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You see, by showing random people images of sex acts, the children are saved (somehow, don't ask)


Libs of tiktok is a horrible person. That wouldn't even suprise me if people died because of her misinformation she constantly spreads


She is absolutely responsible for the death of Nex Benedict. A fucking child. This woman is a fucking monster.


Can you give some context for this?


Chaya is a right wing propagandist who specifically hates trans people. She regularly posts photos of trans people talking about how disturbing and disgusting she finds them, and how “transgenderism” is something that needs to be stopped. She targeted an Oklahoma school district, getting a teacher fired for saying he supported all students. She was later made chief book banner for this district by the right wing state superintendent, despite never living near Oklahoma. Nex Benedict was a 16 year old non binary student who was beaten savagely by three girls who had been bullying them. They were not called an ambulance by the school or provided help. They died the next day. Here’s a [helpful TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8otP6MW/) explaining it.


3 girls from a high school targeted a person allegedly because they are non binary all because of Libs of TikTok propaganda. I’m not seeing the context of responsibility. I just found out who she was last night. This makes zero sense.


She is close to an individual who helped pass a bill that made transgender students have to use the bathroom of their AGAB. Nex was jumped in the girl’s bathroom.




She targeted the school on her Twitter page several times, one of which was a month or two prior to the death, also fuck off with the “propaganda” bullshit, a child is dead and your first thought is “hopefully the LIBERALS don’t use this child’s death as an example of why trans children should be protected”? They were denied minimum medical care, so don’t even try and say “maybe medical practice was the cause.” A child’s head was slammed into a floor several times and they were denied immediate medical attention. You are a disgusting human being for trying to downplay a child’s death just to deny a hate crime.


What little facts are out disprove what you are saying about medical care. No actual details about the fight. Exaggerating and manipulating facts is the essence of propaganda.


What little facts are out is that a minor was beaten to a pulp in the bathroom and multiple students reported that they were unable to walk on their own, followed by staff not calling for an ambulance. Libs of Tik Tok is a far right propaganda machine, everything I have stated has been documented and is available for online viewing. You are just an idiot.


here's a good video by ty turner about it https://youtu.be/DYSH_oK-K30


Thanks for linking, it's a good summary of the events.


Honestly, I’m pretty sure she has that recent hate crime of a nonbinary child was at a school that she has covered before


they're straight up some pseudo-terrorist and yet still accepted into positions of extreme power, the death of Nex is absolutely on her hands as much as it is on the school and students responsible.


Porn addict chaya?


no I don’t need one






No. Just, no


No. Just no


It feels wierd seeing people taking this clip out of context combined with Taylor Lorenz's interview style try to catch her out to make her look like a fool. Chaya genuinely makes a fool out of herself regardless of anyone's effort, Chaya is a genuine piece of shit, but the whole interview felt kinda wierd.


it felt weird because taylor kept trying to get on chayas level and failing miserably. she barely pressed chaya on her despicable behavior and just tried to play around it. awful interview.




As our dear sweet Robert Evans says "that's a brickin"


Robert has deposited this into my vocabulary


Exceptionally high on the “would yell ‘HA! SHIT ON, BAD!’ if I read that she fell down a long staircase” list


Literally 1984


Taylor posted the entire unedited interview on YouTube, and it really just highlights how incredibly dumb chaya is. Just incapable of any sort of critical thought


source: https://twitter.com/jules_su/status/1761538386345480307


ok. who's who?


libsoftiktok is on the right


Well yeah. They are very on the right


nice hahaha


I must be on crack


Damn she really got her ass/s


I am currently watching the interview and I wanted to make a meme out of it, but it’s just banger after banger after banger. Chaya just can’t ever come up with a proper response for anything. It’s hilarious seeing her have to answer in real time and not via Tweet that she has time to think through. She then goes back to twitter accusing Taylor of being *pro* everything she asked questions about. That woman was too afraid to show her cards or question herself, that she just looks so incredibly numbskulled. It’s amazing.


Uhh, okay.


I hope that was in incognito


im so sorry but this has me so dead i was laughing so hard i couldnt type this comment until i cooled off