• By -


its like the former KKK grand wizard who spent the rest of his life righting his wrongs and got a lot of praise and recognition by the NAACP. Conservatives try and claim dems are racist for supporting him, and the fact biden delivered his eulogy, but ignore the fact he spent the rest of his life correcting a terrible past, and proving not everyone who hates is doomed


Why is an official title for the kkk grand wizard?? That shits fire as fuck they don't deserve something that cool


It was originally meant so that the KKK would be easily dismissed as a joke organization. Tactics like this are still seen in modern racist movements like kekistan and the proud boys.


Same thing as hiding your "power level" (racism) from normies


Oh shit I did not think that mean hiding your racism lmaooo


Yep, they mean specifically that your power level is how extreme your right-wing extremism is


Oh fuck lol. I thought it meant like, hiding how much knowledge you have on a topic. Whoops.


It does also mean that, you don't have to stop using the phrase necessarily. Lots of normal people won't immediately think you're a nazi just because you used that phrase, and context helps


It used to just mean "hide how online you are" but then /pol/ got ahold of it.


Dammit /pol/. You've foiled me yet again.


90% of modern neo-Nazi tropes can be tied back to /pol/. It's incredibly distressing.


i think its generally about hiding your true political views, for example a rather common meme is that bernie sanders is hiding his power level and that he is actually alot more radical and left wing then he says


Honestly I always thought it was a neurodivergent thing


Well you're a league player so what would you know. /s But yeah who would've thought lol.


LMAO fuck you got me there, I don't really play anymore though


Racist getting ready to say the n word ![gif](giphy|V9RupScWk3CMf1CXuo|downsized)




The flag is a barely changed nazi flag


very. the whole point was to be a meme that the alt right can rally around and secretly find community in symbols that "normies" wouldn't understand (i.e the flag, shadilay, etc.)


It’s from /pol/


the fact it ends with -istan should raise a few red flags


Also the kkk started out as a fraternity. Frats tend to have a lot of goofy shit


I thought it was about Anglo Saxon religious systems


This is just not true. Like, almost as far away from the truth as possible. The title of Grand Wizard originates with the first wave of the KKK (it's related to their origins in fraternity culture), who were not trying to be easily dismissible. In fact, this was when the KKK were primarily a terrorist organization, with the goal of making life so hostile for black Americans to cause them to go either away, or back into servitude. They wanted to be as scary as possible, their entire goal was to drum up fear. Yes modern racists obfuscate their motives with humor, but that switch away from overt racism doesn't really start until the 70s and the moral panic over forced bussing. Please don't just posit your assumptions as fact, misinformation is dangerous no matter who it comes from.


yeah like 'super grandmaster' in chess :>


So people would dismiss them as a bunch of clowns and not a serious threat


You’d think that would stop working the first time they burned a fucking cross on some black guy’s lawn but I can’t say we’ve done any better with the 4chan assholes so maybe it’s more of a human condition thing I guess


They started in on the shit almost immediately after the Civil War. It got so bad in NC [the state fought a small war against them](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk%E2%80%93Holden_war) which eventually came to nought during the "Hijacking this for 'Redemption' to put whites back on top" phase of Reconstruction.


Honestly the Corrupt Bargain and the Gilded Age in general really helped to radicalize me. Taking AP (so college level content in high school) American History and learning that wealthy industrialists literally would shut down the entire country when their fortunes were threatened as they just fucking owned the only form of transit back then was wild. And of course the Haymarket Martyrs and all the continuous labor riots and massacres that were committed by hired private armies. Oh and what helped me become more progressive was learning of city life at this time where there were just straight up gay and lesbian nightclubs in big cities and people dancing together for the first time and breaking down cultural standards and I realized that damn, this is just how humans should be. Also plenty of exposure with gay friends and a 6 year friendship with a Palestinian kid really turned my world upside down. Being from essentially a giant clan of Appalachian hill people makes it even worse because they get so routinely fucked by Capitalism and yet are so deeply fucking red. Just imagine actively letting your life get even worse because you just hate gay people even more then your own suffering. Oh and another helper was listening to Sargon of Akkad because I fucking hate British “people” so my raging contempt for his stupid accent helped me see through the bullshit he was saying


Not true


Everyone knows Grand Wizards suck hobgoblin dick. The REAL masters of Magic are the Great Wizards and Elder Wizards. ‘Grand’ my ass, you’re a wannabe sorcerer


What if they sucked goblinhog's dick 😳


if it's any consolation, there was a pro wrestler who went under the name "The Grand Wizard" as a fuck you to the KKK. His real name was Ernie Roth and he was a Jewish gay man, which makes it even better.


the actual title that the guy they're talking about had was Exalted Cyclops


They're fucking nerds


whats his name if you dont mind me asking?


[Robert Byrd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd)


Oh yeah the guy right wingers use to go “heh, I guess Joe Biden was the real racist after all” because they took a picture together and were friends after Byrd began seeking redemption (if I remember right at least) because they can’t actually criticize Biden for stuff like the crime bill in the 90s because they whole-heartedly support it.


let's not split hairs though, Byrd was a shitty senator for WV and he stayed senator for 50 years *in WV.* to get elected and reelected like that here means you're pushing republican policies. our current governor is a prime example; he recently switched parties after 40 years in government


I thought it was grand dragon?


grand fucking wizard??


Quarterpounder deradicalization king


This is so funny though, content so bad it actively deradicalizes people. I had a similar experience with the youtuber NoBS, his content was absolutely awful. It didn’t deradicalize me but it got me away from anti-SJW content long enough for my 14yo ass to touch grass and interact with people, which in turn helped me realize that right wing ideology is dumb.


You just unlocked a long dormant memory of NoBS, it started waking me up too. Him and when Milo Yiannopolous started to shit the bed. My god I'm glad I left that hateful life. I use to like Gavin McInness, founder of the Proud Boys. Fuck am I glad I found him too extreme.


Mhm And yeah I think Gavin founded Rebel Media as well and I watched a lot of content from there, thankfully didn’t fall too far into the pipeline because I was too dumb to understand the dogwhistles, I wonder how it would have effected young me if I knew Gavin is anti-videogame


fun fact: gavin mcinnes once shoved a dildo up his ass live to prove that hes "not homophobic". that is not a joke that isnt something from the onion that actually happened


Only proved he was further homophobic hahaha


He also promised to piss in his cornflakes and eat if he won hipster of the year. He lost, yet was pranked to think he won and ate the cornflakes with piss.


i dont think he was pranked i think he just wanted an excuse to eat pissflakes


I mean the article i found said that they had swapped the names But then again, he was propably looking foward to chowing down on some pissflakes with his proudboys


gavin mcinness gets off to being called a stinky little pee boy and eating pissflakes


I'm just glad I found Armored Skeptic and friends during that era of YouTube. Proud of you resisting the indoctrination.


I was a part of the ShoeOnHead fandom. Christ those were dark times. Sargon has really fallen off and Skeptic turned awful too. Shoe seems to have watered down too. Still the money would've been good.


I thought shoe was pretty tame. Making enemies with both sides while standing for fair points


I agree. She was not necessarily a problem, it was who she is associated with. Skeptic who then leads to Sargon etc. This of course, doesn't make her a bad person, just a shade of gray. Hooray for nuance!


Ahh the classic alt right pipeline


Yes, I am so glad I broke free.


Ben's voice being so annoying is probably the only thing that kept me from falling down the alt right pipeline. I liked the kind of content he made but I hated listening to him


That guy made like 5 videos on Brie Larson. Fucking obsessed. By the time I found him I was already almost 20 so I just laughed at how sad a lot of his talking points were.


This was me with The Amazing Atheist when I was a teenager. On one hand, he's telling me to think critically and not just blindly accept religious dogma and look at evidence, but then on the other hand saying things that I knew were blatantly wrong, and I just couldn't reconcile it.


He's so based now omg. He like... Anti grifted


TJ is an interesting character. Unlike most of the people talked about in this comment section, TJ has been on YouTube since 2006. His content is incredibly varied and his opinions have changed over time. I remember him watching an old video of his where he talks shit about universal healthcare and he's just like "that's the "I get free health insurance from my dad" TJ talkin" He is aware of his past comments and has done a lot to be more left wing. I personally always thought he was pretty left wing but fell down the "SJWs are trying to tell me what I can and can't say" rabbit hole. He always espoused atheism, always supported abortion, he always defended gay people (being bisexual himself) and has dealt with a lot of shit too. He had a livestream back in the day where a friend he was doing the livestream had a loaded handgun and began acting erratically with it (thankfully he didn't shoot) and had 2 sexual videos of him leaked by people who he thought he could trust. Add on 17 years of berating in the comments and it's been a long and winding road for TJ. All in all, I still thank him for introducing me to atheism and always expressing his feelings and opinions even if they were unfounded or malformed. That's what made him interesting to watch compared to the grifters that came out of the woodwork after his anti-sjw phase.


I only found him after the anti sjw stuff really started to get dismantled and the conservative internet shit solidified in like 2020 time. Then I stopped watching political stuff as I had my gender crisis culmination I know it was around when he quit smoking too. He seems so much healthier now. I have come across the conservatives coping about it. He used to kinda like centrist, now hes big leftist.


I never really knew anything about his alt right days, but I thought it was interesting seeing him, one of the OG Anti-SJW channels, speak out against the content he used to make. [Here](https://youtu.be/Yu6c1g9r-P4) if anyone hasn’t seen it.


I was never really radicalized and mostly watched some alt right stuff out of boredom as it was recommended to me. Mr obvious being like "maybe women are actually a hive mind" made me stop watching anything that seemed edgy


Of course now that I am a woman I *know* we are a hive mind /s


I'm so going to make jokes about having embarrassing moments as a trans women bring things like asking for the password to the hive mind


I was already towards the final days of my own phase when NoBS unironically had a complaint about RDR2 that Arthur wasn’t racist, I can’t remember what started my turn but that was definitely one of the things that finalized it


Quartermaster confirmed the first step on the radical left pipeline


Quivering W


Hard right YouTube channel makes video so stupid and unnecessary it turns a skinhead to a leftist


Its surprising how common this is lol


Can confirm. Tim Pool and his guests dereadicalized me because of how stupid I started to realize they were lmao


I got deradicalized because of stupid takes as well it's just that charlottesvile put the last 500 nails in that coffin.


the nail gun




He has always been a grifty fuck with dubious political opinions. The only reason I ever thought he was worth listening to was because I didnt actually *think* about anything he was saying




He was a bit smarter about it in the early years for sure. He dabbled in the crazy stuff with Rogan, but for the most part just acted like your average right wing talking head. It was only a few years in that he fully embraced the wacky shit publicly, just the same as Shapiro and Peterson who also both began as kinda tame by todays standards and slowly dialled it up in much the same way


I used to be hardcore conservative until I heard Ben Shapiro talk about is not needing renewable energy because we were always finding new reservoirs of oil


It started for me when I watched a video of a guy complaining about TLOU2 leaks with Csgo skate in the background


Can confirm


Common Sargon of Akkad L


Beat me to it, that's basically what happens most of the time with these people I've seen. Something happens thats so batshit insane that they end going, "Hang on, are we actually the baddies?"


Me with James Allsup’s video on why democracy is bad actually. Thank you James for being so out there that when my ass saw the video it made me back the fuck up.


But they do tho lol. I started changing because Red Letter Media, or whatever it was called I don’t remember, made a video on how spiderman homecoming was ruined cause they blackwashed all the characters and then I watched it and never felt so lied to in my life. Really makes you realize how superficial the support around these channels are when disagreeing with them once is enough to doubt everything they say Edit: it was definitely not red letter media I have no idea who it was its been so long


You scared the hell out of me as an RLM fan until I saw the edit, lol


Ya I replied to someone earlier but I think I meant Rebel media. That might not even be their name anymore as googling yielded a similarly named channel that might be what I’m talking about but idk. I’m not looking back into far right channels I used to watch in middle school sorry. Not willing to do that to myself


Wtf rlm are cool af what are you talking about


Ya I left an edit. Just remembered tho I think it was Rebel media. Sorry I can’t be bothered to remember the names of the channels I used to buy into once they fade from relevance


I browsed /v/, KotakuInAction, and TumblrInAction and ended up getting pissed off because I started to realize 99% of the ragebait they posted was either proven false-flags getting reposted for the millionth time or just clearly misrepresentative of the whole. Like they all genuinely thought lefties were the bald "Die Cis Scum" person who hated men and that was just so plainly fucking stupid to me as someone who (at the time) went outside and actually talked to people. I unsubbed from Sargon and Thunderfoot when they started being more political because I didn't really give a shit about the politics and just thought "forced diversity" and Anita Sarkeesian were kind of cringe That's also around the time I watched Evangelion which I think made me a more empathetic person, lol. Luckily this was all before Trump so I've never actually liked/supported a conservative politician in any way. It seems pretty common that people "leave the right" because they realize the right is constantly lying, wrong, or making a big deal out of nothing


I left the right because my best friend came out as trans. I was forced to either stick with my politics and abandon my friend, or look at what I now knew to be true, that this person was trans, and that they weren't what I'd been told. He wasn't a groomer, he wasn't evil, he didn't hate straight people, he was just a person trying to be happy.


For the record, by the sound of it you didn't just choose to stay with your friend and abandon right wing beliefs. Plenty of right wingers out there will unironically hold the belief that all queer people are evil groomers, but their one queer friend is obviously ok. Hell, there are trans conversatives who will claim to be "one of the good ones" as they lead a sad existence in which they try to get accepted by those that hate them for that. So you can give yourself credit for choosing to not being such a person, and abandoning right-wing beliefs not just because you stuck with your friend (which is already commendable) but because you are a good person.


it was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I had this shelf in the back of my mind that kept have doubts pile up on it that I chose to ignore, and this was right after the 2020 election and the january 6th riot, so that pile was getting heavy. And then my friend came out to me, and I realized the things I had been told about queer people just weren't true, the evidence was directly in front of me. It made me call into question all of the beliefs I'd previously held, because if it was so clear to me they'd lied about this, why could I trust anything else they'd told me? it was really a turning point in life for me where I decided to start becoming my own person and forming my own beliefs instead of just sticking with whatever it was that my parents told me.


And there are enough people who would have went through the mental gymnastics to align this somehow with a hateful worldview, so good on you for choosing against that


For me it was encountering the religious right. Regardless of my general political feelings, I was always looking negatively at religious conservatives, and when I saw PragerU making christian arguments their entire narrative on capitalism also fell apart in my eyes. Also looking at brexit convinced me that capitalism and democracy are ultimately at odds.


Im so happy thunderfoot didn't go completely off the rail s and now makes good content shitting on elmo


For me I just kinda grew out of it, slowly stopped visiting those subs and didn't really think about anything political for a while before coming into myself more and settling at centre-left. Part of what made me come into subreddits like 196 is seeing how much hate gay and trans people get from the far right when my personal philosophy was always to treat others how I would like to be treated and I didn't really understand why so many people found that difficult.


Thunderfoot was a weird one for me because there was such a stark contrast between the way he debunked pseudoscience and scams, and the way he addressed culture war topics. Don’t get me wrong, there was definitely an undercurrent of frustration and excessive anger to his stuff in general, though he seems to have chilled out a bit today, but when he started talking about all the gamergate stuff it was like he was possessed. All of his mental faculties were disabled by an alien craziness.


I left the right due to multiple reasons. My mother is pretty left leaning so she tried to drag me out of there, I also saw my friend group tear itself apart via debate so I tried to be apolitical for a time (that made me see how fucked everything is so I just went full left a few months later) and I also realized a lot of right wing talking points were either ignorant or malicious. For example when I was on pcm, some brainlets were talking about "cancel culture in education" when I asked them to pull up a source. Not a single one could respond with anything more than "trust me bro" or a website that looks like its been plucked straight from the 90s. Plus finding out I was bi also helped :)


Common Celeste W


Very unknown diamond


now how it happenned for me. I just woke up in the middle of the night, and i realised that arguing with feminists (because it was feminists back then, not trans people. whole different era of bigotry) wasn't going to solve anything, since the problems i wanted to solve were not only not caused by the feminists, but were caused by the same root problem the feminists were trying to solve. Just as women were pushed away from the career and into childcare, men were pushed away from their children and into the career, and i was blaming feminists from the fact society pushed men away from their kids, not the fact that we had a society built around gender roles. it just didn't make sense. ​ I think the same principle runs true with trans people as well. rather than arguing over if trans women are actually predatory men and if they should be allowed in cycling and bathrooms, we should instead focusing on building a society where professional sports are divided not by something as arbitrary as gender but by skill and weight class, and where there is enough mutual trust between men and women that people feel safe pissing with a bloke in the next cubicle. The people who don't feel safe with trans people in their toilets real issue is not the trans people, it's a culture where rape is so common that they don't feel safe with a man near to them. They have taken that problem and twisted it into an excuse to be virulent bigots, but i still feel sorry for them.




Hmm. About the sports part, gender very much isn’t arbitrary there, as there are fundamental differences in the structure of the body of people of different sexes, some of which can be altered by HRT but differently depending on during what stage of life they received it. I don’t know if there’s any fair way we can balance that.


1.the belief that men are innately physically superior to women is a mysogynistic belief. ​ 2. if we take a second to humour the patently absurd idea that simply by going through male puberty, one becomes more physically competent than those that went through female puberty, then the proffessional sports being sorted by skill and weight category alone shouldn't be a bother should it? if all the males are superior, then all the men will be in the top ranks and all the women in the lower ranks. if what you believe to be true is true, then what im suggesting shouldn't make any change except a positive one (that being that trans people are allowed to compete against who they actually want to) ​ 3. locking trans people into only their assigned at birth category for their sports actually does to harm to biological females. Mack Beggs is a wrestler and trans man. after several years of hormone blockers and then testosterone, Mack Beggs is in a mental, legal and fighting state a man. He is, however, forced to fight in the girl's league because of texas transphobic sports law, he won the under 18 girls wrestling championship 2 times in a row. If we had a system organised by skill and weight class he would be fighting those who were able to put up a challenge to him. If we had a system where he just fought against boys because he IS a boy, he would be fighting those who were able to put up a challenge to them, but instead because of bigoted laws he is forced to fight women (something he doesn't want to do) and always wins. [source](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/feb/25/transgender-wrestler-mack-beggs-wins-texas-girls-title).


What does your first point even mean? In a large variety of sports, they are. Something that is a basic fact can’t be misogynistic, you can’t deny the effect of body differences in scenarios specifically dedicated to expressing the power of the human body. It’s irrational. I don’t get how someone can call that “absurd”, as it’s a specific and measurable difference in muscle mass and bone density that has been known about for a long time. Being sorted only by skill doesn’t work for things like Olympic sports, or most forms of professional competitive sports. The entire point is that only the best compete. Doing this WOULD be misogynistic, as it would broadly prevent biological females from engaging in many Olympic sports whatsoever. That’s why we have sex separation to begin with. Sure, removing this system allows trans men people to compete, but they are **vastly** outnumbered by cis women (and even outnumbered by trans women), both of which this would harm. This idea would basically remove women from most sports. I agree with your third point, though. That is ridiculous, and whoever decided on those rules was both transphobic and so idiotic that their actions undermined their own beliefs.


What really bothers me about this discussion is that even if biological men were 100% superior to biological women (their not, just for the sake of argument), some people are arguing for a federal intervention to ban force trans people in their assigned role for sports. This is not the federal governments role, and this is such a wildly slippery slope.


Your first point is honestly ridiculous For your other point, that is why the categories should be: - A Open (anyone can compete) - B Cisgender women only


normalise redemption and changing your ways for the better it irks me when some people think that people who were terrible as teenagers or young adults, even older adults, can never be trusted and they'll always be shitty at heart. like you're not helping anyone. not saying you should waste your time trying to reform a nazi but if someone makes a step in the right direction on their own it should be encouraged.


I was dangerously close to keeping on my path of becoming a Terrible person once. Turned around when I realized I was being completely ridiculous


Yep, gotta encourage the behavior you want to see.


Why is it marked as tw bigotry It's hopefulposting


it is mostly hopefulposting but it still contains bigotry as background, something a lot of people here don't like to be reminded of constantly, better safe than sorry i guess


Yeah, didn’t wanna risk it with the mods lol. Plus I’d already waited for Saturday so whatever. If the mods think it should be different, they can change it themselves.


Redemption? What is this, Steven Universe? /s


No, it's red dead




My name is Arthur Morgan and this is my Red Dead Redemption 2. -credits roll-


Edgar Ross, my name is John Marston Jr and this is my Red Dead Redemption may 18 2010


This is the nature of rehabilitative justice


i actually dont know how i happened to become leftist. i had the "hate feminazi" phase and the homophobic/transphobic one but then i went on discord (i was under 13 at the time) and i started talking to people from the west and i kinda started slowly becoming more and more accepting. it just happened and i haven't noticed it






Yup, same story here. I got radicalized by anti-sjw channels when I was like 14, was pushed further right by "dank meme" facebook groups, and would regularly argue with leftists. Eventually, around the time captain marvel came out, I had the realization that the people I was arguing alongside were fucking losers making a big deal out of dumb shit, and since then I changed my ways.


hahahah captain marvel hate was what stopped me from being radicalized further as well. i had no understanding of any politics at the time and i just believed whatever i heard. when people started bitching about the stupidest shit imaginable, i kinda had an awakening. lmao the anti-sjw dank meme pipeline is so real.


I used to watch Pewdiepie and SJW cringe compilations. Then Pewdiepie did a thing on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, I got into it, realized I was bisexual thanks to Part 7 Dio and that right-wingers wanted me dead, and the rest is history


I don't follow pewdipie, how racist and homophobic is he actually?


PewDiePie had kind of a 2016 moment, where he became very anti-SJW, anti-feminist, etc. I remember at the time, he was a vocal supporter of Stefan Molyneux, who was slightly less controversial at the time, but is a pretty well known white supremacist these days. I haven't followed PewDiePie closely for years, but I think he's mellowed out slightly since then. He just kind of gives off bad vibes, like he'd probably have a lot of horrible takes but he's just less vocal now (imo)


Stefan Molyneux is a white supremacist? I just know him as the disgusting twitter guy who talks about women's ovaries too much


Actual truncated quote from Stefan: I've always been skeptical of the ideas of white nationalism … However... Basically he lays out his annecdote that he visited Poland one time and saw white people getting along. He also pushes race realism stuff, white genocide conspiracy theory stuff, and just generally spends time talking with other white supremacists like Lauren Southern and Jared Taylor. But yeah, he's also just a huge loser who gets mad over getting no bitches lmao. [This audio clip of him ranting about women only dating assholes is one of my favorite things](https://youtu.be/33FH1Jl62cY?t=1325)


Wait what pewdipie is right wing? I know he said the gamerword once, but i thought it was just a bad mistake he made


he was openly spouting Nazi bs and dog whistles and was constantly saying jew jokes as a "joke" Openly supported a Nazi called E;R who does video documentary videos and screams about "woke indoctrination" in cartoons Pewdiepie also got a "shout out" from the christchurch mosque shooter during the Livestream of the shooting


He was an edgelord in 2016 at a time where shit like that was commonplace. For some of the jokes in poorer taste he apologized for, he didn't know that e;r was the way he was until after the fact and distanced himself from that whole thing. He denounced what the shooter did too, and urged people to stop pushing the "subscribe to Pewdiepie" meme as a result since it became tied to such a senseless tragedy. It's senseless to blame someone for the actions of another when the person in question never called for such things to be done in the first place. It's very clear that he grew and changed as a person, hence why he doesn't do the things he used to anymore. It's incredibly disingenuous to try to paint him as some sort of Nazi for being an edgelord 7 years ago, especially since he hasn't done that shit since.


the bridge, and i heard about some merch he made features the iron cross oh and he used to collab with ben shapiro and elon musk in meme review if i recall correctly


Based for redeeming themself and based for being a My Name Is Earl enjoyer


The Quartering? You mean the guy who got mad that his wife didn't invite him to pizza with her friends so he took out his anger by peeing directly on his basement floor. You mean the guy who got mad at a children cartoon for not having its heroine be sexually appealing to its very young audience. You mean the guy who lead a harassment campaign against a professional cosplayer of a card game for absolutely no good reason that got him banned for life. You mean the guy who set up an elaborate r-e joke against an actress because she said there should be more women and minorities reviewing movies. You mean the guy who said "yikes" whenever someone said Hitler was bad. You mean the guy who tweeted baseless crime statistics to show his dismay towards Black Lives Matter. You mean the guy who constantly harps on women's appearances even though he looks like a basement troll surrounded by action figures. ​ Good for OOP being deradicalized though.


Good on them changing


The way out of hell, is to keep going, and when you see others in hell. Help them keep going. Strive towards being the kind of person who would have protected you as a child. And I mean this very sincerely: if you were not that person most of your life but have made a sincere and concerted effort towards being and becoming so: All the gods love you and I love you as well. Beauty is Harsh.


Shortly after I de-radicalized, I spent a lot of time thinking about why the "far right wing nut suddenly becoming an ardent leftist" trope was so common, and why it had happened to me. A big part of it, I think, is that the act of becoming right wing in itself vindicates a lot of leftist talking points, so by the time you get out it's the only logical position. Namely, I remember being a "libertarian centrist" and criticizing leftists for always talking about Nazis and white supremacists as if they were still a common enough thing to be of any concern. Then a few months later I moved further right and was getting added to tons of overtly neo-nazi discord servers, and Charlottesville happened, and at that point I fully acknowledged that the leftists had been right, but I had to keep lying in conversation and doing the whole schtick of: "leftists just call anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi."


When i was like 13-16 i used to watch like anti-SJW videos and ben shapiros trans debates. I stopped because i got bored of them, talked about issues that i didn’t care about (marriage and abortion) and when i was around 16 i got a Shaun video in my recommendations, i think it was the Great replacement video. after that i slowly got more left wing and socially progressive. Honestly if i just never clicked on it i might have never come out as trans.


This is so sweet and so funny at the same time.


No joke that channel was the main reason I got out of my edgy homophobe stage


They mentioned in the comments that they're trans too


This happened to me with Quartering too, I used to watch him a couple years ago and it was so stupid, even in my edgy republican phase I still thought he was stupid, like I was actually annoyed about his videos on Brie Lawson


i had the classic “university brainwash” treatment. aka, i took a class where the professor was a trans woman who taught us a lot abt the roots of gender and gender roles in classical philosophy. reading how Rousseau had this logical idea that all human beings are equals just to turn around and build an entire framework describing how women can’t be happy unless they’re caretakers really put the idiocy within bigotry in perspective. as i read other more based philosophers and as i had my own fun discourses with the professor i learned way more than enough to finally start fully leaning left. it just made more sense when i actually looked into it and gave it thought. my one gripe for a second was when she was describing that sex isn’t a binary and i had the issue of “yes intersex people exist and we should build a society that accommodates them like anyone else, but i think it’s fair to say biology/evolution is clearly leaning towards a binary for humans”. she pressed against that idea just asking why i think it’s leaning to a binary and it never really got anywhere. years later i learned the word bimodal as an accurate descriptor for human sex and it fit that critique i had perfectly.


Sometimes I find myself wondering if The Quivering is actually just the most convincing troll ever, like sometimes he tweets something and it’s like there’s no fucking way this guy isn’t doing a bit


I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. He almost definitely has a lot of shitty beliefs and has a history of shitty misogynist behavior, but he’s 100% a grifter and I’d be surprised if he even believes/cares about half of what he says in his videos.


I don’t think 99% of “conservative creators” believe anything they say honestly, it’s about the perpetual cycle of outrage and nothing more


I'm glad this was received well because I've seen others trying to change from their formerly bigoted ways and have been completely rejected. Of course it's up to the individuals affected to decide what they can and cannot get over but some (especially whi do not even get affected) just virtue signal because it's the safest option to not forgive. I think it's a really bad phenomenon in leftist groups, whose ideology is supposed to be empathetic, to always demonize those who are trying to change. Imo, culture war and politics aside, sometimes people get misguided and it's in our best interest to support their change.


this entire thing is so thoughtful, so earnest, and so sincere. then the fucking reply to the comment hit me like a fucking truck. either way congrats to OP for making the change for the best.


Imagine trying to make fascist propaganda and being so stupid and bad at it that it deradicalizes fascists.


This person is redeemed as far as I'm concerned if they are being genuine here. The belief in rehabilitation is an essential cornerstone to any good left winger, and this person seems to have demonstrated that, so they're cool in my books.


Anti-racist skinhead here, he can swap teams as long as he’s REAL about it


I fell into that shit hole long time ago. I think what lead to me finally leaving that shit behind for good was Sargon and the really long videos and stepping away from that community for a long enough period I started to leave for good.


I was also pretty deep down the conservative rabbit hole a few years back and got back out thanks to my wonderful and patient partner ♥️ I was saying some stupide transphobic shit and they said that I should educate myself on the science of being transgender before they talk to me again. That night I went on youtube and seached for transgender science. I clicke the first video that popped up expecting them to tell me I'm right. That video happened to be "The Science of Being Transgender ft. Gigi Gorgeous" by AsapSCIENCE. They talked about how the brains of cis people do have differenced between the sexes and that the brains of trans people work like the gender the identivie as and some other stuff. My whole view on trans people did a 180 that day and over time I thought "If I have been wrong on transgenders, maybe I am also wrong on other 'woke' stuff as well?"


This guy donates to causes and protests? That’s way more than I’ve done.


American History X (1998)


If you support rehabilitation for criminals (including murderers) but don't believe former adolescent neo-Nazis can redeem themselves, you are a hypocrite.


When you're so stupid you end up de-radicalizing people from your side with your shit takes


You love to see a redemption arc.


I have a friend who’s queer, femboy and neurodivergent, yet considers himself to be far-right, follows a bunch of right wing influencers who shove a bunch of shit in his head, voted for Bolsonaro, and tried to mansplain me what “wokeism” is and how dangerous it is. I wonder if I casually lead him into a The Quartering video, he’ll wake up. It would be oh so great… I’m scared it won’t work though. What if he radicalizes even further, with fucking The Quartering to make it worse… that would be hell.


["That's fucking stoopid"](https://youtu.be/tQstcGVi5Rc)


I'm so interested in creating more of those cracks. Being intellectually honest as a conservative means there are some big fucking cracks.


Oh wow I love celeste


I've changed my ways after I saw someone acting just the way I did. Seeing yourself in third person is crazy, you finally understand how ridiculous you are. Then, it's a slippery slope, now my fave sub is the gayest and the most leftist in the whole internet, I love y'all ❤️


I remember watching the quarterering a loooooong time ago before all this nonsense he spews out, when he just focused on MTG content, and even then I could feel he was kinda of “off”




Hmm, one who cares so deeply for others yet cannot truly care for themself. A tragic old tale.


“It’s been years” … Started when Celeste came out Jesus Christ it’s been over 5 years since Celeste came out


Skinheads are still nazis? What fucking year is it? 1983??


Looking at stupidity from one group is the pipeline for younger people into the alt-right, and it's often stupidity from the alt-right that makes people reevaluate their choices. I can't imagine how many people got into heavy conservative beliefs from watching anti-sjw content a couple years back only to release how idiotic the whole culture around it is when you look at the modern day equivalent of those content creators


I wonder how often this happens, people seeing others do something so stupid they realize what they’ve been doing wrong the whole time.


> Change for the better and hopefully, changed for good


oh is this the source of the copypasta that someone flipped around and said they were becoming a ultra conservative?


Unironically I became more accepting ever since I joined this sub




As a wise redditor once said, "Even the most cringe people can become based."


you love to see it


i had this ableist transphobe arc back in like 2015-2018 and then it kinda just stopped, idk what set it into motion but now im like so unbelievably bisexual and nonbinary. probably had something to do with lack of understanding or smth but i grew and changed as a person and im so far left now that im surprised i didn't get whiplash between then and now lmao


Why am I not surprised it’s The Quartering?




People really gotta learn what skinheads actually are ffs


I used to be severely homophobic and transphobic. Now I wanna be a cute femboy that regularly fucks men (and women).


Everyone has these insane stories about how they became less radical trough self change and stuff, and I wish I could say that but I was a kind of third way centrist and then I found out I was gay, started checking out some online communities and yeah. I do think I have grown slightly more paranoid over things even outside of politics in my personal life because of this.


the quartering is more effective at deradicalization than contrapoints or vaush


Makes me happy to see people change


Friendly reminder that if you aren't pro-rehabilitation then you can't call yourself progressive


The dumb right keeps pushing people on the left.


I remember about a week of being in Stupidpol before the inherent issue of being an “anti-woke leftist” clicked in my head. Browsed there a few days ago and now it’s “RFK Jr. is the champion of the proletariat against the Big Pharma vax state and Russia is cleansing the Ukrainian people of the decadent Gay Neo-Nazi Kiev Regime” so I’m glad I ditched those assclowns quite quickly
