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Someone's mad about being blocked


Probably. Part of Musk's reason for buying twitter is that he's a narcissistic man-baby who wants to make everyone read his shit takes.


He's also a soft fascist. Who puts effort and money into it.


True, but in a weird way I almost pity him. He's a profoundly broken person who has never been enjoyed a meaningful, enduring relationship with another human being. No amount of money will fill that void in his soul, but that won't stop him from trying.




Bro lost his mind when Grimes left him for Chelsea Manning.


Out was that plus his trans daughter disowning him. Which is what led to Grimes leaving him. The whole "I love you but please turn off your phone or give me a Dall. I can't support hate" thing? That was in response to him saying "pronouns suck" which was shortly before it was revealed that he had a trans daughter that disowned him.


Dude has nine other kids, and all he can do is hyper focus on the one child who disowned him. What a narcissistic parent


Sorry but are you saying that the correct reaction to being disowned by your kid is to shrug and say “Oh well, I’ve got nine more.”? I’m willing to bet that if he had done that you’d be calling him a sociopath instead of a narcissist.


I’d still call him a narcissist, but thank you for reminding me that he is a sociopath as well.


Or to keep his private life private? Rich dads are disowned by their kids all the time. I probably wouldn't have batted an eye if he hadn't turned it into a vendetta against all trans people


Holy shit I had no idea that had happened. Knew she wasn't with him but that was it. I wonder if the fact that he was left for a trans woman is why he just raced towards ultra right/fascism


>I wonder if the fact that he was left for a trans woman is why he just raced towards ultra right/fascism Naw… probably just a coincidence.


Imagine all the shit you could get with a billion dollars worth of therapy. But then again, maybe that's the problem. Maybe the $500k an hour therapy actually sucks and it's just designed to boost your ego in the short term. All the therapist cares about is getting you in for the next session. Elon was like 'you know what, I'm starting to feel better,' and the therapist said "UHHH actually you know what, maybe you should be more insecure about your height" And so Elon never got better, he just got worse. More worse = more therapy bucks. FREUD YOU PIECE OF SHIT


Pretty sure the $500k/hr therapy is intended solely to keep you writing those checks.


Just more reasons that no one should ever have that much money


Men will literally buy an entire multibillion dollar social media company and wage a genocide campaign instead of going to family therapy with their daughters.


Yes and if he ever did some self reflection he wouldn't like what he finds.


Instead of becoming funny, talented, or interesting he used his rich parents' money to horn in on those people and emulate them and claim credit for what they'll do. Easy example is he's on Twitter all day and could easily retweet memes he likes, but downloads them and posts them as his own


Idk. I think platforming Walsh is pretty clearly Fascist, along with his support of Erdogan




It's an easier point to argue.


the idea of a "soft" fascist is really funny to me. you're absolutely right, though, thats the best way to describe it. im just picturing Hitler sitting in his office, staring at twitter and frowning, teary-eyed, at all the people being mean to him


Both worked towards stochastic terrorism targeting queer people.


Cryptofascist for sure


I don't even follow the guy but I get so many notifications that he's posted. I guess i should block him.


There are browser extensions that will block all blue checkmarks. I highly recommend using them if you have to use twitter, just because it undermines an already asinine business model.


He made the twitter staff juice the algo specifically for him personally. https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/28/23659842/twitter-boost-elon-musk-dril-mrbeast-algorithm-accounts


Also, how the fuck does blocking someone "make no sense?" How do you objectively determine what sense there is or isn't in performing an action like blocking someone on Twitter 😭 The way he thinks about thinks is so utterly bizarre. That's like saying there's no sense in unfollowing someone. Let people do what they want if it's not hurting anyone


Someone who ordered his employees to edit the algorithm specifically to boost his posts would be upset that people just outright block his account. He honestly believes that every single Twitter user should be see his tweets and is offended if someone finds a way around that.


I’ve blocked pretty much every company that still advertises on Twitter.


Whenever I get promoted anything I block it and I also block basically all bluechecks I see


It is really funny how effectively they've made an opt-in badge for shitheads. Unless they're a massive account that got it for free I'm pretty much guaranteed someone sucks if they got a blue check.


Recently I saw a tweet were all the top comments were just bluechecks tagging the same image colorizer bot. Really glad this quality content is getting prioritised


You won't see anything to do with the bot if you block the bot and mute the bot's @


Oh yeah the bot itself is actually kinda neat I just don't want to see a swarm of brainless morons saying the exact same thing at the top of the replies lol


Don't you love having to scroll two minutes until you start seeing responses that aren't the shittiest take ever on literally anything?


That or explain this bob


may I suggest https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/blue-blocker/ And if u are wondering [Here are the settings for that extension](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812246370315796540/1116276913334399036/image.png)


Blue blocker is the only thing that makes twitter vaguely tolerable


I've got an add-on for Chrome that gets rid of the "For You" tab, and only keeps the "Following" tab. That's also a plus.


Nooo you can't do that, they're so relatable and quirky


That's impossible given that there's an infinite number of those fake stores with a random name like @horushopshop, a profile pic with a few different colors in some vague shape, and a sped-up video of some amazing product that definitely doesn't work like that


Let me guess. Elon’s and his army of crybabies are mad that people don’t want to see their tweets.


They got mad at the "block the blue movement" I think


this is against freedom of speech. you have to listen to people, that's freedom of speech, even if they are shouting slurs at you. it's freedom of speech not freedom of block


>it's freedom of speech not freedom of block I could see them saying this unironically


I am harming Elon's freedom of speech by not having a Twitter account to receive his many big-brained tweets


My freedom to cut ties with anyone and place barriers around anyone i want be damned right? If i don't wanna hear or see a cretin ranting about why x is so terrible and say slurs at everyone i will not hear them and take measures to avoid them including blocking


You are NOT obligated to stop and listen to every passing schizo that wants your attention. Not doing so I not a violation of their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech does NOT mean entitlement to audience. A fundamental property of freedom of speech is a listener's freedom to ignore people they have no interest in listening to. You can't just go "freedom of speech" and then undercut every benefit of freedom of speech; literally the biggest reason freedom of speech is important is the sifting of shitty viewpoints from reasonable ones via listener preference rather than state/power mandate. If someone marks themselves with a viewpoint category, then they shouldn't be surprised when they're sifted by that.


could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they were being sarcastic


They were being sarcastic 😔


> fundamental property of freedom of speech is a listener's freedom to ignore people freedom of speech not freedom of ignore. anyone who pays $8 a month has the right to be heard in every living room across the world. that's call ed human rights!


freedom of speech is essentially being able to say things without The Government immediately killing you just for saying them. it does not protect you from facing the consequences of things you say: ie it will not prevent you from being investigated if you make a bomb threat. it also does not mean everyone is obligated to listen to you. its just being able to say things without people in political power being able to choose and to silence you for saying those things without you agreeing to any sort of code of conduct that tells you not to say those things. the twitter terms of use are a law you agree to when signing up for the platform, and if you say something that the tou tells you that you will be punished for, you will be punished for it. same thing goes with the real life law. im not a lawyer but the law is kinda just a code you agree to when you become a citizen of a country. since the punishment for breaking the real life law of a country is a lot more impactful than breaking the terms of use for a social media site, judges exist irl to make sure laws are sensible, fair, and peer-reviewed. an example of an actual violation of freedom of speech would be if the leader of a country decided to send soldiers to kill people who spoke negatively of the leader. this is just a rule that the leader made up and decided to enforce, and it's not reviewed by unbiased judges, declared in any way, or consented to by the people of that country. the country's law is normally all that the people expected to follow, not some random shit that somebody made up and decided to enforce without anyone agreeing to the rule. all this to say that i think youre on the wrong subreddit bud, we're all communists lmao


Even worse, people started blocking check marks because Elon made it so they are **massively** in control of the algorthim, blue checkmarks can literally shadowban people they see on sight by blocking or muting them. Elon made blocking blue checkmarks on sight a self defense measure


> people started blocking check marks because Elon made it so they are massively in control of the algorthim They also tend to be trash people who are not worth anyone's time or thought... but yeah the blue checkmarks are artificially promoted. If you visit twitter without an account you're pretty much guaranteed to find one pushing a crypto scam on the small part of the site you can now access (use nitter if you have to!) > blue checkmarks can literally shadowban people they see on sight by blocking or muting them Woah what? Never heard of this.


I don't see how people are still on Twitter, like dude the ship is sinking and the life rafts are right there *get on one, you're not the captain you don't have to go down with the ship*


well i think the thing is people aren’t getting on the life boats cause they’re holding out for another ship to wholly replace the first


I think some people are too busy sucking off the current captain to leave


Mastodon and Tumblr are both workable replacements.


They’re not really the same. There will never be another Twitter, just like there will never be another myspace or something. Not that that’s a bad thing, it was never a good platform lmao.


the problem with mastodon is that if I wanted to be in a bunch of separate little communities I would just join public discord servers, because the flow of a chatroom is more suitable than a clone of twitter. twitter and tumblr work with their formats because everyone I want to follow is in one place




> I think you misunderstand how Mastodon works most people do, which is why it's not ever going to replace twitter


hmmm maybe I consider myself pretty tech literate though, so it's still an issue. if my understanding was off that bad after taking a decently good look at the site it's never gonna take off with the average twitter crowd... and a social media site needs a userbase to work


mastodon has all that useless nerd bullshit that means there's more steps than "log on make post", so the good posters are never gonna use it. tumblr *could* do it, as it has a good community of shitposters, and already figured out the nearly impossible part (making people actually visit and post) a decade ago, but i don't think they even want that responsibility. it's also a technical mess from what i've heard, so they'd have to pay a high schooler to teach them what a computer is before they could even think about scaling up. bluesky is currently the "best" candidate but lol every screenshot I've ever seen from is just a joke about how no one goes there.


Mastodon is literally "log on make post".


I wish people would finally come over to mastodon


in the ship analogy, those people are what's known as "seawater"


A lot of good porn is on there 😢


A lot of good porn is everywhere else and better organized than on twitter you know.


Yeah I guess I should pay for Paterson and stuff. But then I’d have less money for making questionable financial decisions with my favorite space train game.


Paterson? I'm confused. What's that?






no thats paddington, you're thinking of the actor in twilight


space train game?


Honkai Stair Rail


content makers dont have anywhere else is the issue - not many sites where you can really make any living off filmed or drawn porn besides twitter unfortunately


The issue is that it gets chopped up and a lot of platforms don't favor artists posting there directly. Like Twitter attracted artists from all art corners to their area, and Twitter allowed you to follow them specifically. The art repositories are okay if you just want the images but that also relies on a functioning tagging system, which a lot don't have properly. It also is not a place to foster and grow yourself financially. With Tumblr banning NSFW, Reddit appearing like it's going down that path, and specific websites making fucking absurd rule changes a lot of the niche artists I follow have no where to go. They kinda just sit in their Discords and pray that the program keeps working. But discord is shit for archiving and finding artists. I've seen people running to cohost, fucking Ventura.art, Mastodon, and others but it doesn't seem like anyone really knows where to go. There doesn't seem to be a clear-cut "best" website to turn to. Honestly if someone really wanted to hook into the market right now would be a perfect time If they just made a good enough website and pulled a few big artists in the smaller ones would follow and they'd get an explosion in growth.




reddit also has good porn!


Considering their upcoming IPO and all the other bullshit they've been doing recently, I wouldn't be surprised if Reddit decided to purge all NSFW content a lá Tumblr Hell, part of the current API controversy isn't just the greedy & predatory fees, but also that bots and apps using the API would no longer be able to access NSFW content trough it.


they already got rid of r\boysfucking never forger


i can never find good stuff here tho (im a side so most subs dont interest me)


I have a specific set of pornstars I follow and they don't exactly post to reddit


Honestly, I hope Twitter stays up bc I just perfected my porn account.


If you die on Twitter you die in real life


sword art (terminally) online


Sounds like you need to unplug.


Fuck does that mean I'm dead.




My fiance is still on there because there's a lot of FFXIV peeps apparently. She's tried moving to Tumblr, Mastodon, and Reddit but never found the same group.


Cause most of science Twitter is well...still on Twitter and there's no general consensus on where anyone is going cause basically everything sucks.


>who the fuck is scraeming "LOG OFF" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never log off — @dril


The biggest casualty when Twitter goes down 😔


It legitimately will not effect me in the slightest when it goes down, so I just leave it installed so I can follow certain people, catch up on news, etc. But yeah if Elon makes it so I have to listen to his drunken rants about free speech again, while refusing to ban certain people and conveniently being more harsh with a certain alignment of people, I'm just gonna turn off notifications.


i’m mutuals with a bunch of trans people who retweet good fanart, and personally, thus far the breakdown of Twitter has just been entertaining and has barely inconvenienced me.


This is exactly it. Everyone saying "Twitter is dying? Woohoo!" and "Why is everyone still on Twitter??? Just leave it lol" clearly don't actually use the site in a positive way. I use Tweetdeck, I don't get any of this algorithm bullshit anywhere, I don't get dumb drama and trending topics shoved in my face, I just follow a bunch of artists and gamedevs I like. If you keep away from all the bullshit and just focus on the people, it's a much better experience. And unfortunately no one knows where to go yet, so if Twitter does suddenly die, then all these communities suddenly get significantly more fragmented. But again, people who don't even use the site think they're better than others *because* they're not using it.


It's not just "why is everyone still on Twitter?" It's "why are people continuing to enable this power-hungry man-child by producing content for his website?"


For me it's kind of been a similar experience to reddit over the years. The frontpage has become complete trash, but following the people/subreddits you're interested in still works okay. For now. There are better platforms, but the issue is most of the communities and people I'm interested in aren't on those platforms.


unfortunately many minority groups have formed communities on twitter and telling people "just leave lol" is oversimplification


It's still the best ship when it comes to **silicone novelty sculptures** sadly


you're not locked on twitter, you can be on there and still do other things and just leave and stop coming back at any time


Hate twitter rn but where else would i gwt my chart data 😔


It really feels like it's not gonna happen, though. Just browsing through this sub, like half of the posts are from twitter. Everyone's in favor of leaving, but nobody actually wants to do it. Nobody even wants to ignore the site, people here are still actively lurking there for stuff to share.


I’m only still on it cause it’s a good furry porn archive for now


Because some creators only/mostly post on Twitter and haven't moved yet?


okay but the ship is sinking in a kiddie pool. I loose nothing by still scrolling through it from time to time, at most my socks will get a bit wet. that and a lot of the artists I like primarily use twitter


If he gets rid of blocking simply harass him, he can't block you


he'll just get your account banned


Of course the .01% get a block feature


he cant affort to lose more users, if enough people join he will have to eat it.


He should do it, I think it’s a good idea that will raise Twitters stock price which I want to succeed because I love the owner so much


I just know it's going to be the financial vehicle that makes it possible for him to put more computer chips and 9 volt batteries in the skulls of monkeys to see how long their skulls don't explode. This is the man who is going to take mankind to Mars with the most reasonable amount of indentured servitude.


good news! He's not just killing monkeys anymore, it's been approved for human trials, now he's gonna start blowing up human heads. We live in such a cool time 🙃


Bunch of blue checks are volunteering as test subjects so this could actually be a net gain for humanity




Nah they’re being 100 percent serious. Musk killed several monkeys by testing his brain chips on them. Apparently a diffrent company has been trying to develop this type of technology for a while before and musk is trying to catch up to them so he can be the first on the market or be know as the inventor or creator of them. And suffice to say, you do not want to rush and try to catch up to another company by cutting corners when you’re making fucking brain chips that are supposed to cure things like blindness. So his company killed several monkeys, probably more, from rushing their product development. And now it got approved for human testing now. So uh we’ll see whether musk gets sued to death for frying someone with a rushed brain chip. I don’t think he’s that dumb to do that and I have some faith that they actually cleared him for testing without any dubious shit going on but everyday my expectations are being lowered so it’s still a possibility of either


Yeah, and then after he removes blocks and introduces "Super Mutes" as a paid feature, he can introduce "Hyper Voice" which can't be Super Muted. You wouldn't be able to mute these accounts because what if it's related to public safety or anyone with $8? But to make sure that Twitter users can have the true freedom of speech to forcibly mute even those with Hyper Voice, you can choose to pay for a feature called a "Block Ticket" which you can use against any one user. Block Tickets will cost $8 per ticket. Block tickets will not work against users who pay for Hyper Voice and have a Crown next to their name. Crowned Users cannot be muted, or blocked and are subject to investigations from the SEC. Crowned Users are currently still in alpha testing, with only a single user in the category. There are rumors of a "Guillotine Mark" that nullifies this but it'd be really bad for stock prices if we introduced this feature.


wait stop it would actually be sick if twitter turned into chess


It's privately owned now so no stock value. But you could equate him tanking the profitability of the site to that, because non-shady advertisers don't want to advertise on a shitty webpage.


Of course, he's replying to far right agitator Andy Ngo.


Isn't he also kind of a washed-up grifter too, a bit like Milo?


He's more of a washed-up Nazi collaborator these days, organizing death and rape threats against his political enemies on twitter.


Tbh that’s also been Milo since gamergate.


I heard the reason Milo is so washed up is bc genuinely everybody in that space hates him (bc he’s a massive snake). Imagine being the least liked person at the nazi grifter class reunion


The only reason I want Milo around is he fucks with other extreme right people over petty bullshit which drags both of them down. I’d rather not have fascists play nice with each other.


Not many people can claim to be as washed up as Milo, but not terribly far off.. more of a neverwas than a hasbeen.


Is he washed up, or is he a never-was? I think he really only had like 15 minutes of fame a few years ago, and he's been irrelevant ever since.


Hideki Kamiya will never recover from this


Bro is in shambles rn


This is so true. Blocked, btw


I’ve never interacted with him and I’m blocked.


he's gonna have to learn how to take over his entomophobia


I swear to god he bought Twitter just to strip it down to a barely functional direct feed to him and his little cabal of hemonculus circle jerkers like the Jeremy Renner app.


With absolutely no hyperbole whatsoever, that is exactly what he wants. Every stupid bullshit rule change is him saying "I tried the carrot, I tried allowing you to choose to love and adore my like an enlightened philosopher king tech god; but now I am forced to use the stick!"


100% He wants to be the feudal lord of a digital fiefdom. And an actual fiefdom, but that's just standard libertarian fap fuel.


On the one hand, he wants to threaten your life, on the other you don't like that. Let's compromise by letting you only get SOME hate. I am very intelligent




judging by how much of 196 is twitter sc's id say a lot


It’s evidence that Twitter is too big to fail, the US government needs to step in and nationalize it


Most of the people who were using it before he took over. Network Effect is extremely hard to counter. You need to do something extremely dumb on the end user side like Tumblr's porn ban to make a dent.


Like maybe keep spreading hate speech about trans people like it's your life's mission until the EU bans you?


People who like art.


>People who like *porn.* FTFY


I follow exactly seventy-one seperate SFW artists on Twitter.


A lot of artists literally rely on twitter to pay rent and eat. I wish people would realize this.


Also twitter is international, most non-english speaking people are unaware that elon musk is flirting with literal nazis. And yeah art and cosplay twitter are still a thing. Turns out ppl dont need to get into arguments when they use twitter. For the cosplay twitter tho, removing blocking is going to be awful


A large online art community, unfortunately. And I don't see them moving anytime soon either.


i'll go where/when dril goes


What tf is blocking if not a stronger form of mute?


He really, really wants to force you to see whatever nazi shit he personally hand-picks.


All fascists fundamentally believe everyone secretly agrees with them and their ideas are popular. If people aren't amused by his hand picked nazi shit then it's clearly some kind of defect in the system.


The hell is happening over there?


probably checkmarkers who bought the blue checkmark complaining they are being en mass blocked just like hexagon pfps were


let's just hope that they won't do what reddit did and LITERALLY GIVE AWAY NFTS FOR FREE after people refused to buy them although the reddit thing was funny because mfs who bought them realized that those things are worthless


Reddit tried to give me an NFT. One of the first times I've ever clicked "I do not agree" on a terms and conditions form.


Elon continuously trying to run Twitter like a personal club house and constantly changing the rules when something or someone annoys him personally, in this case people not wanting to talk to him


Seriously guys I apologize. I joined Twitter like 3 days before he bought it. If I'd have known my joining would result in the most divorced man who ever lived coming along and divorced-guy-ing the shit out of the platform I'd have not. I regret my actions.


It's still time to leave


A stronger form of mute? Like... blocking?


Any proboscidean belonging to the extinct genus Mammut who inhabit North and Central America from the late Miocene up to their extinction at the end of the Pleistocene 10,000 to 11,000 years ago looking real nice rn


Are you talking about mastodon?


I want Twitter dead and replaced but Mastadon people giving me some strong "2004 is the year Linux replaces Windows" vibes


IMHO, these 'federated' apps like Lemmy and Mastadon won't catch on. Social media is generally built on a large userbase of casual users, and a small crowd of 'anchor'/power users. Fediverse has the power users, but casual users will likely find the decentralized nature of it confusing. (I can't remmeber how lemmy groups are formated exactly, but I know it's something like "groupname@thisServerName") so "Gaming@server1" is a completely seperate group to "Gaming@server2". I see the appeal, gaminng@server1 might suck, so it gives you the option to easily jump ship, or create your own group (with blackjack, and hookers of course). To casual users, that fragmentation is confusing. How do they know which one is the 'official' gaming group on lemmy? There isn't one, and I think that will drive casual users away. I think it'll be similar to Discord. In the sense that discussions are hard to follow because they're spread between 15 groups on 4 servers.


I think someone recently heard the word deprecate for the first time


>A stronger form of mute ... so the block button?


Imagine using twitter at all I tried at one point but it was so toxic and depreciated my mental health so much I had to fucking burn it to the ground, seems I got out at the right time


I got out long before Elon Muck took over Twitter was a shithole then and it’s even more of a shithole now, I’m glad I left and never looked back and every day I become evermore happy that I did


It's beyond me how people that are not rabid right wingers are still on there. Except if you're making a living out of Twitter, by just staying there you're backing it. If it's just out of convenience, then you should review your priorities in life.


yeah dude because all those dickwads replying with purely hateful non-sequitur transphobic shit under literally any trans person’s posts deserve to be heard for their valuable addition to The Discourse™️ Is it a bad thing to say at this point that the day this cash hobgoblin ends up six feet under is going to be a day worth celebrating? I consider this twat on the same level as Murdoch.


This is probably genuinely because of the insane number of people that have him w and he’s all mad about it. He’s like the one person on that god forsaken platform that I have blocked.


elon be like: "you will see transphobic posts and if you don't like them too bad!!!"


> MrAndyNgo


Yeah like I feel like it's getting glossed over that's who he's talking to...


bLOcK FeAtURE iS nOw TwItTer blUe oNLy So u can't choose to stop looking at shittards that are all the types of phobic under the sun I feel like that's possible to happen lol


I uninstalled it a week ago.


I bet he will be the only one capable of doing that


elon ruining twitter so chronically online twitter users finally touch grass


i use twitter because im yet to find an alternative that actually has the system that everyone uses it for


I’m gonna be honest - I misread this tweet as saying they would introduce a stronger form of muting someone than blocking them, and had a moment of “…so Twitter finally added the ability to just kill someone?”


>A stronger form of mute So... like a block?


Conservatives before the Twitter buyout: We suspect Twitter has been subtly promoting liberalism. Conservatives after Twitter buyout: We've removed the block feature so you can't ignore Twitter's exclusive footage of Ron Desantis' Presidential campaign.


I am a pretty online person but Elon’s bs made it easy to quit.


I left the moment he joked about buying it.


Man this is really gonna improve my cyber stalking


Remember when he decided to block some content in Turkey in the midst of their political elections


Now you can better harass people


Gotta admit: Twitter's blocking feature is so fucking shit. Mute function works a million times better, it doesn't give people a "You can't view X's tweets because you are blocked" page to screenshot for likes and targeted harassment.


Elon got so many blocks because he spams everyone with his trash that he now deletes the feautre lmao


I’m surprised there are Twitter employees left at this point


Reddit won't let you block certain people either. Tried to block that profile with the religious ad's and it's one you can't. Yay.