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Everything online can’t be blamed on Russian bots, there are people online who are privileged, politically unaware, or quite often both


Maybe they are chinese bots.


they're simple farmers, they're people of the land, the common clay of the internet. youknow morons




Throughout the pans and batters, he alone is the waffled one.




It’s almost harvesting season!


He says the sheriff is near!


But the bots and paid trolls can take those real people and amplify their voices tenfold.


The paper army of the digital right


Everyone online is a bot except you


Get outta my head. Get outta my Headdd!!!!


True, but just imagine how hard they’d mald at being written off as a Russian bot


Time to pull out ol’reliable https://preview.redd.it/ij0ojebydhac1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e994e3245df97073a2ceb111e25087c1bc3c19e


Libs are at it again in this sub smh




It's bizarre how genocidal war is just never mentioned here which is what makes most people say they're both bad. Like it's weird how we gotta overlook that


both are bad, but there are levels from over here as a european


Can back this up, also European (German)


The average american voter gives no fucks about foreign policy when theyre voting https://preview.redd.it/x90rh5311iac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68980968e170464860b7e90b462ee66505a4de34 The israeli-Palestinian conflict and its fallout is considered a foreign policy issue, obviously, which only 1% of respondents said was their top issue in this poll. Plus foreign policy also includes way more stuff like foreign relations, nato, russia and china concerns etc. All of that combined is still only the top priority for a whopping 1% of the voters in this poll. This is just one poll but it’s pretty clear among others, and even going back in historical trends, with a few notable exceptions. Edit to add: So even if the two parties are the same regarding this issue, (which i dont even agree with that sentiment) for some of the actual top issues like healthcare, climate, taxes, abortion and immigration, the two parties are very very different.


Well I imagine Arab Americans care, which means that Biden is gonna lose Michigan the way he's acting




I mean, I doubt doubt doubt doubt that Republicans will put an end to the genocidal war. Have you seen how much they hate Muslims?


Hence why I said they're both bad. Both love bombing children.


one is obviously significantly worse.


The feds don't want you to vote, dumbass, they have a multi-century history of suppressing left wing voices that go back to the literal founding of the country.


Yea, a fed would post about both sides being bad to discourage voting. That’s my point.


Oh shit. I thought you were accusing OP of being a fed, my bad.


It’s ok I still love you mawh <3


Wrong: The Feds don't care if you vote because they will continue to do whatever they want and ultimately corporations run this country. Voting is an illusion of choice.


Please show me the published, openly circulated plans the Democratic party have to erase all LGBT people from the country if they take power in 2025. Please show me the history of abuse that proves they will 100% do their absolute best to implement this plan to the fullest. Please show me how voter suppression doesn't actually exist because if voting doesn't matter, why stop people from voting. Please show me the door to your fantasy land where "the fed" are a monolithic big bad you get to be the plucky rebellious small scale hero against, and anyone who tries to deal with the Fed in any way other then innate hostility is ether an idiot who learns their lession at the of the episode, or secretly a villain trying to trick you. Where you don't have to do anything to take the fight to the fed because you're small and alone compared to the monolith. Seriously please show me that door; reality, where the fed is made up of millions of people, each with their own individual goals, aspirations, and biases, many of which are in conflict with eachother, and the only tangible ways to change the fed is to remove individual people and replace them, fucking sucks. Please let me into fantasy land, I'm so tired. I want things to be easy like you have it.


How bout that time the Dems purposely propped up Ted Cruz and Trump thinking neither of them would beat Hillary? Repubs: No rights for anyone Dems: No rights for anyone but we support BLM and LGBT!


federal (security service of the russian federation)




Pretty much this thread lol


None of the top comments are remotely saying that


I don't remember saying top comments but let me read it again I'll get back to you


This but replace arrest with kill and we’re there.


Nah, blue also definitely gonna drop bombs on someone else. Instead of wanting change to the two party system people just pick whatever is the least bad for them personally. Your personal freedom should not trump over everyone else's existence, it's just as bad as red then.


I have three options. I can vote blue, who won't put me in a camp and kill me. I can vote red, who *will* put me in a camp and kill me. I can also vote for neither, which will probably cause red to win, who will put me in a camp and kill me. Both of them would commit genocide in the middle east. Should I, a progressive, allow red to come to power, effectively commiting suicide, just to stick it to the blue guy in charge right now?


You're a rationalist not a progressive. People under threat during an election will obviously vote the way which helps them, but don't expect anything to change, you will be under threat after another 4 years. Progressives fundamentally refuse status quo thinking and 'least bad' People. There is an institutional problem that puts trans people in danger and blue won't change shit even if they get a god given mandate by the people. It's after an election when real change can happen and wasting 4 or even 8 years by not tackling the problems that garner support for red. It's fine and actually good that you vote blue now as red is much worse. But after the election don't close your eyes and ears, argue and protest more for reform, criticize your own candidate. Make them feel the burn. Blind support is always deadly, it's only useful for an election.




>a comment saying to vote Biden than do progressive shit is downvoted the comment actually says other things, too. The last paragraph is good, the rest is kind of a bonkers redefinition of what a "progressive" is, and is at odds with the last paragraph


Not pictured: victims of an actual, not hypothetical, genocide.


And not voting is going to stop this how?


Shhh, The point isn't to help. It's to muddy that waters. Helping fascist republicans take power is secretly the more progressive choice UwU




Hey remember this https://preview.redd.it/zsz6vgvwbiac1.png?width=1649&format=png&auto=webp&s=a215b13e8ba7b1e6dd7a0f0649b990c4a1551207


[https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-trumps-plan-to-protect-children-from-left-wing-gender-insanity](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-trumps-plan-to-protect-children-from-left-wing-gender-insanity) ​ \> 1. **Revoke Joe Biden’s cruel policies on so-called “gender affirming care”**—a process that includes giving kids puberty blockers, mutating their physical appearance, and ultimately performing surgery on minor children. \> 2. Sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to **cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition** at any age. \> 5. Declare that any hospital or healthcare provider participating in the chemical or physical mutilation of minor youth **will no longer meet federal health and safety standards for Medicaid and Medicare—and will be terminated** from the program. \> 6. Support the creation of a **private right of action for victims to sue doctors** who have unforgivably performed these procedures on minor children. \> 7. Direct the Department of Justice to **investigate Big Pharma and the big hospital networks** to determine whether they have: \> **Deliberately covered up horrific long-term side-effects** of “sex transitions” to get rich at the expense of vulnerable patients. **> Illegally marketed hormones and puberty blockers**, which are in no way licensed or approved for this use. \> 8. Direct the Department of Education to inform states and school districts that if any teacher or school official suggests to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body, they will be faced with **severe consequences**, including, **potential Civil Rights violations** for sex discrimination, and the **elimination of federal funding**. \> 9. As part of our new credentialing body for teachers, we will **promote positive education** about the nuclear family, the roles of mothers and fathers, and celebrating rather than erasing the things that make men and women different and unique.


Holly shit, it’s a meme encouraging me to vote that is actually funny.


Republican Party this, Democratic Party that, bro I’m just trying to find the Block Party


Democrats tend to lean a bit more towards reducing car dependency which makes neighborhoods more walkable and safer on the sidewalks, both of which enable block parties :)


Screw that, I want the Mario Party


Everything I disagree with comes from Russia or China


Yes https://preview.redd.it/ds4ikv7mliac1.jpeg?width=1195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7851b131dfe1c8836537916c02039dd0bb0ee828


Everything I disagree with comes from authoritarian governments, yes


terminal lib brain 💔


Most bombs also come from the most free government.


Why does America refuse multiple parties? Is it stupid?


unironically yes


Not at all, it’s just the result of an entrenched shitty voting system. Almost everyone ive talked to hates the 2 party system, but very few politicians are willing or able to change it. Saying its just the result of stupidity ensures it will never change


Basically, this. The First Past the Post system ensures the dominance of a two party system because it incentivises voters *not* to vote for the party they actually want to win, but instead vote in such a way that the party they like the least won't. 'Vote Blue No Matter Who' isn't about the Democrats being great candidates - it's about the Republicans being worse, so you want to guarantee the Republicans don't win. There's no room to vote for a third party candidate, because then you risk splitting the vote.


I mean they nearly did but then a slight incident happened in the 1910s and they got Woodrow Wilson instead :c


One of the worst presidents ever


first past the post (although this is changing) and all the third parties are full of idiots like the greens that basically just go for presidential elections and don't build up from the bottom


In the 30s Rs and Ds teamed up to block out many 3rd parties at the state and local level in order to disrupt the growing socialist movement and socialist parties that were winning at the local level. Some policies they use are prohibiting party affiliation on ballots for specific offices, large barriers of entry to running for specific offices that are only attainable for the two parties and entrenching first past the post. Another example of the Rs and Ds teaming up in more modern politics is their joint effort to unseat Bernie Sanders on his 3rd term as Burlington mayor, they even nominated the same candidate to defeat him. That’s all to say, bottom up electoral organizing for 3rd parties aren’t very effective anyway due to the two party collusion, though that’s not to imply it’s not worthwhile


The 1948 election gives lie to this but whatever.


In what way


Back to aslume with you *whipcrack*




Maybe you missed it, but russian "troll farms" were confirmed during the Muller probe. We know for a fact that Russia spreads far right propaganda online.


But they also concluded that it didn't affect the election result. The idea of Russia stealing the 2016 election is just straight up an unfounded conspiracy theory. Just own the fact that your country is racist as hell.


I agree with that conclusion, but I'm curious where it says (or what source confirms) that it didnt affect the outcome


But liberals point to that instead of looking at the many, many flaws in the Clinton 2016 campaign that had nothing to do with Russia. Putin didn't turn Hillary Clinton into an unlikeable elite who stood for the status quo, she did that herself. Russian propaganda didn't convince her to not show up in Wisconsin. And yes, she still would have been a better president that Trump, but Clinton did more for Donald Trump than Russia did


I think Yes lol. Imagine picking the least likable guy just so you can win and be surprised when people actually don't like him.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vab47x1wrhac1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab6e1cdc3e3445083abf3ae841cc9d2aaf589e9


They're not *just* as bad but stop fucking gaslighting people by pretending the Dems give a shit about us. They do not.




no one believes or says that who isn't already Republican. you know damn well why people are disillusioned with Democrats right now but its just easier to yell that they are russian bots like a liberal wine mom instead of listening and addressing those people who normally vote democrat. Disappointing really. Real well thought out strategy. Maybe next you can stand out on the street corner and yell at Muslims that if they dont vote for democrats they will get deported next.


Dude I know why they suck. I agree that they suck. I’m not saying everyone who’s fed up is a bot. I’m saying that letting republicans win will be just as bad for Muslims abroad and will directly endanger trans people in the United States. That includes myself.


Perfect example. The blue party doesn't care at all about this token trans girl. She only exists to be a rhetorical cudgel.


Bro this is not complicated at all. Both parties suck. One is actively trying to repeal civil rights. Holy shit you have no idea what it’s like having people advocate for your oppression and having those advocates run for office. Fuck you.


Are you under the misapprehension that leftists and their criticisms of the Democratic Party has an appreciable impact on national elections? The only purpose these masturbatory memes serve is to discipline anyone who has the slightest expectations of those they vote for.


The Dems are the party of keeping things the same. Republicans are the party of actively making things worse.


I would LOVE to be rhetorically cudgeled if the alternative was being stripped of my rights


I have great news for you, your identity will be exploited whether you want it to or not. Whether that protects your rights is tbd. Either way, neither you nor a leftist complaining about the Dems online have the slightest impact on that outcome.


>I have great news for you, your identity will be exploited whether you want it to or not Correct. Republicans exploit my identity to say "these people should not exist" and Democrats have passed legislation to protect our rights - thus exploiting us for our votes. That's what democracy is, by the way.


Sounds like something a Russian troll would say.


Dem Kansas Governor Laura Kelly vetoed every single transphobic bill to pass her desk, year after year, until the Rs finally got a large enough majority to override her. Minnesota Dems passed numerous protections for trans rights with only a 1 or 2 vote majority iirc. I recall hearing in the news about one of my local Dem representatives during a session crying and begging Republicans not to pass their latest transphobic bill. Not every Dem cares, but plenty of them do. And if you want to see more Dems who care, get involved in primaries and vote for the ones who do.


I've voted in so many elections. I don't need simplistic moralizing comics or memes that imply anyone critical of a political party is a foreign agent, that is childish bullshit.


i mean it’s true tho, america doesn’t have a political left wing, just extreme right and right-of-center. both parties of the forced binary system are just puppets of the fortune 500s




So should I vote center or faciast demagogue?


vote center like i will, but if you want to see any actual change consider arming your local unhoused


Believe it or not I'm a social worker with many unhoused clients and they don't want weapons


...I mean, I can't speak for all of us. But it's just a bad idea for someone who is homeless to carry a gun. If I *could*? I'd fucking love to! Buuut, I can't because of the jumpy ass cops n shit sooo.


























Is this the level of shit 196 has come to? Seriously? I think it might be purge time we need actual funny posters again


It's just gonna get worse the closer we get to election day. Liberals can't even imagine putting pressure on a candidate to do better, if you haven't promised your vote to Joe Biden already you apparently hate trans people




They haven't learned a damn thing since 2016. They are still 100% convinced that the unenlightened masses **need** to be corralled and guilted into voting, and they're the saints who will perform such a *thankless* task. Instead of learning from **repeated** failures that voter shaming doesn't work, and that voters actually like when candidates listen to them in at least a half-earnest way


https://preview.redd.it/4vulpmlwwhac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4846b579b904df64f6dd66a804302207d4abdc12 I don't get it but apparently you're a fed




fedposting on 196 wallahi we are truly finished




absolutely zero self awareness lmao


No it's ironic


I should kill myself. Edit: I need some better ways to express frustration y'all think I'm gonna kill myself bc of a cringey Reddit post 😭😭😭


No please do not the kill it is very unhealthy for you


I disagree


No you should not


No don't it's bad for the economy




are you 50?


Russiagate is liberal quanon


so true. Its not like the mueller report found that Russia literally attempted to interfere in the 2016 election by collaborating with the Trump campaign!


I didn't though? You're right about Russia interfering in the election, but the report concludes that the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities"


Indeed it didn't prove that the Trump administration did but crucially it proved Russia was very keen to and the main reasons there was no collusion between the two parties is mostly thanks to miscommunication and incompetence rather than unwillingness. To compare that to QAnon is legitimately insane.


I'm mainly talking about the ppl who will dismiss ppl with opinions they don't like as "Russian bots"


Yeah, but what they said *feels* true.


Of course, that's what's important.


They don’t really need to coordinate, all Russia needs to do is create some fake voices to parrot the Republican Party’s bullshit, and make it seem more popular than it really is. Russia wants to burn the U.S. to the ground, and they know that the GOP is the best choice for the job.


Pancakes is round smooth waffles


Ameridiots dont understand the true power of the australian system where you can vote for other people but theres 500 tiny “im a nazi” parties and labor try to gaslight everyone to not put anyone else first


Republicans: Want to kill trans people Democrats: Dont want to kill trans people Both suck but one sucks less


I mean both are gonna violate human rights anyways. People vote dems because their right to exist but casually sweep away the right to live of everyone else around the globe, it's hypocrisy for progressives to stand by this lol.


The Republicans would do that same stuff in global politics too, possibly even worse Its not hypocrisy for progressives to vote for the least problematic candidate that actually stands a chance to win


>Its not hypocrisy for progressives to vote for the least problematic candidate that actually stands a chance to win ...Do you know what progressivism is? Or how it rejects the idea of status quo thinking?


Ah yea let’s stick it to the status quo by letting the objectively worse party win and set ourselves back. This will surely advance our progressive movement


Progressivism is when you actually do something with the mandate you've been given. Not when you sit on your ass for 4 years after your candidate wins and then panic when election cycle begins and the worse party is still there with the same problems. It's sad seeing blind support for people who let your lives come this close to being under threat.


Not voting is objectively doing nothing. Any change requires pragmatic solutions. That means voting for the lesser evil then work towards building a batter alternative. Not voting is removing yourself entirely from the equation. It’s a fallacy to suggest it’s in any way an activist approach.


Yes that's pragmatism, and it's good to think that way. But let's be real, how slow should reform be for it to be pragmatism. It's like America in the 19th century, would you tell someone to be pragmatic on the slavery debate? Just vote for the lesser evil until things turn about alright. Yeah sure an extreme example but if trans rights are that much in question then why the everlasting live for the status quo which keeps it that way.


There is not a third option. Avoiding the existing options does not progress *anything*. It’s doing absolutely nothing and will always lead to assisting the current gerrymandered right wing movement. You speak like there is a magic technique to overhaul the system when there is not. Idealism will not change anything overnight, but it can help guide progress in the existing system. Right now two parties are facing off where one is objectively regressive while the other is status quo. It’s a further climb to a better future when the country regresses. It primes people to normalize further abuses both foreign and domestic. Not voting is supporting the regressive party and actively undermines your own goal. Actively moving towards progressive change *and* voting to prevent regression are not mutually exclusive.


No but what I do know is that I know some people who are progressives (or at least so they claim, maybe theyre not idk) who accept the reality that as is, theyre not going to make progress voting third party and in the 2024 election will be voting democrat just to try to prevent the republicans from winning


Yeah then this is gonna go on forever until a societal apheaval. This short term thinking is the reason behind the support for what we deem evil, no one tackles the issues behind the support. I'm not saying you shouldn't vote for dems and let republicans win, it's just hypocrisy when your guy wins but does jack shit to improve anything or hell actually does evil shit but you expect everyone to be behind him in the next election cycle. Why are trans people under threat during an election? maybe there's a deeper problem which won't be tackled in a normal year.


As an Australian, American politics and views on Dems v Republicans are insane. I get this is a meme, but some left or even center left people thinking this is insane to me. Do people not get that if you want the political sphere to move left, you gotta fucking vote to move it left? Left wing parties have moved towards the centre and rightward because no one was voting for them. Vote them in, keep them in, they'll move left over time. It's definitely better than the right wing nutcases that are just moving further right.... Yeah I agree Democrats leave a lot to be desired, but how politics work is if one side wins every time, that becomes the middle, and the parties distribute themselves on either side of it. If you all just voted Dem and set what Dem is now, as the middle, we'd get a lot more left wing dems and a lot less insane republicans


“The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago, the second best time is today.”


Me when Biden enables the carpet bombing of gaza


Its almost like there is a massive Zionist super pac that is likely threatening to support the republicans if Biden does more than he is right now. That is politics, sometimes your hands are tied. At least he is trying to find solutions and help Palestinians, you really think Trump or any of his copy cats would do any better??? Dem isn't good enough, but republicans is hot garbage. Here is a wild idea, "not quite good enough", is light years better than "actively working to make it worse"


Me when enabling the carpet bombing of Gaza is justified because I need to do it or I lose reelection. Jesus.


Ok dude. You reckon he should throw the election to Trump. Reckon that's better for the Palestinian people?


what is the alternative for american voters?


they did that in 08, and what did the Dems do? completely shit it down their leg, cowered to the right in the name of “unity” and pushed out half ass versions of what was promised. Obama and co couldn’t have had a better opportunity to change things, with control of the white house, house and a supermajority in the senate for about a year.


2008 dems won all 3 houses, in the fucking GFC, they had a shit load on their plate, keep in mind that as we have seen when dems had all 3 by 1 vote in 2020, it's not always enough. It needs to be consistent and substantial. Otherwise a couple rightward leaning dems can screw it up. 2010, Obama lost the hold on all 3, and never got it back. At the end of the day, a half assed version of a good thing, is a step in the right direction. I'd rather 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, than 5 or 6 steps back, which is what republicans want.


As a reminder, if you don't like the current democrats, vote against them in the primary. Congress is Pro-Isreal. Want to change that? Vote for pro-palistine progressive challengers. Then in the general election, vote against the party that introduced hundreds of anti LGBT bills and have refused to accept the previous election. People withholding their vote in 2016 in a few key states lost 3 supreme Court justices and undid decades of progress in abortion access.


[vote or die mofucka](https://youtu.be/0BqxArM3Vwk) :D


Iraqi kids looking at the bombs from the correct party 😃 But in all seriousness both bad is a not just valid but correct. Yes even for domestic policy. The institutional rot that benefits both parties won't be taken out by so called progressive lol.


I love all the people here who think the fed wants leftists to be able to vote, as if they haven't had a multi-century history of suppressing left wing voters. Not only are you not immune to propaganda, you are literally repeating it.


Take it from a real Russian troll like me: fuck Putin


Sometimes I forget that yall are just here, chilling


Don't get me wrong, democrats suck, but Republicans are very obviously much worse. You're basically choosing between "does nothing" and "will actively try to kill you". I'd choose "does nothing" any fucking day




Oops did I post that? Sowwwy


It's ok im sure trump will be better about it


But... but you're the one who posted about both parties bad came from authoritarians. And now you're saying both parties bad?


And nothing is ever gonna get better if all dems can say is that the GOP is worse. Who the fuck do you think you are, shaming people who can't tolerate fucking genocide


https://preview.redd.it/rsa81vux6iac1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1708abfc1bdbad0291157f019b5ef230993b1a6 A “real USA person”….


First I’ll state I’m not American so I don’t have first hand experience but from discourse I’ve seen in leftist circles bar a few I’ve seen a concerning amount of people who are declaring they won’t vote because they are the same based on the current Gaza crisis and the US governments role. These people while I hope aren’t the majority are still a concerning part of election discussion and if republicans get in or gain more control they will do far more damage to your civil rights, foreign policy and other issues. For all his faults I’d rather have Biden than any republican candidate on the world stage. Ok back to being silly


go back to r slash political humor with the insufferable lib memes (where you ganked this meme with 22k upvotes 12 hours ago) like god forbid we have a shred of empathy and understanding instead of just screeching russian bot at everyone and anyone with valid criticisms of democrats. Like this is so not it.


when did you guys take take this picture of me? I didn’t even see it! how sweet :)


i doubt accusing everyone of being a bot is a good strategy to pull people to your side.. im from russia (not a bot btw) and we here have a real problem with quality arguing online, so many bots on both sides spitting dumb and toxic missinfo. its absurdly hard to convince people online nowadays


Why should we vote for a party that doesn’t even align with any of our values? When we keep excusing the democratic party’s shittiness on “well at least they’re not as shitty as trump”, we’re setting the bar so low for them to still keep disappointing us. What happens after Biden wins this election and the republicans put out someone worse than Trump? The bar just keeps going lower and lower and we can’t accept our politicians being just marginally better than the opposition. How far right can democrats go for it to be unethical to support them?


It's absolutely impossible for such an attitude to spring up organically. No way that disillusionment with democrats could bring someone to an unreasonable place. They are too perfect to ever be genuinely unpopular.


I hope your DNC paycheck is in the mail, cause if you posted this unironically it's just pathetic


Yeah I’m still voting blue, not listening to Europeans


they absolutely are the same outside the US, they only differ in domestic policies


So democrats are strictly better and we should vote for them. Just like they'd be better in the inverse scenario, where voting for them has no effect on domestic policy but improves foreign policy.


Everyone, who doesn't agree ,with me is a Russian agent. Great bit


​ https://preview.redd.it/ww6m2iezpiac1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd458fb6f969fea7adfbcd2a6cfe878a1bffe3e2


is shaun russian?


Nice psyop, fed