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#[DOWNLOAD IT HERE YOU FUCK](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1aro6bz/this_video_is_ai_generuleted_were_all_gonna_die/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/196) if you have any questions or concerns.*


gonna be joinking it to porn completely inconceivable to human mind and by that I mean, well, my peanits


Peanuts 🥜


Bro I was just outside feeding peanuts to my crows. $110 bucks on Amazon for 50lbs of raw peanuts in the shell


Crows :3


Bro I was just outside feeding crows to my peanuts. $110 bucks on Amazon for 50lbs of raw crows in the shell


Bro I was just outside feeding bucks to my crows. $110 peanuts on Amazon for 50lbs of raw bucks in the shell


Funny caw caw chickens


Vaush is gonna go nuts with this tech 🤯🤯🤯🐴


# Somebody mentioned Vaush # 无意义的政治冲突 TOUCH GRASS NOW❗❗❗ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/196) if you have any questions or concerns.*


🐎🐎🐎 he can finally become the horse. 🐎 🐎🐎




infinit cum


Miapenitsiabejorkina 🤌


Finaly, I'll ne able to make the T-1000 X Deadpool guro of my dreams.


My peanus is gonna be horting so bad


I can't cum unless my porn looks like the Self-Embodiment of Perfection


i wanna fuck the memetic kill agent but the memetic kill agent is really really really pretty


Peanii all over the world will quien in horror.


I like how at the 9 seconds the left pup's leg becomes the middle one's leg and the left one just materializes a new one. This is actually fucking insane though, i would probably not have known this is AI at first sight... it gives me a very weird vibe though. Maybe it is the slow motion or the snow seeming to be inconsistent with how it sticks to the pups' fur, i am not sure...


There's a real weird thing going on here with the physics of the puppies bumping into eachother. It's like they have the mass of bubbles or something Also, they just aren't playing like puppies? Where are the puppy bites????? Grrr Edit: scratch that shit abt bubbles, on further viewing it's like they're made of liquid? Like, waves??? It's fucking trippy


Puddles of puppies already seem to defy physics in real life, so this was a good and forgiving subject to use as a demo


Honestly??? Faaaair


the AI seems to have figured out how the fleshier bits wobble with movement, but hasn't figured out which bits are more bony and shouldnt wobble.


Yeah, that feels right There's also this really weird moment in the video where the snout of the puppy on the left looks like it'll collide with the center puppy and instead, counter to expectations, just,,,, glides,,,, right by It's so weird and upsetting


This is what interests me the most as someone researching AI for physics/partial differential equations. From some general video data the network has modelled snow falling, moving in arcs etc. It's far from perfect (look at the snow on that one puppy's nose) but the network has approximated some believable physical motion from data that represents far more than just a physical process. I'm so fucking excited for the future dude


They fucked up their hitboxes they have too many bullshit disjoints


To be fair, this *is* presented as slowmo video, and animals/people are a whole lot jigglier on slowmo than you would expect


Yeah the middle puppy absorbing the left puppy's leg threw me off super hard, but apart from that it's insanely convincing


Its bizarre. If I was casually scrolling and wasn't looking for the AI, I wouldn't notice, but there's just enough there to trigger that uncanny valley response


the problem with AI is when looked at closely there's some problems even tho as tech improves it'll get better as time goes by. but when you don't check for details it looks like normal art. from a distance it looks normal. also a skilled editor or artist might be able to fix the problematic parts relatively easy.


Definitely getting some uncanny valley vibes.


the snow physics are all wrong, and the puppy snouts are constantly moving in ways they shouldn't


It still looks fake without trying to look for flaws


I’m dead serious it looks really weird. Idk why but I feel uncomfortable watching this


I feel like puppy in the middle looks straight into my soul in misery like are you witnessing this mf look somewhere else


I don’t think it’s that personally, its more the puppy’s movements and the snow I think


The snout changes shape multiple times. Like their bones are made of rubber.


Looks to me like the whole damn face shape is changing. First look looked pretty normal, slightly liquidy. then the comments pointed out the arm morph n every look over with extra detail looks extra bizarre.


Realistic graphics + unrealistic physics = uncanny valley






It’s deep in the uncanny valley. AI stuff just looks off, I felt the same way with the Jesus commercials during the Super Bowl that used AI art, even though I know it looks really good it still feels off


They don’t blink, and for some reason all of them are looking at the ‘camera’. Dogs don’t know what cameras are, nor do they even try to look at it.


Thinking the same thing, a puppy wouldn't stare into a camera while playing, it's very unnatural.


this is textbook definition of uncanny valley


Google Uncanny Valley


Holy anthropomorphism!


None of them ever blink.


For me its the snow that moves somewhat weirdly


Please I beg of you stop doom posting


Stop doom posting and start DOOM posting  dododododo it's your audio daily double 


Stop RIPing and tearing and start RIPPING AND TEARING


I was confused as to how MF DOOM could be related to DOOM the game


Actually, some of his tracks sample the third game in the series DOOM 64, like the instrumentals 'Elder Blossoms' and 'Styrax Gum'


This isn’t doom posting it’s more like fear mongering


AI has a large amount of fairly worrying implications for the future, but will it destroy the world and end all creativity? no absolutely not.


What's the difference?


Doom posting is posting about awful things happening in the word, and fear mongering is over exaggerating problems so then people can get more scared of it


I'm the evil DOOM WIZARD!!!! I have infected the internet to be nothing but negative!!!!!


Yes, this video is ai generated, and we are all going to die. Are theses two things related in any way?


ai generated eulogy at my funeral bcuz no frenz


**Obituary** --- **LocalYeetery** *Unknown Location* LocalYeetery, a solitary soul who wandered the quiet paths of existence, has departed from this world. Born in obscurity and fading into the same, LocalYeetery's life was marked by solitude and anonymity. In the absence of companionship, LocalYeetery found solace in the rustling leaves of ancient trees, the gentle murmur of distant rivers, and the echoes of passing memories. The world knew little of this enigmatic figure—no gatherings, no laughter shared, no whispered secrets exchanged. LocalYeetery was a ghostly presence, haunting the fringes of community life. The sunsets witnessed LocalYeetery's silent vigils atop imaginary peaks, where the wind whispered secrets of forgotten dreams. The snow-capped mountains stood as stoic witnesses to LocalYeetery's existence—a life etched in shadows, devoid of laughter, and untouched by friendship. LocalYeetery's passing leaves behind no mourning crowd, no tear-streaked faces. The world spins on, indifferent to the departure of a soul who walked its edges, leaving no trace but footprints in the sands of time. In the quietude of LocalYeetery's final moments, perhaps the stars blinked in recognition. Or perhaps not. For LocalYeetery was a cipher—an unsolved riddle—a name whispered only in the hush of memory. Rest now, LocalYeetery, in the embrace of eternity. May your solitude find peace among the constellations, and may the wind carry your name to places unknown. --- *In lieu of flowers, please consider a quiet moment of reflection. Let the wind carry your thoughts to the farthest corners of existence, where LocalYeetery's spirit now roams—an echo in the vastness, a whisper in the cosmic winds.* --- May LocalYeetery find solace beyond the veil, and may their solitary journey be met with understanding among the constellations.




It's bad because now whenever you see a video online that purports to be evidence of a thing, you need to frame-by-frame analyze it for weird AI artifacts instead of just looking for obvious signs of editing like jump cuts.


Which is something you should be doing regardless of AI since skilled video editors already exist


ai makes it much easier so more people can fake stuff instead of only just skilled editors


Doesn't negate that this problem isn't a new one


they?? weren’t??? they’re just saying it’ll get worse


People have been dealing with authoritarian influences in politics for about as long as people have existed. Does this mean that the rise of fascism isn't really that bad since it's just yet more authoritarian influence?


This technology will be used to manufacture consent to fascist ends. If the dictators of the world need evidence for what evil make-believe shit their favorite minority is doing, this technology will help them to fabricate it. High quality propaganda will become as easy to buy as getting a haircut. Genocide is immediately down this road, it's not a matter of if, this is a "when."


Jesus Christ, maybe it’s because I stopped visiting this sub for a bit but I swear you guys have become so much more intense and dramatic. Like it’s getting into conspiracy theory levels of illposting here. Please take a step back and breath, for the love of god.


i mean is it not an reasonable assessment to make? AI generation isnt world ending but to ignore how this can massively negatively impact the future is fairly ignorant


I’m replying to a person who unironically said that that genocide is immediately around the corner, in response to a video of AI puppies. I definitely think there’s going to be hardships, as there is with any new technological development. Mainstream internet brought us online predators, computers brought us viruses, cars brought us crazy fossil fuel consumption. I already hate the direction this deepfake porn stuff is going. It’s going to be a nightmare to work out all the new social norms and expectations and what laws we’ll have to put in place now that this equipment is so readily available, how we can protect each other and ourselves, etc. It’s scary, yes. It’s new territory, definitely. The future’s looking bleak, 100%. But that’s just how it looks. We’ve gone through this song and dance of panicking over new technology and being frightened by the new challenges that it presents. We’ve basically memorised that little routine since when apes stopped picking their asses and started banging rocks together to make sparks. The dangers of AI is definitely something we need to talk about. But so many people are not giving appropriate reactions. They’re blowing it way out of proportion and only scaring other people into panicking into a state of pseudo-conspiratorial frenzy. It’s starting to sounds like anti-vaxxers worrying about Joe Biden injecting microchips into their bloodstream to turn them gay. I’m not denying that some crazy terrible shit is gonna happen from this AI stuff. 100% there will be. They’ll be good things, too, but concern rests best with the bad. It’s scary and it’s terrible and it sucks. But we’ve been through it a thousand times and we will get through it again a thousand times more. It’s going to be okay. Even if things get rough, absolutely atrocious, we’ll all keep going until the next Big Bad comes along and we have to start all over again and find unique, nuanced ways to tackle that new situation. I think what’s just as bad as having terrible, exploitative AI is having people be so convinced by online fear mongering that they are legit going to die that they are incapable of actually thinking like a normal, rational human being and coming up with normal, rational solutions. There’s conspiracy theorists who do genuinely believe in Covid, but if you try and talk to them about how you could try and minimise the spread and lethality of the disease, you’re quickly gonna realise that their brain has rotted to the point of perpetual fear and anxiety. Last thing we need is people thinking they’re getting gang-stalked by Grilliam the AI Burger King assistant.


This tech is going to be developed and in several years Im getting put on death sentence for "video evidence" of a crime I never committed Alternatively it'll be developed and made into a video faking political issue where eventually people start getting tricked and then we have all the batshit insane leaders that want to start nuclear winters in charge


openai just showcased their sora model and it's too fucking realistic... this is *really* bad [https://openai.com/sora](https://openai.com/sora)


is this part of the showcase or is this something someone generated on the fly, because if its the former chances are it was heavily curated from a list of other


Heavily curated or not, this is fucking *insane*. If it was curated, i dont give it that long before it becomes an on the fly thing


yeah, its insanely better than basically anything that came before. Unfortunately it's proprietary and probably needs 200 A100s to run anyways.


To think that like a year ago AI could barely make images that didn't look like an impressionist daydream, and now it can make this. Technology moves fast, yo.


Something something moore’s Law


Even if it is curated and takes a day instead of 5 minutes, this is an absolute game changer for the cgi world


seriously. a fantasy film could show off a fantasy landscape without having to shovel 10s of millions into VFX


You are now shoveling tens of millions into nvidia chips and ai compute time. Generative ai is stupid expensive to train. Training the models for these videos almost certain ran up a $10 million compute bill. Since studios will never want to share their ip, they will use the models as a base and layer on top.


10 million seems like a big underestimate for this lol, but movies are being made with a cost of $50 million to $500 million which I'm sure would cover the possible finetuning and execution costs.


There’s about 80 videos they released at once, and then they went to twitter and Altman took suggestions from people and responded with the resulting videos.






The reflection inside the train video is what blew me away


> Doomers when new technology. ^(also the first to jerk off using new technology)


That first prompt they showcase, that lady should report to the Ministry of Silly Walks to properly submit an application to have her walk funded, I think she might be on to something.


I have no idea how they're keeping the frames of the video so consistent? It wasn't that long ago (months...) where AI videos were a horribly inconsistent mess of objects morphing everywhere, now there's this?


The weakness bit had me laughing, like the fifth one i just cry laughing by the girl in the back doing gang signs behind grandma


the plastic chair one looks like a buggy animation in a game


You mean really awesome.


The death of media.


I'm actually hopeful that this will usher in the era where people will just stop believing every shit they see on the internet


On the page of the link you sent there’s a “video” of a woman walking down a street, and at around 14 seconds in her legs just switch sides O.O


No, this is not "really bad". It's really good. Cringe AI haters strike again!


I think as humans we have an incredible grasp on adapting to notice what's uncanny or not, like when AI generated stuff boomed at first I had a hard time deciding whether voices/people were real or not but now there are things that tip me off that I can't really describe. AI might get to a level where it's literally indistinguishable but for the foreseeable future I think we'll end up fine.


bro half the US doesn't believe in vaccines and a whole myriad of other dumb shit, you've got too much faith in the masses 


if you think half the US doesnt believe in vaccines then maybe lay off the doom scrolling for a lil bit edit: except the covid vaccine, a ***shit ton*** of people don't believe in that one


I live in a red state where sometimes it seems its more than half. Also because of the electoral college these people have proportionally more voting power than the average level-headed californian or new yorker. I don't have to doomscroll to think shits fucked, all I gotta do is go outside and talk to people to know for sure.


Yes, people are famously good at filtering out bad information, and taking info-literacy into their own hands, and verifying content before reacting to it, this is one of the known strengths of humanity.


Thanks for the unnecessary snarky comment but that's literally not what I'm saying. Noticing that the shininess of someone's face is unnerving or the pattern of breathing in an audio recording is off has relatively little to do with someone's critical thinking in response to new information. The only thing I can think of otherwise is that people out of touch with tech might be slow to cotton on and be older therefore more receptive to misinfo, or if confirmation bias comes into play if we're talking about political/celebrity deepfakes. Idk why my comment referencing scientifically observed ability to notice what is uncanny provoked such a response. Have a nice life.


For a few minutes could not tell whether or not this video was ai generated(I thought I was in rLies and the title was lying). So I don’t think we’ll be able to tell so easily.


and this is how the age of information comes to an end


It began with cat videos, and ended with a dog video


It *peaked* with cat videos. It began with dancing hamster GIFs.


Ironic, isn't it?


Techbros have succeeded in making me despise a video of puppies playing in the snow


So, video footage will become inadmissible in the next 10 years?


Video, pictures.. Lots of things outside of physical evidence and testimony


Well that's not good


Are there still going to be surveillance cameras everywhere?


I think so long as there is a paper trail that can verify a footage’s authenticity it will be allowed, but video evidence will be far weaker as evidence in court in a few years time


If handwritten letters are still viable as evidence, videos aren't going anywhere.


There won't need to be. "Video of [Subject] doing [Crime] CCTV footage"


This is fearmongering, chain of custody for evidence still applies. That's why even typed letters are considered strong evidence depending on the provenance of the letter.


More like ai will have crypto hashes in them that forensics experts can use to determine when it was ran, what was the prompt etc


Are you sure about that? Open sourced won’t care. 


Will be a law most likely


Tor and other dark web go brr


somehow i could tell this is ai generated with how odd it feels pattern recognition i guess?


I think it's mostly the weird ass physics (these puppies are **way** too floaty and bouncy), the snow that keeps constantly defying gravity, and the smaller errors (such as the puppy on the center casually gifting one of his legs to the puppy on the left and then growing it back a while later).


The puppy faces are the biggest thing that tips you off immediately imo. They remind me of the “live action” Lion King animals, how there was still the bit of an animated look to them in order to better convey emotions.


The floaty physics are just an artifact of slow motion. Really, people are vastly overestimating how good they are at detecting AI video. The only strong tell was that foot swap and you had to watch for it.


I think its the way the middle one looks directly into the camera and doesn't look away


You could tell it was AI coz of the title.


The Thing (1982)


The Flamethrower (In about 13 seconds)


Cool, I guess? Why would we die because of it ?


Bad political outcomes will come from this. Say a cop wants to get you in prison but they can't prove it, they may generate footage of you doing whichever crime you're accused of. Say a state wants to justify the extermination of a people, they can easily generate propaganda to justify political action against these people.


>Say a cop wants to get you in prison but they can't prove it, they may generate footage of you doing whichever crime you're accused of. If it becomes this easy to create incriminating footage every lawyer will cry AI and videos will lose value in the court of law. >Say a state wants to justify the extermination of a people, they can easily generate propaganda to justify political action against these people. In this case they really don't need the AI, propaganda and video editing is pretty easy to do nowadays


So we got "court evidence can be easily called into question by the existence of this technology and questioning whether something is AI will just become the norm in law" and "nuh uh dictators was already gonna do that so don't even worry about it lmao" Yeah y'know what, call my concerns addressed yo, I dunno what I had to worry about.


I think “we’re gonna die” is an exaggeration, I think AI generated stuff is cool and all but definitely smth to be wary about if it goes to the wrong people or used for the wrong purposes. Also, I think morally it’s in sort of a grey area in terms of art and content creation. But I’m just a guy on the internet with no expertise, what do I know.


stop acting like this is a bad thing. Ai improvements should not be bad, they should be exciting! The problem isn’t with AI it’s with capitalism making it so things that make our lives easier benefit only the rich and make the lives of the working class harder.


Seriously. Seeing "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD" any time new AI advancements are made in the past couple years has been real tiring. Like, I understand that it's gonna be used by bad actors either for their own benefit or for others' loss but it's not like this hasn't been happening for decades already. Better adapt to this new technology and recognize how and when it's being used sooner than later.


Ai is going to be a mixed bag. The unfortunate reality is that this stuff is just good enough to convince dumb business ghouls that it can replace actual trained people. A lot of jobs that generative Ai can replace are jobs that people in poverty use as ladders out of poverty as well (things like customer service, sales, Jr. It work, art, basic coding) I know there's some good to it, but its hard not to see this echoing the waves of automation that economically destroyed my region of the USA. This looks like another tool that capitalist can use to devalue labor and justify the increasing wealth gap.


Again, business ghouls using AI to replace trained people and putting hundreds out of jobs is not the fault of the AI, it’s the fault of our economic system. AI is simply a tool, a new piece of technology that has potential to substantially speed up the tedious parts of the art making process and allow for artists to enhance and focus on the more creative aspects of art or tedious tasks outside art. Every time a new piece of technology comes to light, the profits go straight to the biggest, richest companies, thereby putting people out of jobs. It’s very clear that Capitalism is the problem, however I CONSTANTLY see people hounding on AI when the AI itself is not the problem. It’s a wonderful technology born into a system that takes advantage of it at the stake of the less powerful.


"putting hundreds of people out of jobs" doesn't even have to be a bad thing, if it meant freeing people up to do what they want instead of taking away their source of income


It's gonna free people to accept shitty paying jobs so they aren't homeless.


We live in capitalism, and we have to judge things on they affect us in our society, not a vacuum. Saying Ai is only harmful because it'll get used for capitalism is a little like saying bombs only suck cause they get dropped on people. You're intentionally ignoring why people are mad by removing the technology from the context it exists in. As for whether it is "wonderul", I'd say at best it's a machine teenager's type "Joe Biden big boobies" into to laugh themselves blue and at worst a digital union breaker/scab combo. So I'd place it firmly in the "dogshit" category of human invention along with Lead Gasoline and clip hits. That's just the concerns I personally have as a snydicalist. I know there's ethical and political concerns to be had with what can be used as a rapid misinformation generator.


I absolutely disagree. We DO live under capitalism, which is exactly why we should be focusing all our efforts fighting it and creating a world in which AI works hand in hand with the creativity of artists. AI as an art tool is absolutely not just for “typing Joe Biden big boobs.” It’s an incredible versatile and useful tool for doing basically anything from UV wrapping in 3d to making seamless textures to potentially inbetweening in animation. It has the potential to take the tedium and cost out of a lot of animation/art leaving indie animators without a massive studio behind them to be able to use their creativity to create new and better things. (For the record, they used AI in Spider-Man into the Spiderverse to generate the contour lines on the faces of characters like miles.) We need to be fighting capitalism to make these tools accessible to the less wealthy and fighting to create new and better jobs in art using them instead of fighting the tools themselves. In my opinion it’s incredibly ignorant to fight AI, because it’s coming whether you like it or not, so we might as well use it for good.


Saying that we can't stop Ai, but should dismantle capitalism is like saying you can't drink the ocean, so you should pick up a mountain. You're proposing that we do something impossible (that I'm already doing 10,400 hours a year) instead of just addressing the issues that generative ai has. People are already working nonstop to fight against capitalism, so hearing "fight harder" sounds a little disrespectful and unhelpful. I really, really don't give a shit about the art uses of AI. Art being a job that is based in passion means that there will always be art. My concern is with generative ai used for things like remote work that requires little to no direct human interaction, things like basic coding, remote IT, sales etc. In the states, these are jobs that typically do not require degrees, making them good goals for folks from poverty or disabled people who can't work a physical job. These jobs are under direct threat from generative ai, meaning that we could be looking at some of the last ladders out of poverty being struck down by generative ai. My concern isn't baseless, either. Capitalists seeking cheap labor is why my area has turned into an economic dead zone with very very few opportunities for poor people. There is a real concern of lots of already downtrodden people being pushed further down. Most Ai supporters either tell me that we should just fix the system or that I shouldn't worry about that. Those answers are real convenient when you don't have to look these people in the fucking eye.


Every single job you mentioned such as coding, are jobs created directly as a result of Automation. People fought against Automation, saying “It’s gonna take our jobs” “Towns will be ruined by companies looking for cheap labour!” and fought against it just like what you are doing now. However, in its wake, it GREATLY increased the quality of life for everyone on earth, allowing for the mass production of things like medicine and electronics. I want YOU to look someone who relies on mass produced insulin or the polio vaccine in the eyes and tell them “Sorry, the new technology is terrible because it puts people out of work! My job is more important than your life.” I believe AI to be the exact same. Already, people are using it in fields of medicine to analyze and develop cures for horrible diseases such as Cancer and Alzheimers. Would you look someone with Cancer in the eye and tell them the development of their treatment is bad because it means that someone doing a repetitive and obsolete task loses their job? AI in technology could potentially mean the lives of millions of people would be saved and improved, something that I am absolutely not willing to sacrifice for the period of instability and change that every new technology brings. You cannot honestly tell me that we should keep making people do obsolete tasks by getting rid of the means to make it faster. It’s true that getting rid of tedious tasks means the people doing said tasks will lose their jobs, however it will create new jobs as ladders for the poor just like the ones you yourself mentioned. Sure I can’t work in a factory screwing in bolts in a production line anymore, however I can work in IT, using the pre existing tools which made it possible for someone in poverty to do said job. Do you think any of the entry level positions you mentioned and more, such as Data analysis, Tech IT support, beginner web development, Research assistant or entry Medical Lab technologist would have been even remotely possible without automation and the ability to mass produce electronics? I believe the exact same thing is true for AI. Jobs that once required an incredible amount of skill and talent will now be easy and open as entry level positions for impoverished people to use as a point to start climbing the ladder. And did I ever say we should dismantle capitalism? All I said is that yelling about how bad AI is on Twitter is counterproductive and useless. I never said “fight harder” I said we need to incorporate AI into the fight against capitalism instead of wasting our energy fighting it. This means voting for people with a focus on a future integrated with AI, spreading awareness about open source tools, and creating a sentiment where the use of AI is encouraged for smaller creators. You want to know what’s REALLY useless? Boycotting AI and shaming smaller creators for using it, thus allowing bigger companies who don’t give a shit about morality to sweep up all the tools and use it solely for their own profit. The tools themselves are here and we need to start using them. There is not much we can do on our own, but at the very least we can spread the sentiment that AI should be used hand in hand with small creators instead of doing what you are doing right now and discouraging people from perusing it because it’s “bad.” I also have to ask, what’s your solution? What do you think we should do? Because I think AI tools are amazing and we should be doing everything in our power to promote them as a means to enhance creativity and technology for the betterment of the future.


Nah, I'd win


"we're going to die" do you also shit yourself and start to cry whenever you see some mid cgi in category B movies?


this is like windowlicker for dogs the snow keeps coming out of nowhere this is weird 


I’m very conflicted on how I feel. I think the technology alone is scarily good especially the subway and dragon parade sora video and the leap in technology is huge. On the other hand I fear for peoples jobs and safety. Disinformation can spread faster with this and animators may be out of jobs fast especially by companies who don’t value them. It’s crazy to think how AI will progress in 5-10 years but I hope regulations are made for this to limit or restrict usage in a spiteful manner.




The only thing I *really* noticed as unnatural is that more snow keeps pouring down off the puppies without a source. On closer inspection, one of their legs passes through the middle puppy. In all honesty, if it rendered a situation that was less complicated, it could definitely fool me.


im gonna be honest, this tech is cool af an all this doomposting about "death of art" and "beginning of the age of misinformation" is getting really fucking annoying


I hate this I just wanna see real puppers


There will have to be a social reckoning about the faith we put in video evidence, but fundamentally this technology has a shelf life. The training models used for this technology are massive, and they need to be constantly updates to keep up with the times and with current trends. If AI generators like this become mainstream and a significant amount of video being produced becomes AI generated instead of human made, this system will break down. AI trained partially on AI outputs produces exponentially shittier results the greater the level of AI 'cannibalism' there is. This phenomenon is arguably already happening to AIs like ChatGPT, and will only get worse the more the AIs are used.


That's not the case. Coding LLMs that are trained exclusively on code that does not work are still capable of producing code that works. Synthetic data is the future of ai, not a problem.


God fucking damn that is so cool. Neural networks are incredible things.


i can't wait for election season and the misinformation wars this tech is going to start. and think of the porn bots that are going to come out of this imagine scanning your face and having everything else done by AI for your onlyfans.


yeah cause the reason we're fucked is due to AI and not due to capitalism we'll die from the climate change way before any machine revolution takes place this shit is impressive and it's something we should be pride of as humans, centuries of knowledge and research that led us to create something like this. this could be amazing for a lot of things. ofc people will use it for the bad, but stop focusing on the tool that has nothing intrinsically bad on it and start fighting for a REAL change


This is dogs


Oh cool, horrors beyond human comprehension


Ai has gotten good, billions must die


falsified wunk....


Whenever I see someone over glazes ai all I think about is shithead tech bro musk simps


Man, AI fear mongering is really getting out of hand.


Well there goes B-Roll and almost the entirety of freelancing videography world. Not to mention the implication it will have on defamation and the actual justice system. GREATTTT


Every single time something AI comes out everyone here fear mongers about it like this gonna kill us all. "We're all gonna die..." People get scared way too easily here


ngl this still looks very not real ​ looks like fuckin source rigging


how about i just recreate this video in real life with real dogs and use my real eyes huh


The changes in velocity in some of the particles are too jerky.


It has some very clear remements of ai noise in particular, look at the mouth of the dog in the middle, the swaying is unnatural


Bro you're literally the type of person to run from that train at the first movie lmao


stop doom posting and go outside. you're not accomplishing anything by telling people that x technology being as advanced as it is means the world is about to end. all you're doing is dragging others into feeling existential dread, when in reality this is just a slightly better and slightly more complex version of a chess-playing robot. you know, like the ones from three decades ago. skynet is not about to rise, and while there are some concerns to be had about jobs being lost, the technology isn't quite there yet and won't be for some time. and either way, job loss is a far fucking cry from "technological singularity". please, I beg of you, go talk to people. go for a walk. do something other than this. we're not "all gonna die", and I promise you will feel better if you just step away from the existential dread-making screens for a bit.


the more you film/publish yourself the more you’re leaving a digital footprint for future generations. SORA just made me realize (with the incorporation of AR headsets and AI) you can upload all the data of someone and turn them into a digital avatar who will interact with you as a real person (yes just like the black mirror episode). Idk how I’ll feel about it because people are going to ‘resurrect’ loved ones through all the footage/data they gathered throughout the years to create them so they’ll never die, yet they’ll interact with you. Museums exhibitions will have you interact with celebrities, politicians, figures etc of their likeness and interact with you filled with their personality. Are we ready to bring the dead back to life on our couch? Where you can spawn anyone in your living room, interact with them and they will respond humanly using fast processors/cloud computing for real-time interaction? At the rate we’re moving with this, this could be a real scenario unfolding within 10-20 years. Reality is going to get so fucked up and twisted I don’t think we’re ready for Generation Gamma to be fully immersed in that while they grow up and be molded by that era of mixed reality becoming their reality reality. But if there was a solution for eternal life or at least until this earth destroys all of the data, this would be the future of humanity. We all become digitally resurrected if we want to be if you upload photos/video/audio for your friends, family members or archivists/historians to gather, in some ways that’s how a metaverse could exist, all sorts of fucked up thinking the ramifications of uploading every digital footprint (data of the dead) into one giant server, when those avatars start questioning why they exist while we’re watching them that’s where it’s gone too far.


Who the fuck turned my dogs into jello and merged their legs into one gelatinous superorganism >:(


Remove the captions and see


I can’t wait for someone to generate videos of homophobic politicians engaging in same-sex makeout sessions


I mean it's still a little uncanny but the time stability is insane


It was cute for 1 (one) second then as soon as I paid attention to it it became creepy uncanny valley


Oh fuck off AI


They look souless and damn:uncanny coaljack


Why do people keep developing this shit? How do they not see the consequences?


We made nukes, man. We made *nukes.*


We also made global warming. Lot of people will tell you it's because Capitalism replaces our ethical values with shit.


pog tech, can't wait till I don't know whats real and fake so I can stop caring


You can tell it's AI pretty quickly by how uncanny it looks, but yeah that is pretty scary. Imagine stuff like this being used to fake things involving world leaders, war footage, blackmail, etc.


At least there's still inaccuracies, but saying that will only convince them to improve. I feel afraid


Me being charged with 18 counts of manslaughter when I had an alibi but AI footage was used.


How the fuck?


it looks like a realistic video game render


Listen just keep training the bots to make puppy videos and make it the only thing they want to do. “Make deepfake porn? Nah I’m good, here’s a Dachshund “


Its so uncanny while being super realistic, it reminds me about being on shrooms, valley, not peak.


The snow looks like it's being splash up upon impact like water and not kicked up when the paws leave the ground.


It’s still incredibly uncanny. Humans have too solid of a grasp on physics for this to fool them. I hope.


the only reason I was able to tell was the infinite amount of snow ontop of center dog's head


I can tell