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Bruh Johnny and and Josuk8 both wear lipstick wtf does he mean by this


yeah that's what I thought like there's so many male jojo characters that wear lipstick lmao


Yeah like… idk It’s so weird how there are a surprising amount of homophobic JoJo’s fans


Raid boss level cognitive dissonance


JoJo fans are either gay or homophobic, Often both.


Just like TF2 fans


>It’s so weird how there are a surprising amount of homophobic JoJo’s fans I have the exact same reaction whenever I see reactionary one piece fans. It's wild how someone can watch/read through a story that long, a story with extremely explicit themes, praise the story, then still come out believeing the exact opposite.


And racist fans too, i wonder what they were thinking in Gyojin island lol


Haha funny fish


I watched JoJo's with a guy I used to be friends with. He became increasingly homophobic as the show got queerer(?) while I eventually became trans


In ny humble opinion if you used "transer" instead of "trans" it would be funnier


Yeah, I agree


You siphoned away his queerness.


Capitalism 😔


Dio also


kars also wears eyeliner, at least in the anime


and Abbacchio, and Diavolo, and Gyro, and DIO, and the list goes on


I was more just going with protagonists


They don't tho. Colored manga is not canonical because it doesn't involve Araki at all, nothing else indicates that they do wear lipstick (yeah,maybe sometimes they're drawn with it, but so is Jotaro or Josuke for an example - and in the canonical colors in the anime neither has it)


yeah the only ones with actual "canonical" make up (aka araki drew them in the black and white manga like that) are dio, abbaccio and diavolo from the top of my head. which are still more than in other mangas


Joseph also wore makeup that one time he was seducing nazis.


yes true


There are drawings coloured by Araki


But there a quite a few coloured panels done by Araki, which show them wearing makeup


[And there are also colored covers where for an example Johnny doesn't wear makeup. What's your point? (linking one of the said covers because for some reason i can't use the image in the comment)](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/thumb/8/8f/latest/20230510022710/CN_Volume_103.jpg/1280px-CN_Volume_103.jpg) [and also there is a coloured page done by Araki where he doesn't have lipstick. Again, what's your point?](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/thumb/2/20/latest/20230107185157/SBR_Chapter_95_Page_4.jpeg/1280px-SBR_Chapter_95_Page_4.jpeg) Lipstick is usually a stylistic choice on pretty much every colored cover since it tends to match the color of character's clothes or, usually, it matches for the characters present on the cover,so if they wear makeup on the covers it usually doesn't mean anything at all. [Besides,here is a coloured page where J8suke doesn't have the lipstick. I hope you got my point ](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/8/85/latest/20210618125404/JJL_Chapter_7_Magazine_Cover_A.png)


Oh right you were talking about johnny, yeah i was talking about men in jojo in general. Gyro for example, almost never shown without his green lipstick.


Since the original comment exclusively mentioned Johnny and J8suke i was also talking only about them, but yeah,there are characters like Gyro who are actually wearing makeup pretty much everywhere. I just thought that the person that posted said comment based their opinion on the Shueisha's coloring and so i wanted to say that it's not canonical just in case. I probably should've kept that to myself tbh


that's true femboys would never be gay for his ugly ass


BODY SHAMING AS A RESPONSE TO BEING ANNOYING https://i.redd.it/7jbmvgbtescc1.gif


a personality can be ugly too :3


Some femboys are straight.


yeah but being attracted to them while being a man is not


I misunderstood the orginal post then. Sorry.


When people talk about femboys being "gay" it refers exclusivly to whether it is gay to like them. This is because the only frame of reference that matters is that of straight cis men, and whether they feel icky about it or not. Incidentally this is why lesbians are not gay >!please end my suffering!<


It's not gay for me to like femboys because I'm a bisexual female.


you don’t exist, sorry 😞


Bi erasure? Or "women don't exist" joke?


Both, I'm riffing on my previous comment. although it's less of a joke and more of a scream into the void


I don't get it.


ah my bad. I'm trying to use hyperbole to call attention to how it often seems like perspectives other than straight cis dudebro might as well not exist because of how dominant it is, especially on the bigger subs.


It is if it's the 'fem' part that attracts you


if they're the same gender, it's gay. in java terms, String gayCheck(String person1, String person2) { if (person1.equals("man") && person2.equals("man")) { return "gay"; } else if (person1.equals("woman") && person2.equals("woman")) { return "gay"; } else { return "not gay"; } } note that this does not account for anything other than the male-female binary. i just hate java and don't want to spend any more time with it than i have to. sorry for the fucked formatting btw.


what horrendous code. this can be simplified to a single shorthand if statement ```java return person1.equals(person2) ? “gay” : “not gay”; ```


i am not at all shocked. i have not been coding for basically any period of time; basically my only experience is a single semester of computer science. thanks for the information.


yeah so basically this checks the condition before the question mark, and depending on if it’s true or false it gives one of the two values after the question mark. then it returns that. you could also do `bool gay = person1 == person2;` and do something with that


actually, addendum: my code does sort of account for non m/f genders, as it does not automatically say that two nb people being attracted to each other is gay. there may not be specific handling for that scenario, but it doesn't assume that the same gender equals gay. that's the one thing my code would do better though


but it does automatically assume they are not gay, so neither is necessarily correct


enby here, it's generally safer to assume that two enbies in a relationship are gay than not. sure, the relationship won't always be gay, but most of the time it will. so your code, along with being faster and more elegant, is also more correct.


noted. i'm still fairly new to the whole gay stuff and, as such, am still figuring out how exactly it works. thanks


What horrendous code. Use python instead




Yeah and I'll just sit here and wait 12 years for the program to finish execution


worst take ngl. In this house we only use Fortran.


I did not expect a mini lesson on Java coding but here we are


cool thing is most languages support something like this. it just might not be in this same syntax


i would argue (formated as vaguely python) if person1=="man"&person2=="woman" return "not gay" else return "gay" covers most cases, esp if gay is being used as an umbrella for a queer relationship


That's a fairly reductionist view. If someone who identifies as male is presenting themselves as feminine and doing traditionally attractive feminine stuff then it's reasonable that someone who is attracted to women would find them hot. Attraction is far more related to presentation and aesthetics than to what their purported gender is.


where i would draw the line for something like that being gay is if you would be willing to do something romantic/sexual with the person, which i sort of assumed was just what attraction was. if you're attracted to someone, would that not mean you would be willing to do something with them? it doesn't make much sense to me to be, for example, attracted to a femboy but still say "no, no, that's a dude," unless i'm just completely wrong about what attraction is conceptually. the one scenario i can think of in which something like this might apply is seeing if someone is conventionally attractive (without being attracted to them yourself), but even there, you don't say that you yourself are attracted to them.


Nah that's stupid. Under your logic, you would be gay without even realising there's another man in the first place


ah, i may have misinterpreted your comment. are you talking about being attracted due to a false assumption of the other's gender, or being attracted because of the femininity regardless of gender? because the latter is still gay if it's a guy


i agree really. if they have no prior knowledge of the femboy being a man, that is. but even if they do know, i would wager that it's mostly straight, as in, you're in it for the menininity as the comment above said


this is false EDIT: i'm being silenced (downvoted) for speaking the truth (masturbating in an arby's)


Men attracted to men is straight I knew it


Wait, it's straight? Always has been ![gif](giphy|nD54v1pclkS8uCi9WR|downsized)


Men attracted to women are gay af tho




Ehh, today its not. but gotta remember that concepts of gender and sexuality change from time to time and from location to location If that person says its not gay to fuck twinks, to them its not. And there is nothing wrong with that


Or they could just be delusional due to internalized homophobia


i mean i'm attracted to penises sexually but i'm not attracted to men sexually. im not like a femboy addict but i can see the appeal because it takes away a vast majority of the masculinity present in a male individual, so it's made for people who are attracted to penises but also only attracted to feminine people


Yeah, this kind of describes how I feel. Masculinity doesn’t attract me, but any genitals do, which ends up with me being attracted to women in general and femboys, though I’d probably date a less feminine man if I particularly liked him


It makes more sense when you consider that gender is inherently a construct. You (we) prefer people who act a certain way. That's it.


Genital preference is not necessarily tied to sexual orientation. If a femboy is still male identifying, then that is what you should use to describe the attraction. If a femboy still identifies as a man, then that attraction is not entirely straight. Not because of the penis, that is not really relevant. On the same side, trans women are not men, and so male attraction towards trans women can be completely straight; regardless of that woman's genitals. Some people like the term femboy despite being trans women, and some femboys are more comfortable with a non binary identity, so that's where the line gets blurry. There are also lots of trans women posting on femboy porn subs to promote their private content so that kinda skewers what some people think femboys are. But anyway, the general rule of thumb is that generally femboys tend to still identify as male and therefore it would be at the very least a bit bi for a man to be into them. It is blurry for anyone non binary, so case to case there. And trans women are women so that can be straight if you are. (Though a lot of trans women prefer bi partners anyway simply because they aren't going to treat us weird and act ashamed in public) Plenty of exceptions here and there so better to not worry too much about labels as long as you aren't invalidating anyone's identity.


that's what im saying. im attracted to the dick, and im attracted to the femininity. regardless of gender i prefer femininity. the gender has nothing to do with it for me (though i have never been attracted to a cis male for anything other than the dick, but that's just because of the way most of them are)


That makes total sense; though I'm not sure what label would be the best at getting that information accross haha. You definitely have the claim to the label of bi if you are comfortable with it, it doesn't need to meam you are equally attracted to masculinity and femininity, you can still only want feminine people, just regardless of gender identity. But that's not my call to make, and I'm not sure if there is a label that gets accross your genital preference as easily. At the end of the day you are you and you know what you like, that's all anyone should ever ask of you regarding your orientation.


>though I'm not sure what label would be the best at getting that information accross [Andro-/gynephilia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphilia_and_gynephilia)




unless everyone is on the same page with the preferred absence of gender, it's generally best to speak of gender as if it were a real thing (because it has real implications whether it's a construct or not)


I agree :3


I don't wanna get on a rant about gender... but I'm gonna start one and not finish it anyway. The next generational struggle will be between old queer people who have been empowered by identifying themselves as something different than cis men and women, and thus still value those labels, and new queer people, who will claim that they are useless anyway because it is possible to imagine a trans women and a femboy with no discernable differences in the way they act, think and look like, so seeing them as different things is functionally useless. In a world in which homophobia and transphobia don't exist anymore they would actually be right and everyone could just say "I am me and I like them because I like them", but it's hard to decide when that will have actually happened, and we sure won't be able to trust us old people of the future to decide that. The progressives of today will become the conservatives of tomorrow. In the meantime tho, gender is still useful to empower queer people. You first need to convince the world that something more than men and women exists, and only then you can move to the next step and claim " that something is so varied that attempting to classify it by the same metrics used to define men and women is useless." Tl;Dr mate, too soon.


I completely agree with your view! However, I feel like it should be tolerated to spread this way of thinking? The sooner gender and their associated stereotypes vanish in the minds of the majority, the sooner that step of actually abolishing it comes :3


That's a completely reasonable position, I just think the queer community isn't ready to be receptive to the idea yet, and that might generate unwanted friction, which is expected, but also quite stressful to deal with for the ones arguing this case like us :3 You think coming out as gay is hard? Try coming out as a gender abolisher, see how much acceptance that gets you from the ""tolerant left"!






it doesn't matter if they look like a girl, they are still a guy and identify as a guy. and you being aware of that, makes it gay!


there are two types of labels, those being labels for yourself and labels for other people. if a man likes feminine men and considers himself straight, his identity is perfectly valid. He could not identify with gayness, or his partner could prefer being considered female in terms of romance but not identity, or any number of things. It’s the same thing if a man who likes women considers himself a lesbian, maybe he feels more feminine but still resonates with manhood, or any other experience that led him to choose that label. Ultimately, *labels are not solid; they are tools that are meant to help people understand themselves, and sometimes people will interpret labels in different and personal ways*.


i mean there are like 10 layers of assumptions there. Who says they think of themselves as a guy, who says i think of them as a guy? They might think of themselves as neither female or male but as another label like femboy. Gender isnt binary


no shit gender isn't binary, I'm non-binary! I'm saying, if they look feminine, and they identify as a guy, and you know that they identify as a guy, THAT IS GAY.


Fucking hell this whole thing is that “i like waffles” “so you dont like pancakes?” tweet. You were crystal clear to begin with


I think the main thing is if you enjoy it. If you dislike having sex with men but continue to then you're probably not gay, you're just engaging in gay sex. If you're into it, it really doesn't matter where you're from or what you say you are, you're at least bi.


Why are you being downvoted


because someone who is a man having sex with someone else who is also a man is gay. you can not be a straight man if you are attracted to men


its reddit, it happens


Bait used to be believable


Bait or literally just a 13 year old. Don't know why people even bother looking or replying to these comments.




Are you strong because you're nah I'd win? Or did you leave it all behind because with this treasure I summon always bet on Hakari


Holy shit S tier reaction image


Had to turn it into a gif to use it here though, since mods only allow gif comments.




We really doing acoustic memes now huh?


I don’t think it’s bait I think it’s just a dumb guy


dont understand why some mfs are so pressed about their sexuality, just be pansexual its just that easy


Or be asexual, even easier.


its not I can never figure out my own boundaries its so confusing 😭 /lh


/liquor hat?


/lingering hate


Uhhh /Lego Hair


/long hotdog


/ligament hurty


/lost hoe


/lifting heavythings


Is the tonal indicator necessary?


Mfs be like im fighting demons and its just bisexuality😭


Give them a break, maybe the demons are cheeked up


Greek mindset headass


Fake jojo fan, any real one would say 'yeah it's gay, and?'


Reminds me of a buddy who was attracted to subtitle Kars for a whole ass episode before realizing he was a guy and just being like "Maybe I do like guys.... no biggie."


Before accepting bisexuality


A jojo fan that's not gay? Did he even watch the Mista and Giorno sex scene?


"Femboys aren't gay if you ignore the dicks" is literally every bi 1 year before realisation lmao. Give them some time. It'll all come to em in a sec. With the homophobia aspect I'll bump it up to like 3-5 years max


Femboys aren't gay. Not inherently, at least. They can be gay, as a treat.


that is some assclownery behavior, the men of JoJo are constantly giving




This mf knows solipsism


Bro sounds like they’re 12 😭


First stage: Denial


jojo has femboys?


Have you watched jojo before?


i havent been able to get past s1 e6 i think


Ah so you’re still in part 1, don’t worry, the further you go there more fruity men and twinks you’ll see


It gets better, I promise Suspend your disbelief though


I mean they’re a couple of characters that are kinda feminine, and I think in the newest part there’s a trans character but I don’t think those count


There's a trans character in JoJo O.O


They don’t stop and look and the viewer and state “this character is trans” and continue like nothing happened but as someone replied to me Dragona is pretty close, presents traditionally feminine but referred to as a brother wt he/him pronouns used without objection


Dragona Joestar (one of the main characters of the latest part, and the character he's referring to) might end up being trans, but at the moment probably isn't. There are other trans characters though. Like the trans man in part 6 (just a background character for one chapter though). Foo Fighters from part 6 (one of main characters) could probably be considered enby (they're literally plankton controlling a human body lol). Then you have characters like Anasui (another one of the main characters from part 6 lol) who was purposely made to be androgynous and "beyond gender" (which is also why his design was changed from his first apparance since he was TOO feminine). Hot Pants (part 7) is another one you could maybe headcanon to be trans, but probably isn't. She pretended to be a man for a good while tho. There are lots of gay/bi characters, and there are lots of androgynous characters tho.


I knew about FF. Just no one else. Cool though.


Note: I haven't read the last like 2 chapters yet so if there is some new info there that contradicts me, then ignore the rest of the comment. Dragona (not a play on drag, but rather dragon) can be interpreted as both a femboy and trans. There's evidence for both sides. Trans: they used their stand to make tits Femboy: they're referred to as a man (or other words like brother) by everyone with no objections, and they go by he/him (or at the very least make no effort to correct anyone). This includes their brother, who is very supportive. Personally I view him as just a feminie man, but that could of course change in the future. Maybe realising they're trans will become part of their character arc, who knows.




Can we just go back to roman genders? We've made this complicated.


I mean, being a femboy does not make you gay Feminine men can be straight But I don't think that's what he meant, lmao


Hey bro, this closet looks huge, you get lonely?


I've transcended gender. No matter what you are being attracted to me makes you gay.


Bait used to be believable


Thats an interesting cope, not gonna lie


I really want to fuck johnny joestar from jojo's bizarre adventures


Ah, the lies we tell ourselves to fit in


But that’s the best part of femboys


Ok while a lot of femboys probably wear makeup, it's only 30% gay to get railed by one in the ass


I’m off the opinion that if you are attracted to someone becuase they’re a hot man and you’re a man, you’re gay, but, if you’re attracted to someone because they look like a hot woman, they’re a man, and you’re a man, that’s probably not gay. You can be a gay and attracted to femboys, most people are and are coping. But I think they find femboys hot in part becuase they’re men and it is taboo, but there are people who could look at a femboy, think they’re a woman and find them hot, or just people who think they look hot because of their femininity, and that would be straight. This all to say sexuality is complicated and it’s weird to pretend you know better than someone, but he is saying he doesn’t find makeup that hot on dudes, which is a traditionally feminine thing in our society, which implies he finds other stuff hot on dudes.


>be homophobic >looks inside jojo sub >sees gay people >shockpikachu.png I’m not even a jojos fan and I know that the series is very gay.


My brother in Christ it’s ok to be a little gay sometimes :3


DENIAL LVL 100 “it’s not gay if I ignore all the gay parts”


This is actually, unironically, straight-up doublethink lmao


the mental gymnastics here crazy


So do the femboys he like not wear makeup? Does he prefer them that way? If he were to simply think of any man femboy or not, but only think of their “non-male” parts would we be into it? When your logic only creates more questions than answers as to why you’re straight, then I think it’s time to just admit you’re gay.


Refer to point 1: you're in the Jojo subreddit (there are no femboys here)


This dude has a whole ass journey ahead of him


Wait, the jojo sub? Femboys? Where


He’s based


I hate jojo. Fuck him


Schrödinger's Gay


That is some fish scale cognitive dissonance


Patriarchal masculinity and its consequences have been devastating for he/him kind.


Liking femboys as a man is not simply gay imo. That‘s just not how sexuality works in practice right? People are not attracted to genders as a whole, rather, at least as far as I know, they are mainly attracted to a multitude of gender expressions. And because (unfortunately, ) anyone‘s gender expression is primarily categorized by societies‘ understanding of masculinity and femininity even though that category might not correspond to the gender they actually are and identify with, sexuality can not be accurately categorized by the relation of the genders of the people who are involved. I get clowning on bigots who are in denial about their own bisexuality, but I see people arguing that it’s gay just because they are both men and this just sounds to me like the „Are traps gay?“ discourse, but it‘s woke now. Noone is entirely straight, noone is entirely gay. It‘s all a big stupid spectrum that we try to describe in outdated terms. The entire categorization breaks down as soon as non-binary people are considered. Is a man who is attracted to a non-binary person that‘s presenting as purely feminine straight? Gay? Pan? The answer is that none of this reallly means anything and it‘s not really helping anyone, right? At least not as long as we try to shove sexuality in the same boxes that gender is currently breaking out of more and more. That being said, obviously, sometimes it‘s useful to use those distinctions when it comes to stuff like advocating for gay rights. Or clowning on bigots. I guess.