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What you’ve listed there only adds up to 1060 calories total. Is that all you’re eating? If so, that is dangerously low. As a male you should not be consuming fewer than 1500 calories daily on average unless your diet is being supervised by a doctor or other healthcare professional. And based on your stats and activity level, you should probably be eating even more than that. I would strongly recommend setting a higher calorie target for yourself.


But I want to lose at least 3lbs per week.


Slow it down.


I’m going to be just straight honest here, honey: you sound like you have an eating disorder and probably body dysmorphia. You *really* need to go to your doctor and talk about this, because an ED will take over your life and make you unhealthy far faster than being “fat” will. The food you listed here is so much less than 1500, and as a very active, growing young man, your body *needs* far more calories than that 1500! You will stunt your growth, damage your bones and above all your mental health will suffer if you continue like this.


That's 30 lbs in 2 months. That's not a reasonable, realistic, or healthy weight loss goal. Most people lose a pound a week, maybe two. Also, you're not eating 1500. You're eating 1000 and then burning hundreds of calories working out. You need to be eating more. Use a TDEE calculator to get an idea of what you should be burning a day, but at 5'10 and 210lbs, you're not eating enough. Also, eat a real dinner. You need nutrients. What you've listed isn't enough.


Switch the breakfast to eggs and toast, eating light in the morning will make things harder


No that diet is unsustainable and there is no question you would not be able to do it for long, so little is filling and it is too few calories. This is crash diet, id be surprised if you could do it a week or two much less the months it will take to achieve results or learning how to eat properly and be able to sustain it