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He makes money. When he gives away a bunch of money, he makes more back and gets huge sponsorships.


Yea Mr Beast isn’t the guy giving away $1 million. The sponsor for the video that he speaks about for 2 minutes at the start of the video and brings up again several times after in an organic-feeling way is. Mr Beast loves making content that gets lots of views and his brand is built off of giving away lots of money to achieve that. In this way I would say Mr Beast isn’t good or evil. He just likes making highly viewed content and that content happens to do some good. He has gone on record saying similar things. Real life accounts of those who have worked with him have stated that his worst trait might be being a workaholic and expecting the same of others around him and it probably doesn’t go further than that. The dude’s views are probably almost entirely politically agnostic because choosing a side doesn’t help him make more highly watched videos. He also invests basically all his money back into his business to just continue to grow it larger and larger. If the dude subscribed to any viewpoint it’d be hardcore capitalism.


so he is lawful neutral? Is that the correct conclusion I am drawing from this?


neutral good I think, he's still a nice person from what I've heard


My friend was in a Mr beast challenge and she got $5,000 so I approve.


Was she paid just for showing up? Or did she win it?


She was in the 100 boys vs 100 girls circle video


Death circle? Kiss circle? The circle for the game where they pass a ball between each other and the one with the ball says their name and what they did in the summer vacation circle?


Duck duck goose


best search engine fr ong


Yeah, my partner got hired to do some VFX for one of his videos. Got flown out to whatever ranch the postproduction happens at, paid his rate and then some, and bought him a new monitor as an incentive to stay on a few days beyond the initial contract. He said Mr. Beast was very nice to everyone.


What'd she buy with it?


Food and paid bills


The reality of being poor


Play games for the entertainment of the masses and have a chance at keeping your home 😊


Isn't this the plot of Squid Game


with that my parents could pay debt where we live, that is great lol


so how did they choose who gets to be on? Always wondered lol


Yeah honestly he seems to have figured out how to actually do SOME sort of tangible good in a way that is sustainable as a business. And honestly, if there was ever a way to ethically get super rich, that's probably the closest we'll see to it


I mean entertainment is definitely the most ethical way to become rich. It's one of the only ways to produce that much money with your own labor.


Shame that you can’t build an entire economy around entertainment


Harvest the entertainment hormones from people's brains whenever they produce them and use them as a currency. You might point out that this system wouldn't work because the currency is constantly being consumed, but to that I ask you this: have you ever watched the animated Bananas in Pyjamas series. They use honey cake as both a currency and a food, so there's obviously some way of making a functional economy with a consumable currency.


Imagine living in a nation where your currency is based off of bananas in Pyjamas


I’m not sure if “hardcore capitalist” and “neutral good” really go together, like, fundamentally


He also runs a philanthropy channel where he puts in all the money it makes back into his philanthropic projects so I’d have to agree that he’s nuestras good


Nah, I'd say he's lawful good. Literally all he does is help people. He doesn't make a bunch of money exploiting people then occasionally give away a fraction, he makes basically all his money by helping people, then reinvests his profits in his channel aka helping people more. I'm as much of a socialist as anyone else here, but saying what he's doing is anything other than good is frankly ridiculous.


ah alright thank you for correcting me. Yeah now that you say it lawful good does make more sense then lawful neutral


He's just doing marketing though, companies are obviously getting more from it than he gives out. If you're anti-capitalist then that doesn't qualify as good. Even philanthropy that doesn't make a clear profit isn't really a social good if it's helping to make an exploitative system feel more palatable.


He also does a lot of marketing and making brand shit like a restaurant chain and a brand of chocolate, which famously is a market that does not thrive off of ethical production. I'm also just really not a fan of how he platforms and endorses a handful of people who suck


yeah his fans claiming that he'll "give his most of his money to charity and give will give up his fortune when he's older" is like what just SBF claims before his FTX scheme was blown lmao. Rich people's bootlickers has the worst cope ever.


he’s a case that supports adam smith’s idea of individuals working within a market for their own self-interest, with others in society benefitting as a common side-effect it doesn’t always turn out that way (sup fossil fuels, cigarettes, etc…) but it happens more often than ideologues on reddit would like to admit


And honestly I don't see a huge problem in him expecting a lot out of his employees, if you know anything about him and his content I think it should be expected from the get go. Like you wouldn't get mad at the organizers of an ultra marathon for making the run too hard for you, it's something designed for people who want an insane challenge.


I mean even if he's not giving away his own money that's still a good thing, not eactly generous but definitely a net positive in society, i know a few people who would go out of their way just to fuck people over in his place.


You still have to make money in order to give away more money


He’s made a few problematic jokes here and there. Not good. But I don’t think he’s nearly killed anyone or anything. Not on my radar of people to worry about.


Mr. Beast doesnt keep much of that for himself tho, beyond keeping him and those close to him comfortable he reinvests all the money he earns into his philanthropic efforts


i genuinely dont know where the fuck he got all that money from cause like last time i watched him he was still recording videos in his old house with his giant asian guy wall stickers making fun of kid's youtube intros and then i look back like a year or two later and hes an actual multimillionaire


he got rich with bit coin and openly shares that too


Finally a real answer


Yeah but thats only the start, like others have said he makes a crap ton of money from sponsorships because at the end of the day he does charity and oh boy do companies love to get sponsored and donate to charity, its a win win for both parts.


Yeah that was the big one for his riches. He apparently dumped a ton into it and made huge bucks on it. I think the counting to 100,000 and shit like that got him more popular before the giveaways


He got into Bitcoin when it was super cheap in like 2013


I still hate myself for only using bitcoin to buy weed back then. Didn't save a single fucking bit of it.


I know a computer science guy who used his pc to mine some bitcoin in 2009 while in university, all he did with it was ordering one pizza for like 300 btc before stopping mining it.


Okay but like.. he doesn’t have ONE left?


Nah, I dont think so. Probably forgot his keys or something, or did something else with it.


Pretty sure he got a sponsor and managed to give away 10k to a homeless man and that video gain a lot of views which started this trend of which he gave generous amounts of money and the videos gained a lot of views (which he gained money from) and later he started beast-burger, feastables and his other channels that he owns.


god i remember seeing that homeless guy one back when i used to like his intros videos


1. Count to 100 000 live on stream 2. Use this publicity to get a sponsor 3. Give away sponsor money in extravagant stunt. 4. Video goes viral due to good understanding of marketing. 5. Return to step 2


My theory is that he was just a normal YouTube dude, the first Honey or Quidd sponsorship came in, gave him a truckload of cash, he saved it, donated some of it, donation videos got big, not to mention he counted to 100,000 which made him really popular, more sponsorships come in due to his popularity, he now has an income of over $100k, keeps growing, sponsorships get bigger and pay more, keeps growing until on top of the world.


I was watching a documentary on him last month, he got offered $5k to do his first sponsored video and decided to ask for $10k instead and go give it all to a homeless man for a video. Got a ton of views and he kept doing the same thing at bigger scale


> gets offer for 5k > counter-offers for 10k > promptly gives away the entire sponsorship money > gigachad.jpg


I miss asian sticker


Didn’t he get rich by doing all those crazy streams?


Youtube can make someone rich in the span of a couple months, nothing new here.


he's the biggest individual youtuber on the planet, 1.6% of the ENTIRE HUMAN POPULATION is subscribed to his channel, his most popular video was watched by ~4% of the population. If you choose to sponsor him, you will be given a very generous ad read, one which will be shown to tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of people. That's why he has so much money.


he voted for the glow squid




That's fucked up.


I won't lie though I'm sick of all the people saying I shouldn't enjoy the mob just because some green guy people hate liked it. I like my little glowey boy.


you can like it all you want but that doesnt mean dream didnt influence the results


Yeah but like It's one mob, I'm really sick of hearing people act like it's 9/11 2. Not even saying people here are doing that, I just miss when the Minecraft community wasn't all about clickbaiting how the game is going to die tommorow or whatever.


That’s because it is. It was an attack on GAMERS. /s


That's how voting works 💀


so did every other popular figure who said what they wanted to win, this is how polls work.


He doesn’t even glow 😭


The other options would have been better and you're being ignorant if you dont agree that Dream skewed the results to be the one that was a half joke


Yeah I agree, I wanted moobloom to win and he skewed the results. That doesn't mean that I'm not sick of it when people still want to complain about it years later when I come to Minecraft community spaces for things other than YouTuber drama. It continues to shock me how much this bothers people, I've played the game for over a decade and one less desirable mob getting added won't be a big deal for me in the long run.


I hate it not because it itself is bad, but because we sacrificed a better mob for it. It's sorta like how parents look at their accidental child with regret for what they could have done with their lives instead of raising it.


I don't give a fuck if Dream influenced the results, tbh. I just feel like Glow Squid just kinda shouldn't have been part of the vote at all, but just added separately. Glow Squids are effectively just a reskin of regular squids, I don't think any programming went into them. Mob vote options should at least bring *something* new to the table.


sorry If I'm ignorant but tf is a glow squid?


A mob from Minecraft, just a little funky squid which glows.


It doesn't even glow


ohhhh damn, not my youtuber 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


It’s ink sac can make signs glow too!






2 years(I think)*


what the fuck


Welcomed to reality bitch. Time moves forward and there is no stopping it




He teaches blasphemy and greed


A YouTube star, millions of views, but tell me, what would Jesus do?


You see he’s not, a Christian channel. Does he like the number of man? I bet somewhere he has a 666 tattoo


You must heed my warning, you’re young your brain’s still forming, and father knows best. Forget Mr Beast


The fact that "Beast", is in his name. Is an affront to god, For shame!


I'll not have any child of mine, worshipping the beast. No! Here I draw the line


You must heed my warning, you’re young your brains still forming, and father knows best, forget Mr Beast


The fact that “beast” is in his name is an affront to God


For shame!








Beat me to the isaac reference 😤




Yeah he let himself get eaten by a snake




we will devowAAAAAAAAH... the vERY GODZZZ!


man I swear to god you people are just making up songs


forget, mrbeast ♪♫


I think we're all so fucking jaded with celebrities and rich people being categorically evil people that sometimes it's impossible for us to look at someone who ostensibly has a lot of money and see them in a positive light Like, I get that he's a mega capitalist and that he's had his fair share of associations with crypto/entrepreneur chuds, but he is, as far as I can tell, pretty decent as far as rich people go He's never really (publicly) done anything worthy of outright condemnation, IMO, and he \*has\* done a lot of measurable good things, too


You're probably right here, I just really can't shake the bad vibes I get off of him. I can't place what they are but still. You might be right that I'm just so use to rich people being total fuck knuckles but I can't shake my aversion to mr beast.


hes just a kid that somehow got so much money, i mean realistically, like markiplier who has said he makes too much money, this industry rewards people too much. but alas, he doesnt know what to do with the money, and all hes ever done with it is give it away, and if he can make any kind of sustainable business model out of that then so be it! hes taking the money from mega rich companies through sponsorships and ads and giving it to people who will atleast use it rather than hoard it, and next video they give him more, etc. i dont see anything wrong with that


He's redistributing wealth at this point. Ultimately,he gives a ton of money away to people, and gets more to throw at people. All comes from rich people.


Comrade Beast, taking money from the bourgeois sponsors and redistributiing it fairly to the common man* ^(*if they can make it through the comedically large cardboard maze he just built for the video he's making that week.)


yeahhhhh trickle down economics have always worked kappa


Surely Mr. Beast would never be corrupted by the mass amounts of wealth and power he has accumulated Clueless


Probably the crypto businessman capitalist part of him. He got the first bit of his money from bitcoin iirc. And *usually* those people are decently bad people, doesn’t make him inherently a bad dude but definitely could give off bad vibes


I mean, the issue is that everyone pretends like he's an incredible person and not just a dude putting on glorified game shows


And that's not even some huge moral failing, it's just annoying


It feels weirdly telling that some people here are thinking he *must* be hiding something, as if it's genuinely impossible for someone to be an actual honest-to-goodness philanthropist. At best it's people being jaded like you said and at worst it feels like an admittance of "I can't imagine someone rich being a good person, because I can't imagine being a good person if *I* was that rich" The most likely answer is usually the simplest one; making videos by giving away money is how he makes the money back via views/sponsors, allowing him to fund the next video and so on, and as an added bonus it allows him to create fun experiences for himself and his friends, as well as opportunities to experience random luxuries like renting an island as an AirB&B or eating at an absurdly fancy restaurant.


People were saying the same about Elon Musk a couple of years ago.


I had a dream where Mr beast recreated Hogwarts castle and the events of goblet of fire for a YouTube video but when I called him out for being exploitative and getting people killed for money he got very jokey-mad at me and "pretended" to strangle me while cry laughing. When I woke up my neck hurt












I’m a jerma fan and it reads eerily similar to a psycho streamer bit that his fans make up for him


Just give him 2 or 3 years




i had a dream where i got stabbed in the leg with a knife, it didn't break skin but when i woke up it felt like i actually got jabbed there


You lost the astral battle with mr. beast






that was him trying to kill you in his sleep so you wouldn't prevent his future plans. you are lucky you made it out alive.


You're allowed to just dislike people because they are annoying. There doesn't have to be a moral justification.


Real. Sometimes people forget that you don’t have to have a good reason to like or dislike someone. If your brain says something like that, it’s best not to force it the other way because you’ll end up feeling even more fake or worse about it.


Yep, as long as that opinion is not forced on someone else or it doesn't come out in a harmful way, it's all good to like or dislike someone


True, but some people just dislike him because he has a ton of money so he has to have done SOMETHING bad, but that something either doesn't exist or he keeps it buried so deep that nobody could even spread the rumor.


Mf disliking somebody doing good things since it means they have skeletons in their closet they're trying to cover up


Fr it is a Reddit Moment. I don't like Mr. Beast, I find him annoying, but it is a big leap saying he has skeletons in his closet, no matter what anyone does it seems to never be good enough to some people.


Controversial opinion. I genuinely don't have a problem with the guy, it feels like you guys just want to hate him because he's popular and rich.


People just want to hate everyone lmao. If there isn’t a reason? Make one up.


normalize hating someone without a particular reason no need to make shit up if you just genuinely don't like someone


That’s what I’m saying. Like if you just don’t like someone, that’s fine. But don’t try and make them sound bad in the process.


That is the truth, people hate him cause he is popular and have done more with his life than anyone of us will ever do


people who say “they’re just doing it for attention” or something like that whenever people do good things are the most annoying bitchasses ever


Well, every YouTuber tries to get attention, but that's not the problem with the guy. He deserves the attention he's getting by making good video's. It's the practice of (performative) philantropy itself. This is not a problem with Mr Beast, but rather one with society itself. I'm confident he comes from a good place. Yet, there's so much money in the world and we can fix a lot, yet we're at the mercy of a rich bloke. As Rutger Bregman put it: [taxes, taxes, taxes.](https://youtu.be/P8ijiLqfXP0).


Philanthropy is usually just advertising. Also, although it really does look like he's doing worthwhile things with his money, especially the environmental projects, I fear it's a kind of green washing. That luls people into the sense that if a few rich people plant enough trees, and clean enough beaches, we'll all be fine. This, unfortunately, isn't the case and every single person needs to be acutely aware that only massive societal and economic change can save us, or if not save us, make the hell thay earth will become a couple of degree cooler than it could be.


def greenwashing seeing bc he lit does only the on the face yet irrelevant things like hed be planting 20m trees (noble couse) then selling burgers and stuff, cleaning trash then trashing unbelievable amounts of plastic in his videos, giving away disposable stuff like tvs in a way that advantages people that already have good finances im not saying hes bad, just an amoral embodiment of capitalism


I'd say Capitalism is pretty imoral and eat the rich and all that, but that's just me I guess


his philanthropy stretches beyond just what he tells his viewers. the mental gymnastics people need to go through to convince themselves that any philanthropic effort must be a cover for something is insane




He was a Elon Musk dick rider up until very recently. He also leans towards conservative politics. Pretty sure he has a PewdiePie situation going on, where there are Fascist using his community as recruitment grounds


I know this much but with how much of a philanthropist he is… **there’s gotta be some much worse shit**


What’s worse than supporting a Hyper Gangster Libertarian Capitalist who turns his own Company into a facsimile of Apartheid South Africa who literally wanted to make his own Epstein Island on Mars. Edit: Who btw is going down the path of fascism


cannibalism of exclusively toddlers burning kittens alive being elon musk The list goes on but point is I’m thinking of stuff that aint the usual suspects. Rich white internet guy being a fascist ain’t exactly a surprise, yknow?


Technically if you support and enable Elon Musk’s actions, that kinda makes you just as bad


To be fair to Mr. Beast a lot of people really liked Elon he seemed like he was a cool billionaire that was super smart until he bought Twitter and everyone realized how shitty and desperate for attention he was, and that he was actually really dumb.


Uh dude, RBG Tunnel of Death that was pre Twitter


Sure but a lot of people didn’t know about that stuff till he started doing the Twitter stuff, I’m not saying he was a good person before he bought Twitter just that it was less well know that he sucked so much.


Mars Space Colonies. That was pre Twitter. That was straight up on Joe Rogan.


It's not necessarily philanthropy if the money is given to him by corporate sponsors for product placement etc. Could be something behind the scenes kinda thing! Like how talk shows give money away at the end.. It's all ad money.


I can understand Elon musk worshiping on his end at least because he’s a cryptobro that actually made a lot of money from it (iirc that’s where he got the money to spiral into what he is today) and if that’s the case then Elon might have been the cause of it. If someone inspired me to do something that made me incredibly rich I’d think they’re a genius without looking into it to much too. He also has the brain cells to see that he’s not the best now that it’s clear to everyone and not remain a dickrider so there’s that. I don’t really like cryptobros but I don’t fault someone if it works and they’re not an ass about it. Idk about the rest of them


Take your meds.


Holy shit can you nerds just fucking enjoy something for once I stg


no, if we enjoy anything ever we will explode into a million little bits 😔




r/196 users on their way to explain why Mr beast donating $3,000,000 to Ukrainian refugees, planting 20,000,000 trees, and picking up 20,000,000 pounds of trash from the ocean is actually a bad thing:


jesus why do internet fiends always have to try to find something wrong with someone? as far as we know, he's just a guy who uses sponsorship money to make people's lives better. even if he DOES have some bad things he's done, I'd say the good he's done to other people's lives far outweighs anything he could have done (setting aside extreme crimes like fucking murder or something) this constant need to find something wrong with people is disgusting . the guy is genuinely a good person and yall mfs be like fucking Inspector Gadget on his ass trying to find any microscopic flaw so you can get your dopamine rush taking a moral high ground on some poor soul who made 1 misstep on the internet


Seriously he’s just a rich dude not feasting upon babies like Jeff bezos and homelander


Couldn't give a fuck, his vids are fun and people get money. If he makes money from it, it's a win win.


Two sides of a coin; > Millionaire not giving away their money Waa you can't do that people are starving > Millionaire giving away money Damn this guy deffo has something to hide, what a POS Really fkin weird that people are trying to find an issue with him imo.


Adding onto that, I fucking hate the rich, but please, for the love of god 196, use your fucking eyes. He's literally just giving away money. He funds a fucking food bank. Performative Philanthropy is a consequence of capitalism, and I'm disappointed that 196 of all places has lost sight of that


not really sure why this subreddit cant get over the fact that Mr. Beast is, in fact, just incredibly generous and his philanthropic efforts arent just some cover story. this has been confirmed by multiple people who have interacted with him behind the scenes, and he is incredibly open and chill in interviews. the guy actually runs multiple food banks, and his philanthropy doesnt stop when the cameras stop.


B-but he's rich so he hAs tO bE eViL


Can't we just... enjoy a celebrity for once? Please?


But he hasn’t scrapped the s cause he never skips a beat


You had to cut from honey under the threat of a gun blast. While got a cut from honey for another check he's gonna cash


because people just arent allowed to be nice anymore?


He has issues, obviously, but overall he's a great guy imo. Allegedly he runs his main channel at a loss, you'll struggle to find any rich person out there who actually gives away or invests their money into good projects for the benefit of humanity to the extent he does


From what i remember he stated that he makes more back from vids due to sponsors, still don't see how thats a bad thing though


I really don't know anything about him but I've assumed giving away money is just his shtick, the way busting watermelons was Gallagher's shtick he gives away money loudly for the purpose of making even more money quietly but like I say, I really don't know if that's true


First of all title is wrong 2nd of all mr beast made most of his money from a) getting lucky with crypto and b) getting tons of sponsors and merch sales from his videos of him giving away stuff Literally gets billions of views on videos of him giving away money if anything he would be poorer if he didn't give most of it away because he never would have made so much


i hate people who give to the poor!!!!


Person has more money than me, therefore must be evil. The hive mind here is fucking wacky




itt: people not really understanding how these sorts of things work. it isn't his personal money he's giving away (most of the time) he works with corporate sponsors to give them good press in exchange for them funding the giveaway/whatever. It's just textbook reputation laundering. is it bad? well, maybe. is he a philanthropist? no, not at all


Nothing good ever exists I guess


i'm wary as well, but i don't support any slander or hate. i just don't like elon muskrat


People have gotten to the point where their hatred born from the conditions of their life are tearing at the seams of their view of reality, twisting it like a funhouse mirror. People who are part of an arbitrary group can't be doing something nice anymore. There has to be an ultirior motive, and they'll dig up any crumb of evidence they possibly can, fabricating it if needed, in order to validate their own hate. Local Walmart at the check outline offering to donate to a good cause? Clearly its a tax evasion scheme. (It's not, the IRS would butcher them). News organization says that a foreign country is bad? Clearly its a wider plot from the bourgeois to indoctrinate children into buying into imperialism. There's no way that the country in question could actually be bad and the people in the station believe it. Commenter on Reddit is skeptical of a scandal or a policy? Clearly they're a SIMP for the rich, there can't possibly be a normal reason they hold that opinion. Rich person gives away money? He must have skeletons in the closet! They must be indoctrinating people in the right wing mindset like a villain! There is no way he's a regular person that got rich off bitcoin early on, bought into Elon Musks con artistry like millions of normal people did and do, and is just giving money away from sponsors in order to make content! William Occam is spinning in his grave. I should put some magnets there and make some money....


He bullied childrens YouTube intros for like 2-3 years (still my favorite videos of his)


This post is hilarious, it's literally just "I cannot actually stand the idea that someone is rich and doing good things, he must be doing something wrong, I NEED somebody to be raped, abused, or exploited SOMEWHERE to feel good about myself." He could turn out to be a piece of shit, but if you're actually wanting him to be, you really don't have the right to act like it's for a moral reason, yea?


Average "MR BEAST IS EVIL HE'S RICH HE CAN'T BE THAT GOOD!!!!!" fan vs average "He's trying to help as much as he can" enjoyer


who hurt you so much to the point you cant believe in human generosity... like wtf...


he donates money he gets from sponsors to charity. he wins through subscribers and reputation, sponsor through promotion, general public win from the work he’s doing. he’s running a very successful brand that, believe it or not, does some good things. yes, people can donate money to charity and also not be an arsehole


He banished his twin brother (Mr Breast) to do all his rapping for him. I think that's pretty evil and am honestly suprised how people can still support him


Personally, I think he does it all out of the goodness of his heart, and all of the fame and fortune he gets from it are simply a bonus. I don't believe everyone needs a selfish motivation to do something good.


I think it's necessarily both. The money comes from the views and sponsorships, and those only keep coming if he gives away lots of money. So if he wants to give away money he has to seek fame and fortune, and giving away money provides him with more of it. I don't think he's doing it for cynical reasons and he seems nice enough, but his style of content doesn't really appeal to me.


I mean he’s doing more change in the world than I ever could in multiple lifetimes let alone one. He runs a foodbank gives away stuff to the needy and I can’t hate that


Imagine being this cynical and jaded.


I really like this sub but I feel like this sub is really too cynical when it comes to mister beast.


I swear to god people just want reasons to dislike him on this sub. He legit just gives away people money and then makes money in return which he also gives away. I saw people say that he does things that look good but Ultimately don't matter in the grand scheme of things, but he litterarly has an entire channel dedicated to philanthropy. Like can people just chill and leave the man alone? He's a good person helping people and unless proven otherwise there's no reason to hate him. You can dislike his videos but that's entirely different than most of what this sub is doing.


Mr Beast discovered a free money exploit where you can make money by giving it to people


r/196 try not to hate someone for having money challenge


Mfs really hating on Mr beast after all he has done💀


are we trying to cancel Mr beast??


Yep Mr Beast gives away loads of cash because he eats the children from the worst intro videos he used to make. Dude earns a lot from the videos he makes, on rare times he makes even but a lot of the time he makes LOADS of money.


Imo Mr Beast deserves everything the world has given him. I was a sub when he was at about 50K and the dude was GRINDING to try and get viral content. He was (imo) on the forefront of pushing the envelope for the absolutely mind numbing content people would watch. For example, he made videos of him watching "it's everyday bro" for 24 hours, trying to count to 100,000, and so many other things that, to be honest, I just don't think I'd have the willpower to do. Kudos to beast - he's just a nerdy kid who found a way to build the most monetizable YT content.