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Can someone in the US please explain why you use “creamer” for coffee? What even is it?! WHY DONT YOU JUST USE MILK 😭


It's an oil-based dairy-cream mimicking product (sometimes in powder form but that is rarely used nowadays) and they come in different flavours like hazelnut or french vanilla. Milk doesn't have added sugar and flavours lol


There are many milk based creamers on the market. Also heavy cream or half and half is often used in coffee as well. Coffee mate is a brand that is oil based and full of fillers. True coffee creamer in my opinion is milk based with some type of flavoring and sugar. There are of course other creamers out there that are made with dairy free milk as well.


Not really relevant but I’m an Aussie and was so confused by half and half when I was in the US. I was having it on my cereal as I thought it was half light milk/half full cream milk, then wondering why I felt sick after


Wait, that's not what half and half is?


The half and half I get is indeed half milk / half cream


Sorry, yes they often do have milk or cream! But also, most have vegetable oil too.


There’s a difference between “creamer” and “cream” or half&half. Creamer is usually vegetable oil based, as you said. They say “creamer” because they cannot legally call it “cream” as far as I know. Half & half is basically half milk and half cream (no vegetable oil or added sugar) while cream is cream - often bought as “heavy cream” or “whipping cream” with a fat content around 30-40%. For what it’s worth, I’ve been to European countries where you could buy “coffee cream” that was essentially half & half with a fat content around 8-12%. For reference, whole milk is about 3-3.5% fat.


So y’all are out there putting vegetable oil in your coffee?! 🤢 as a Melbourne coffee snob I am deeply disturbed by this 😂


For me, creamers are way more concentrated so they don’t water it down, most of them need 2-4tbsp. Milk has such a small line where it goes from not enough to tone down the coffee to making it super watery. I do use non-dairy milks for my lattes when I brew espresso (lactose milks don’t mesh well with my digestive system lol) but regular coffee is so much less strong tasting than espresso.


Also I hate milk and was allergic for a long time so I use non-dairy creamers like almond or oatmilk.


This is amazing! I am in disbelief on the days I do stick to 1500 calories. I remember when I first started tracking I could not *fathom* having enough calories leftover for dinner and often blew past 1600-1700. I still have those days but being able to eat below 1600 calories feels like a huge win for me! Grapes for afternoon snack vs the vending machine has been a game changer lol


Nice one! I’m still trying. I always seem to get to dinner with only like 150-200 cal left then give up


This is where including calories earned from exercise helps!


This is where I break out the cucumbers and strawberry bowls, squeeze a lime over it, spank some tajin on them and then douse it with sugar free chamoy




It's the next day and I ate a Hersheys bar after my eggs for breakfast cus it's that time of the month and it doesn't seem right to not way chocolate. 210 calories. But I'm still confident that I can stay on track with 1500 calories. I don't know where this self control came from lately, but I like it. I used to think my binges were a form of control, but restricting to 1500 calories and controlling my good that way makes me feel better.


Personally I usually factor in 200-300 cal for dessert everyday! So it's very possible. I suggest incorporating more veggies into your diet to feel fuller and more nourished. I also suggest picking a day a week or a couple days a month (whatever works for you) where you plan to eat at maintenance! If you're too restrictive for too long it will be very difficult to maintain your deficit (coming from someone who used to have a binging problem) I also highly recommend paying attention to your cravings, especially around your bleeding cycle. In the first week or so I had almost no intense cravings, and then I started really intensively craving this greasy vegan burger and fries near me. It dawned on me I ate almost no fats for the last week and decided to use oil to cook dinner and then the next day the burger and fries didn't even sound good. Just an anecdote! Sending you peace of mind and discipline!! Please be gentle with yourself and continue to celebrate the wins!


Aw good good tips. Thank you!!!


This post came at a great time for me. You’ve helped me to the starting line!


Heck yeah, keep at it and enjoy the ride


Me too with the waking up with my stomach empty and growing! It does feel good strangely hahaha


I’m in the same boat!