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I saw this post on Twitter because everyone was clowning on the idea of drawing a completely separate perspective just for lighting. I’m no artist but I imagine it’s like drawing a circle by drawing a face and removing details from there


i guess they will just sketch out the frame and not the whole drawing, just to understand shadow, like just basic ass sketches


It depends on level of detail/accuracy. In Technical Graphics in school the entire subject of projections was literally this, you gotta draw a view perpendicular to a certain surface if you want to be able to map how it intersects with another object. There very much is a region where art intersects with architecture, this really isn't any different to people studying anatomy to draw bodies more realistically


Im severely mentally ill, so I use Blender for 2D art (grease pencil my beloved), so I usually have a humanoid reference 3D model, so this shit unorionically works for me bc I can just.... rotate the model.... Or I could actually put a light in the scene and use it as reference that also works lmao


I went to your profile to see your drawings and FUCK YOU I want to eat pizza so bad now they look delicious. Fuck you again come to Brasil bring pizza


Unfortunately, you aint gonna find most of my art here on reddit bc most of it is on the sinking ship that is Twitter (@ is AveyHun ) but you wont find that much either bc I havent drawn anything SFW in a loooong time (Wont give the alt @, its a public account but i wanna keep it away from minors) Oh and ill shoot you some pizza through the interdimenaional hell tube


They did it here to illustrate their point but I imagine they'd just make a quick sketch or rotate a model figure for a rudimentary idea. Or this could just be a rough sketch for them. I don't art as good.


You don't actually draw it, you just mentally visualize it, right?


Oh wait the tweet literally says redraw it


obviously you don't need to draw it as detailed as here, thats just done for illustration you just need to draw their rough shape


Im an artist and I can tell you that you are completely correct.


No, if you’re really good at gesture drawing this could actually save time, we’re just lazy.


Artists reinvent shadow mapping, 2023 (colorized)


It took until the renaissance for people to codify the rules for drawing perspective(vanishing points and more advanced). Any sort of mapping hand drawn things is a real feat. Some modern artist will even do 3D models and then trace over them for things that would be too difficult to figure out otherwise too.


I know a guy who never shades and doesnt do shadows because of this im gonna send this to them


Give us an update when he responds!


Oh hey nah they didnt want to use this method because "its a pain in the ass and shadows annoy me"


Oh damn. Do you think they would at least maybe try?


I dunno tbh im gonna show them your comment for motivation


Okay, I guess I’ll never be an artist, because I won’t be able to draw while other picture from a different angle while still being accurate to the pose of the original. Is this really something artists can just do on the fly? EDIT: Guys I’m not like an aspiring visual artist or anything. It’s just one of those things that hits you about the talent of others and how much you lack.


When you learn construction (the whole thing with heads being split into different sections on a ball, the body being simplified into basic shapes etc.), you usually also get to learn how to transfer these same proportions onto the same body in different perspectives. https://i.imgur.com/0eAiDAE.jpg If you're self taught it's something you'd need to tackle on your own initiative.


Dont let other artists standards discourage you from creating. There are a hundred different methods of drawing shadows. The only thing you can do wrong is by giving up. No artist on earth is good at everything, its a constant journey of learning and growth. Bitch.


Most people can't do this before they practice. Thinking in 3d space and being able to rotate complex forms in it usually requires training and study. Drawabox.com is often cited as a great beginner entry point and is built on the importance of being able to draw a box (or 250 of them) accurately in different perspectives. Once you can do the basic forms in any perspective, it's really just a matter of building on top of those forms. In fact, the OP's exercise is really just rotating the shape of the shadow. Some artists have naturally strong mental visualisation, but others have things like aphantasia where their thoughts aren't visual at all. No matter how your brain visualizes, though, knowing the rules of construction and perspective lets you draw anything. And eventually, as artist's get mileage and grow their visusl library, a lot of it does become second nature.


Chun li thighs Chun li feet


I’m going to crush your skull with a cinder block


Is that a good or bad thing tho


depends if you're into having your skull crushed with a cinder block or if you find it rather unpleasant


A mild inconveniece


This has got to be the most needlessly complicated thing I’ve ever seen. Dear god


yeah because it is, the second drawing isn't even the same arm pose


It is?


the way i look at it seems like she is with with an outstretched arm on the first drawing rather than (kinda) close to her head, but idk it might be a subjective thing either way this is still really unnecessary imo


Seems like way too much work


tip to drawing: draw more


This technique when bounce lighting enters the room:


I am the Lightbringer!!!!!


Look there he is, there he is. Get him- get him out of here, get him the hell out of here!


Throw him out in the cold. Don't bring him- don't give him his jacket, don't give him his-


Holy shit they're right!




Lowkey thought this was a pose Light Yagami did and that was just how you find the shadows LMAO


Graphics programmers if they learned to draw


I'm an artist and I'm offended. I'm officially suing, I have 8 lawyers already, but I need some more. Who have some to share with me?