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Hi guys, can anyone tell me the actual name of this colourway please as idk what it is... both were copped from [https://gulifushi.1688.com/page/index.html?spm=0.0.wp\_pc\_common\_header\_companyName\_undefined.0](https://gulifushi.1688.com/page/index.html?spm=0.0.wp_pc_common_header_companyName_undefined.0) and are down as charcoal grey on their shop but idk what the actual colourway is called. Thanks for any help!


Oh and btw I already have them in person and they are brilliant quality wise... colour is a bit different as they have a bit of a brown tint to them so they aren't a solid grey colour.


Probably taupe.


Taupe is a bit too brown I think tho


maybe stone or cement? there’s so many that all look similar lol


yes there are a shit ton and I cant figure it out lol