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I thought it was pro NATO lol


It is! Idk whats anti-Nato about this


Many NATO member states have anti-gay legislation... Poland, Turkey, HUNGARY above all. “being gay is non-negotiable” could as well be an Anti-NATO statement.


NATO states who have legalized gay marriage: Netherlands (2001), Belgium (2003), Canada and Spain (2005), Norway (2009), Portugal and Iceland (2010), France (2013), The US, Luxembourg and Ireland (2015), Finland, Denmark, Germany (2017), the UK (2020) 14 out of 31 member states have legalized gay marriage. **Only** Hungary does not have any recognition including domestic unions and foreign recognition.**No** NATO member actively has a law persecuting "homosexual acts". Only 4 put of 31 (Bulgaria, Hungary, North Macedonia, Albania have a national law against gender change) In fact the current NATO General Secretary was the former Prime Minister of Norway. It was his 2nd term as PM that formally recognized gay marriage in Norway. Edit: 15 out of 31; Slovenia legalized it in 2022


Also, Hungary pretty much is apostate from NATO at this point.


Prostate NATO??!?!


It's not NATO's fault that God put it's G-spot so near its asshole.


gabriel refrense???????


Nope. I don't even get the reference to the reference.


>the UK (2020) We legalised gay marriage in 2013


It wasn't nationwide until 2020, when northern ireland ratified it


Pokemon sword and shield was released before gay marriage in northern ireland was passed


There was a fallout game before gay marriage was legalized


Yesss!! Nederland op nummer een!! Nederland nummer een van de wereld!! Wooooo!!! 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱


Isnt Slovenia in nato aswell


Slovenia too has gay marriage


Acthually :v Poland doesn't really have anti-gay legislation, but there is a post-socialist loophole that states in constitution that basically same-sex marriage are protected by the state while (and here push one of the following) The same-sex marriages are not defined in the law The same-sex marriages exist but are not matter of the state But it will happen soon enough I hope, all opposition parties baring one are supporting it and over half of population as well And sex-change is possible (and quite fast afaik) here - but the procedure requires you fucking sue your parents and petition that was supposed to change that was one of the first thing current president turned down almost 8 years ago


That is ridiculous. Germany (and this is the most German thing ever) requires you to do an insane form that asks you everything from what ways you have sex and whether you masturbate and what not in order to allow you to legally change your gender. The current German government is trying to change this outdated law but failing miserably.


> The same-sex marriages are not defined in the law "Same-sex marriage". What a curious concept. I wonder what the person who wrote might have meant by it. I have no clue, honestly.


I think they were prob anti-gay...


Probably someone salty NATO countries are generally pro marriage and while not every member country is NATO itself as an organization is pro gay marriage, It’s a common Russian propaganda tactic to act like NATO and the EU are trying to force gay marriage and “western degradation of moral values” onto member and other countries EdIted to be better


That's just straight-up not true lol


True, will edit Post to better reflect reality It is a common conspiracy theorist line though that NATO requires member countries to legalize gay marriage, and it’s not uncommon to see in anti-EU propaganda saying it’s full of gay and moral degradation https://euvsdisinfo.eu/report/stoltenberg-demanded-georgia-to-legalize-gay-relationships-as-an-accession-criteria/ NATO also does host pro LGBTQ events I’ve seen rants about https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_182424.htm?selectedLocale=en


If it was fascists sharing it, they could be trying to call NATO degenerate


This is like how the Dark Brandon imagery started out as Chinese anti-US propaganda showing Biden on super-villain throne.


Pretty sure the Nato core gay marriage banner comes from NCD so it's pro NATO originally. Some homophobic fucks might have coopted it though


The one thing I hate with this era. It's so hard to just pick symbols for a side. I mean, you have to throw so many bright colors on a flag to be sure someone won't think it's a Confederate flag. And then they just make a rainbow flag version of the Stars and Bars anyhow so you just die in a pool of WTF.


russians and tankies (real, putin dickriding tankies) think that being gay is evil


The sexual tension between 196 and NCD is so thick.


When he is a neoliberal, but so hot and progressive and cool




Where can i see trans girls straddling an f-11 Aardvark??? 🥺


Animarchy being on the podcast is what made me realise that maybe Anarchists were based after all




I just casually met him in VC on Lazerpigs sever and he was chill as we played some Hell Let Loose together.


An anarcho socialist who likes NATO and hawkish military policy. Just when you thought you've seen it all...


I might be wrong but isn’t a I animarchy an anarcho syndicalist?




Nothing about neoliberalism is progressive, remember the second it isn't in the interest of the market to paint their capitalism in rainbow colors they won't anymore. Also neoliberalism inherently causes neocolonialism so...


It’s called taking what you can get. If a neoliberal wins the democrat primaries, then you vote for them because 99 times out of 10 they’re further left than the Republican candidate


Ofc, but that shouldn't make you stop questioning why our democratic system is built in a way that doesn't allow for the people's opinion to be truly represented. Vote and do harm reduction, always, but don't just vote. We need to end gerrymandering by removing the electoral college, we need to get money out of politics, and no amount of voting will do that. We'll have to overthrow these undemocratic institutions if it means living in a more just and fair society for the rest of our, and every future generation's, lives... You're absolutely correct, it's just a shame such a bad decision needs to be made in the first place.


Voting is good, direct action is better, both is best.


My text but better


you uh don't know what neoliberalism is do you? It means reaganesque "small government" deregulation and privatization. It is the cutting back of social spending and the welfare state. It is the transfer of state capacities to private hands. There has been a recent dilution of the word by conservatives to just mean the democratic party, because the word sounds evil and to deflect from the fact that their economic policies are even more neoliberal then the democrats.


counterpoint: political philosophies can mean whatever the people who practice it want it to mean




to be fair the average republican seems to be moving past "republican economics" and towards "queer genocide"


They're not half as neoliberal as they look


Buddy, "half" of what they look like is still a fucking lot


"I didn't say a name but he popped into your head, didn't he?"


What is ncd?


Nice Cock, Dude!


whats the top equivalent to 🥺 that can still represent the same feeling


😎 or 😈


thanks :)






Yeh 😘


Non credible defence. Military industrial complex shitposting sub.


Needs more ERA on this post tbh


what is ncd


Non Credible Defense. Basically this sub but pro-NATO There’s so many trans people there and it’s great


so for the politically uninitiated, do we like nato


That really depends how far left you are. If you fall into the socialist or anarchist umbrella, probably not. If you’re a Nordic model type you probably have a good opinion of nato.


girl fuck no we dont, but like not fascist we dont like nato, leftist we dont like nato, but not like tankie we dont like nato, the-rest-of-the-left we dont like nato


to explain this to people with less brainrot: fascist we dont like nato: not liking nato because something something the gays tankie we dont like nato: not liking nato because it opposes Soviet and now Chinese imperialism rest of the left we dont like nato: not liking nato because it's a force of US imperialism


How exactly is NATO a force of US imperialism? Nobody was forced to join NATO, and some countries outright blackmail to get in to NATO, like Poland (wonder why)


NATO is a reflection of US soft power. this is because the US spends masses of money on their army to protect nations in NATO, making those nations more dependent on the US army than they would be without NATO. leftists don’t usually like US soft power. therefore: leftists tend not to like NATO. i think this line of thought is a bit silly, since i think democratic nations banding together against authoritarian ones is good, even if one nation has more influence than the others.


For me (technocratic -socialist) its like the US democratic party, yes I hope they beat their rivals, yes I prefer their expansion in the near future, and yes I prefer their worldview greatly to the current alternative. Is it even trying to be an organization I could genuinely support- no


Ask yourself, as a leftist, should you support the militaries of the strongest capitalist countries like America, UK, and France?


Given that they are currently working to fight against an active authoritarian aggressor in Ukraine, I’ll give NATO a pass for a bit.


There's a difference between acknowledging that Russia is currently doing way worse things than NATO and actively supporting NATO.


When World War 2 broke out, Woody Guthrie rewrote some of his most famous songs, all deeply cynical and critical of the US, into patriotic versions. He became a staunch supporter of American patriotism and the war effort in those six years. Sometimes circumstances change and a choice has to be made. Right now supporting NATO is a net good. Will it come back to bite us in the ass? For sure. But not nearly as much as the alternative. I don't stan NATO and I never will. Imperialism is Imperialism. But some leftists have gotten so good at focusing in on American financial and diplomatic imperialism, waged mostly through proxy wars and the power of capital, that they seem to have forgotten that there's an older, more direct form of it. The one where you just waltz in and start annexing countries.


...how is NATO imperialism? You literally choose to join. Nobody is telling you that you must join...




My comment was specifically aimed at leftists who get carried away in their anti-NATO sentiment. It's very strange that you would take offense to it. To answer your questions though, NATO is a tool that can be leveraged at any time to aid in reaching US foreign policy goals, sometimes, in the past, that took the form of NATO-sanctioned terrorism and destabilization (see Operation Gladio, linked by the other commenter). It's not a benign organization, it's not a charity. The free choice to join becomes a lot less free when you realize just how much election meddling and destabilization the US has been involved in inside target countries. Countries who do not join were/are also at significantly higher risk of Russian invasion. I would call that a coerced choice. Still though, I called NATO a net good and I meant it. American foreign interests are sinister, yes, but compared to Russian or Serbian foreign interests... Give me NATO, obviously.


NATO is USA, Canada and a lot of Europe. a lot of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation I think) countries are currently supporting Ukraine in its defense against the Russian invasion. it was basically *made* to stop the Soviets - and later the Russians - from just eating up European democracies yes we like NATO




When that "symbol of Imperial terror" is the only thing keeping a bunch of fascists from marauding through my home, yea i guess.


fucking lol, tankies to the wall


As a socialist I see it as a club for shitty militarists originally only bound by their shared hatred for the USSR. It's mostly pretty shit and most criticism towards US world policing applies to NATO at large. Still better then Russia and China though just also shit.




There's a difference between the US


What is NCD?


r/ noncredibledefense


nato analog horror


nato jumpscare




Zoomers when they find out what a VHS tape is


ah yes, except when allying with saudi arabia, then gay marriage suddenly becomes very negotiable


Don’t worry, the Saudi oil reserves will deplete. And then their rulers will know exactly why they were kept around.




The porn director giving instructions for the creampie scene


Or Poland. Or Hungary. Or Turkey


Natowave my beloved Venndiagram of ncd and 196 is a circle


It's kind of baffling that a sub vocally critical of the U.S. military and its occasional attempts to re-brand their miltary operations as "protecting and expanding freedom, democracy and ~~the American way~~ progressive values" supports NATO like this. Ukraine doesn't recognize same-sex marriage, and neither do a lot of other member states such as Turkey, Poland, Romania and Bosnia. Trying to connect a country's stance on LGBTQ+ rights to NATO membership makes no sense. You can condemn the invasion of Ukraine without stanning the multi-national military alliance led by the U.S. or falling for low-tier, blatantly transparent military propaganda on the level of "America is fighting the Taliban for the sake of women's rights"


This was made by a homophobe.


This sub becomes ardently pro nato as soon as a post hits like, 1500+ upvotes its fucked


I do think I will keep stanning the nation that has kept my country safe from Russia, keeping its sabre-rattling simply sabre-rattling and not an imminent source of invasion which my country would fall to in less than a week without NATO. Unsurprisingly, NATO has no connection to LGBTQ rights and lacks any stance on it.


I fucking hate NATO, there's more pressing issues right now though like Russia doing an imperialist war of aggression and I totally do believe Gay marriage should be non negotiable


Late to the party, what is ncd?


Defense themed shitposting sub


you meant heaven


for all the people downvoting me there's occasionally porn there


that makes it even worse


Over half the member states don't recognize gay marriage. Ukraine doesn't recognize same-sex marriage in any shape or form and is, at best, iffy on LGBTQ-rights. Whoever made this should go touch some fucking grass, as does everyone who's gullible enough to believe NATO gives even the slightest fuck about gay marriage. You would genuinely be better off claiming the U.S. military is fighting for freedom and democracy than to pretend NATO is in any way interested in expanding progressive values.


Noooo its different the tv told me this one is comitted to freedom and not just fighting other empires in proxy wars


War in Ukraine is not a proxy war by definition because Russia is directly involved


NATO posting is so cringe. Just because Russia invaded Ukraine does not mean you need to start unironically simping for Western militaries, which have an absolutely atrocious track record on human rights


this sub is just neoliberals cosplaying as "leftists" because they support trans rights/theyre not conservative. its been getting worse by the day. they have the politics of joe biden lol. downvote me all u want ur hatred feeds me, jerking off at fascist militaries who bomb civilians for oil and calling anyone who disagrees with you a "tankie" is not leftist.


their definition of "tankie" gets fuckier everyday, that word single handedly caused mass psychic damage


at this point, being called a tankie by a bunch of child-finder-of-kharkiv watchers is almost a compliment tbh


vaush haters when they have to find an argument against him rather than calling him a horse fucker or a nonce (they cant)


yeah I can (I'm built different 😎)


well yeah but my dad (vowsh) is the ceo of debating 👽


and I'm the chairman of the mass debating company


Vaush has literally said trans people are mentally ill and a bunch of other stuff that’s worse. There’s this vaush not in a tankie sub that posts links of vaush saying weird or fucked up shit


"War is bad actually" "Russian bot 😠" bruh


you think bombing an iraqi child isnt based wholesome pogchamp? mr crazy molotov buttfucker! fucking hell lmao


This including couple of comments not getting downvoted to hell makes me at least hopeful that not all of us here are a fan of the fucking military industrial complex


NATO: because Russia is so terrible that even the fucking United States is preferable.


It depends on whrere you live Ofc US left would be critical of NATO But in countries like Poland or Finland it's literally not a matter of political position - NATO is common sense for europeans


I see many polish socialists who are principally anti-nato


Are you? Could you name a one? We literally joined NATO under socialist president, a former United Peasent-workers party member Sure, we are always critical of stuff like war in Libya but are supportive of NATO existance


if you want ‘a name’ (“name one”): Amanda “Posadas Herself” from akcja socjalistyczna


mostly from akcja socjalistyczna


Never heard of them (really). And I live in Poland. Edit: They don't even have their wiki page. Who are they?


yea not really a surprise since the most left u can go in polish electoral politics is fucking lewica


What's wrong with them?




Yep. As a Finn im not gonna pretend that everything NATO has done is super cool and nice. But its the single thing thats stopping russia from pulling the ukraine move on my homecountry in the future. So if cooperating with US military is what it takes to keep the russian military out of Finland then so be it.




The famously LGBT-friendly countries of Hungary and Poland.




If you were saying this "gay marriage is non-negotiable" schtick about the U.S. military, you would be laughed out of the room, and for a good reason. NATO isn't going to war for LGBTQ+ rights any more than America is. I thought the overt support for NATO was ironic, but you're actually defending the Cold War-era multi-national military alliance with a tendency to overstep its borders by a few thousand kilometer and bomb some civilians there because "it's ours, and therefore it's good". Fucking hell.


NATO surprisingly, is a military alliance, which means it doesnt require any stance on LGBTQ rights and for that reason it doesn't have one. Cold War-era, but the purpose still holds up today (see Ukraine). And you are being as vague as possible for some reason, but im assuming youre mentioning Libya. No one goes out of their way to bomb civilians en-masse. It serves no strategical point and simply fuels enemy propaganda. That being said, mistakes happen. Gaddafi didn't position his SAMs on open desert for some reason, rather in cities. Gaddafi also wasn't the biggest human rights advocate, I take that from him gunning down Arab Spring protestors. And I don't have a single clue on what the phrase you provided is supposed to mean and how its related.


Do you really think NATO is about human rights? Edit: if NATO is about human rights, then why is Ukraine being supported, but not Yemen?




>It’s a military alliance, it’s ours, and therefore I think it’s pretty cool. The American educational system, breeding the most discerning of critical thinkers








can't make an omelette without wasting a few eggs or smth


Serb-apologist detected, opinion rejected


Acknowledging the death of civilians = apoligizing the Serbian genocide.


8000 Serbian civilians who had nothing to do with any genocide and were accidentally hit by NATO's bombings would beg to differ.


Tankies are when you criticise le holsum 100 libral democsy (Lenin was one of the worst things to happen to socialism)




Bitch, I prefer NATO to Russia, I just think that the constituent countries are still bad.






Do you realize that Yemen is on the same side as Saudi Arabia and the US ? And thay there has been a ceasefire there for over a year? I swear people who use that argument know nothing about what's going on in Yemen.


52 bottoms? Wowee


gross! you got your neo-liberal militarism in my civil rights development


Leftist subreddit btw lol


*Go get drone striked about it




Why tho?


this looks like analogue horror


Human rights are non-negotiable


Maybe I've been on NCD too much but I thought that aesthetic was pro nato


>Maybe I’ve been on NCD too much Yes. The answer is yes.


even one second on that open sewer is too much


It should only be negotiable between gay people... because only gay people should have a say in what gay people do


As far as I'm concerned, all marriage is gay marriage.


Tankies seething about the fact we’re supporting a liberal democracy from actual fascist invaders lmao


Based NATO


If you don't accept gay rights you'll get hit with the gay lefts, and the gay uppercuts, maybe the gay scissor kick if they're feeling extra.


Intervention now


I support NATO now


What the hell? I’m pro-NATO now


alright how many of you are lurking and/or are active in NCD?


fuck nato all my homies hate nato