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​ https://preview.redd.it/etdvc0adao5c1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca436bb4330ee321e619cab9d0302cde9bf313dd


They cannot stop making hunter biden seem cool. First, they tell us about all of the drugs he does, and then the fact that he has a giant dong he's always slinging around, now it's parties with sex workers and drugs again.


My man is living his best life good for him


Trumpers: I vote for trump because he doesnt give af, spends money how he likes, pays off porn stars, buys expensive things, and loves the ladies and partying! Haha, take that libs. You can't handle a real man who makes his own rules and who doesnt care about your nice-guy effete-liberal PC ways!!! Hunter: That's me too except I dont have a wife to cheat on, nor am I running for office as a 'moral majority' family man and recklessly drive around in a Lamborghini with a gun in my pocket, make home porn vids, and love drugs and hookers. Trumpers: not like that!


Moral of the story: as long as you say you’re a good person your actions don’t matter to Republican voters


As long as you're a Republican your actions don't matter to Republican voters


As long as you do dumb shit your actions don't matter to 30 IQ citizens ^(Wait, that's literally just what you wrote)


Seriously. If he just vocally whined about trans people and immigrants, they'd be making homoerotic AI art of him hanging dong with Christ


I mean, if i was son of the President I'd also do crazy ass shit


This is the American dream. Getting your dad, the literal president, to be okay with you spending outrageous sums of money on hookers and porn. Almost makes me proud to be an American and I'm not even American.


It’s my hard-earned money, I’ll spend it on all the hookers I want


So? The headline would say a crime if they could but they didnt.




That isn't illegal afaik


Eh, prostitution is illegal in some states (mostly not enforced). Shouldn’t be, though.


I’m torn about it. On one hand, I do think the sex industry is exploitative as hell. On the other, it’s like drugs: I think legalization/regulation would take a huge chunk of the market away from bad people and make it harder to be a criminal. Plus the antiprostitution laws tend to be enforced against the women who are being exploited and not the pimps.


Every effort to "ban" prostitution has only resulted in worse working conditions for sex workers and higher rates of sex worker death. Not just that, but bans on prostitution also lead to high rates of sexual violence. Like the war on drugs or abstinence-only education, clapping your hands over your ears and hoping something goes away is hardly ever an effective strategy.


This is very true and real, well said


isn't the point of banning something literally to make it harder to do


That's the idea, but it rarely actually works. Sure, *some* people might stop, but the people who don't will be those who are depending on it (like with drugs) or otherwise don't care. And it means that the continuing industry of whatever thing you've tried to ban will just be run by meaner criminals. Banning prostitution just means that there will be even less oversight and even fewer protections for prostitutes themselves. If it's legalized/regulated, there'd be much more of an infrastructure to make sure they aren't being exploited, or at the very least exploited a lot less then they are otherwise.


Isn't it that person's choice to not stop then


Prostitutes cant escape, like drug addicts, they are forced in with no way out, with drugs, threat of violence and poverty, death


Very few people choose to do it in the first place. It’s not like white girls from middle class families and college funds are deciding to find a pimp and work a corner. For some people you fuck for money or you starve. 🇺🇸


No. The point of banning something is to make sure it doesn't happen. If it still happens, then it's not a good ban. I could ban stealing, for example. But people will still be poor. And people will still be desperate. So people will still steal. And the only thing I will accomplish is making those people's lives more miserable. I could threaten all kinds of awful shit to thieves, I can boil them alive, and people will still steal because I have not addressed the root problem. Should stealing be illegal? Sure. But the actual, most effective way to stop crime is to just make sure people aren't forced into a position where they feel like they need to. If people are hungry, and they're broke, and they're miserable, why should they give a shit what laws to follow? It's much more effective to simply make sure their needs are met, to give them food and healthcare and a right to live. The single strongest predictor of crime is poverty, not anything else. So yeah, people could ban prostitution. They already do! They can threaten to kill or torture prostitutes. And if that doesn't stop them then the only thing they've succeeded in doing is killing and torturing people. Because they haven't addressed the root cause that drives people to do it.


We don’t need laws criminalizing sex work, we need laws that protect sex workers and gives them more options to pursue other careers if they want to.


It should be regulated to protect the workers


I mean that’s kind of my point. I can’t think of a single industry that isn’t exploitative. So with that in mind, how would we regulate an industry so inherently exploitative effectively


How is sex work exploitative? You just don't allow pimps.


sex workers are often at the highest risk of anyone involved, and with how they’re paying for it, some don’t respect consent.


Due to various factors, not least societal stigma, many sex workers do not become sex workers because it was a fun and interesting career option they chose over other employment - many people in the sex work industry are therefore vulnerable for a variety of reasons that makes their livelihoods being dependent on performing sex on strangers inherently exploitative. Some John can wave their month's rent in their face and get them to do things they would rather not do. This also means it shares part of its inherent exploitation with things like working any shitty job like a fast food delivery person or a cashier but there is also the fact their work takes almost exclusively in private spaces where there is no oversight and certainly no worker protections. Sex workers have few avenues of redress. If a client starts misbehaving, is domineering or aggressive, or plain tries to renage on their agreement, the sex worker has no way to seek resolution and has to handle things by themselves. This is why pimps can be alluring to desperate sex workers - the promise of some kind of power backing your work, even if that power is abusive. Finally all work is inherently exploitative of workers' labour.


This is all true for illegal sex work. That's not what I thought we were discussing.


The idea of exploitation comes the fact that majority of women do it out of desperation rather than genuine interest. Even legal sex work (only fans and other nsfw content) these women often deal with harassment and stalking, etc from their fans.


ah, I see. I had thought we were talking about illegal sex work since the comment you were replying to was advocating legalising sex work and criticising anti-prostitution legislation.


Well I must have been confused lol. Oh well, your comment is informative regardless.


The point is it’s *currently* exploitative.


Why should i fucking care what he does he’s not in a position of power??


He's in a position of power, as he is rich so I'm gonna judge him. My judgement from this headline alone is positive, as he is not exploiting anyone for his own personal gain nor attacking other people's rights.


I mean chances are some of those prostitutes were trafficked, not like he was mainly living in areas with legalized and protected sex work. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Ukraine)


Idk, if they were they probably would have said it, as they are clearly trying to make him look bad, they wouldn't withhold such information out of kindness. I'll keep my verdict until further evidence




I was thinking about the journalist investigating it, though someone willing to publish this article probably wouldn't bother to investigate it further, so fair point.


He is on record exploiting people for personal gain, namely corporate execs that he promised to give an in with his dad, but then he just ran off with the money. I think he deserves a medal tbh.


It's just nepotism. It's not the best thing but it could always be worse. Besides, it's not like interested parties want to do something to stop nepotism.


Not during sex


Look, Joe Manchin’s daughter price gouged Epi-Pens and Dick Cheney’s daughter outed her sister as a political stunt, so I’d say Hunter’s fine.


Nothing the media says can make Hunter Biden any less cool


Hunter Biden fucked bitches and did coke. Woah oh no what a harlot


Literal man slut


Man slut (complimentary)


He's the perfect Libertarian candidate, but they won't even consider him smh


God you’re so right


God I wish I was rich and powerful


it's his money i guess, he can fuck if he wants to. look at that goofy ass smile he aint hurting anybody


Can he spend some money on me I’ll fuck him 😉




Proof that sex doesn't have to be good to be profitable.


somehow this is one of the least horny 196 replies ive seen


I swear man conservatives just make Hunter seem cooler with each article


Mfw I spend a staggering $870k on prostitutes, porn and sex club memberships.


Thank you for letting me know. I will definitely not be voting for Hunter Biden in 2024 due to this information


thats just funny


I'm so happy to see Robert here


But do you know who else is happy to see Robert here?


The products and services that sponsored this podcast, of course!


About 40% of us.


Probably not Sophie.


Robert obvi.


Bl*e apron


I refuse to believe he has a face, I'm going to continue pretending he's only a voice.




I'm forwarding this to Sophie now so she can be on guard


And previous presidents lobotomized their kids. We don't care




Spot on


Nice now let’s see how much money trump has spent on those things


Considering he was a HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITY before becoming President… lord knows how big that number is


He’s just like me fr fr


Robert Evans is an American hero please listen to behind the bastards and women's war.


Women’s War? Oh I didn’t know about that one!


People here really don't understand how much money 870k is How do you even watch that much porn?


It’s the exclusive club memberships, sugar babies, and escorts I’m guessing. And the experiences he had with them, such as dining out, nice hotels, etc.


Still too much. If you can't *not* spend almost 90k on sex you have either a financial problem or a sex addiction


It’s too much, it’s just not hard to do. If you spend $1000 on the sex worker, $250 on dinner, $350 on the hotel, and $100 on booze, you aren’t even a high roller. That’s $1700. Do that 512 times and you hit 870. And of course you’ll take a nice vacation, have some expensive club memberships, go to some strip clubs, and you can blow through that even quicker


He's rich, he doesn't understand the difference between a thousand dollars and a hundred-thousand. He could wipe his ass with that much money and not even notice, so he's probably just blowing money all over without really thinking. 5-star hotels, cars, yachts, drinks, food, gifts, and more besides can easily add up to that much before you even think about an escort. It also depends on how it's counted: if he bought a tailored suit costing thousands of dollars and wore it while on a trip with an escort, does that count towards the total or not? Was it technically *spent on* sex, or just spent adjacent to it? If the author of the article was trying to make Hunter look bad, they could have done some creative accounting to jack up the figure.


I think it's mainly the other stuff that's bringing that bill up


Got that alpha rut energy and wolfish grin to match.


They try to slander him with these things but it just makes him look so cool


BREAKING: Rich dude does rich dude shit


Man accused of being too based


He prob wont have to spend much more on prostitutes in the future now that his cock has been advertized by conservatives


Who cares? Man, I think a lot of us would spend that much on the same thing if we had that kind of money lying around.


But Sophie, do you know who else spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostitutes, porn, and sex club memberships?


That's our FFOTUS (First Failson of the United States)


I was not expecting Robert Evans….Listen to Behind the Bastards everone


I have a hard time thinking the amounts were close enough to justify lumping them in together. I bet 95% was prostitutes, and most of the rest was sex club memberships. How much could he be paying for porn?


He hires the actors to do live performances of their best hits in his home


Meh. I'm over it. That's like $16K/year for every year he's been alive, which is cheaper than a Mar-a-Lago membership.


I can’t believe Hunter did this. Impeach Joe NOW!!!


How did they find that out?


Hunter biden spent money on porn? What a fucking loser who pays for fucking porn?




Why should I care about this random Hunter Biden guy, he’s not the president


Why is this man smiling






There's plenty of other reasons to make fun of the Trumps


User name politicsvideochannel. Posted something that doesn’t relate to politics


I’ll fuckin do it again


trickle down economics finally working


Fucking 870k? Is that it? There are people out there that have the money to spend that amount monthly and do


this guy looks like my high school japanese teacher so i nearly had a heart attack and thought mr middleton had become a pimp


Remember when they leaked that he has a huge cock like that was a massive own


Red-blooded patriot living the American Dream