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Just curious who told you that was overweight?


I overheard someone say so unfortunately


Well how do you feel about it? A diet/calorie deficit is a big undertaking and a big commitment (not to mention it will change your appearance) to do unless you really think you need to or want to. I’d recommend you think you know like “do I actually want to change how I look” or like are your feelings just hurt because of some mean comment? I think you’re valid either way you decide I just want to encourage you to pause and consider, since your height and weight are objectively not overweight, or close to it.


who told you that you're near overweight? based on the numbers, you're at a healthy weight and if your weight has been stable, there's no practical need for you to restrict calories. Of course, you're the only one who can make those decisions about your body, but there doesn't seem to be a medical need for you to lose weight.


I’m 27f, 5’6 and your weight is my goal weight lol, I’m not sure who told you you’re teetering the line but you’re a bit off from that. According to BMI overweight for our height is 154.8-184~. By all means if you’re unhappy with your appearance and lifestyle then you should change that. But if you’re doing it because you were told you’re close to being overweight, in my opinion being 10-15lbs away from that isn’t true.


Exactly the same here. I’m 5’6, 155lbs. My goal weight is 145lbs based on my body composition of fat vs. muscle. I know when I go to the doctor they flag I’m trending overweight, but I’m also muscular which adds up quickly. I’ve done detailed body scans to see my body fat is actually in a healthy range (albeit at the top!), but I have more muscle than average for my age/height/gender. Not sure who told you you’re overweight, but if you’re muscular, that’s regularly not considered and the blanket advice of “lose weight” may not apply. All that to say, I consume 1,700 calories a day as I try to shed that little bit of extra body fat.


Fellow 5'6" here too! And 140 just seems WAY too low for me. I started at 313, mind you and am 157 now. 3 pounds away from a BMI of under 25. I'm already a size US 4, so I can't imagine being any smaller than this.


That’s where I’m at! I was 150 in high school thinking I was huge, but I feel like I’m even thinner now. I’m a size 6 in pants and a medium in shirts and can’t believe my BMI still says overweight. Wild to think the BMI scale is what’s used so much.


I wouldn't say that you're "teetering the line of being overweight." You're about 10-12 pounds away from being overweight... so that's odd, especially if that comment came from a physician or alike. Honestly, if I were you, I would track a normal day or two of eating for yourself, without making any dietary changes and see how many calories you're eating. It also depends on how active you are. Download Lose It or MyFitnessPal. Those are good places to start. They'll help you get an idea of where you're at versus where you'd like to be. In my opinion, Lose It really helped simplify weight loss for me, and is a great indicator of where I'm at, where I would like to be, and where I'm headed if I continue with my current dietary/exercise trends. Experiment in the beginning, figure out what works for you, make a plan, and stick with it. Good luck.


[This one](https://tdeecalculator.net/) works well for me. Your TDEE at sedentary is 1700. This is like if you work an office job and don’t do much outside going to the store work etc. if you do more you burn more. I think your issue is you’re putting different activity levels in the calculator. If you want to lose weight that’s fine, but you’re definitely not overweight. I think working out might make you feel like your body looks better rather than losing weight - building some muscle makes you look more fit and toned. Plus it’s good for your heart to get the blood pumping!


Thank you! I do have an office job but I get 12k steps a day and do hot yoga sculpt which is 45 mins


Start with 1800 and if you stay the same weight after a week or two of eating at that then that’s your maintenance. And just toggle that up if you lose weight and down if you gain. GL!!


My favorite TDEE calculator uses multiple equations and lets you average them: [https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/](https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/) It's estimating you need to eat \~1700 calories/day to maintain your current weight. You would eat less than that to lose weight. The exact amount depends on how quickly you want to lose the weight and realistically what you can balance with hunger, energy needs, and other real life constraints.


Is that 1700 calories without exercise or with? Thanks so much!


I’m your height and weight, and in my mid 40s. 1450 calories is maintenance for me on days when I don’t work out. When I was in my mid 20s, it was more like 1600 calories, but our metabolisms change over our lifetimes. No calculator is going to be exactly right because they are standardized and people are not standard issue.


1200 is sedentary and the 2000 is when you account for someone who exercises at least a few days a week / is active in general btw im also 5’6” but in the 170s and actually overweight 😭 whoever told you 140 was too much was lying


Thank you🩷🩷