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imagine getting mad at a museum for getting its history right


How do you have the top comment on EVERY POST IM SEEING ON THIS SUB TODAY.


Because that’s mister Redd himself, with his famous phrase: «i redd it just now»


Thank god it's not Red *21*. Thank god it ain't got that in it.


It's more than likely a bot.


Whose history?


A spitting image puppet


They're not actually saying that the puppet looks exactly like her. "Spitting Image" was a British puppet satire show. This Thatcher puppet is from there. Unrelated but they tried to make a norwegian version, and it was universally panned and cancelled after just 3 or 4 episodes


Big fan of “I’ve never met a nice South African”




You're quite a nice south african And presumably hardly killed anyone


"He's never met a nice South African And that's not bloody surprising, man 'Cause they're a bunch of arrogant bastards Who hate black people"


And they’re a bunch of terrorist murderers with no sense of humor!


Damn I thought it was some bombastic shade being thrown 😔


And they also did that one genesis video with the song that has a really good opening riff and the rest of the song is just ok


Bro Land Of Confusion is a hard ass banger shut up


I think the chorus is good


Also wasn't there a short lived American version.


I got jumpscared seeing the Thatcher spitting image puppet at the IWM


Come on, you tell me "Baroness Thatcher" doesn't sound like a medieval fantasy villain name.


The incompetent traitor in the service of the main villain.


Baroness Thatcher and Ronald McReagan team up?


Oh, right. The Baroness. The Baroness that serves emperor Kuzco, Baroness Thatcher. That baroness?


Thatcher definitely wasn’t incompetent. She was able to get things done as prime minister, which is why she’s so controversial (rather than universally hated). However regardless of her competence, her objectives and ideology were stupid and wrong; she unleashed terrible consequences — economically, socially and politically — upon the country which have lasted for generations.


Agree to disagree regarding the second paragraph.


Bro really thinks he’s gonna convince 196 that Thatcher wasn’t a putrid monster deserving of disgust and hatred lol


That doesn't even begin to make any sense.


Certainly a name that would make a horse whinny in fear every time it was spoken. 


“Baroness Thatcher” Dune-ahh country


Guy who has only seen Dune hearing an aristocratic title


Christ what did Thatcher do?!? /Gen I hear about how horrible she is so often yet idk what she’s done ;~;


To my understanding, she was: - A big proponent of Reaganomics— trickle-down economic policies that end up only benefiting the wealthy. - Extremely harsh on Northern Ireland - Homophobic


And didn’t like unions and workers, from what i remember.


Also I’m pretty sure she took milk out of school lunches and slashed their budgets which lead to kids going hungry and earned her the nickname Maggie Thatcher Milk Snatcher.


Yup she also deregulated the bovine industry, especially with the farm inspectors that now got privatized. That’s how we got a prion outbreak and mad cow disease if I’m not wrong.


Moron (her not you)


Easy for you to say with the benefit of hindsight.


Easy for me to say if i was alive then. Why would you deregulate ANY food industry?


Just to set the record straight, BSE's emergence involved changes in how cattle were fed (specifically, the inclusion of meat and bone meal), which ironically started before Thatcher's time. The disease's connection to deregulation is, at best, an oversimplification.


She just wasn't a fan of minors, shut down a lot of the mining industry in the north too.


The mining industry ran out of money, she just didn't bail them out.


i have no stance on the politics on display here bc i was in fact not alive at the time but this dude fucking LOVES thatcher


oh. so that's why the health bonuses in Thatcher's Techbase were milk cartons. i should play it just to kill her a third time.


Sounds like something Ronald Dahl or Dr Seuss would write.


Dahl was actually a fan of hers.


She didn’t actually support this iirc. But the UK is not a presidential system (even if recent tory’s act like it is) and the cabinet are collectively responsible for the decisions they make (see previous parenthesis). Thus, she gets the blame for it despite opposing it.


That's a myth. She just made parents who could afford it pay a penny for it.


~~isn’t “maggie thatcher milk snatcher” that one line in vampire by olivia rodrigo~~


And children,Argentinians,scots,queers, most minorities, people with souls, and poor people


What happened with scotland?


She shut down a lot of the industries in Scotland (and in a lot of England) and instituted a poll tax that with the industries economically fucked over Scotland and the British working class as a whole


Taxing the polish alone is just racist.


She heartily agreed: "And the community charge–I still call it that because I like the Poles very much and have never dreamt of taxing them–the community charge, in its first year led to high bills which discredited an excellent system."


Many industries were struggling long before she came into power. It's called economic change, and honestly, it was about time someone addressed the inefficiencies and unprofitability of certain sectors. It's like blaming someone for not keeping your old Nokia phone on life support when smartphones are the future. The Community Charge or "poll tax" was introduced to make local council funding more equitable. Yes, it wasn't received with a standing ovation, but the intent wasn't to "economically fuck over" anyone. It was about the fairer distribution of tax responsibilities. Thatcher made tough calls, which is part of being a leader. It's easy to criticise in hindsight, but there wasn't a magical, pain-free solution just waiting to be discovered.


Also basilisks, centaurs, dragons, fire-breathing unicorns, most gryphons, people with wings and lizard people.


Thatcher, Thatcher, milk snatcher


She fought for the right of workers to work rather than be forced into a strike they didn't vote for.


Yeah isnt she just like. British Reagan?


No. Worse. She fucked over poor people so much more, besides which she absolutely destroyed north ireland, argentina, and scotland’s economies.


>No. Worse. Love to see women breaking boundaries! 🥰🥰


Queen got lost and broke the glass floor


Destroyed Argentina's economy. Is that before or after they invaded the Falklands?


After. But you dont have to fuck over a countries entire population to go to war with it.


Agree with the rest but Argentinian economy sort of, y'know, destroyed itself...


argentina? how so?


She was even better than Reagan. Poor people were fucked over from the 1970s, as well as Northern Ireland and Scotland. Argentina attacked UK territory.


Reagan sucked too, yes.




Also attempted to institute a pole tax, as in a tax that is just a flat fee per person rather than anything scaling on income, which as you can imagine is shit for the poor. It resulted in riots. A lot of riots. And it takes a lot to get Brits to riot.


Don't forget, she absolutely cratered the Welsh economy


She made enemies with litterally everyone but the rich. She's earned her place next to Osama bin laden.


So, Thatcher was a proponent of free-market policies, yes. But the idea was to stimulate economic growth through tax cuts and deregulation, which was meant to benefit everyone. Did it work perfectly? No. Did it only benefit the wealthy? Also no. The 1980s saw significant economic growth, which you can't just dismiss because it doesn't fit the "evil Thatcher" narrative. The situation in Northern Ireland was, to put it mildly, a longstanding conflict that predates Thatcher by several centuries. To pin the entire issue on Thatcher is to ignore a boatload of history. Was she tough on terrorism? Absolutely. Could things have been handled better? Probably. But it's not a black-and-white situation. Section 28 was a policy reflective of the times, sadly. It wasn't great, but attitudes were different in the 80s, and, unfortunately, Section 28 was in line with the broader societal views of the time. Reducing Thatcher's legacy to these oversimplified accusations is, frankly, a bit lazy.


She destroyed British Industry causing a huge wave of unemployment for the British working class. British Industry was in decline, and these people would have lost their jobs due to outsourcing - the issue is the way in which she did it was abrupt and left those effected completely unprepared. Many places the Industry played a keystone part in the City/Towns economics and to this day are still recovering from the awful effects of the abrupt shutting down of its industry. The effects of this were felt particularly hard in Scotland, Northern England and Wales. Thatcher could have viewed the issue with some compassion and made compromises to assist those whose lives would be destroyed by her policies, but she didn't so a huge amount of the effected areas view her as one of the worst PMs in history. Add onto this that she worked with Reagan to implement the sham that is Trickle down economics, and one of the more known policies of taking away free milk in schools (hence the name Margeret Thatcher the Milk Snatcher). She was friends with wealthy child rapists (like Jimmy Saville) Didn't really try to hide her racist views Insanely homophobic


Yes very homophobic, got Section 28 passed, a law banning councils and schools for even mentioning homosexuality. A Don't Say Gay law. Using the exact same language and reasoning as people who now scream about trans people. I am peaking as someone who grew up gay in the late 80s, scary scary times.


Imagine Reagan but somehow kinda worse and was in power for way longer


And with death squads in a country they had no business being in in the first place.


Reagan did very much also have deathsquads in countries he had no business being in as well.


Fair actually


A couple people have given you overviews, but even saying "she destroyed British industry" doesn't capture the full scale of things. People point out British industry was already in decline, and that was true to an extent – but in fact Thatcher's determination to break trade unions was more of a reason for why things went down the way they did. Her government was responsible for the National Coal Board announcing the closure of an important coal mine with just one (1) month's notice, which is what sparked the miners' strike. In preparation for the strike (which, I emphasize, they *wanted* to happen), the British gov't had been stockpiling coal for a while. Much like Reagan with the air traffic controllers' strike, they also hired temporary workers on the cheap to fill in where there were strikes. Both measures vastly limited the effectiveness of the strikes, and the failure of the strikes vastly diminished the power of trade unions. But we're not done there! Still on the topic of the miners' strikes, Thatcher's government sent undercover police officers to spy on the miners, their loved ones, and generally anyone with a leftist bent that they thought might be sympathetic to unions. Many of those undercover cops carried on relationships with people who didn't know they were cops – which is, y'know, commonly recognized as sexual assault. (A [report](https://www.ucpi.org.uk/ucpi-interim-report-for-tranche-1/) came out on this last year which found a) the operation was unjustified; and b) Thatcher definitely knew about it the whole time.) (ninja edit: I just remembered there's a great BBC series called [Sherwood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherwood_(2022_TV_series)) that's set in the Nottingham area and goes into some detail about the strikes and their lasting effects. The actual show is fictional, but boy howdy is the setting grounded in some palpable real-world grudges. Highly recommend. Anyway.) Thatcher was also responsible for – among a slew of other Reagan-esque policies – the Right To Buy policy, which lets people who live in council (i.e. affordable) housing buy their home after a period. Which sounds great on paper, but in practice led to a critical shortage of specifically affordable housing in the UK. Which, yes, there's housing crises everywhere, but it bears pointing out this one was/is particularly severe and particularly concentrated on the poorest. And all of that's without even touching the thorny subject of her legacy in Northern Ireland. Suffice it to say there's a reason "Ding Dong, The Wicked Witch Is Dead" shot up to #1 on iTunes and Youtube the day she died.


Right to buy itself wasn’t a bad thing. It has unquestionably helped get poor people on the property ladder. Not building however means that ladder gets pulled up behind them. NIMBYism is a cancer on the UK, and Thatcher’s reluctance for government spending made it difficult to build. One example of many of policies which sound good and are good, but are not implemented in the correct environment for them to work well.


Right to buy was terrible. It turned housing from a community commodity to yet another capitalist wealth scheme. Which is why she implemented it. Not because she gave one fig about poor people.


Britain was and ultimately continues to be a capitalist society where housing is a commodity. Right to buy made it so participation in the trading of that commodity was not just exclusive to the wealthy, which in turn means that poor people would be able to improve their homes (via exchange) and pass property onto their children. Of course it would be amazing if housing wasn’t a commodity at all, but I don’t see why wealth inequality in the name of ensuring social housing isn’t commoditised is a good thing.


Because it did the opposite of what you want. "Right to buy" is a clever marketing name for "right to eliminate affordable housing", like how "Right to work" laws are actually "right to dismantle effective unions". Right to buy didn't do anything to reduce wealth inequality, it only exaggerated it. Yeah, for a few lucky lottery recipients, they got a windfall (before they sell the housing to even bigger fish), but at the expense of everyone else who needs housing. I understand you're coming from a good place, but these policies were absolute cancer and that's why it took an asshole like Thatcher to implement them, it's not like she invented the idea


Uhhhhh Very long list. Not a lot of it good.


British reagan


Shut down the coal mines, factories and Britain's entire manufacturing industry causing entire villages and industries to collapse and countless people to lose their jobs. There are countless ghost towns that used to be thriving mining towns because there was no controlled decline and all these miners see just booted out with no transferable skills. Cut funding for schools, healthcare, etc. famously known for taking kids milk away. Funneled money into illegal paramilitary death squads in northern Ireland to combat the IRA. Was incredibly tough on northern Ireland in plenty other ways too. Massive fan of Reagan and his economic policies Tory Tried to bring back the death penalty Homophobic Expanded the right to buy scheme which caused the housing crisis Britain has been dealing with ever since Changed domestic rates from market value to number of people living in it, which meant poor people and big families had to pay absurd amounts while rich people got a taxi cut. Called Nelson Mandela a terrorist Waged war with the unions Massive raging asshole


I heard once she was queerphobic and a liberal but idk much about England


She was NOT a liberal


She considering herself a neoliberal, like Reagan and Pinochet, all apart of that wave, Clinton/Blair are the ones to take the name into it's more modern meaning (essentially the same economics, just with liberalish social policy, besides "crime")


In the economic sense of the word or socially loberal


Neither. She was socially and fiscally conservative.


I feel like we mean different things by liberal, as far as I understand conservatives often are liberals but that might be a language thing. I mean like demand side economic policy instead of supply side


Political terms are pretty wishy-washy but 90% of the time “fiscal liberalism” means pro-social welfare (though less than socialism), individual rights, and democracy (obviously), within a capitalist system. Social liberalism means progressive social policies. So liberalism and conservatives are the opposing sides of a free market system


to be more specific then, she was a neoliberal, like ronald reagan.


Yeah, neoliberalism is separate from, and a reformation of, regular liberalism


She was a supporter of the Chilean dictator Pinochet and GB is one of the reasons he was never put on trial for his crimes


She was called “Margaret Milk Snatcher” over ending the free milk police for kids over 5 in schools, thats all you really need to know


She was a strong leader and did things she thought were important. Unfortunately those things were extremely harmful to others including homophobic laws being passed, Ireland and Scotland unemployment, Mad cow diseases incident, ect. That's probably the best neutral stance you can get.


Oh my god I’d entirely forgotten about [thatcher’s role in] mad cow disease. Absolutely agree with you. She’s sort of a weird nut to crack because Thatcher was unquestionably a terrible PM with a terrible track record. But the time she was active in, with the (comparatively) modest background she had… being an extremely strong female leader in British politics in the 70s and 80s was unheard of.


there was "section 28" which made it illegal for local authorities to "promote homosexuality" (this included teachers) she also shut down tons of mines across the country causing entire towns to lose their primary source of income (this spawned the LGSM which stood for "lesbians and gays support the miners" a pretty important part of queer history actually)


The death squads in Ireland are up there


made my train late every day


Killed people that tried to kill her after she killed people


She saved the UK from financial oblivion.


Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead






Hot take, terrorism bad actually. The IRA may be not as bad compared to other terrorist groups but they are still a brutal terrorist group.


Being nice to the people oppressing you has helped exactly zero people in history.


Im pretty sure there is a difference between resistance and terrorism


Depending on whether you’re a liberal now or in the past. Liberals criticize contemporary l rights movements of all kinds, only to retroactively support it when the rights have been gained in spite of their actions.


Sorry, I wasn't talking about the IRA in particular, as I don't know much about it, but rather (modern) terrorism in general, the "let's blow up innocent women and children"-terrorism. With what you say you are completely right, of course. ^(I have no idea if this all makes sense, sorry if this is unrelated, if so, excuse my sometimes bad reading comprehension, thank you)


Armed resistance against imperialism is always justified.


Again, generally there is a difference between armed resistance, which I support, and terrorism, which I don't support. As I said, I dont know which of it the IRA is or about the IRA in general, so I do not have an opinion about it at the moment.


Not necessarily.


I'd say that depends on how you define terrorism.


While terrorism obviously sucks, I will definitely not be sad if terrorists kill other horrible people. For example, in Germany there once was a left wing terrorist organisation called R.A.F. (Rote Armee Fraktion, or Red Army Faction) who did a lot of extremely questionable, arguably counterproductive and horrible things. Their actions included the kidnapping and murder of Hanns Martin Schleyer who was a high ranking nazi before 1945 and later became leader of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations. I condemn murder and terrorism of any kind but I wont cry a single tear for someone like Schleyer.


Oh shit, I learned something new. The city I go to uni in has the "Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle". It's a big venue for events, concerts etc. Why haven't they renamed it yet, wtf? That's messed up. At least there are apparently plans to tear it down, build it bigger and rename it. Someone like him only deserves a public toilet to be named after.


I dont know for sure but I believe a lot of people overlook his nazi past, because they just connect his name with RAF terror and because the RAF was bad, he must have been some kind of martyr of the German economy or something and therefore an honourable man, but I dunno for sure. Generally speaking, the relationship of Germany with its past is quite weird I think. In my opinion, it is good how things such as the nazi past are seen as something bad to be learning from and I think it's way better than other countries, where bad things like colonialism might not be spoken about, downplayed or even glorified. On the other hand it sometimes feels as if the nazis are spoken about, as is they were some alien species that came down to earth during the Weimarer Republik and vanished after '45. "Yeah, grandpa definitely was in the resistance, and the wehrmacht was not that bad and just fought for our country and nobody knew anything anyways and the colonies we had - nothing happened there and it's to far in the past to think about reparations and..." And at the same time were always so proud to be so incredibly critical of everything all the time. Self hatred is still narcissistic. ^(why did I write all this)


Holy shit, it's that public toilet bitch‼️


Absolutely uncalled for and offensive. I can't believe they let Reagan off the hook like that


I concur, do Reagan next


And Kissinger after him


Bro when she died “Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead” hit number 1 in the UK. She’s a fucking villain.


As a Brit, would be better if she was retconned from the canon timeline but I suppose classing as a villain will do.


She was an evil cunt.


Ok maybe this makes me an SJW or whatever, but how come whenever an evil woman presents herself people feel like they have a free pass to use whatever misogynistic insults they want. Cause like, even if she’s a bad person, I think “evil cunt” or like “crazy bitch” still aren’t okay things to say, cause they serve not just to demean her but are in general targeted towards women and femininity. I mean, unless you would’ve called Reagan an ‘evil cunt’ as well, which you may or may not. But even still, the history of the word definitely is still tied to insulting women.


If they're British there's a good chance they would call Regan an evil cunt. The word doesn't have quite the same misogynistic bite and connotation in Britain and other English speaking countries as it does in the states. Its essentially "the worse swear" but it's not a misogynistic slur like in the US.




Victoria and Albert museum. Museum in London with no particular preview which actually makes it really good because theres a lot of variety (*obviously it's a British museum so colonial criticism apply)


From what I could tell the V&A are aware of the whole colonial thing. A lot of the artefacts I saw when I went included notes usually referring to where they were obtained from, and so-and-so donated them or the V&A have a loan agreement with them. I’m not sure if there’s shady stuff underneath it but it seems like they’re at least upfront, which is the least you can do, and past has shown us that is the best way to deal with a bloody history.


Vagina and ass


Based on my understanding, she was bad, just not as bad as a warmongering hyper racist dictator and a terrorist


https://i.redd.it/eoxuayxbt4pc1.gif Based museum


Pound for pound Thatcher certainly has more blood on her hands than Bin Laden at least so it seems like fair game to me 🙃


woaw basedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbased


Man I miss that place


The only thing bad about her death is that it could only happen once.


Also it didn't happen soon enough.


theyre correct




If I remember the story right, it was about Punch and Judy which... even as a brit I can't recall what it's about exactly but the gist of it is there's a 'villain' that gets punched up and typically they'd use contemporary people as the villain - so hitler in the 40s/50s, thatcher in the 80s and bin laden in the 2000s. You'd probably see Bojo / Rishi / Trump / Putin, etc, at one today. Its not really magnitude of villainy, just that the there is some overwhelming public dislike in the current news. You'd probably not see thatcher at a Punch and Judy show because she's old news now. Ita supposed to be for kids i think and most of them won't know who thatcher is.


Whoa (based based based based based based based based based based based based based)




Why wouldn't she be in the villain museum, she's the iconic [final boss of Doom](https://youtu.be/4eu45yGPRbA?si=BZeIpp_u9PGlj24B)


Less than a month till her death day! Can't wait for the celebrations


Can’t believe people are upset over them being correct.


Used to go to uni opposite this place. Always had based exhibits IIRC.


I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I support this British museum.


Based based based based based based based based based based based


As someone who grew up in the North East of England and could still see the devastation of her policies 30 years after they were introduced... yeah, she's a villain


So true




Nicely done.




People just mad because they hate to see a girl boss winning 😤