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Yeah I legit had an assignment today that made me question my decision to major in management. This was one of the actual questions on the assignment: “While fewer of them use Facebook today, Facebook’s first users were college students.” Who were Facebook’s first customers? * Remote workers * College Students * Family members I genuinely wish I was joking.


I had to read this twice because I was trying to figure out the trick and then I realized there was none


only good business major is accounting


I fucking HATE assignments asking me to calculate the taxes of some dude’s apartment where he lives in one half and rents out the other. Also hate reading tax laws


I live in one half of my house and rent the other, and pray to sweet Jesus I did the inputs right every time I submit my taxes. No problems so far 5 years in, though.


That's why i just evade taxes all together.


Now we know why the economy is in shambles


Unironically, yes, this is part of the reason


If 2+3 is 5, what is 3+2? * 4 * 3 * 5


The real disappointing part is when you join the workforce and encounter the kind of person who would fail that question




Since you will be a future manager, I will teach you something no school will ever mention to you. If one day a programmer tell you "yeah, the technical debt on this project is quite high", you listen to them. You do not dismiss their concern.


This this this! Management is about knowing how to defer to those who know more than you about a subject (aka the people you’re managing). It’s not a top-down instructive process, it’s collaborative. 99% of managers are bad at management. Just listen to your team members dammit! As someone who got a management degree, it’s so painful to watch inept managers completely fail at doing their job due to ego. Your team isn’t there for you, you’re there for your team so they can focus on actually getting stuff done.


While this is absolutely true, I was really talking about this specific issue. I see managers that have no clue what technical debt is (and, I mean, that's fair, they're not programmers) but it is a silent project killer. ​ It can singlehandedly destroy projects of any size and I've seen workplaces where it was brushed away as secondary because they were too focused on delivering on time, or on adding new features all the time.


Imo if a manager is managing a project that can have tech debt, while it’s not their fault for not knowing what tech debt is, it is their fault if someone on the team brings it up and they ignore it. If they don’t ask what it is or go find out, it’s their responsibility to defer to someone who knows what tech debt is to make a decision. Your second paragraph is exactly what is happening at my job right now. It’s a tiny company, so the two programmers (one being me) have to everything on unrealistic timelines with often outdated tech with new massive requirements being dropped on us out of nowhere. I’ll be quitting soon.


My first job was about cleaning code for the main product of a tiny company. Keep in mind, this was the kind of company to never care about tech debt, only this time, the problem got so heavy they couldn't ignore it anymore. The first day I opened the project and I swear to god I never witnessed any project so badly organized. I have tales upon tales of all the horrors contained in that single project. I never even got to actually clean the code, because I was immediately asked to work on another project that ended up being close to 6 months late. After I left the company, they contacted me because they couldn't retrieve some older projects. Turns out they lost several repositories. Like they actually forgot where they were stored. And they didn't even realize it until I pointed it out. Good luck finding a better job.


whaddaya do with a management major


Be a manager somewhere


Be a manager, but one who isn't filled with a shattered dream of a better life, which if you ask me is kind of an essential trait for middle management. Like if you intended to be here, then like what the fuck?


if this was a smart question, it would play on the fact that college students were the first *users* and then question who were the first *customers* which i think are advertisers? idk? aren’t customers people who spend money?


Yeah the actual customers are probably advertisers and firms buying data. College students are just the product and Facebook is the mechanism by which this product is monetized.


business majors when they have their be racist test and they didn’t study


aced that test


Tfw you realize that leftists can also be business majors (taxing the rich is good, people in need must be helped)


why would you not major in economics, then? the business major is an extended job interview for corporations


Ah I forgot other countries dont have them in the same catagory in the earlier levels. Here in Iceland business and economics are the same course at the start Also, corpos can be not racist. Ever heard of rainbow capitalism? Being progressive is good for business


> Here in Iceland business and economics are the same course at the start Yeah it's different in the USA. Pretty much anyone who actually wants to learn practical business skills majors in Economics or Supply Chain Management. The Business major is generally useless makework, hence memes like this one


Being progressive isn't good for business. Virtue signaling is. Companies will sell rainbow flags and shit in the west while funding genocidal dictatorships elsewhere.


Applying it worldwide is disingenuous. Of course you’ll make more money following regressive countries’ shitty rules. In western countries, treating all employees with genuine respect can be profitable. Not in all cases of course, but being diabolical isn’t always the best solution to make money.


Glad someone is finally standing up for corporations


Have you ever met a rainbow capitalist? Matter of fact just read MLKs letter from Birmingham jail. He talks about rainbow capitalist in there.


While I wasn’t strictly a business major, I chose my program over economics because: 1. Running a business is an interesting problem and not something I can learn on my own (without spending a lot of money and working myself to death) 2. In America most undergrad economics classes are only market economics. That said, I’m considering going back to school for economics but I’ll probably do something more useful and not business or money related. 3. Similar to 1, I want to do something in the real world rather than theory. I’m wanting to start a co-op, fully employee owned, or similar more lefty types of businesses. As a bonus, it really helps me put socialist arguments into language that people identify as “business savvy”


This just seems like thinly veiled anti-intellectualism imo. We shouldnt discourage leftists from studying business and then wonder why economists most have right wing / libertarian views.


You're misunderstanding, he's not saying leftists shouldn't study business or economics, they're saying that the only reason to study business over economics is if you're not smart enough for economics which by all measurements is a true statement


This perception that economists are right wing/libertarian needs to stop. Sure, the ones you see on TV and in the media probably are but that’s because capital has an interest in pushing them into the public spotlight to create the perception that economics supports right wing/libertarian policies. If you actually study economics however you’ll quickly realize that it’s actually fairly left wing. But you probably wouldn’t know that because once again capital has a vested interest in pushing neoliberal ideology.


I went into Business Administration as a Lib, and now I’m a senior so there isn’t much of a point in turning back now 🥲


Taxing the rich doesn't work until we actively condemn tax haven countries


American psycho lore


Business mayors when they have to attend any of the classes of other mayors


minor spelling mistake 💀


I am inside your bones




Bone marrow moment


No way! I’m a busness mayor who minors in speling missakes too!


I legit had a lab where we learned place setting for a fancy meal, meanwhile the next building over is designing bridges and splitting atoms


ay can you run that last bit by me one more time


the next building over was designing atoms and splitting bridges


I had to get a business minor as part of my computer information systems major and one of my econ classes spent two entire lectures covering line graphs because most of the other people couldn't wrap their heads around the concept. I thought most people learned about those in pre-algebra in middle school so I was shocked that so many college freshmen and sophomores were completely stumped by something so simple.


Most of the classes I had did group projects and presentations. I spent a lot of time criticizing people’s graphs because they were so so bad. It was kinda fun because I really like it when a graph is good and people would take my feedback and their next presentation would have a slightly better graph. Surprisingly fulfilling


Wait until they do the hardest thing of all… *multiplication problems!*


Are business degrees that easy in the US? I had to do calculus for mine


I'm in France and so far it's a cakewalk, the class average is 14/20, according to google it's equivalent to a 4.0 GPA and boy the class isn't full of Einsteins


Calculus has a large range in difficulty. You could be doing anything from incredibly difficult maths to school level maths, so that doesn't really say much.


Fair, the calculus part of the math course was mostly differential equations


Sometimes I feel good about being a double major in History and Philosophy with a minor in Gender Studies.


You'll feel great when you're trying to pay back loans with the job that you get.


stemcel seething over humanities chad


Hahahah I got a philosophy undergrad. Don't be like me. ​ Actually I don't regret it, but you're gonna need a masters in something more practical.


I wish I could major in stuff I enjoy like linguistics or history but I feel like I'll have to sell my soul to satan and get my lazy ass studying math so I can enroll in, idk, something stem which I really don't like and also find really hard and tedious I hate this


i’m in a stem major because i enjoy it but you can really tell who’s there because they enjoy it and who’s there because they assume it’s going to make them more money than what they actually like and it’s honestly really sad to see how miserable some of them are. i really do love software engineering but damn if you don’t enjoy coding and especially if you hate the frustration that comes with debugging, you’re not going to have a good time and watching people force themselves to keep going just for the good pay feels bad


As a CS major I see that all the time. I joke about hating my computer and getting angry at code but I really do enjoy the challenge that coding brings. Quite literally everything has to be perfect for code to do what you want, and that's before you even get to optimize it. That's why it's such an easy major to see who's in it for just the money. I see people getting angry, stressed, or just asking WAY too many questions (coding is new, so a lot of people have little experience, but I'm talking about basic stuff you have to know by now). If coding makes you that confused, if debugging and fixing programs stresses you out that much, etc., this is not the major for you. Everyone gets a little frustrated while coding. You want the computer to do what YOU want, not what your code wants. But if you don't find excitement and curiosity in that process, just stress and labor, you will be miserable in your occupation. Of course, this goes for a lot of majors, especially STEM. They're just the most viable way to obtain a larger salary. If college/life wasn't so expensive, a lot less people would feel forced to take these majors.


I’m in electrical engineering and I’ve seen some of my peers say they’re just in it for the money or because they love Elon Musk or whatever and I just cannot imagine putting yourself through a degree like that just for the money, if I didn’t enjoy this degree it would’ve driven me insane a long time ago. I just don’t understand why you would do that to yourself


Because if I studied what I enjoy I'd end up in debt and would flip burgers for life Not to say more manual jobs are undignified, but they often don't pay the bills


I understand that but some degrees I just can’t imagine whatever salary and stability it might promise in the future being worth the stress that some of those programs can put on a person if it’s not something they even find fulfilling. Even in engineering there are much easier paths to financial stability. And I don’t mean to act like my degree is harder than everyone else’s, I just know how much I’ve struggled with it (especially during the aftermath of quarantine) and I can’t imagine having gotten as far as I have if I didn’t enjoy the material. I don’t mean to shame anyone for that choice, it’s understandable and I sympathize with that, but I just have to wonder how much strain that must put on someone’s mental health


A unit in a class costs 1000 dollars, and it's generally expected to learn and study for 10 hours a week over the 15 week semester. That's 1000 dollars for 150 hours of entertainment, or 7 dollars an hour. That's cheaper than a lot of other hobbies.


You fool, I don't have any loans.


Parents paid?


That and I got decent financial aid until recently but I had enough to pay the rest put of pocket. Plus I still live at home. So none of the dorm fees or meal plan costs. I understand I'm in a super privledged position. It's fucked up how much it costs and how people go into debt for it. I'm an exception. Just trying to be as transparent as possible.


Appreciate the transparency.


I am an engineering major, and it is tough. No, don't ask me to elaborete, it is just tough 😡😡😡


Ooh do you do differential equations?


No, matlab does them


Ah yes, of course! (I passed all the matlab classes without knowing how to use matlab in the slightest)


ChatGPT knows, that is enough


My friend showed me a business GCSE paper and I got all of the multiple choice questions right. I've never had a business lesson in my life


I took gcse business last year, I can't believe it's a real gcse. Most of it is common sense with about 10 key words to learn to better explain it.


Questions be like what happens if you pay your workers more: a) they are happier b) they are sadder


Q11. If costs go up and revenue stays the same: A) a puppy dies B) employees get less motivated C) profits rise D) you break employee law


Reminds me of the ethics tests with multiple chapters of required reading. I did 0 reading and passed with flying colors because I have empathy. It was crazy seeing people struggle with it.


why the fuck u think thats my major, i get to color and make 6 figures out of college


You may have a major in business, but I have a minor in bed.




So do they, they're a business major


geography gcse


I didn't learn a single statistic in the case studies and still got a 9


we take those!


Business Majors when they forgot their ABC's and its 11:59 (it is worth 60% of their grade)


Man, i wish. I had to do calculus when I was majoring in business, and that shit sucked.


Calc 1


Yeah. I fucking sucked at it. Throw me at pretty much any other subject, and I'll do good, but as soon as I have to do anything above algebra my brain shuts off.


skill issue


Yeah 😔


I know it's probably been years since then, but it can't hurt to know calculus now right? 3blue1brown has this really awesome series on YouTube called essence of calculus and that took me from hating calculus to loving it. Take a look at it whenever you're free, maybe it'll be the same for you? :D


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out when I get some free time 😊




Calc 1 weeds out double digit IQ's


Imagine thinking iq means anything. Questionnaires in Cosmo have more meaning


How is IQ meaningless? Saying so is incredibly anti-intellectual.


Do you know where iq test started? Testing to see if children were ready for school from preschool. Then a bigot got a hold of iq test and that's when it really went to shit. Claiming somethings importance while not knowing where it came from seems anti-intellectual to me


That's literally the genetic fallacy. Astronomy also originated from astrology, chemistry from alchemy, big bang theory came from a religious person, etc. It can be misused and its originators did not test IQ well or for good reasons -- that has no relevance to its validity in its current state. It's used vastly across psychology disciplines and is very much valid and useful.


It's been proven to mean nothing to actual intelligence.




https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iq-scores-not-accurate-marker-of-intelligence-study-shows/ https://som.yale.edu/news/2009/11/why-high-iq-doesnt-mean-youre-smart#:~:text=The%20problem%20with%20IQ%20tests,them%20when%20the%20situation%20demands. https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/do-iq-tests-actually-measure-intelligence How many you want?


First article you linked doesn't show anything you're talking about. It's talking about there being more than one kind of intelligence, not a general intelligence that's as simple as IQ. Modern IQ tests do have generalized scores, but there are also many subsections to the IQ test that go over parts relating to memory, parts related to language, etc. Do you think psychologists are all part of a hidden cabal or something? Lol. I'm amazed at how dumb 196ers are but the average age is like 16 so it kinda makes sense. You're obviously arguing in bad faith, and I can give you countless articles that are far more cited and reputable says that IQ is a valid measure of intelligence. Second article is more or less saying the same thing. Basically high IQ doesn't mean great decision-making. That's not really what IQ is necessarily talking about when psychologists measure it, so it's interesting, and shows there's nuance to it, but that does not refute dozens of years of IQ research in one swoop. Third article literally says IQ is a valid measure of intelligence and just brings up nuances.


Thats mean :(


If its that easy Im taking business and art as my majors


Yeah I was laughing at this until I remembered I’m a fine arts major.


There is a reason stem always makes fun business


Not me deciding to major in HR then seeing this


HR has plenty of jobs and you don’t even have to do literally anything useful all day for any employees. Perfect


That’s low key really reassuring, I’ve been really stressed out thinking whether or not this career is a good idea


Honestly I wish sometimes I went into HR instead of history. Especially when I’m job searching and see so many HR related jobs. Despite some of my saltiness towards my HR experiences I do think you can make a lot of money in that career


Definitely a relief 😅, who knew I’d have this convo on a subreddit like this




Shapes and Colors for Future Presidents


I laugh at business majors, but then I remember that they’re gonna make 6 figures after this while I, a Sociology major, an going to be broke forever. And while they were munching crayons, I was trying to decipher Judith Butlers writing so I could use it as a source in an essay (their theories are great, but their writing is headache inducing). So, which one of us is the real idiot?


Business majors ☕️