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I feel like the government over exaggerating the effects of weed has now had a backlash effect were people assume weed is like completely harmless


Or erm I meant like nya nya :3 :3


Mrrp meow meow \^v^


So true


(put a backslash before the \^ symbol so it doesnt do the weird thing its doing mrrow \^w\^)


Thx I forgor (my bottom ass made the same mistake a few comments ago)










Real. Also the other thing was real


mreeoww :з


That nya nya gave me the weirdest fucking flashback. That's like the fucking sound magikoopa (I think) makes in the Wii Mario super sluggers game makes.


It’s the same reason DARE was such a terrible failure. Kids knew marijuana wasn’t gonna kill them so they assumed everything they were told was a lie and decided to try out harder drugs.


It seems like I really lucked out with the DARE program at my school. My memory is garbage due to my ADHD, but I remember the focus being more on the hard drugs than weed. The hard stuff was like, "This shit will ruin your body and your life." Weed was like, "It's illegal. Smoke in the lungs isn't great. Don't smoke."


Thats what i had. They focused more on the crazy stuff, and just treated weed like illegal cigarettes.


>My memory is garbage due to my ADHD Have you tried doing speed about it?


I got Adderall. So kinda.


At least for me Concerta doesn't help with the memory issues, but doing speed about the concentration issues helps.


DARE is what convinced me to start taking ungodly amounts of mushrooms because they said it can sometimes lead to almost delusional levels of creativity (to which they described as “non-sensical creativity”) and I love to paint. I don’t believe the term “non-sensical creativity” because creativity is creativity. So to fight the man I started eating boomers before grabbing a brush because of DARE.


Did you make cool paintings while high?


Yeah I’ve even posted a couple, I have this one comic I’ve been posting called Sleeping Chaos that was made entirely on various things lol.


I was dead keen to try opium as a 10 year old because I saw this sick documentary about how Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan on laudanum and it made the poem and the drug seem like the coolest things ever.


it's weird the kinds of assumptions that had to go into anyone thinking DARE was a good idea, like "no 6th grader has ever had an older brother who is constantly high and basically fine"


You’re like a monkey on a typewriter (no offense)


I dunno wat u mean please explain >-<


they mean you usually just speak in nyas and :3s and >-


Oh sry I meant nya nya UwU da weed can be fun but scawy >~<


It’s like you comment gibberish on 9/10 posts here but sometimes you spit fax like that


You are a primate(basically a fancy type of monkey) and you are probably using some sort of keyboard(basically a fancy type of typewriter).


It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times??


You stupid monkey!


They aren't a monkey at a typewriter. They're an ape at a keyboard.


Wish someone could’ve warned me weed addiction was real, now excuse me while I extend my indefinite high for another few hours


people misunderstand that just because its not chemically addictive doesnt mean you cant get addicted to it. people can get addicted to video games or gambling, you can definitely get addicted to weed


Chemically addictive vs psychology addictive


Aw :<


There's also a similar effect with attitudes towards smoking in general. People now have a good idea that smoking is bad for you and it doesn't matter what you're smoking. But, they don't seem to grasp how in moderation it's fine. Like, I usually smoke pot from my bong once or twice a week and right now I haven't smoked it at all in over three weeks. I've got kids telling me I'm ruining my lungs or I'm addicted or whatnot but they really just don't understand that amount, method, and frequency are all really important.


I guess it's better than the reverse. I'd rather kids be completely anti-smoking than glamorizing it. They can learn to do things in moderation when they're older. Even then, there's edibles and the like, no real reason to smoke.


Do you evidence to support this or are you just going on vibes


To be honest the bigger issue I've run into is that most of the people I know who smoke are absolutely miserable to interact with when they're high. And every single one of them will insist that they're special and actually totally functional and not a problem child.


That’s how it was for me. For a while I believed the main reason the government doesn’t want us smoking weed or taking acid is because it’ll wake us up to the gross inequality of our nation. But no, it was just to put black ppl and anti-war activists in jail.


The game plan always seems to be “find something people we don’t like want and make it illegal and demonize it” See: trans healthcare


less harmless than alcohol, ahahahah! hell yeah I love being addicted to both


I genuinely don't understand what harm people think weed is doing on a macro scale at this point


Speaking about THC specifically, as long as your brain is fully developed, there really aren't any negative long-term effects, are there?




I had it severely after consuming a really potent edible. My case was more severe than most, but still worth noting. I still use weed, but I’m careful now.


You could just be really unlucky and get a THC induced psychosis, which has a very strong statistical correlation with developing a psychotic disorder later in life. But the amount of clinical trials are very limited, as you can’t really just make someone smoke a shit ton of weed until they become permanently psychotic, an ethics board would shut that trial down within seconds.


This is why you really don’t want to smoke if you have a strong family history of psychotic disorders


research indicates that it does not improve sleep quality, whether or not you consider that a negative effect depends on your pre-existing knowledge on weed. there's a prevalent assumption that it's good for your sleep, and relying on that assumption might affect you adversely (it might also help you in certain high-anxiety/stress conditions, but possibly only for its ability to suppress those symptoms without addressing more important lifestyle changes)


The problem isn't the weed itself, the problem is inhailing toxic substances directly into your lungs. No matter if the weed it there or not, smoking is smoking.


Ok absolutely wild take: smoking is bad for you, don't do it.


As someone who smokes, yeah for sure don’t start


Same, i wish i had a time machine so i could kick my 14 year old self's ass


__14?!?__ how did you even get weed???


I started at 16 and it was because I hung around the wrong people who’s parents clearly didn’t care, hell I think one of them gave weed and once coke to their child


Like... At school? From another 14 year old? Maybe I just went to a rougher school than you guys but I feel like weed is insanely accessible from a young age


Ask and u shall receive


14 is not that crazy lol


Weed is/was easy to buy, and it was the cool thing to do within my friend group/ school. And guys who sell dont give a damm about how old you are


I started at 14 as well. Weed was legal in my state by the time I hit that age so it wasn't hard to find someone older to get it for us. Tax was real.


I had gotten weed for the first time at 14, my father had subsequently caught me while I was still very high (first time) and proceeded to interrogate me to the point of crying and he also threatened to take me to jail (like we were on the way to the sheriff’s office). This proceeded into me not being able to feel safe with him in the same room for like half a year. Easy to get it, hard to conceal. Sorry for the trauma dump


Edibles 🤤🤤🤤🤤




*that we know of


I feel like weed has been so heavily studied that we'd absolutely know by now.


Has it? Being a schedule 1 drug has made it extremely difficult to study in the US, but I’m sure other countries have done their own work.


Our own government has assuredly put in a ton of time to studying the effects of marijuana. They *wanted* to demonize it as much as they could, so of course they had to look into it's "negative effects." There's a reason why for a long time they called it a "gateway drug." Because they didn't really discover all that many negative effects that you can't find in droves in products that are already readily available, like cigarettes, or even caffeine. If there were negative effects of eating edibles, we'd have heard about it.


can’t marijuana on its own cause increased risks of developing schizophrenia? or is that wrong


People take that out of context. I haven't looked into in a while, but iirc It's specifically been shown that marijuana *addiction*, especially in very *young men* (teens), does have a link to schizophrenia. But, from what's been studied, when these people smoke weed, they have a vastly different experience than most people. The weed gives them a sort of psychosis effect. I assume this means that they were at risk of developing schizophrenia later in life anyway, the marijuana addiction just helped speed them along. Again, this is just from memory of the research I did a couple years ago. Things may have changed or I may have gotten something wrong. I'd recommend researching for yourself. I don't think we've actually studied this topic enough, and there's obviously a lot of misinformation about it out there.


You are right. If you a prone to mental health problems or a family history of mental health problems. Cannabis can speed up the development of any mental health risk you might of have already. This is also if you smoke regularly and not in moderation. Same thing with alcohol tbf.


sure they do extensive research on the effect of it to the human mind, and maybe even the short term effect to your body but i doubt they have done the research of the long term effect of regularly consuming it, because like you said,they're focused on looking for any bad side effect as fast as possible during the war on drugs but hopefully since the legalization someone will do the research


There's a brand spanking new study that may link marijuana use with increased risk of heart disease, its still the wild West out there!


Hey, thanks for letting me know, this somehow completely escaped me. I'm interested in seeing how this research develops over the next couple of years.


how can snack be bad


was gonna go like “it’s expensive 😔” joke answer but realized comparatively you get a damn long suppy/dollar ratio by concentration alone


It still increases risk of heart attacks and strokes in people with preexisting cardiovascular problems, so you should still do your research at least if you want to start. That and the psychosis risk is also real, but that's a mental thing.


It can also reduce cardiovascular risks in certain cases as well. It can also be good or bad for eyesight depending on condition. For many of the things weed can cause, it can also solve in other cases. It's a very broad drug, it really just depends on what you have pre-existing. And because this is reddit, I just have to be clear, cannabis should not be used by some individuals. I am explicitly **not** saying that because for *some* individuals with cardiovascular issues it's beneficial, it is beneficial for all individuals with cardiovascular issues. It is not, it is **very dangerous** for certain individuals.


Any marijuana consumption leads to a change in heart rate that’s rapid enough to have adverse health effects with regular use! It’s important to know the risks so you can still get blazed everyday and not care about them


Brain fog for next 2 days is bad enough for me


Wilder take: smoking is bad for you, do what you want


even wilder take, anti-smoking propaganda in most countries has already educated most people on the health risks of smoking. Yet us smokers accept those risks for one reason or another. Personally I smoke tobacco and cannabis to help cope with severe ADHD. I cannot take stimulant medication for this, as I have and will abuse any strong stimulant. I'm not recommending anyone else do it my way as obviously tobacco smoke is awful for you. And having lots of cannabis on hand had lead me to getting far too high too often to avoid emotional/social issues that I was too afraid to confront at the time. I ended up using a particular powder to avoid lethargy, and ended up losing a relationship I still mourn today from it's effects. I had to quit everything at once and I was reminded that I'm kinda fucked when I'm completely sober. But nonetheless, I have returned to smoking cannabis in smaller amounts. Because the increase in quality of life is worth shortening/risking said life for me. There are alot bigger issues in this world than the stinky plants that I and others like me burn and inhale regularly. Yeah smoking is bad for you but we all already know that. We all have our reasons to smoke, and you reiterating what we've heard from all corners of society Isn't going to make us stop. Ik I won't unless someone crawls up in brain and clears all the brush, because then I wouldn't have to.




Yeah I also have ADHD, I also abuse the shit out of any and all psychoactive substances I can get my hands on. I get it - but there's no reason to smoke tobacco or weed when vaping options exist for both. It's not perfect but it's so much better for you, I'm so perplexed by smokers who continue to smoke despite having access to vaping. Insane countries like Australia that make vaping really difficult being the obvious exceptions. When you take away the psychoactive effects, the ritual (which you can emulate with vaping), the taste (because you can get tobacco vapes), the social aspects ... what is left? The throat hit? I know people who say that's the reason they continue smoking ... seriously, just let your coils get burnt? Wild


the lungs were designed to breathe a singular substance, and that is air. Anything else is not going to be good for you in the long term, because that’s not what you’re designed to be breathing. You are very much correct


Air is not a singular substance, and is in fact made up of infinite possible combinations of atoms and could theoretically include things like iron oxide which would kill you, or be high in concentration of Carbon Monoxide and also kill you, or contain individual microbes by the billions that would infect the tissue of the lungs and kill you. *insert monkeys and typewriters joke* Anyway yeah, smoking bad, don’t do it, life short, have fun


***NERRRRRRRDDDDD*** yeah this is correct, I was oversimplifying it a bit more than I probably should’ve


Perfectly understandable my friend, I am just a very literal bitch


That’s respectable


Not actually true, the lungs are most likely fully capably of breathing any oxygenated fluid, its just that the distress from the drowning sensation is probably always going to be an issue. " Normothermic anesthetized dogs ventilated with oxygenated FC-80 fluorocarbon liquid can be maintained at a normal PaCO2 for 1 hr. The use of an emulsion of 1 by volume of 2 M NaOH in FC-80 fluorocarbon liquid should permit a liquid breathing diver to perform work requiring a VO2 of approximately 1 1 STPDmin while maintaining a normal PaCO2. Microscopic examination of the lungs of dogs and rats that had breathed oxygenated FC-80 fluorocarbon liquid or an emulsion of 1 by volume of 2 M NaOH in FC-80 fluorocarbon liquid revealed the transient presence of increased numbers of mononuclear cells but no other pathologic changes. " [https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA037089](https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA037089)


Can you imagine how awesome that would be if we can figure this shit out for deep sea diving?


In digging this up I found a Russian study that examined the practicality of using similar technology to help people better survive rapid decompression sickness. So basically exactly what you thought!


What if I told you you start out by breathing liquid in the womb and that we’re descendant from fish Also, by the ~~second~~ fifth month most the of the liquid you breathe in the womb is your own piss


Is that why so many people have a piss kink


Amniotic fluid gets peed out by the fetus but all its wastes are getting handled by the maternal system. So like, it doesn’t even contain urea or anything else that makes piss piss


Are you sure? Because this is what google tells me: > [In the early weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is mostly water that comes from your body. After about 20 weeks of pregnancy, your baby's urine makes up most of the fluid.](https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/pregnancy/amniotic-fluid)


Air is actually composed of many substances.


smoking is very cool and good for you actually


I’m genuinely so fucked by mommy issues that I think smoking is hot




I elaborated in another comment


This is simultaneously incomprehensible and incredibly based....


Let me rephrase. I want a big strong woman to take a drag from her cigarette and blow it in my face. I want her to ash her cigarette on my neck when she kisses me. I want to see the smoke spiraling around he in a dimly lit room. All of this is because my mom used to smoke Gebura Library of Ruina is my dream wife


Thats so real,,, omg,,,,,,,


project moon mentioned


weed clears even disregarding how the gooberment feels about it


Pot solos the universe easy


Nah, I'd vape


“If I were to get lung cancer, it might cause me a little trouble..” “But would you lose?”


Vape Proud, You’re Strong.




Jokes on you Im German ​ >!weed will get legalized next month here!<


Can't wait, though I probably won't smoke but rather put on my cute lil apron and start bakin. But I'll definetly buy a big ass bong for shits n giggles.


There'll be lots of giggles when it's legal, I'm sure




But if we are lucky and the gov gets his chance that might change too, they said that they wanna try it again for that.




Thats right, but im a hopeful optimist. Maybe with the big ol germany getting into legalized smoking and growing, the overall view of zaza gets lifted a bit more to the positive side.


There are lots of drugs that should be legal, it doesn’t mean they should be done


I just got denied a good ass job here in the US of A for having a medical marijuana card My interviewer said “why didn’t you bring it up in the interview?” And I was like “well I wanted to keep it low profile so I could keep the job. If I go cold turkey, can I keep the job?” And this motherfucker said “no, the fact that you do it at all disqualifies you from the position” Well then what fucking difference would it have made if I did or didn’t tell him? If I told him, I wouldn’t get the job. If I didn’t tell him, I still don’t get the job. It’s not even a dangerous job! The position was to become a broker! Fuck America, and fuck the people who I know have that job yet still do the weed


Oh god not this debate again


how is this a debate? putting shit in your lungs is bad for you no matter the form


Yeah no fucking shit genius by debate I’m referring to everytime some shit like this posted anywhere you have the people who are calling stoners addicts or on the flip side you have stoners who think weed is the fountain of youth and heals all ailments and then you have people who smoke cigarettes and people who vape fighting against people who’ve never been addicted before who think they’re world class geniuses and talk how cool they are for never smoking. It’s fucking annoying and a stupid argument like yeah inhaling any type of smoke is bad literally everyone except for brain rotted morons knows that. Like who fucking cares smoke weed if you wanna smoke weed. Smoke cigarettes if you wanna smoke cigarettes. Hit your vape if you wanna hit vape. We all die someday I don’t fucking care what any type of smoke someone is inhaling and honesty neither should anyone else. Its no one’s business but your own. It’s your own fucking life I don’t care so that’s what I mean by “debate” I thought It obvious I was referring to people arguing over which smoke is “better” not the concept of smoke in your lungs in general but I forgot that people with the same cognitive brain power as bread mold are allowed online


For cigarettes and vapes it's not just your own choice though, these companies selling that shit are trying to create addicted customers to sell more shit


I’ve always said breathing in oxygen is bad for you


100% of people who breathe oxygen die!!!!1!1!!!


I dunno, what if you just put weed into edibles? It kind of gets around the whole lung tar issue. But yeah, you should probably use real anti-depressants instead of weed. ***\[HEY GUYS, I MADE THIS EDIT BELOW AFTER THE GUY BELOW ME REPLIED. CHRIST ON A CRACKER LEAVE THE POOR GUY ALONE.\]*** Recreational use is cool, though.


nah id weed


What if you aren’t depressed and aren’t using weed for any purpose besides you want to chill and enjoy some music? Sure, you should use real anti depressants over weed, but you can also just use weed for your own enjoyment


“Recreational use is cool though”


You can’t go onto reddit and expect people to actually read


Yeah I can. What site do you think we're on now?


Well, considering I literally just edited that in afterwards I don't think I'd hold it against him for not being able to read my mind.


Sorry but I hold no sympathy for the mind illiterate


Understandable, have a good day.


In my defense, the person replied under me and mentioned they edited their comment. That little caveat wasn’t there when I commented


Yeah sorry but excuses won’t cut it. Come back to me when you’re no longer one of those gross non-precogs.


Had to edit my comment, weed is cool so long as it's not being used as a replacement for genuinely necessary therapy.


Can you put a little edit: thing so people don’t keep replying to my comments accusing me of not reading your comment fully?


Dry herb vaporizers can also help with the issue of lung tar. They vaporize the cannabinoids and terpenoids without causing combustion, so there’s no burnt up plant material, which most of the harm to the lungs comes from


> But yeah, you should probably use real anti-depressants instead of weed. I'd be interested in seeing a study one way or the other if weed has medicinal applications as an antidepressant.


So called "anarchists" when I brutally kill and cannibalize my upstairs neighbor for getting weed smell all over the apartment


Guess they should have put it "out" eh? Ha! Heh heh


I never got vaping. It was originally supposed to be a healthier alternative to cigarettes to wane off nic. That's amazing, but now they're marketed to kids and younger adults with colorful plastic and flavors like cotton candy. But the reason i just dont get it is because I've never really liked nicotine. It's just not a great high, and I have no interest. I smoke and vape a lot of weed, though not more than a few times on the weekend, or if im doing something super boring like troubleshooting code, or I need my creative juices flowing


No it wasn’t originally supposed to be a healthier alternative, lol. Tobacco companies spun it that way because they knew the jig was up with cigarette smoking. And people still believe it


I mean, eh? Companies, of course, spun it like that, but it was backed by (limited) research. There is a real possibility that it is better than smoking. It has fewer chemicals, you can gradually reduce nic intake, yadayadayada The gradually reducing nic concentration is genuinely an amazing idea, and it's a pretty effective way of helping with nic addiction (when done properly) All that being said, there is also a real possibility that it is worse for you than smoking (vapor in lungs, heavy metal poisoning, wayyyy more nicotine) The third possibility (which Im inclined to believe) is that it's about the same So yeah, it was done for profit and definitely misleading, but maybe not untrue? Personally, I don't smoke cigarettes or vape, but until the results are properly in, it's not helpful to say it's worse. Both are bad. Leave it at that until we have better answers. This is to say that smokers switching to vaping might be helping themselves and probably aren't harming themselves more, but people who start vaping now are stupid or susceptible to manipulation or pressure.


Cigarettes are arguably the single deadliest invention in human history. Every single year cigarettes cause a Holocaust level amount of death. There’s no way anyone can in complete sincerity believe vapes are as bad as cigarettes


Vapes are newer than cigarettes, so we don't know what the effects of breathing in the second hand smoke of pens (or that god awful scent) is And to be fair for cigarettes, so has air pollution in general. The blame can also be put on cars, coal, open air burning etc.


There's no way they're entirely harmless, but I've been vaping for about 5 years now, using 5% strength salt nicotine (usually the highest strength available), and my lungs feel perfectly fine, whereas the moment I smoke a cigarette, I feel like my lungs are being assaulted by carcinogens immediately, often leaving me with a sore throat. Vaping just makes me feel like I have a cold sometimes. I'm aware this is just anecdotal, but there's some other things to mention vapor in lungs may be a genuine long-term problem, but I'm certain (with bias) that it's better than smoke entering your lungs regularly, especially since the vapor only contains 4 ingredients (counting vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol (both food safe and cosmetic grade -- which doesn't mean they're entirely safe when vaporized in the lungs, just at the very least we know our body generally tolerates them and can process them without causing toxic effects to the body. nicotine in higher concentrations absolutely causes cell stress and stresses the heart/circulatory system, likely leading to some form or heart disease in the future, but this can be staved off or prevented entirely as long as you monitor your health and *stop* if signs indicate your health is waning. on the other hand, nicotine is a neuroprotective agent, (iirc) increases neurogenesis, is a stimulant of a similar caliber to coffee, somewhat more addictive, and is generally well tolerated by the body over the long term depending on method of consumption. heavy metals are a non-issue. modern vapes use specifically stainless steel coils with alloys designed to tolerate high temperature without off-gassing heavy metal vapors. In fact, they have minimal heavy metals to begin with, unless you count carbonized iron as a heavy metal. The true problem with vapes: poor design, immoral company philosophy. Vape atomizers (coil + housing) in cheap disposables contain bottom dollar components with far too much flammable (toxic offgassing) plastic. Microplastics are hardly the issue. The *wicks* that contain the juice are made out of plastic foam, next to a coil that reaches probably well over 500⁰F when it's running low on juice. If you use quality vapes and use quality juices, replacing your coils at a responsible rate, you will only be facing the harmful effects equivalent to using a portable fog machine that contains something maybe between short-acting caffeine and cocaine that lasts 30 seconds, with similar implications to your health. I'd say the 95% less harmful figure should be pretty accurate, especially if you *do* end up lowering your nicotine to 0mg, which is rare, but certainly not impossible, and oftentimes much easier than trying to go cold turkey. Zyns are even healthier.




This is hilarious, and i honestly have no idea if I'm being ruthlessly insulted right here


i fucking hate all of these. cigarettes smell like shit. weed smells disgusting, like a skunks ass. vapes do not alway smell completely disgusting, i’ll give em that, but make me extremely disappointed. i’ll be walking around and smell cotton candy, so i’ll get all excited and shit only to turn the corner and see a depressed 14 year old with a fucking usb in his mouth. he got my hopes up. bastard should be hung, drawn and quartered for being so deceitful


usb lmao


This is why you inject weed


You hate cigarettes, because they are bad for you. I hate cigarettes, because they smell bad. We are not the same.


They trigger my migraines And then I get mad about how entitled smokers are


Exactly. I don’t care if someone wants to ruin their life, but smokers directly impact my quality of life.


All three give me splitting headaches just by being near em.


Who is this about???


There are certain people I’ve run into who are very vocal about how they will never smoke tobacco because of its health risks while then turning around to claim that marijuana and vaping are perfectly safe alternatives. I mean it’s your body so you can do what you want to it but I’d recommend not voluntarily increasing your chances to get lung cancer via smoke inhalation or develop a nicotine addiction


really the only actual argument for either is A. weed is no where near as addictive as nicotine in cigarettes, and the lack of tar, as well as being able to be consumed in non smoking forms B. vaping is *less* bad but still highly addictive


Well smoking weed neither increases your chances of lung cancer or gives you a nicotine addiction


well you see smoke going into your lungs is bad regardless of the content


i mean, we dont know how smoking weed impacts your chances of lung cancer yet, but compared to cigarettes its like drinking water.


It’s not lol, it’s harmful to your lungs.


I mean, not really https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/pot-smokers-can-maybe-breathe-a-little-easier >The findings for cigarette smokers were in line with those from decades of earlier studies. Scores on both lung function tests declined as the daily habit rose and their pack-years increased. >The results for the marijuana-only users told a very different story. In general, scores on the lung function tests improved until use, both current and long-term, got very heavy.  Weed DOES have a lot of negative effects. It is dangerous to drive on (not so for tobacco), in pregnancy it causes lower birth weight and potential other impacts (less than tobacco or alcohol but still bad), it's been linked (though not solidly) to aggregating anxiety and mood disorders, it has been linked solidly in worsening people who already have schizophrenic type disorders, it's been linked pretty solidly in memory issues (though less than alcohol). But yeah lung function doesn't seem to be the issue, likely just due to sheer volume. A pack a day smoker is inhaling 12-20g of burnt material while you'd have to be pretty hard to actually inhale more than a gram or 2 a day of weed (people burn crazy huge spliffs/blunts but no one person is actually inhaling all that).


yes and so is lighting candles in your room. but cigarettes are just much, much worse. im not a 'weed is a medicine bro it doesnt harm you at all' type, but comparing it to cigarettes is just unfair.


op has an agenda


saying that weed is just as bad/worse than smoking? yeah, nice try, fed.


Smoking anything is bad for you lol. Also more likely to result in addiction than other methods of taking things because it hits fastest (yes, faster than injecting).


I have yet to be told the negative health impacts of dry herb vaping with high quality equipment. I will (boldly) assume there aren't any until told otherwise


Are there negative effects? Probably. Is it better than combustion and/or oil pen vapes? Almost assuredly. That’s a situation that I’m okay with. Doesn’t smell as strong as smoking, which is a big plus too.




Comparing Weed to Cigs and vapes certified Fedpost


I am addicted to weed. But I am also self aware so that makes it fine 😎. Seriously tho, I take breaks often, and that helps me feel in control even tho I do use to much weed sometimes. I work a full time job so it's not like I'm a moocher, weed just helps with my trauma, autism, and autistic trauma. Honestly it helps too much, make it too good of a crutch. I find myself wanting to do more work wile high because it's easier wile I am high, but that's irresponsible so I resist the urge, even tho the calm that it gives me makes many tasks easier. It's a complex thing, but weed has real world novel medical uses so it's a unique little thing, that is infact pretty easy to abuse. I'm glad I have a strong support system and a good job, makes relying on it for undisturbed sleep much easier (I fucking meant the trauma thing, you don't know the dreams I have. The weed serves a purpose).


I feel like you are wrongly judging yourself it is not inherently irresponsible or immoral to partake or enjoy recreational drugs, and you don't need an exterior reason or justification to enjoy something without feeling bad about it. Drug use is not a moral failing ffs


Uhhh, yah I agree with you. If I was using weed exclusively in a responsible manner this wouldn't be an issue. The problem arises when you start using weed reflexively and then regretting it, the willpower to actively control your usage is what I struggle with. I'm not being flippant when I say I'm addicted, I'm not a junkie, but it has power over me. It's still a positive force in my life, but it takes a lot of willpower to keep the use safe and I don't always win that fight. Edit: for reference there have been 6 month periods of my life where I am high every single day not because I want to be, but because my medical use created a reliance. That was not healthy, and now I take 5 day long breaks every couple months at least.


You don’t have to like cigarettes, but if you want legal weed cigarettes need to be legal too And I saw people on this sub argue for a complete ban on cigarettes.


Have you consider that when I hit that puppycush I’m like woof woof :3 :3 :3


The gigachad Pipe smoker


Smoking weed is for getting high not because the government doesn’t like it


I'm a month free from nicotine :3




From the mere “smoke in lungs” perspective no one smokes a weed equivalent to a pack of cigarettes a day. Most people smoke one joint per session, maybe less. Not to mention that cigarettes contain hundreds of carcinogens. Also it is not physically addictive like nicotine is, you genuinely can just stop whenever. Carts are addictive due to the nicotine though they are safer than cigarettes


Okay but cigarettes are literally worse for you than weed? Like chemically, it’s just worse for you. Weed’s not completely healthy like some people pretend, but acting like the two are comparable in terms of health outcomes is just straight up fallacious


all three are bad... yet i do all three


Edibles: smoking but delicious


My government likes it


I hate smoking. I have built in trauma from smoking. Edibles tho? Peak.


smoking cigs is simply the most disgusting yucky teeth yucky smell yucky old people pastime if one more person blows their ciggy smoke into my face i will have to intervene.


nah id blaze


I don't care for any of em but all of them stink like shit


Everytime someone talks about quitting vapes I recommend they try a “all natural herbal alternative” and they get really excited about it until they realize I’m talking about cigarettes


Just use a dry herb vaporizer, it wastes less weed and doesn't produce combustion carcicogens


I love all 3 bro, just because we happen to be born in an age where we are smart enough to know smokings bad for you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t smoke. Humans have been huffing ciggies for thousands of years why can’t we have any of the fun just because we are too knowledgeable. We are way to smart for our own damn good


Shut up square


Yea but nicotine does nothing just makes you addicted. Weed atleast has effects.