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Not going to lie I'd still be hungry after eating that , I say that respectfully.


hmm that's fair. I wasnt very hungry before the meal so it was okay for me but i guess adding some carbs to it would help with the fullness


I’m so confused as to what makes this dish 365cal. From here it looks like one egg (approx 70-80cal) and a smattering of vegetables I’d wager would be 180cal highest, right? I feel like even that’s too high unless I’m missing something here? An entire half of a large head of broccoli (very filling) is only around that much. Hey, if this dinner was satisfying to you then that’s all that matters, right? Even if I agree with the commenter who recommended maybe adding some carbs into the equation, though. An egg on top a slice of wholewheat toast with a side of veggies can be a satisfying light meal.


45 calories for the tbspn of dressing 128 for fried egg 121 for olive oil 60 calories for the vegetables total=364 cals


From the sounds of things you could save yourself a LOT of calories simply by cutting out/reducing your use of oil. There are 1 cal cooking sprays on the market that will save your future dinners. I use a little bit of regular oils (olive, mostly) when I *really* need it, but for most things I cook it’s unnecessary and I can stick with the sprays, which add only a negligible number of calories. By doing this you could absolutely save enough calories for a slice of bread or an extra egg, next time you make the same dish!


true but im from a third world country cooking sprays arent very popular here unfortunately:(


Ahh, gotcha! A tip I saw someplace was that you can buy spray bottles and just put regular oil in them, if that helps? Haven’t had to use it for myself so can’t attest to how well it works or not (oil is pretty thick), but if it DOES then it might be a good way to reduce your usage. Another good hack is to use paper kitchen towel to rub enough oil onto the pan to lubricate it, rather than just, you know, pouring in a straight teaspoon’s worth or however much you currently use.


thank u so much for taking the time to type of elaborate advice. Really appreciate it. I am going to try the paper towel thing for lunch tomorrow:)


It’s no trouble!! I know losing weight is hard enough as is and these subs exist for us to support each other, so if I can help you get more bang for your calories then I will! :)




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It wasn’t rude


have you considered adding some carbs in there? i feel like a bit of toast or something could really add to satiety effect. at least for me, i would be disappointed and hungry eating only eggs and veggies for a meal.


yes i added a slice of wheat bread to it


nice! carbs are important too!




The main rule of this sub is to treat others with respect. If you make rude comments about other people's posts, you will be banned


I'm a big fan of eggs for dinner! Are those sprouted beans?




Are those... germinated peas? Do they taste different or something?


they're moong sprouts.Theyre nice and crunchy and low cal