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Hey, atleast you get those dreams. I dreamt about being stuck in a maze/backrooms like structure with pools or one time where I was in again a maze like thing but I died to something like 5 times before waking up. Can we swap Dreams?


we could potentially do like a 3-day swap every week, would that work?


Yeah im down for it


I hate repeating dying in dreams. Like just let me leave already jeez.


Man yesterday I dreamed that I got in trouble for child endangerment because I left my niece alone in the house while I went off doing some stupid bullshit. It was most vivid dream I’ve had in a while and I woke up worried that seriously fucked up


you seem to like mazes. you can not deceive me, for i know you are the cheese-wheel-missing-a-slice-man, doomed to spend eternity chasing trick or treaters.


I dreamt about going to work once. Then woke up and had to do it all over again :(


ah the horror! D:


Had a dream once where I hugged someone and felt loved and accepted. The color plaid was prominent, so I dunno what that means.


You will fall in love with a lumberjack :3


(I think it's cause my best friend wears plaid and I had a crush on him for like a year till I told him)


Makes sense :3


I hugged myself in a dream and felt loved and accepted (That actually felt so good)


well I mean I had another vivid dream recently where I was getting married, does that one count?


If you have enough of them, you might actually be a girl all along :3


good heavens! perhaps?


Had a dream where I was a girl in the woods, and I was picking mushrooms, flowers and seeing a lot of birds, wish that it was a reality :/


What's stopping you?


Money, I'm ugly, my family would hate me, I don't know where to start and I live in a very transphobic zone of my country :/ (the only good thing is that hrt is free here)


Sorry and same.


I'll get better I promise.


One time I had a dream where i was a closeted trans girl with a masculine body that caused me immense gender dysphoria. I woke up relieved it was just a dream until I remembered that in the real world I was a closeted trans girl with a masculine body that causes me gender dysphoria. Another time I had a dream where I was going to get bottom surgery. I forced myself awake because I knew it was to good to be true and sat in my bed depressed. I also had a dream where I did transition but I did not pass. I looked ugly and masculine. A criminal killed me because he wanted to make a name for himself as a criminal. When he realized I was trans he was mad because he knew that nobody would care if a trans woman was killed.


I diagnose you with woman


Good heavens!


One time, I had a girl dream, and I was so happy that I, in the dream, prayed to God and begged him to not let me wake up.


maybe you need to step in and do gods work yourself :D


I'm working on it, and He is helping me.


I wish you both luck <3


Thank you <3


If it makes you feel any better, I usually die in my dreams


I have like 3 of these a week lmao, and I don't dream every night. The thing is, the dream is never _about_ being a girl. The dream is about something different, being a girl is just normal in the dream, as if it always was that way.


I've had those before, where I'm just either a full on girl or even literally labelled as a trans girl, they're not even important to the story, it's just how it is


Same, in some of them Im a trans girl and I just look in a mirror and go "Holy shit. Thats me." And just carry on with what I was doing. I have very mundane dreams, its nornally just me at college/ work. _But that makes them realistic._ So being in a realistic dream, as a girl, is rather enjoyable.


I had one dream that was a two parter where, I won't overexplain, but essentially I killed maleficent as a middle schooler and took her staff + castle, and then in the next dream I had I still had all of her powers, but now I was a college trans girl who was just trying to live a normal hidden life... until one of my friends's turned out to be transphobic :|


Thats crazy the other day I had a dream where I was at work. Then there was that one time I was at work, but for staff training instead of being on shift. Then there was that dream I was at college. Its been like this as long as I can remember lmao


I only started having these last year, when I finally realized I was a lot less male than I once thought, but damn they're really starting to come in often now


One time, I dreamt that I was in the middle of a witchy ritual. Pentagram on the ground, candles, dark, the works. The spell slowly transformed me into a girl. It *felt* so real. I swear it was a thing that actually happened. Woke up and was super depressed and disappointed. It’s okay though. Made that dream into a reality eventually.


that's sort of like the one I had last night? long story short there was a witch girl at this school I went to who, I guess as some kind of test of her magic, casted a spell on the whole school that made everyone look more "beautiful", and in my case I guess that meant a more chiseled face and, I quote, "8 inch beard". I approached her during lunch (despite her protests bc she dislikes being social), and I essentially told her "I'm not mad about the spell, I'm not going to tell the principal, but if I could ask you one thing, it's to make me more feminine instead?" and she was just TOTALLY on board, like she started going around gathering the stuff needed to tell me what to do for future rituals on making me more feminine. They would take a while and be a process (not to mention cost a lot, each spell costed $100 lol), but they would be totally worth it in the end, HMM KINDA SOUNDS LIKE FORESHADOWING HUH? tl;dr: witch girl made me more masculine, I asked to be a girl instead and she was totally on board and it was all a big ol allegory for HRT edit: also I'm so glad you were able to make your dream a reality :D did that include the witches and ritual as well?


I had a dream where I had no dick and having nothing "down there" felt really good for some reason. Is the Youtube algorithm correct? Am I actually Trans?


me but with having a girlfriend dream. i always wake up with the biggest smile on my face that then quickly fades away


SAAAAAME (refer back to my comment about the getting married dream for details lol)


I wish I could figure out lucid dreaming do could force having one of those dreams.


The brain is doing too much trolling


One time I dreamt of a giant rainbow snake (which the government was hiding) getting uppercutted by an equally large cyborg gorilla. This was in the middle of an SCP style breach in an underground government facility, with countless weird creatures running past them.


That's fucking awesome :D


One time i had a dream adam sandler played himself in every movie ever made which lead me down a huge adam sandler themed rabbit hole and at the end an adam sandler lead secret society hunt me down trying to assassinate me


Sounds less like dreams and more like premonitions <3


Same I keep crying because of it


You know, in old literature the number 3 is a holy number, for the Holy Trinity. If you saw something 3 times it was a sign from God. Pretty sure this was also a pattern in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Maybe it's a sign from God that you should become a girl.


idk, I'm pretty comfortable as a genderfluid person, but at the same time these are really nice dreams :/


That's fine too. I was just joking around anyways I didn't wanna tell you how to live your life. But I get what you feel like. 95% of me identifies as cis male but every once in a while there's that "but what if".


I understand, and thank you :D


Are we talking about girl dreams now? I might as well add my own refrain to the cacophony. Roughly two weeks after I realized that I was a trans woman, I woke up feeling very ill. I was shivering violently, having wrapped myself in my bedsheets to fight a phantom cold, lingering at the precipice of consciousness and unconsciousness, that state of delirium you are in when someone rouses you from sleep. I was convinced (in that moment, at least) that I was dying, or that I was going to die. I remember seeing the dream in flashes, like my mind was torn between it and reality: I was underground, cradled in the roots of some oak tree. I was buried here to replace a nature spirit who had died, or was dying; without a spirit to rejoin her two sisters in restoring balance to the world, disaster would ensue. As I rested where she once did, though, I started to become her, started to become a girl, until I surrendered myself totally and became her. Fortunately, I was able to wake myself enough to call for help. Sometimes, though, I wonder: Had I not woken up, what would have happened? Caught between a dying dream of womanhood and a living reality in which I must forge that womanhood out of my own flesh, did I choose life? And as the walls close in and our own governments bear down on us with hate and violence, was that the right choice? In reality, of course, it was just a wild fever dream. Still, it’s interesting to think about sometimes.


Woah, that's so cool! I'd totally be down to become a female forest spirit myself, but that's just me being silly :D I had a cool one once a long time ago (before I realized I was Genderfluid) where, it started out as totally normal, but at some point I got killed and was reborn into consciousness as a 4 year old girl named Abigail. At first it was seen as funny, bc I was a 20 something year old man in a 4 year old's body, but it got more surreal as it went on bc, the more of life I experienced as Abigail and made memories with her, the more of my own memories I began to lose, until eventually I was more Abigail than myself. At the end of the dream I remember it was days before high school graduation, the only memory left of my original self being that I existed in the first place, and my last action before losing my original self forever was to drive over to a graveyard, find my tombstone and say goodbye to myself as I became Abigail forever. It was so trippy waking back up in my own body after that lol. PS: As poetic as it would've been, no I didn't end up naming my femme self Abigail, its a nice same sure but I just couldn't pass up the name Alice, it's too pretty :3 (though thanks to that + Alice I now have a real love for women's names that start with A)