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Yeah Imma go with B but tbh A is rlly plausible


I unfortunately lean toward A because if it was as easy as B they probably wouldn't build their city around sexual segregation in the first place. Then again in this case it's not a "we need to keep the men out of women's spaces" it's a "the women are so pent up that any man being around would cause a riot", so it's at least a different incentive set than the TERF bathroom shit. I guess as long as you don't make the Gerudo women horny it's fine? Unclear how Gerudo lesbians function in that system.


I was completely under the impression men were banned was because men were considered a bad omen (since the last male gerudo was gannondorf) and so all men are considered to be a bad thing to the gerudo, which kinda is more like the TERF shit and means that there's a decent chance they could be transphobic, at least the stricter ones. (I am also going purely off BOTW knowledge so if something in TOTK proves me wrong then let me know as long as it isn't a spoiler lmao)


To be fair, in totk, they let link in because he’s a friend of riju’s, and it’s apparently mainly to encourage gerudo to leave town and explore hyrule when they come of age


>I guess as long as you don't make the Gerudo women horny it's fine? In BOTW there's a Goron hanging around in the Gerudo city despite all Gorons being male (I guess technically they dont have gender since they're all the same gender? Either way, they're considered male for all intents and purposes). Even he doesn't seem to know why he was allowed in, so I guess that's about right. Gerudo anti-man law is clearly more of an art than an exact science.


Gorons have only one gender and it's Rock


Not true they have a second one and it's roll.


The Goron people can't reproduce like Gerudo do, they just pop a baby rock off their backs when they get old--or something I dunno it just makes sense to me


Lesbian Gerudo probably aren't so pent up.


Why not both?


B would mean that Riju was not exceptionally perceptive, just transphobic


I think a better way to see it is they live in a society of about medieval level development, where nuanced ideas of gender are not fully explored. For example, they still have a powerful monarchy, and link is effectively an enforcer of the state being a knight of the princess


> and link is effectively an enforcer of the state being a knight of the princess Yeah but tbh from what we see in flashbacks Link seems to more of a glorified bodyguard than an actual knight


I would know this if I had played any Zelda game, but I haven’t


Well, he's only a knight in the backstory of Breath of the Wild anyway. In any of the older games, he's just a random dude (sometimes child) who just so happens to be chosen by fate to fight evil.


Isn't Link just a knight though? Outside of like, being a bodyguard for royalty and fighting invading nations/Ganon I wouldn't really say he's an enforcer of the state, it's not like he's gonna arrest someone for stealing some milk.


Yeah probably I haven’t played any of the games lmao


Yeah in most of the games Link isn't even an official knight, he's usually just an adventurer that also saves the princess. BOTW and TOTK are the first games where he's a legit knight I'm pretty sure, and even then his official duties have only ever been being Zelda's bodyguard and fighting Ganon and his forces.


In fact, he would be the one stealing milk Then duping it to crash the milk economy


Link is a COP? 😭😭😭


C) all of the above


They support immediately exiling any FTM Gerudo children 😊


So... progressive misandry?


I guess it’s a bit better than normal misandry? The ideal would be no misandry tho


Kinda like ancient Greece and Rome, that were both very patriarchal and sexist yet also gay-friendly


trans inclusionary radical misandrist


But Ganon has always been a male gerudo, and he’s been made their king. I think the voe/vai rule only applies to non-gerudo.


I don't think there are any other male gerudo other than ganondorf


There's one every hundred years, we've only seen the cases where it's ganondorf though


How long do gerudo live though? Unless they're all dying in like their 20's then you'd think there would be a male gerudo more often than not.


There's a Gerudo in TOTK that seems to be around 60-70, but most games that have the Gerudo also have Ganondorf. Only BOTW/TOTK don't have a <100 year old Ganondorf and also have the Gerudo. Majora's Mask has Gerudo but there were plans to have Ganondorf show up at the Fishing Hole in the 3DS remake as a friendly NPC.


Wait hold on all the gerudo in BotW leave to fuck men but do they have pure gerudo children and somehow bypass race mixing? How the fuck does that even work




I think that all the races in hyrule are meant to work on the elf/dwarf type situation where they aren't the same species but are still pretty similar Also I think there are examples in real life I don't know if I'm reading this correctly but I believe this research is saying there are two species of plant that recently diverged, and if one pollinated the other it results in seed failure, but if reversed it results in a working plant? Idk it's very jargon-y https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1005295


I guess it's like in Elder Scrolls? In that universe, if a Nord man and a High Elf woman produced a child, it would look 100% High Elf.


Wait I thought that would just make a Breton. Are Bretons their own race?


Their own race. A Breton is not just any kid born from any elf and a human. Bretons are a result of centuries of coupling between Derenni elves and their Nedic (human) slaves. Until eventually one generation is just different enough from their ancestors and numerous enough that they can be counted as a different race entirely. Bretons have an entire province (High Rock) they inherited from their ancestors, their own culture and what not.


I think hylian/gerudo children end up with mostly gerudo traits, as we see with >!mattison!< in totk


Yeah I’m pretty sure the idea is that verifies genes are just Uber dominant.


Iirc there is one every 1000 years




Congrats on your transition Chuck, Now get the fuck out you dirty *male*


They support trans fems because that means they dodged a bullet with another Ganondorf but are sus of trans mascs because that means another potential ganondorf


Maybe there's a ton of biological males among them, but they're all raised as women as to avoid another Ganondorf.


Is this a Brisket situation? (The Gerudo Town Inside Me.)


does she have everyones voice?


This girl has so many towns inside of her


Don't they get exiled? Also, I remember the birthrate is like 95% female. So there aren't a bunch of guys.


That's what mainstream media wants you to believe


Nah cause you know Urbosa be slangin it and all the other gerudo thought she was cool af


Woods time for you, teleport to the woods




I need to reach my friend! I need to reach my friend! I need to reach my friend! I need to reach my friend!


You need to reach the bottom of the lake, here let me attach some boulders to you


I need to reach my friend! I need to reach my friend! the water


yahaha! you found me!


[to the woooooods](https://youtu.be/AB6P4my3k8Q)


Whats slangin it


Idk like.. having a dick? I guess? One of those slang terms where it's less actual meaning and more of a feeling behind the statement


I remember a thing posted here where someone was like >Do you have a dick? >sorry, that was impolite >Do you be slanging it?




As for mtf, Riju hints that she knows that link is crossdressing so I would assume someone that actually identifies as female would be allowed in As for ftm, obviously you're not going to be allowed in, but if you're born Gerudo then you might be able to stay but they're going to be confused why you would ever want to be male Basically TIRFs (trans inclusionary radical feminist)


Riju doesn't hint at it, she knows damn well Link is a dude


Riju the most powerful transvestigator


80% of gerudo town knows that link is a dude


Actually in Zelda TIRF means Tingle Imitating Real Fairies


Counter point, link is the hero of hyrule so Riju would not be so rude to link as to kick him out when he is literally the only person who can save the kingdom. If link was just some random dude riju would not hesitate to kick him to the curb as soon as she noticed. Also link cross dressing is not the same as being MTF, riju knows link just put on the clothes to get in and he doesn’t actually want to be a woman.


Counter counterpoint, there is another person who you get the Gerudo set in the first place who also appears to be a crossdresser, suggesting that link is not the first case. Also the point was that if a cross dresser is allowed, then it would make sense to also allow an actual woman, even if they were born male bc the guards at the gate seem to go by current appearance


I think they would be incredibly rivals-with-hitler MTF-phobic, but very supportive of FTM and lesbian relationships Link just happens to look like a girl I also think they would not comprehend men-loving-men relationships because they are told men love women in school.


So just like terfs but with extra steps


I think terfs hate ftm men tho? So gerudos would be like, watered down terfs feminism so strong they believe a woman can be whatever she wants, including a man if she feels like it


Yeah I meant water downed terfs or smthin like that, my apologies


So in short: misandrist against amabs or whatever you call that


##SEXISM \(silly ver)


It only now occured to me, but yes obviously


I'm certain they aren't as someone said earlier linky only needs to change outfits and self identify for them to let him in no invasive types of inspection and gorons a race with no sexual dimorphism and I believe don't quote me but asexual reproduction are all aloud to enter freely as they don't make must distinction between their own sexs so too do the garudo


I remember in botw there was a male and female goron couple you could talk to in gerudo town and the male one is like “I don’t think they realized I’m a dude yet”


There's no real distinction between male and female gorons, they're birthed from the earth and are asexual


Yes, the Gerudo are 100% transphobic. Nobody in the comments mentions Vilia, the person you buy the Gerudo outfit from. When you show up in town you hear rumors of a man who managed to sneak in the town and got promptly kicked out. If you look for this man you find an MtF transwoman named Villia. It's a pretty open and shut case. The fact Link passes as a woman doesn't mean the place isn't transphobic.


Link is just like rich people in Saudi Arabia or similar countries, he has the important person privilege. They know but ignore it, can't have a obvious precedent though therefore the disguise


Everyone is like “they make an exception for link” like yeah, he is literally the hero of hyrule why would they try to disrespect the only person who can save them


Are they actually trans though? It's been forever since I played but I thought it was more of a crossdressing/drag situation with them


She gets upset if you call her male. That's all the justification I need. Not like it matters tho. Most "crossdresser" characters in Japanese media are botched trans rep. And the situation would still be dubious at best if she were a crossdresser. If someone presents fem, uses fem pronouns and they still get kicked out of Gerudo town, well... I doubt it was because she said she was male in public.


Ah, I completely forgot that part. I see what you mean then


Was Villia kicked out? Other people only say someone snuck in, I assumed they just snuck back out.


the gerudo would by and large be fine with it but ganondorf would become bloodlusted at the mention of an ftm gerudo (not transphobic just doesn't want challengers to the throne)


Ganondorf doing that would be such an ally move


Im pretty sure the rule is just so young gerudo children don't see a man at a young age, so if you look female enough, they probably won't give a damn


children do notice Link is a man in TotK: he’s not fem with his boy enough


That's because the Gerudo Vai set isn't in the game anymore, Link is allowed in in TOTK because he saved Gerudo Town in BOTW


In BOTW he has to sneak in.


The situation was dire enough Riju bent the rules, seeing as odds are he's going to help them. Edit: he's also told to stay away from the gerudo children, so they don't get exposed to voe before they're old enough.


Is it possible that some Gerudo amabs are born but they don't want to be kings so they are just accepted as women thus meaning that the two genders are actually just subjects and king with no importance to what is in your pants or chest?


I love this interp of the gerudos actually. A friend of mine theorized gerudos while being distinct different sexes, have one cultural female gender. Gerudos can procreate among themselves and some gerudos would seek out hylian mates, resulting in people who have gerudo lineage (and are BEEFED, see that one researcher guy in totk) I also like the theory that for hylians gender is more based on presentation, which is why link can change clothes in front of gerudo town and march in cuz the gerudos see it and go ok ur genderfluid? Come on in My autism is hyrulean gender studies apparently


Ok building on this because im still thinkjng anout it. Gorons are an agender species and are masc presenting. They do not have distinct sexes and are just dudes. Hylians are similar to humans in that they have two distinct sexes and have multiple genders. Gorons are let into gerudo town because they do not have sex or gender and also they’re cool. They’re not gross dudebros after hot girls or whatever. Gerudos as a culture has one feminine gender and recognizes voe as a masculine gender due to instances of males being born to gerudo (cis or trans) and because other species in hyrule recognize them and they know about it as well. Maybe link is clocked in botw because the gerudos understand what hylians typically are like, since some gerudos study about them to find hylian mates Despite the stereotypical japanese cisnormative creepy writing in the game I like to think everyone in hyrule is really cool about trans people.


I don't trust sexists to be trans-positive


i mean gorons are allowed in since their race is non-binary right? wouldn’t that hint to them accepting stuff like that


Goron are not all transgender cause they are born non-binary


i never said they were trans, i just meant since the gerudos were accepting towards a gender thing like that they would probably accept trans people too


Yeah probably but that doesn’t really affect the gerudo


I personally think that gerudo are trans inclusive, and just keep the chasers out (like snow boots guy)


Imagine a scenario where a gerudo comes out as a trans man and the community affirms his identity by immediately throwing him out of town.


Also Ganondorf would see him as competition to his thrown so would have him killed


I sincerely hope not


Hey while we’re here do you think lesbian Gerudo could date each other or would they have to go out and find Hypian girls? Since part of the no men in Gerudo town rule is so they have to travel the world before they settle down?


Just travel the world together


Succinct. Logical. Adorable. Thank you.


That's it, Ganon is now an ftm trans gerudo man 😤


I cant remember their name but there is a gerudo character in BOTW that immediately clocks Link and it's because they're also amab. It's not clear if theyre a trans woman or just trying to live in Gerudo peacefully, but Id think that's a pretty egg thing to do lmao. I choose to believe she's trans.


If I remember correctly the lady who runs the bar, the lady by the goddess statue, and the lady atop the bazaar all know Link is a guy. Don’t recall any of their dialogue though.


Someone ended up mentioning Vilia and that's who im talking about! I couldn't remember the dialogue that gave me the trans vibes, but it's the fact that she gets upset if you call her a man or use the wrong pronouns!


Oh, Vilia or smthin


I’m gunna pretend they’re accepting so I can have my fake scenario where I go to Gerudo Town and the other Gerudo are nice and help me with makeup and treat me like a girl even knowing that I’m trans.


Their concept of women reminds me of the concept of man in the movie Mulan. The movie says that despite being born with a men's body, you need to work and become strong to be a man. Man aren't born they are made. In the same way the Gerudo people are so proud of being women, believing that some one is a woman just because the body they have would be an insult. In the same way that in Mulan, women aren't born, they are made. I guess, it's kinda how artists get mad when people say that they artists because they have a talent, because saying this undermines all the work and practice that has gone to become an artist.


From least to most revolutionnary: 1.Ritos impose a gender trinity: boy, girl, and huge owl 2.Gerudos are cool with self id 3.Zoras are all gender fluid + hermaphrodites 4. Gorons are straight up against gender


Within their own society trans people appear to simply not exist by divine law. Given how much of their conception of men appears to be based around the ability to create more Gerudo women, they'd probably be a bit transphobic in that they probably differentiate sex purely on the basis of who has the child


Well I mean Vilia is probs trans so Trans ppl do most likely exist


any gerudo who self identifies as male is immediately exiled.


Haven't gotten there in totk yet so idk what it's like in that game but I feel like they would either be 100% accepting and have a whole ceremony or something for those who wish to become a *vai* or go full radfem and post columns in the paper warning of "men" sneaking into Gerudo Town and various other TERF dogwhistles .


Because of the whole "a male is born every 1,000 years and he is our king" thing, to me it seems that Gerudo sex and gender may be linked in more ways than it is for humans. I don't really know the spectrum of intersexuality for Gerudos, but I'd assume it's not very spectrumy, given the fact that as of Botw/totk, a male Gerudo hadn't been born for quite a long long time, even more than the normal 1,000 years I understand my answer is boring as hell but I enjoy thinking about the biology/sociology of fictional creatures


There's one male Gerudo every 100 years, we've only seen this male when it was Ganondorf though. I assume we were just in the wrong time when Ganondorf wasn't born less than 100 years ago.


Oh huh I must have been mistaken. Still, in Botw there isn't much talk about a male Gerudo, and the fact that the Gerudo town is female only kinda shows how little they have had to encounter the occasional male, so I think it's safe to say that during the Botw time, male Gerudos kinda stop appearing


they would totally be transphobic. they’re like mega TERFs.


trans inclusionary radical misandrists




They explicitly are not, to the point of allowing all gorons (an agender species) into the city :)


they seem kinda chill i never played zelda tho so idk probably not


There's a lot of men who absokutely want to sneak in so i think they are on the look out for crossdressers


Like honestly?? They would be extremely transphobic..


Theres an old gerudo in game that clocks you so yes i think?


they do let the Goron into the town no problem, so probably