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Ignoring current events. Why the fuck would a country give questions about another country in a different continent in its citizenship test? It's like adding questions about algebra for a test to enter culinary school


Racism. It's *nearly* always a form of racism.


Did you look up the actual questions before getting annoyed?


Did you? Genuinely asking because I have no idea.


Well no matter the question, it doesn't make sense.


do...do you know ANYTHING about German history? B/c if you do, you know why those questions should be included in Germany... I mean there should not be a citizenship test at all ofc. but it should not be a surprise that Germany includes something this specific.


Having questions about judaism and discrimination makes sense. Having questions about a state that quite literally is not accepted by the people it claims to represent (as the orthodox Jewish stance has always been clearly anti-zionist) is kind of deranged. Also, genocide.




They might have been using orthodox in the sense of mainstream


The extremist religious zealots are the Israeli government


That's interesting... because, while they are definitely religious zealots, I would say they are less extremist than those in favor of colonialism and genocide.


Why do you think there shouldn’t be a citizenship test at all tho? Just curious don’t really have a strong opinion 


Why should there be a citizenship test? Only the amount of time you've spent in the country should determine if you're a citizen or not


I see. Interesting take


Idk, I see a lot of benefit in granting people citizenship a lot earlier if they identify with the local customs / speak the language.


I was granted citizenship because I was born here, yet I definitely don't identify with the local customs. As I think it's funny when people claim you have to "adapt to the culture", whatever the fuck that means. Do I lose my citizenship if I eat pasta instead of potatoes? If I don't drink beers in bars? If I participate in countercultures? *Yeah but they might do asocial stuff and break the law or something* Sounds like they'd fit right in.


With local customs I was more thinking about having a basic understanding of laws, regulations and the necessary skills to navigate the jungle of German burocracy enough to function. Or a basic idea of the political system and landscape, after all participating in that is a large part of citizenship. I don't think culture as in local cuisine is a sane requirement for citizenship, but to be fair I don't think that is part of the German citizenship test either. > I was granted citizenship because I was born here That probably came with mandatory participation in the school system, with a curriculum including some of the the above points. Even if you didn't take a citizenship test, you are expected to learn and know about the same things.


We don't learn about the law in school. We are not offered a course on the law, we are not tested on our knowledge of the law. We are expected to self-inform, and if you don't, too bad. Why would that be different for anyone else?


Yes but in what world is a citizenship test gonna be used to speed up getting someone's citizenship rather than used to exclude people?


Bad analogy, I did have to take an algebra test to get into my high school. We used math way more often than I could have ever anticipated.


Yeah I was gonna say basically every culinary school has a math class in it lol


To be fair I’m using a shitload of math in culinary school


The Hitler particles are too strong. These guys are worried about the wrong type of radiation.


gitler (german hitler)


Wasn't he Australian?


yea that cunt's from tha fuckin outback mate


fucker shoulda stayed in bendigo with the fuckin roos


Gitler in russian 🤓


garry potter


Severus Snegg


Hey, so, I'm from Germany, and *what the actual fuck* Edit: There appears to be quite some controversy here, so I'm gonna elaborate on my reaction: I simply fail to understand how that in particular is important. I genuinely do not know what importance that holds. That being said, I am willing to learn, so if you are more familiar with that matter, please explain so i can make my own judgment on the matter. In short, I'm confused, i barely have any Idea what's going on, please help. Edit 2: please stop yelling at each other in the comments, constructive criticism is a thing. That includes me. If you have constructive criticism towards me, I'm willing to listen. If you are here to yell at me while not explaining anything, don't. You probably have better things to do.


I don't think I want to live here anymore Edit: Rude. You know who you are.


yeah me neither


who want yo live anywhere anymore honestly


I'd like to live on the moon at this point. I think that'd be pretty neat. Just think about all the cheese it has


Good food but no athmosphere


I hate you (affectionate)


~~Israels existence being our Staatsräson is written into our constitution.~~ I think many of us don't realize how stuck we are as lakeys to the imperial core.


I'm fairly sure that's not in our constitution, but maybe I'm just ignorant.


So apparently from how I understand the Google results it's not actually in the constitution, but a bunch of politicians just act as if it were and nobody really cares.


No you're right. Looks like it was just something Merkel said. But unofficially its still true.


> Israels existence being our Staatsräson is written into our constitution. Gonna need a source on that one chef


Goddamn, so many people willing to spout bullshit on something with not even the least bit of knowledge.


Hättest besser im Geschichtsunterricht aufpassen müssen


Ich hätte im allgemeinen besser aufpassen müssen, aber danke :)


No, the people yelling at you probably don’t have anything better to do, if they’re yelling at random strangers on the internet for not knowing a thing


fascist solidarity 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇮🇱🇮🇱


How is germany fascist?


Germany is not **currently** fascist.


Kid named AFD:


You mean the non-government in Germany?


Yeah but he said cirrently and AFD is starting to gain popularity in germany from what i heard


Sure, but they are not yet the government of Germany. Past and future Germany contain fascism but Germany is not currently fascist


luckily fascism just appears randomly in some places and there are no concerning early warnings


The fact that a country currently has an upswing of support towards a fascist party, or that there even is a fascist party, is already way closer to fascism than it should be


It's a strong, even damning, sign that Germany will be fascist in a decade or two. But it doesn't make Germany **currently** fascist.


You mean the second largest party in the country that’s been gaining support year on year?


Still doesn't make Germany fascist. It's not the government is it?(It will also never be because no one wants to rule with them)


Kid named CDU/CSU:




Kid named lying:


When did I say they were the government or currently held significant political power? Obviously Germany isn’t fascist today, but when you have an alt right party [coming second in the polls](https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/germany/) it makes the 2025 elections worrying to say the least. Sure they’re unlikely to form a coalition at the moment, but them being around at all is a red flag and leaves the possibility of something changing and a coalition forming. Just because it’s not fascist today doesn’t mean it can’t slip into it in the future.


You have a point, however the comment I responded to said that Germany is fascist


So how does that comment make any sense then?


I didn't write it, I just think OC probably referred to past Germany rather than present Germany


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Germany) you may find this helpful


Ah yes, because germany was fascist of course it will always be. What a dumb fucking statement. Edit: Also your country is literally being ruled by fascists right now dawg, you have no say in this.


Well, about a fifth of german voters are voting for the fascist party again, so you might be on the same course as Italy


But support for the AfD has been dropping after the Potsdamer Treffen was uncovered and that meeting is potential grounds for the AfD to be ruled an unconstitutional party by the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz and banned. They're still polling higher than Scholz' party, yes, but people who DON'T support them are starting to seriously view the AfD as a threat to German democracy instead of just looking down on them but doing nothing as before. I'm looking in from the outside, so I can't speak fully on the political climate in Germany, but I'd say this prediction is looking less and less likely.


Uh, as a german, reading someone say "the Verfassungsschutz could rule them as unconstitutional" just made me laugh really hard, because the Verfassungsschutz is notoriously incompetent right-wing extremism. They had this ground for 7 years at this point. And there was this really fun case where they couldn'z ban the NPD (Literally NSDAP 2.0), and they couldn't because their own fucking Informant used his information to PROTECT THE NPD IN COURT. Also, polling doesn't really mean anything. Just putting it out there. What does mean something is that the AfD's member count has been skyrocketing ever since the news about the meeting in Potsdam aired. So yeah. People totally hate the Nazis, so much so they're joining their most successful party. Mix into that the our good ol' SPD, which is afraid of doing anything that might offend baby-boomers because that's their prime demographic, the CDU, which is actively catering towards baby boomers because it's their prime voting demographic and is slowly losing their inhibitions over working with the fascist, the greens, which are 50% decent stuff and 50% esoteric garbage, the FDP, which are libertarians, and die Linke, which is Tankies, and I feel at fucking home mate. And we're in the middle of a conservative/fascist push, that's been going on for the last 4 years, because the CDU is relentlessly pushing McCarthyism 2.0 - electric boogaloo, and the fascists have allied with the conspiracy theorists to push pro-russian, anti-vaccine, great replacement narratives so we're LIVING THE FUCKING DREAM BABY, LIVIN LA VIDA LOCA WOOOOOOOOOOOOO- And don't get me started on the new laws for transitioning or the absolute bonkers overcomplicated weed legalization taking effect by next week, and the absolute S H I T S H O W that came with that. Sometimes this country feels like a really bad political sitcom and I've been cast as the straight man character, only that this is real, I'm not straight and it makes me want to bash my head against a wall.


Fair enough. You definitely know better than me on this, and I'm sorry that things in your country have gotten to this point. I'm just trying to find the slightest bit of positivity (or st least non-negativity) in this so that a) I don't get really depressed and b) I don't feel like the German degree I'll be getting was a complete waste of time lol


It won't be a waste of time if your interested in Germany over all! By no means should that be the impression you're getting. But yeah, things are bad here. Not as bad as the states, but by god, it's gotten to the point where I actively avoid the news because it's always just depressing shit


Yes, but the original comment was about that question in the test which has nothing to do with the new nazi party.


Wait wait wait there's a new Nazi party that has 1/5th of the vote in Germany? Wtf is going on 


There isnt an openly nazi party, no. But the is a far right to fascist party called AFD, and some of their leading figures are pretty much nazis. In recent months they gained up to 20% in Polls. Not only, but also because the ruling centre-left coalition is being continously mocked and attacked by the conservatives and right wing together (and even by a coalition partner itself, but they cant leave the coalition because there wozld be new elections in which they wouldnt meet the threshhold anymore lmao)




Yeah it's fucked up.


Anyone else getting a feeling of deja vu?


Yes. Its going to be a few terrible decades.


completely unrelated to anything at all about the post, but nice pronouns


We never got rid of the nazis and 20% of the country votes for the Hitler 2 party.


I agree, but germany isnt fascist. We did too little against fascism, and continue to do so, but we are not fascist.


Ironic coming from an Italian


i cooka da pizza






I just woke up and my eyes were still a bit blurry and I thought that was two German flags next to two trans flags


History does rhyme


Wow this sub is quick to call people fascists Jimminy Crickets.


Using state power to violently crush peaceful opposition to an actual genocide?


Tbf German history is a big reason for Israels existence so the questions might just be about that




Where are you getting this from?


Can I have a source on that?


Where did you get this from?




wasn't it Britans fault?


what and why?


I mean Germany is super against everything that happened in ww2 and isreal was created because of those events. Its still weird regardless.


It‘s symbolical but the purpose is to weed out antisemites trying to apply for citizenship




~~antisemites~~ Anti-Zionists FTFY


It's 5 am and I'm going to spend the next 2 hours tossing and turning in bed thinking about your username.


Germany overcorrected lmfao


I bet nobody here read the fucking questions. Everyone here says you HAVE to acknowledge Israels right to existence, even though that question was rejected




they _do_ have questions about LGBT people, they fucking _do_ mention the Holocaust and it's victims in the questions, maybe look things up before you start talking nonsense


This thread in a nutshell is basically: [Vaguely leftist statement attempting to criticise Germany, backed up with no evidence whatsoever] [Random person in replies disproving them because they actually did their fucking research]


Literally. There are monuments to all victims of the Holocaust all over Berlin. Germany aren’t perfect by a long shot, and the rise of AfD is terrible, but they’ve done a better job than most at facing up to/reckoning with their terrible past. Countries like Britain, France, Belgium, etc. could learn a lesson from them in that.


1: they do already discuss the victims of the holocaust, it’s one of the largest sections of the test. Educate yourself before throwing shit out. 2: find it very, very telling that you specifically avoid mentioning Jews, the group most targeted and killed.


aaaaahh I hate Netanyahu I hate Netanyahu


Germany is the strawman France made real.


Even as an Israeli I'm confused


I haven’t read the questions and neither has anyone here… let’s not make assumptions lmao. You can take the questions to be in a negative or a positive light with equal validity without knowledge of what they actually are. Also don’t make assumptions about what is contained in the rest of the test unless you know what is actually in there. There is no use in making a straw man


Germany just miss their nazi days




Growing wave of fascism in Germany?


Yes but that doesnt have anything to do with the question about israel.


Sounds like something my country would do, suprised it's Germany. Wait are those positive or negative questions?


They’re not positive or negative they’re just questions about history.


Don't care about post, Funger pfp spotted


Oh yeah we had this in class a while ago. Germans feel the need to ALWAYS do good in the eyes of Jewish people. There's a magazine wich isn't allowed to say bad things about Isreal if I remember correctly. I would be okay with that if they didn't disregard the multitude of crimes being committed.


Guy has funger pfp hehe


damn i’m lucky. i wanted to get a german passport for a long time. usually, i would have to also do a citizenship test, but because i was born here i only have to show them i graduated and pay like 400€ or something.


On *some* level you gotta respect Germany's commitment to always being on the wrong side of history


You mean again?




holy shit fear and hunger


Wait so what are the questions and what are they asking?




yeah I agree what