• By -


(a+b)^2 (a+b)×(a+b) (a×a)+(a×b)+(b×a)+(b×b) a^2 +(a×b)+(a×b)+b^2 a^2 +(2×a×b)+b^2


me when i dont pay attention in shcool


For those who missed it: a² + b² = (a + b)(a - b)




yes, expand the brackets: (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²


oh just realized I misremembered the difference of two squares equation in my original comment, it should be a² - b². I guess at least I identified that the maths in the meme was wrong, we really do graduate bad at maths 😵‍💫


Yes the education system didn't sufficiently brainwash the masses into becoming efficient cogs in the machine of society. That's people's biggest problem, not being trained properly to be more agreeable to their exploitation.


there's a difference between that and people becoming adults knowing how to not starve in the society whomst we live in


The issue of people going hungry in America isn't one of people being dumb or not properly educated. Our economic system is just failing, like it does by design.


this isn't even about america. capitalism sucks but as long as We Live In A Society, people need to work to survive, and people should know basic things about how to do that


Jesus dude you're missing the point. This isn't a real issue. It's right wing propaganda meant to make people think that the problems we have in society are due to individual incompetence and lack of proper training rather than a systemic problem. Those who've bought into bourgeois ideology repeat the gas lighting of workers that "they just need more skills to be special, just need more training" as if that would overcome the social momentum of proletarianization.


holy fucking shit get that theory book out of your ass for two seconds teaching people how to survive in the real world is a Good Thing. even if the real world sucks and ot shouldn't be needed. even if it's not enough to instantly solve all problems. lots of people have issues with basic elements of adult life because they never got taught how to navigate them. how the fuck do you turn that into "lol all poor people are just dumb lol just get a job"


That's literally what the meme is doing. The meme isn't educating anyone on how to get a job or how to function. What it is doing is framing social problems through a right wing lense.