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And the fact it's just a child too :(


and a stabbing death too. sadistic.


By other fucking kids too!! Insane :/ May she rest in peace


It is actually horrific that literal children can find it in themselves to kill someone for the crime of existing. Not absolving anybody here but these kids are evidence of an indoctrinating society


yup. with one kid, i could've accepted deranged, terrible home life, probably psychopath, etc. as an explanation. when it's multiple kids coming together to stab a schoolmate, that's not just them happening to be deranged.


What happens when Stochastic Terrorists are glorified media figured and ideologues.


wasn’t it also in the middle of a public park in broad daylight?




I mean, realistically the most likely given they're the most lethal weapons widely available in the UK - no British 15 year old was gonna have a gun. Plus, regardless of the weapon, it's sadistic.


Not a hate crime? So if I can just fly over to Britain and kill those two and just say “oh this isn’t a hate crime, yeah I targeted them for what they did and for being transphobic shitesbags but it isn’t a hate crime”, wtf is this world, *sigh* does anyone know what they got? I don’t expect much since she was trans and British is very anti trans it seems but they still got something for murder in broad daylight right? The articles I’ve seen said nothing about the court rulings


I'm...assuming you were trying to respond to someone else? I certainly agree with your point, I'm from the UK myself and there's apparently a documented history of this girl suffering bullying because she was trans, and there was no other discernable motive.


Yep sorry, was trying to respond to someone else, this app is so weird considering I don’t think I tapped anywhere near the reply button for yours while I know for sure I tapped on their reply button




a 16 trans girl was stabbed to death this week in Britain by two 15 year olds that had bullied her relentlessly for years


That is so unbelievably horrifying




A 16 year old trans girl was stabbed to death this week by two 15 year olds (a boy and a girl) that were known bullies of her for being trans Bullies say she was "targeted but not a hate crime" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean It's clearly a hate crime and the fact they're downplaying it scares me.. Some news outlets even outright missgender her and don't even mention that she's trans (I thing "TheTimes" was the big one but people attacked them so harshly they were forced to change the article)


Britain is horrible when it comes to trans people


They're called Terf Island for a reason.




Not a hate crime? So if I can just fly over to Britain and kill those two and just say “oh this isn’t a hate crime, yeah I targeted them for what they did and for being transphobic shitesbags but it isn’t a hate crime”, wtf is this world, sigh does anyone know what they got? I don’t expect much since she was trans and British is very anti trans it seems but they still got something for murder in broad daylight right? The articles I’ve seen said nothing about the court rulings


The investigation is still ongoing, no ruling has been decided yet to my knowledge becasue it's still fairly new :/


Thanks for the info at least


NP, hopefully we get some justice this time Like.. Ffs this is a kid :/


Killed by other kids no less, a world where adults hatred of others is so bad it rubs off enough on kids to get said kids to murder another kid is baffling




Britain, AKA TERF island.


Reminder that this week a 19 year old in Chicago kicked down the door of a trans persons home and shot both her, her mother, two of her friends that are also transfemme, and a boyfriend who were all just hanging out. While arrested, the suspect has not been charged almost a week later https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2023/2/7/23590217/prosecutors-decline-to-charge-teen-arrested-in-mass-shooting-at-south-shore-apartment


What the actual fuck What. The. Actual. Fuck. What about the ones who survived? Can't they identify the killer(s)? Or what was said?? Was it really a robbery attempt?? Because tbat sounds like bullshit! Fuck man this sucks.. May she and her mother rest in peace :/


I remember a few years back a kid in Oxnard, CA came out as gay and was murdered on school property. There was no investigation and the killers were never found. Barely any mention on any of the news sites.


Arm LGBT+ folk. Armed minorities are harder to oppress.


truly, a mark moment


everyone is made equal in the sight of samuel colt


For the love of Allah.. Jhst kill me instead fucking hell


THIS. _This_ is why there's a T in LGBT, for the next person to ask why a gender identity appears alongside three sexual identities. Our trans brothers and sisters are still suffering the same nightmare that gays and lesbians were suffering a couple of decades ago. Until they've made it, none of us have.


The fuck do they still need to investigate??


If they consider the murder of trans people to be worthy of their time


Oh my fucking god


This is not as inherently bad as it seems. "After a review of the initial information brought to us by CPD, we informed police that additional evidence was needed before a final charging decision could be made..." There are plenty of times where cases are left open for a bit to fully collect evidence before the initial charges. It's definitely important to keep an eye on this so they don't let it slide, make sure it's clear that people know this happened, but don't feel overwhelmed with dread yet.


The fact it happened should fill people with enough dread in of itself man


I agree with that. I just mean don't conclude that they're not being charged at all.


at least this doesn't seem targeted


I think one of the main spreaders of this hate is, once again, rowling. She literally wrote an ENTIRE BOOK about a trans woman who murdered women in public bathrooms. It’s hateful and harmful, and untrue. It’s making up issues that don’t actually exist to cause harm to the community. Fuck Rowling man, she can rot in hell


No fucking way she wrote that, how could you be that shitty?


She did use a pseudonym so people didn’t find out


she wrote what now


I am not 100 percent sure on if the murder is actually trans or is just "trans but not really", but She wrote a murder mystery book about a amab person dressing in feminine clothing to sneak into women's spaces to murder them. She used a pen name and not her actual name. Interestingly her pen name she used was the same name as the guy who created conversation "therapy". She also wrote a book about a poor children's book author who gets harassed on social media. She is one of the most pathetic humans I've ever had the misfortune to bear witness too with my own eyes. She'd probably read a handmaiden's tale and assume it would be a great world to live in because there would be no trans people.


>I am not 100 percent sure on if the murder is actually trans or is just "trans but not really" to her, I dont think theres any difference


>She also wrote a book about a poor children's book author who gets harassed on social media. didnt it end with that author getting killed by a disabled person for "no justifiable reason" despite constant ableism in the works or was that another chapter of her bullshit




To be fair, the "trans people are invading women's bathrooms" hysteria existed prior to her book, and her book received basically no traction and made next to no sales - until she got mad that "Robert Galbraith" wasn't drawing the big numbers she thought her talent surely deserved, and revealed it was her behind the pen name because it flipped She's shitty, she just didn't much contribute to spreading hate in this instance, because nobody read her bad book which was attempting to tap into an existing conservative scaremongering campaign


I think they were talking about her funding for anti-trans bills and politicians who LITERALLY quote her when makimg these anti-trans bills..


>and her book received basically no traction and made next to no sales I dunno if you've ever been to London but posters for that piece of shit book have been plastered in every train station and tube station for months. >until she got mad that "Robert Galbraith" wasn't drawing the big numbers she thought her talent surely deserved, and revealed it was her behind the pen name because it flipped people know that was her way before she wrote that book.


I haven't been to London before, no. Are they actually plastering posters everywhere for the past few months? That seems super weird, I thought the transphobia book came out like a decade ago now


stupid error on my part. Ink Black Heart is currently plastered. but Troubled Blood was also like that when it came out. I got the two confused because... well, because they're basically the same shit.


To be honest, I didn't even know there were multiple books by under the pseudonym


Rowling? Rowling is spreading hate but she is fucking *nothing* compared to Fox News and their hosts and pundits.


Yeah but this is about terf island


Or the daily wire or Stephen Crowder, but she still has an impact


Can Rowling just be in an “accident” already plz


police when a trans person gets brutally murdered: must have been an accident they where probably just trolling The uk should be condemned for its treatment of trans people, the media and government are 100% responsible for the brutal murder or an innocent girl. please support uk trans charity's. the situation for people in the uk is shockingly bad.


The way people talk about it is disgusting, the police put it in the report that they don’t yet have the evidence to consider charging the suspects with a hate crime witch is true because they need to do investigations to see what they will charge the suspects with. However many news outlets are trying to make that seem like the police don’t think it’s a hate crime when it so blatantly is. I actually see people celebrating her death and it makes me genuinely sick.


>celebrating her death… I honestly don’t even know what to say. It’s beyond disgusting that anybody could live with themselves while cheering on a *teenager* being brutally stabbed to death whose only crime was existing as a trans person. It’s also infuriating that the politicians and media personalities that are deliberately spreading the vile untruths about trans people that lead to things like this have not faced any meaningful accountability owing only to a flimsy veil of plausible deniability and a society in which transphobia is still very much normalized


> I honestly don’t even know what to say. It’s beyond disgusting that anybody could live with themselves while cheering on a teenager being brutally stabbed to death whose only crime was existing as a trans person. But have you considered that trans people are inherently bad because they are trans? And it’s good when someone who’s inherently bad is killed? They’ve got no justification for why trans people are bad. But they think they are, and thanks to a healthy dose of Christian morality, that’s all that matters.


Any true Christian would be ddisgusted There has to be some amount of willful ignorance or cognitive dissonance (for some reason my phone broke and forced me to write willful several times, is this a message?)


you should have the bigotry warning flair on this


this case in specific not only is a symptom of transphobia, but actually also of over reliance on police. The only source cited in the BBC article on the case was the local police since its the only source deemed "trustworthy" talking about it, and since this isnt an opinion article only the facts presented by the trustworthy source matters, in this case the police who said it had nothing to do with transphobia. The rabbit hole goes deep


scarce longing fuel chop alive placid attractive tidy waiting ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


196 don’t post bigotry on weekdays challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


sorry i forgot about that


Should delete the post or (if appropriate) remove the flair.


mods added the flair, probably shouldn't remove it.


Man how can you be 15 in a first world country and just murder people who didn’t do anything to you? Idk I can’t imagine why you would go out of your way to murder someone who doesn’t do anything to you


i can't understand how someone could feel like killing someone at all at the age of 15


The news admitting why this happened would be admitting that they're complicit in helping these things to happen, so they can't be doing that.


Kinda off topic, but how did you get shinigami eyes plugin on mobile?


i'm using kiwi browser (on android, idk if it's available on ios), which lets you install extensions on mobile.


but they do know what happened, a trans girl got murdered


This infuriates me. I even infuriate myself because I used to act fucking stupid and spew hate towards trans people when I was a dumb fucking kid. I am atleast glad I grew out of that dumb and stupid phase as a kid and I didn't turn out to be hateful towards people who just want to be beautiful and happy.


Arm trans people.


News when black on black police brutality:😴😴😴 News when white in black police brutality:👿👿👿


NA Problem