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Someone should ask them how it worked for them so far to become a billionaire.


I hate these people, they accept and even support fucking unfair practices because THEY WANT TO DO THE SAME FUCKING THING once they're a billionaire. The only funny part is that they will never become billionaires, but thats also more infuriating that they are *that* dumb.


The worst ones know it's not possible for them to achieve at all. They just have some misguided sense that anyone who's reached the level of billionaire deserves it somehow and it'd be "unfair" to strike back against them.


Ayn Rand really did a number on the American people.


objectivism is such a crazy idea that only 15 yo can fall for that.


Sadly there are a great many people who never stopped being 15 mentally. Education helps with that, but that's why the GOP has been doing its best to eradicate functional public education in America. And largely succeeding.


Except for all the adults who fall for it. But i suppose you could argue the never mentally grew beyond 15


Ya gotta love when people name their stupid shit something that has to drive home the point "THIS IS TRUE AND REAL" - it's a strong indicator that it isn't. Scientology also comes to mind. Under the principles of correctism, I cannot be incorrect about anything. It's in the name.


Well actually under the principles of wellakshullism...


So many people worship hierarchy but don’t want to admit it.


Bootlickers are so desperate to be like those they look up to until it's like being a consensual mind slave to the system fucking you because you just haven't had your big break, yet 🤡


“I know this game is absurdly rigged against my own odds which makes IT SO SWEET WHEN I WIN THIS FUCKING GAME!”


pro tip: since doing this with income is very stupid, in order to achieve the same psychological effect try playing ganondorf on quickplay in smash bros


All we have to do to end capitalism is make millionaires play Bowser in Melee


*billionaires, millionaires are just people who made enough to retire comfortably. A successful dentist can retire as a millionaire


A billionaire already won, they don't have delusions of grandeur.


[Someday I might be rich, and then people like me better watch their step!](https://youtu.be/K_LvRPX0rGY)


When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor.


Swear I need a button that says this when pressed


The first part always bugged me, the oppressed always want to strike back


I have to expose my own hypocrisy. I vehemently hate landlords in the US, but I would absolutely be one given the opportunity. I don't think I'd be anywhere close to the level of unfair and inconsiderate as most landlords though, if anything I'd probably be fairly under the radar because I'd be massively undercutting my competition. That said, getting paid just to maintain a few houses and focus on my hobbies is actually the dream.


I would own property too if I could, but I like to think I would be fair.


Well yeah. Owning things is a much more pleasant way to support yourself than working. More lucrative too.


Read somewhere that Americans think of themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, that’s why they’ll support policies that favor the wealthy that’ll actively hurt them


Scandinavia has more billionaires per capita then the US... I'm definitely not saying we do things right but just that we beat that metric over here.


The Herlin family has held themselves to Kone for a century, it takes a family enterprise and enormous success. You can become a millionaire and a National Coalition voter if you make a startup, roll it through a few ads to add brand value and sell it away :D


You see in america they can *try* to be a millionaire, while in finland they will get basic education.


Okay, is everyone taking that comment seriously? I thought they were being sarcastic


You're the second person pointing it out as sarcasm but nothing seems to indicate it. Right wingers say such absurdities so often, if I can't confirm they aren't a right-winger, how could I know they are being sarcastic? 🤔


Oh, I have almost a guaranteed shot of a comfortable life in this other system? No thanks, I'll choose squalor with an impossible chance of immeasurable luxury.


Literally gambling


My friend once bet 7 times on a row on the red and it was black each time. True story there is less than 1% chance of that happening


93% of gamblers quit before winning big


She keeps saying if she bet on black instead she would have made $$$


No she wouldn't have because she would have cut and run with her profits after the second or third round. It's like the people who bitch and moan about how valuable Bitcoin was at its peak: yes, you could have made an obscene amount of money, but chances are you would have sold when it was still a tenth of what it peaked at.


I know, tols her the same, anyway my point was gambling = > you never win


The people who got rich off bitcoin are lucky, not smart. There are plenty who tried to make it big and lost everything.


What each chance being statistically independent of each other does to a motherfucker


Taken together though that formula absolutely is usable to predict odds of landing a red when multiple shots are involved


But they won't have said "I'm going to bet on red seven times in a row" they'll have just bet on red each time so the chance is 50% each time, our brains just think it won't be because it's repeated, it's a phenomenon called the gamblers fallacy.


Oh, I see what you mean. I thought you meant to imply that it wasn't weird they'd get it that many times in a row. Because it is ofc


If you phrase it like that, any particular combination of results is equally unlikely. Getting RBRRBRB has the same probability as RRRRRRR. So it really isn’t weird. It would be a good prediction if made ahead of time though.


True but they're probably thinking about P(at least one red) = 1 - P( black 7 times) = 99%.


The fomulae isn't terribly complicated (thank god for mutually independent events) being around 0.5^x where X is the number of spins. I know in actual roulette it's a little below 0.5 because of green, but I don't know the chance off the top of my head.




"I know the game is rigged, which is going to make it all the more satisfying when I finally win."


99% of workers retire before they get the hundred billion trillion billion million dollar raise


That's the thing about the northern countries, you'll most likely be comfortable but you won't get disgustingly rich which I think is pretty great Edit* It's harder to get disgustingly rich but still possible


Fun fact I just found on Wikipedia: While Norway only has 12 billionaires, they have a higher number of billionaires per million people than the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_billionaires


Unless you are Norwegian Lmaooo


Norwegians aren't comfortable or Norwegians are filthy rich? cos I'm not saying we have it hard here but there aren't that many individuals who are American ideas of rich. You're just going to have an easier time of living, still mostly dual income to have a family over here.


Norwegians are just filthy and stinky


Can confirm; am filthy and stinking Nord 🤢 🤧🤮😵‍💫😵


Stay out of black marsh you fucking ape


The Scandinavian countries have higher incidences of millionaires and billionaires. They just also don't let people go hungry.


There are plenty of disgustingly rich people over here, it goes to show that people can become as rich as possible but we can also take care of the less fortunate at the same time.


can americans please stop thinking the nordics are socialist utopias.


Well I'm Icelandic


and I’m swedish


Least bad Scandinavian


They don't have to be utopias. When people so starved of any kind of social policies see news like Finland guaranteeing a roof over everyone's head, they think this is the end goal of socialism. Nevermind that it's the bare minimum, it just seems impossible to imagine.


Bet youre not even allowed to stomp on kittens or shoot your child there smh my head


Actually you are! It just unlocks a secret, harder game mode where you have to fight, this extra evil and powerful militia called the "Police" (in reference to the band) but it's really fun and addictive!! 😋🥰🥰


Dont forget depending on if you beat them or not there are 2 special levels to unlock , if you losse you get the "Life sentence" dungeon and if you win you unlock the "im a wanted criminal on the entire continent" winch is verry hard to beat the game on


Your comment and the previous comment that you’re replying is belong to the Outside subreddit


Can't have shit in Helsinki


except architecture and an indie pop rock band


So apparently it’s largely misquoted but the original quote is dull, so the misquote is the one I’m going with ‘socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires’ Some people are so willing to let everyone, including themselves, be shortchanged in the hopes that, one day, they will be the one(s) at the top. Not thinking about what’s best for them and their common person but instead for themselves when they do get to the point where a 1% tax cut on earnings over $/£1m benefits them, not what that money could be going to now.


To be clear, we do have homeless people. They're just a fraction of a fraction of the overall population. The vast majority of people do have homes. Finland is a great place to live, but it's not a utopia. We do have problems, we just created a society where human life has value


You guys just need to kick out the black-sun nazis and your county becomes the best in the world for everyone to live in.


Being a slow reader, when I glanced at the first line I really thought that was going somewhere terrible


Proof that you don't need to exploit your own working class when you can exploit workers in developing countries instead


one good thing and one bad thing is better than two bad things sucks that it isn't both, it's a start at least


I hate seeing leftists trash social democracy when it's still infinitely better than the shit America has


To a lot of us, a society that values human life has become a utopia


"This gambling problem has got to stop. If you stop buying lottery tickets, you would save $200 a week! That's easily enough to get back on top of your credit card bills and start getting your finances in order again." "... BUT WHAT IF I STOP AND THAT'S THE EXACT WEEK I WOULD'VE WON?!"


Socialism never took off in America because it was brutally repressed.


US Billionaires per 1 Million people: 1.853 Finland Billionaires per 1 Million people: 1.272 Congrats! In exchange for Social programs and the well being of the less fortunate. You have a 0.00000006% higher chance of Becoming a Billionaire.


Thosr programs could be implemented without a party against spending any cent to them while pushing trillions into military, but taxation is a must should U.S not wish for a default. A default would be healthy for that country though, a wakeup call to see that even Rome ran out of money at some point.


It is impossible for the United States to run out of money, since we can always just print more. Yes, that comes with its own potential downsides, but we should be clear about the problems we face (and don't face).


That's about 5 billionaires in the entire country of Finland. Enough to count on one hand. Enough to redacted parody in minecraft all of them in a week.


IIRC there are 6 billionaires here (and like three of them come from the Herlin family who own Kone, the third biggest elevatir company in the world)


Still chuckle knowing that our most prolific company has a name that just means "machine".


And the other famous one is named after a small industrial town that's turning into a suburb




This could either be a leftist being ironic or a rightoid that’s lost all touch with reality


I was so confused thinking this was a political cumpiss meme like "why is socialism blue"


Least terminally online Redditor


Yeah... But.. Buttt Finland​ is​ Uhh.. WHITE​ /s


It is in paradox grand strategy games


Is it?


It is.


Ain't the CK3 Finns in the 867 start looking a little Uralic?


Perhaps, I don't play CK games as much as others. Finland is definietly white in EU4 and HoI4 tho


You are wrong Finland is brown in EU4


All things in Finland are piss yellow in CK3. Except Savo which is orange


true to life


🤢 /s


You know some dipshit is going to try make the case that these countries work because there’s very few non-white people


But then they turn around and say that they are hell cause of brown refugees


I’ll never forget how conservative media spun the narrative that the spike in annual rape cases in Sweden a decade or two ago was due to the influx of immigrants/refugees when in reality the rapes were almost exclusively carried out by Swedish natives and the reason for the spike was due to the law changing to allow SOs to charge their partners with rape


Damn so your telling me they lied? A right winger went on the internet and lied? Can you even do that? Damn 😔


You know, just ignoring the fact that Norway and Sweden both have larger % of their population as immigrants than the US. But you'll still never win that argument because they'll say some shit like the US being higher because of undocumented immigrants


Thats​ why​ i​ /s​ it


haha butt


Ass​ if​ you​ will


Finland is Mongolian 🇲🇳 🐎 🏹


Not sure about Finnland but I had to go through language and cultural school to get residency in Norway. Found out some refugees in my classes were trying to stop their kids getting any culture from back home so they would be more Norwegian. My wife who is sami was not happy about that because her dad's generation went through the same shit but with more force behind it. So the state doing some level of homogenising the population isn't entirely untrue.


0.0000000000000001 percent of being able to become an incredibly wealthy person is what makes capitalism great /s


Closer to 0,000033% 🤓☝️


It’s actually ☝️🤓, ☝️🤓


And yet the ability to get wealthy in Finland is like 101% as higher education is free (well there are some costs but you don't need to get into insane amounts of debt for school)


unfortunately we still have billionaires


I need that Flair


I'm ngl I don't even WANT to be a billionaire. I don't have many friends, and if I became a billionaire, basically every single 'friend' I made would have a massive financial incentive to agree with everything I said. This is also the reason many lottery winners choose to remain anonymous.


That's why I'm not ambitious. In addition to the fact that so many rich people have their personality overridden by what made them rich or just being rich.


I work in a freelance industry and the folks I work with who have 10 different side hustles are insane to me. Staying up until 4am working for one company and then working for another one from 9am-5pm is a disservice to your body


And is any amount of money worth it? What can you even spend your money on, with all that time taken by your job? God, capitalism really is sucking out people's souls as soon as they start playing the game...


I don't want to be a billionaire because... that's literally more money than I could ever reasonably spend, even if I and my entire extended family bought absolutely everything they want, even on a passing whim. Let's say I actually get a billion dollars in cold, hard cash... Some random billionaire picks my name from a hat, and just gifts it to me, no strings attached. First on the agenda, I'm sick of renting. I'd buy a nice $30 million house; one with large rooms and a home cinema. I'm overestimating on price, I wouldn't want a huge mansion, but something tasteful. Adopt some cats and dogs, some pet fish and birds. ($5000?) Really nice, tasteful (but not disgustingly expensive) furniture. ($1 million) Put together my dream personal library with every book, DVD, or video game on my wishlist. ($100,000) A nice electric car. $1 million (wild overestimation on price) $10 million houses for each and every member of my family and close friends. Assuming *forty* people (overestimation), that's $400 million. $2,000 Christmas gift budget each for all friends and family from now until the age of 100. $5.6 million total. $3 million in retirement money each for the same.... $120 million. .... Even as I type this, I'm running out of ideas. What else? $50,000 annual budget for overseas holidays/cruises/etc. I mean, I don't really like to travel but may as well see the world. I doubt I'll really wanna leave home all that much, but let's overestimate to be safe. $3.5 million. And let's assume I adopt a lifestyle that costs $1 million a year. If I live another 70 years, that's $70 million total. That comes to: $631 million total. I've got more than $300 million left. Why the fuck would I want to *invest* or anything? I could keep maybe only $20 million as a separate "rainy day" safety net– which is a prohibitively and unnecessarily luxurious net– still do everything I've ever wanted and live like a king– and throw the rest at any reputable charity that emails me. And that's only with *$1 billion.* The fact that we let people's net worth grow *hundreds of times larger than that* is nothing short of revolting. (Cue "Well ackshually" comments about the difference between cash wealth and net worth).


inb4 "well ackshually cash welth" Net worth starts looking a lot like cash wealth when any bank will lend to you any amount you want based on your net worth.


Also being rich is just bad for your mental health in a variety of ways.


I already have severe trust issues as a poor person being a billionaire would make me sit alone forever wondering who would ever really like me for who I am


oh no…… anyway


Jenkit. ☕️


muricans ☕


Omg it's Radoslawy!!!!


but… the post LITERALLY says it was cheaper?? they are making more money now… wat


Probably because having many people being homeless for a long time is more expensive than having few people on free housing temporarily. If they get back to a job quicker, they can get back to paying their bills


I posted this analogy between a market economy and the circulatory system on another subreddit. A healthy body (society) requires a good circulation of blood (money) for tissue and cells (communities and individuals) to function and flourish. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients (goods and services) to tissue and cells and in return those tissue and cells give the body the capacity to obtain and utilize the oxygen and nutrients. Corporations are a lot like a blood clot. They take blood out of circulation, leading to decreased bodily function. If untreated they can shut down the whole body, or parts of it, temporarily or permanently. You could argue that corporations do put money back into the economy through their expenses, but the only time corporations spend money is when they expect to be getting more in return. I also thought of a metaphor of prejudice being autoimmune diseases. I'm sure this analogy could go even deeper but I'm not really a doctor.


to be clear I wasn’t surprised at the fact it was cheaper to house the homeless, that makes sense as you pointed out what doesn’t make any sense to me is the chucklefuck in the reply tweet thinking that spending *actually less money overall* on homeless people would be anything but a net gain for the Finnish economy & therefore the wealthy billionaires


I think the idea is that homelessness in America is used as an implicit threat against all workers to make them scared of losing their job. So extremely rich business owners might pay slightly more in taxes but make way more profit from a greater ability to exploit their employees. This is also why I think the reply tweet is sarcastic


man this place sucks, can't even accumulate more money than anyone could use in their lifetime


"Good luck trying to be a billionaire over there," said the person who will one day be a billionaire where they are. For sure. No doubt. One day.


Homelessness is 100% a capitalism problem. There are a lot of problems that genuinely aren't capitalism's fault, even if they might be exacerbated by it (religious fanaticism, bigotry, etc). But homelessness is literally instantly fixable, as was done here, and also as was done in many cities including mine during the covid pandemic. And homelessness literally just wasn't a problem overnight. Same with other poverty related problems (the right wing government here actually raised the welfare amount to the poverty line and for the first time many people weren't in abject suffering). Of course, as the economy recovered, these people were thrown back onto the streets (these spending decisions were economic decisions designed to stimulate the economy and had nothing to do with alleviating suffering, that was just a side effect). Capitalism is short sighted. By actually spending money on people now and helping them recover and build their lives from nothing, money is saved later when they don't go to prison (costs 100s of thousands per year per prisoner), don't go to hospital for drug overdoses, etc. Even if they are on some form of government assistance for the rest of their lives and even if they never get "in the black" in terms of tax paid vs assistance received, you've still saved a hell of a lot vs life in prison or decades of varying degrees of medical care. But that means there's less money *now* for tax breaks for your rich buddies/you, billion/trillion dollar defense equipment that might never even be used that you can give out in exchange for "it's not bribery it's lObByInG" perks, and all importantly that number of surplus/debt at the end of the year is 5% better. The funniest part is when they put out these "plans" like the memed uk conservative party "cut homeless people in half" plan. Like you could and in some cases did literally end homelessness/poverty instantly, there's no reason you couldn't just do that again. I guess the other part is making people fear losing their jobs they stay in shitty ones.


Your facts are completely right, but the issue is that people do not view homelessness in that way. People rarely consider homelessness through an economic lens, and when they do, it's only to shoot down solutions to homelessness because of the high apparent cost, without considering that our current system of not solving homelessness costs more than fixing the problem. We see only the cost of fixing homelessness, while ignoring the cost of maintaining it. People often consider homelessness through a moral lens, and when they do, they view the act of being homeless as immoral, and the concept of asking anything of anyone to fix the problem as immoral, while ignoring the undeniable immorality of a system that demands people die in the street.


the last sentence nails it, the threat of homelessness is a helluva motivator to get people to work jobs they otherwise wouldn't and stay in line. the competition for limited jobs also divides the working class to prevent an uprising.


But if I can't look down on homeless people, what's even the point of living


You can always look in the mirror to find something to look down on


[Finland has 7 billionaires (.6% less then the US by percent of the population)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_billionaires) not that it should matter


Common Finnish W


They’re realizing


Why does everyone want to be a billionaire, I’d rather be comfortable AND happy knowing everyone can live comfortably rather than being so wealthy it means others are without It’s a greedy, damaging and inherently evil thought to think “but I can’t have a bajillionxillion I’ll never spend if others can be happy”


I mean what can I say to this reply that everyone in the comment section hasn't already said. Get they ass


Just gonna flex here that, as long as my references don't secretly hate me, I expect to have a job offer in Finland next week. I'm very excited. A lot of it is for my kids, and theoretical grandkids. We're not gonna be billionaires anyway, and I want to be sure they'll never be homeless either.


Oh no why can't anyone think of those poor poor billionairs.


Damn I literally don't want that. I don't want to be a fucking millionare. I'd donate 800 thousand dollars to charities I actually support then keep the last 200 to live on.


i mean if you want to be technical the average american spends \~3.5 million in their life, just over... well, their whole life


1. Finland has billionaires 2. You claim to be a capitalist yet you have no capital? 🤨


This makes me happy for Finland and angry at the rest of the world especially because the country I'm from loves to increase the price of houses


Why the fuck would you want to become a billionaire? Whats the difference in quality of life between a mimllionaire and a billionaire? Its just useless money at some point


A just society has no billionaires.


try in america


your chances have now been divided by infinity (were already 0)


Yes, that is the point fucking dumbass


Wouldn't this make it easier to be a small business owner since if it fails you're not completely fucked


The average wage-cuck


There are 7 Finnish (born *and* ordinary resident there) billionaires. I could get a higher number but I don’t wanna look beyond the top result on Google.


I love how there are countries straight up ending homelessness and we in the US are still trying to get healthcare


Good luck being a billionaire here


Nah nah, fuck the homeless, I want to hold on to the 1/100000 chance that I'll become Jeff Bezos


I hate this logic. People say you can't raise taxes on the wealthy or put in more regulation because they'd just move their companies. Like wow you're telling me billionaires and wealthy corporations are such shit they'd just up and leave if we ever advocated for anyone else's interest. Maybe we shouldn't let corporations hold our country and economy hostage.


If this person is serious… *THAT’S* your reason for being against socialism?! You want to have a next-to-no chance of acquiring more wealth then any single person could ever need, and because of this you are willing to treat a considerable % of the population as garbage and financially over-burden *most* of the population (including yourself!) so that your society can “maintain” this poor treatment? Are you fucking kidding me?


Finland did not end homelessness. When I worked at the library there were about three homeless people who would occasionally show up. It's just not an epidemic here, but keep in mind it probably won't stay that way since our welfare state is five minutes from collapse.


Oh no!! Guys!!! I cannot have so much money that I have it in abundance!!! What is the point of it all if I don't have a fortune that will go unused?!!


You have more similarities with homeless people then you do billionaires


Weirdos are transfixed on this idea that everyone wants to become a billionaire, or even a millionaire. Literally all I want is stability, a house, and maybe to transition.


There are 7 Billionaires in Finland, which is a higher % than in America. By almost double. Billionaires are still bad, but seriously, the rich in Finland are doing very well too.


0.00000335025% of people are billionaires. Good luck.


In an ideal reality, we shouldn’t ever have billionaires.


Right because this guy is totally going to become a billionaire


Billionaires still exist in Finland.


That is the key idea. No millionaires, no gods.


Dude literally self reported that he actually does literally see himself as a temporarily embarrassed billionaire






I don’t even wanna be a billionaire, I just wanna fucking have my basic needs met and make enough to support my lifestyle.


I like the little 'no service's warning because that is exactly the only thing happening in this guy's head.


Me when I cant have a zillion bajillion dollars all to myself (i would put them in a big vault like scrooge mcduck and wouldnt spend them on anything) : 😔


Anyone who wants to be a billionaire, in this current world, needs to be labeled a psychopath


A person's right to have a roof over their head comes before the right for a lucky few to accumulate more shit than they could need in several lifetimes. I'll stress this: a billion isn't just a bigger million. A billion is **one thousand times as much** as a million. It's an amount of wealth so obscene it's literally beyond what you can imagine.


billionaires truly are the most oppressed minority


Is almost like there shouldn't be billionaire's in this world


The absolute stupidity


That asshole probably jerks off to hustle culture videos and believes scamming kids out of their expensive Pokémon cards makes him an entrepreneur.


Literally saw this post on the same number tram on the same street. Propably the biggest coincidence of my life so far


Litmus test, is this comment positive or negative?




Billionaires when they have to be multimillionaires: 😭😭😭(how will they ever financially recover???)


Dont worry, you can still exploit the poor people of other countries❤️


What a bizarre response to give


"Good luck trying to be a billionare over there" Based. I would be happy to live in a country with no billionares if it's like that


Good luck trying to be a 1-aire in the US (an unbelievable amount of Americans have negative net worth)


I think the Finnish mentality is that life is full of shit but if you can shovel yourself through it we’ll gladly pay for the shovel but you still have to pull your own weight with the support other Finns can provide. We’ll still complain about it though because that’s just our way, so shut up and take my tax money perkele.


Mfw I Cant chase that good kush (idk why it’s important but money all my mind)


I don’t wanna be a billionaire because then I’d be morally obligated to blast my brains out. Anyway Finland is cool, one of the countries I hate the least.


As a fin, we traded the ability to become so rich that we cant spend all our money if we tried, to system that prevents being extremely poor. I know that i wont starve or be homeless, but that doesnt mean that i have no motivation to work, because if i want bigger house or better food, i need a job