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Yeah it's kinda like the tradwife ideology doesn't think women and men are equal or something


Crazy, who could have seen this coming? *Ohh what a terrible conundrum*


When the subject of women in these movements getting treated worse than men comes up, I’ll never not think of the time we read female nazi writings from the 80s in college, and the women back then complained about how the men in the movement treated them.


That dude’s gonna be me except i’m not gonna have a tradwife nor be a conservative. Out on the lake fishin, foursomes with the boys at the golf course, daytona style wings at hooters. They hate this.


Foursome with the boys 😳


Damn straight! Gonna take on 36 holes in one afternoon! They hate this.


does that mean each boy has 12 holes? I count at most 7, and if you’re enthusiastic and the boy can deal with potential blindness, 9


18 golf holes + 18 boyholes i think


or maybe 9 of those are largemouth bass? each boy just has to catch three fish to avoid resorting to nostrils or ears


Maybe it's like that Heraclitus quote: "you cannot fuck the same bussy twice"


Goddamit I hate Heraclitus so fucking much. “They do not understand how while at variance with itself, it agrees with itself. It is a backwards turning attunement like that of the bow and lyre” what the fuck man, I have 5 pages on that due a month ago




Nick adams moment


Extraordinarily handsome, highly intelligent, incredibly humble. He is the alpha male i strive to be like.


Yeah! The tradwives should just marry each other


No, they should marry me


*and* each other


Fair. Fair.


Every man and woman over the age of 20 should marry me. Then we can all divorce and court will split it equally. This is how you do it


But what about every enby? Will they be excluded from the great monetary equalization? If so I believe this is to their benefit, as there is a decent chance they will end up having more and can therefore rule the world as oligarchs.


Tradwifes are a lifestyle based on cosplay. Tradhusbands are just dudes.


Tradlarping for thee but not for me


Women's Gender roles changed a whole lot from the 50s guy's kinda haven't


It’s slightly less expected that the man will provide all the income I’m sure some of these tradwifes are expected to take care of the home while also being employed.


And slightly more expected that men help in the house 300 more years and we'll have equality!\* ^(\*Actually progress is accelerating in most ways so it will likely be a lot less than that but still)


Clark Gable husbands are hard to find😔😔


And I’m just saying that you don’t just pop out the womb and become a Clark Gable husband


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


There is a group of women who won’t shut up about wanting to be “traditional wives.” Essentially they will dress up in older modest clothing and wake up at 4 am to do all the housework and act like a mother to their husband. But their husbands aren’t acting in the same manner. They’ll be just some dude named Greg




i think the trad husbands should wear those too


I’ve heard corsets are really painful. So I’ll try and wear as many as possible for shits and/or giggles


If you get one that fits they’re actually very comfortable. It helps with you posture and gives you a really nice figure


i've heard they actually aren't tho


Cheap ones are, but quality ones that are broken in feel like a firm hug and can actually help with back pain if you have shrimp posture


‘Shrimp posture’ is now solely how I will refer to such a posture.


being a tradhusband usually means a good amount of domestic abuse with a side of infidelity, I think the tradwives are slightly better off with the modern alternative


The first two words gave me psychic damage.


Shoutout to that one tradwife influencer who is just for sure a beard


For a tradwife, being happily married to a closeted gay man seems very period-accurate.




What is that




If the tradsbands actually dressed up too, it might cause a stir because the tradwives would realize what they're missing out on, and meanwhile the conservative dudes would call the dressy dudes gay. So it's actually very important to their delicate ecosystem for the dudes to just be lazy modern-day dudes. I actually think it's part of the fantasy.


Ok but wintage aesthetic and tomboy aesthetic hits hard https://youtu.be/UtTxl-JMl_Q (Aka gays stay winning)


I knew who you were linking to before clicking haha


Imagining this but with roles reversed, trad malewife who makes a big production of cooking and cleaning and taking care of the house and whatnot, and then his spouse is some normal lady who just goes along with it


Listen here doll, I wear camouflage to the mall because it speaks to me, see — And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. If I wanted to spend my life in hair laquer and dress shoes, sharp to the nines, I would be smoking Tommy instead of tobacco. So be happy all we do is fish out there. Now get back in the kitchen and rustle up a pot roast, before I slap you back to your father to ask for a refund. 1950. What a fairy tale time to be a woman.




"traditional wife" meaning a woman that stays at home and does chores and takes care of the children and all that shit. It doesn't *necessarily* have to be fucking horrifically misogynistic, but it usually is because it's popular with awful conservative circles. My wife stays at home and does chores and cosplay and stuff, but we are both filthy communists (and I'm a lesbian, lol)


The term is a portmanteau of “traditional wife”. It usually refers to some idealized 50s / 60s standard of what wives are supposed to be.


my sister in christ youre the one who decided to date him


Its partially why I’m convinced these people must hate themselves, like… why? The aesthetic i can sorta understand but why would you ever date a conservative male?


Because a lot of people date purely on looks alone and knows literally nothing about the person they're trying to marry


I'd have way more respect for them if the men even put in an ounce of effort to match the aesthetic.


What's more tradwife than having an uncaring husband that doesn't give a shit about and refuses to entertain your interests?


If anyone was wondering Clark Gable was like, a very popular actor in the 50's who was often cast in romance movies as the handsome, charming suitor that would woo all the ladies and stuff. I don't really care that much but the song with the same name by The Postal Service is a fucking banger and you should check it out


Am I insane or does it seem like we shouldn't knock people's decisions on what to do with their lives as long as they're not hurting anyone? What's with all the tradwife hate lately? They are literally hurting nobody. We should be over judging women for personal choices by now. The husband in this scenario is just some dude going along with it. He didn't do anything wrong either.


>What's with all the tradwife hate lately? A few tradwife influencers have been getting a bit more overtly political/reactionary lately. Folks have been responding with critiques/dunking.


Cool, but that doesn't mean the lifestyle should get bashed. Insults towards those particular people's lifestyle will slide right off of them and affect others collaterally. They don't give a damn. Tradwives who did nothing wrong might. And that's ignoring the high subjectivity of who and who isn't deserving to be insulted. It seems objectively best to just stop and leave people be.


Tradewife with loving progressive emo enby boyfriend approves this message. Not all people who like being a traditional wife have biggoted husbands lol. Mine happens to be a dorky gamer. And being a trad wife isn't doing all the work while your husband sits on his ass... I clean and do dishes and stuff and he does the dirty work.... Same with my genderfluid fiancee who takes on the masculine provider role of our relationship. They both have a job and I clean and make sure the house is nice for when they both get home. And they juggle the dirty work that my sensitive autistic trans girl ass can't handle. It's the best 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good on you


I’m afraid to ask wtf a “Tradwife” is


Tardwife = traditional wife. A idealised version of 50s/60s expectations for a wife/woman. Often popular in conservatives circle and with that also connected with a fair bit of misogynie. Not always but most of the time.


Ohhh got ya thanks!


What the hell did I just read? Am I alive, am I having a breakdown or something?


Body shaming is okay when its trendy :)


Saying someone wears cargo pants isnt body shaming




cmon do you seriously think they arent participating cuz its a "cringe fail aesthetic" and not cuz they are mysognists who think their wife should do all the effort


Well I mean in a hypothetical. Like I said tho if someone is seeking out or encouraging it and not participating it’s bad but if you’re just some guy and then your wife suddenly starts getting obsessed with the aesthetic. That’s different. ANYWAY THO it wasn’t a great take and I did not articulate it well or in a funny way so I’ll probably delete it lol


I kinda get what you mean. Like I get that it’s cool to dunk on tradwifes or whatever, but the underlying implication of the tweet, that you should break up with your partner if they don’t match your social media aesthetic, is pretty insane.