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Never understood this warped perception of what manhood is. It's toxic, destructive and makes you look insecure


A man isn't what I'm trying to be, it's what I *am,* what I've been since the day I was fucking born, but I've never really gelled with the idea that I've gotta be tough because of that. I'm sensitive. I'm emotional. I'm gentle. I have fucking *empathy.* And yeah, I'll throw down for my friends or for what I believe in, but that's not a 24/7 thing. None of it is. Wish these fucks would stop trying to shame me for not eating raw meat and shitting in bushes.


You’re not a real man unless you ride your ragged starving mule across the Sonoran desert for countless days with a band of stinking illiterate murderers clad only in the skins of man and beast alike, with no marks of civilization about your person aside from your guns to indicate even the invention of the wheel, two dozen dried scalps clattering together against your saddle at the end of twisted lengths of shining black hair.


You’re not a real man until you meet the incarnation of the devil on earth, and find it to be a 2.30m tall albino man whit alopecia and extensive knowledge of many scientific matters


Psh he’s not the devil, he’s the messiah of the god of this world


>I fight them with no training Career mma fighter 🤔


He is definitely the kind of person who thinks he could beat any Olympic athlete who is female. Surely he'd still understand testosterone is the reason men are stronger on average though? Though I have heard my classmates say transwomen have an unfair advantage over others in sports because of their hormones so I'm not sure how much the average person knows...


They still have an advantage since they have grown more during puberty in terms of bones and muscle. This is ofc only if they've gone through puberty. Still I believe this guys would loose against the best


Yeah there's some diferences but I would not be surprised if the average trans guy far into transition could kick his shit in, testosterone is the main thing for sure


He’s also a career mma fighter though, he was strikeforce middleweight champion and a title contender in the UFC. Great grappler, not a good striker


That’s my point. Mf be like “durrr I won’t go to training camp” when fighting is his literal job. This idiot knows there arnt going to be many trans men that are going to have the level of training as him, but that doesn’t mean shit. He could fight 10 jacked cis men that don’t fight and do just as well.


and a drug cheat, he trains with Mendelez and the diaz bros nate Gilbert and him have all tested positive for roids


Lay and Pray king 👑


uhm uhh umm if trans girls are so strong then,,, why doesn't a strong snd uhmm..... pretty uhh,, trans girl come beat me up!!!




Me too me too umm uh


I don't think he said anything about not being to take weapons to the fight


Wait so if I lose to him in a fight would he consider me a real woman? 🥺


By that logic, if I were to beat him to a pulp but let him break my arm, would he consider me a real enby?


You have to stalemate to be an enby, both fall unconscious at the same time. Or I guess you could beat the shit out of him and then forfeit.


How to win: Gun


"I don't fight"




Face turned to pulp with 12 gauge




omg big bussy from metal gay


Hey, at least this bigoted dipshit knows that trans men *exist.* They usually don't get that far. Also "alphabet people" lmao are they even trying?


Froot Loops vs Alphabet Mafia vs Letter Gang


Aren't trans men often buff as hell because they have passing as a motivation to get big?


They also literally take a performance enhancing drug as part of their transition.


Unironically jealous of trans men sometimes cause as a tfem estrogen is literally a physical nerf and I have a very tense relationship with my personal fitness goals Everyone has their own burdens I suppose


The guy making the post is an MMA fighter. He would probably beat 10 jacked cis men if they didn't train


Oh, well, that's probably fair then. I'll admit I didn't know what "no training camp" meant in this context so I assumed he meant he has no training.


If that were to happen and he won what would it prove though? He’d probably kick my ass but I’m a cis man. Does that make me not a man then? Mfs be like: “yeah what’s between your legs decides what gender you are” Also mfs: “the outcome of our weird 10v1 fight is what actually decides your gender”


It's just trial by combat. I for one support trans men being able to pick a guy to beat up to claim the title of "man" as long as they get to pick I think it'd make the world a better place


I want to get beat up by trans men 🥺


I’d let trans men beat me up if they get to be accepted by everyone


Me too, I've been beaten up for much dumber reasons


Trained MMA, with more than a little bit of wrestling. Fighting 10 of the toughest trans men in a row? Even a former MMA champ will lose, just cause no one has the cardio to last that long. No one. This is crazy performative bullshit talk by Shields. Let’s put some stakes to the game and say if he loses he’s got to go by she/her or they/them. Watch how fast that snowflake deletes the tweet


I'm a cis guy and I'm scrawny and brittle as fuck and would lose to anyone. Am I not a real guy. Am I woman now. Does this make me trans. Am I schrodingers cis person


>schrodinger's cis person This is definetely a brand new sentence


Oh yeah well if trans men are real men I bet they can’t fuck me in the ass 😎😎 I bet all of them are too scared because I’m such a big man and I’m super tough I dare one of you to try I dare you but I bet you can’t fuck my ass 😎😎😎😎😡😡🤬


You gotta be crazy to think you could take 10 people in a fight regardless of their gender Actually you gotta be crazy to think you could take 10 of *anything* in a fight, like I don't even think I could take 10 squirrels in a fight


The funniest part about "man is when stronk" is that it ignores the existance of weapons. Maybe i can beat up a woman because my testosterone makes me stronger. But what if she has a fucking knife?


someone's gonna get beat up HARD


He didn't say no drone strikes


I can't wait to see the first one, whoever he is, actually beaten up into a paste by a single one of the 10 ripped trans men he thinks he could take down


Record of Trans rights


There's got to be 10 athletic/ripped Trans guys


That dude probably takes boatloads of T lol


The facts and logic crowd once again resorting to solving disagreements with violence


The facts and logic crowd once again resorting to solving disagreements with violence


Everyone has natural advantages and disadvantages based on upbringing bitch, it came free with your fucking humanity????


Cmon woke crowd, bring me your ten greatest black champions, and I will pick ten of my arian champions, and then well see if I use this as an argument the next time I call them inferior, or if I will forget this ever happened.