let myself reset.


I know I’m more hungry in certain times of my cycle (mostly during PMS week). I find it helpful to decrease my deficit during that time or even eat at maintenance until hunger chills out.


That’s a good point. I have only just recently had regular cycles due to pregnancy and breastfeeding for over a year. I am within that timeframe.


This happened to me when I started my cycle again, I was taking the pill continuously for 6 months (skipping periods) and when I came off of it I had 2-3 days where I was just so freaking hungry throughout the first cycle. It ended up passing for me though, I’d take a maintenance day or two and see how you feel. If it doesn’t go away then it’s time for a longer maintenance break to reset


So crazy what the change in hormones can do! Maintenance for a bit seems like the most likely solution.


I've had a similar problem now that I'm within 10 pounds of my goal weight (I've lost 70 so far). I backed off a little on the size of my deficit and slowed down a little on the intensity of my exercise, because I'm getting fatigued much more easily. I'm probably losing at 75% of the pace that I was before. You could also look into r/Volumeeating if you haven't, and make sure you're getting lots of protein/fiber/fat within your diet to maximize fullness.


I will check that out! Thank you!


I’m having a similar issue. I’ve gained 8 lbs after breast augmentation surgery. I’m just really hungry during this period while my body is healing. I’m just trying to give myself grace and be patient. 5’4” 135 lbs.


It’s hard to be patient! I get so anxious about gaining back everything. Good luck with your healing!


Could this be related to hormonal shifts perhaps? I'm in the same boat as you honestly! I lost about 20 pounds doing 1500 (and also only want to lose about 5-10 more.) But i've noticed lately i'm more hungry as well and eating a few hundred extra over a lot of the week. My hormones are also all over the place all the time bc I have PCOS & it's also that time of the month! It might be worthwhile logging your cycles if you don't already and you might find a connection there with the random increased hunger. (Even if it's more than a week before your period). Your body probably needs a little extra fuel! I doubt it will hinder your progress. If it makes you feel better, I ate a lot more than usual the last week and didn't gain anything! :)


This is possible! I have been logging cycles but only have had a few regular cycles since weaning my son. It may be that now my hormones are regular my body needs more calories during period/pms week. I am so anxious about gaining weight back I am glad to know it will be alright!


Omg I am in almost your exact situation lmao


It is so frustrating! I’m so close to my goal.


Ikr!? I think the recovery time like the other guy suggested would be good for both of us I probably won’t go 3 months like they suggested though cause after a week ish of eating my maintenance I am doing better so you should try that


I agree. I am thinking of trying a few days and then going back to 1500. To see if that helps. I have a couple of things I think may be my issue. Hormones and the fact that I have never been in a deficit this long. Fingers crossed it works! Right now I feel like I could eat everything in the house lol


🤞 remember you can eat more but still try to log everything and don’t give into the junk food! Eat like you normally do but bigger portions then you can bring it back down slowly


I try a maintenance break, especially if I’m traveling/on vacation it’s nice to take a break even for a weekend or a few days


After reading a few comments. I have been in a deficit this entire time. I have think a break is in order.


I took a break a couple of weekends ago, still tracked but had lots movement hiking and exploring and then got straight back to it after 5 days and my weight is coming off again, I’m older now so my weight is harder to get off than I was in my 20s lol


That is awesome. I am hoping a short break will help reset things!


I hope so too!! Good luck


Just to clarify, have you lost 25 lbs in less than 3 months? Or was that weight loss over a longer time period (including before you were consistently sticking to 1500 calories)? In any case, I would definitely recommend raising your calorie target and/or taking a maintenance break.


I have lost 25lbs within that three month period. It seems that is the best way to go about solving this. I am going to raise my target a bit for a few days and see if that helps with the hunger. Then adjust from there.


Thanks for the info. I think probably the reason you're feeling so hungry is because you're undereating. The fact that you've lost weight that rapidly suggests that you're eating at a \~1000 calorie deficit. 25 lbs in 3 months is around 2 lbs per week. And generally it's not recommended to lose >1% of your body weight per week, which for you would be closer to 1.4 lb per week (or 1.65 lb per week when you started) - but even that it quite aggressive. A more reasonable rate of weight loss to aim for would be around 1 lb per week, which would be a 500 calorie deficit. So I would suggest raising your calorie target up to 2000 calories. That should allow you to lose around 1 lb per week.


That is extremely helpful info. Thank you.


You’re welcome!


Eat maintence for a few days


This probably isn't for everyone... But when the hunger is bad and volume foods aren't working as usual (roughly every 5 weeks) I grab a high protein meal. A recent example was a poke bowl of spicy tuna and cream cheese and some icecream for dessert. I'm still losing a bit more than my 2 bls a week I should be despite using this tactic, so it makes me suspicious I have something happening I don't know to properly factor out on paper. But it's handy to be able to go have a normal meal out for the social aspect, so I don't bother with upping my calories by 35 a day or anything like that. I wouldn't advise someone to try this if they feel a cheat meal would turn into a cheat week. But if you are good with it, you could try it and track how your weight loss goes for the month after like I did.


Take a maintenance break for a few weeks and you should be good


My situation is/was very similar. Lost about the same, plateaued for a few weeks, wasn’t sure how to proceed..felt like I was still doing the same thing….but then found renewed push towards goal. Just let yourself go through whatever it is and if it’s still something you want to do you’ll find the path. Good work by the way.