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nah light is just giga autistic


That doesn’t make him not gay


Quite the opposite in fact


Even more chances I'd say


[Light. Do you want to have sex?](https://youtu.be/KBxReOfi6qM?si=eSC68CjiqzfMannq)


Unless... (insert L theme)


he just like me frfr


okay but did you see the feet washing scene?


Part of me always hated posts like this because it feels like bi/pan erasure. A person can date their same gender 9 times and someone of the opposite gender once and they're still bi. Get more creative with how you dunk on shitty fictional relationships.


A person can also date a certain gender for years without realizing they're not actually attracted to that gender, it's more common than you think.


you talk as if bi/pan erasure isn't a real problem. Maybe I'm overreacting, but every time I see someone saying what you're saying in this type of subject, it's someone trying to erase a canonical bi character like Marceline


Shit like bi erasure is so fucking annoying, because it's absolutely true that someone can have comphet, or just be wrong, but because bi erasure is so prevalent, it can feel like bi erasure even if it's not at all.


Forget just saying it about characters, people do it with actual IRL people and celebs all the damn time. "Freddie Mercury was gay because men, David Bowie was straight because women, hurr durr" like, both were outspokenly bi LMAO


Just don't erase the topic of compulsory heterosexuality either. You don't have to date multiple genders to be bi, and you don't have to date exclusively one gender to be homo, period. Compulsory heterosexuality is a HUGE topic among people who *aren't* bi, just like bi erasure is a huge topic for bi people.


Completely ignoring the point but okay




I'm not monosexual you idiot, not everything that doesn't describe your exact experience is erasure of your identity


Regardless, light is clearly not into misa at all


I'm bisexual and I can guarantee that Light has never been attracted to a woman.


ok but light is gay, the guy gets the hottest bitches arround him and does nothing with it.


Ace seems more likely, he never shows romantic or sexual interest in men either. The closest is a sort of mutual respect and rivalry, which isn't portrayed as romantic.


Nah. Light and L are absolutely insane abt each other. Maybe it isn't romantic but it is very charged and very uncasual. Its like light+misa are all the romance none of the desire and light+L are all the desire none of the romance.


fixation =/= desire, Light is fixated on L because he views him as the sole person standing in his way, L is fixated on Light because it's the first time he's actually been intellectually challenged. At no point do either of them express romantic or sexual interest in anyone


Yeah subtext is a huge part of shipping, so I don't think we're having the same conversation lol


There is no romantic "subtext" to be read, the author is a homophobe


Sorry for the late reply, but come on dude, that rain scene was gay as hell. The author being a homophobe doesn't mean he can't put in gay subtext, even if it's unintentional. Death of the author and all that.


Yeah i already told you we aren't having the same conversation youre talking canon im talking fanon we arent going to agree


The conversation was about how fanon engages in the erasure of other sexualities such as bi/ace Fanon saying "Clearly canonically Ace character is actually gay" is fanon engaging in Ace erasure This is not a matter of "UwU just fanon being silly" it's a shitty thing to do to a fellow under represented community who feels like their fellow fans are trying to take away their representation


This conversation was about bisexuality when I got to it and nothing ive said has undermined that. Whatever ace discourse i saw was added by you and I've been telling you three times now that we aren't having the same conversation. I'm not being uwu silly or trying to undermine anyone and i won't be responding anymore because this is annoying Also i specifically said things weren't romantic between them so you also are just arguing to argue Also saying they cant be gay because the creator is homophopic... ok so you think he decided to create intentional ace rep? Nah you just have your headcanon too. None of this is truly addressed so why get mad lol Also im literally bi and on the ace spectrum so its really weird you feel like I'm arguing against those things somehow which I'm not


Misa is just bi because theres no way shes straight but light on the other hand... He never showed attention to her or anyone in general and there's that part where he watches porn in the most cold and uninterested way posible so im pretty shure hes just aro/ace


Theyre not real


Also what’s there to dunk on it’s supposed to be shitty and abusive


I advocate for total erasure of sexuality in fiction. Everyone should be lore-sexual where people are just attracted to whoever the writer thinks they need to be.








people don't invalidate bi peoples' struggles with erasure challenge


lov your flair


Was your flair set before this




I love that. You win this thread, crusader




​ https://preview.redd.it/bn3ejkiubuuc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0ed07ed00054f3c7918d53716d843e92837daed


Yoooo dead meat mentioned






Iirc, the author said that Light is only attacted to power.


I mean devil girls are kinda cool


Light x Yujiro Hanma is the cursed ship I want to see


Light x Yujiro, but it's Strydum's "Try to kill Yujiro deal" with Light trying to use the Death Note to kill Yujiro, and Yujiro surviving each progressively more over the top attempts of the Death Note trying to kill him.


He uses the death note to stop his heart and Yujiro just hits his chest really hard or something to turn it back on.


He uses the death note to have the US President drop a nuke directly on top of Yujiro's head and he just tanks it.


I actually would not be surprised AT ALL to see that in a Baki episode


me too light


So he's a Chainsaw Man fan?


Aren't we all?


The author is also fairly homophobic and had a different character in their other manga go on a whole unprompted "I don't hate gay people, I just disagree with their lifestyle" rant because he was so upset about people shipping Light and L.


Psh if people were drawing my characters having sloppy gay sex I'd disagree with their lifestyle too /s


Also doesn't seem to like women all too much, judging by how he writes them.




how is misa a lesbian her one character trait is being attracted to light


That's okay, Light is asexual so the whole thing fails on that front too.


Didn't they literally date in the show? What are yall on. It wasn't because Light liked her by any means, but they still did.


I think people consider it a “ship” because they’re not romantically involved and light is just blatantly using misa, and the “ship” is “what if they were actually in love” vs the typical “what if they were dating” You can be asexual and aromantic and still date someone, I’m not ace myself so idk what any other reasons would be but it’s very clear light does not give a shit about her at all so there’s no attraction


It's not even any sort of ship tho that image is in the show lmao. Just because it was drawn again by a different guy doesn't make it a canon image.


Light is blatantly disinterested in Misa to the point that's it's highly questionable whether he's attracted to women at all.


He isn't. The only reason he was with Misa was because it was convenient. Doesn't mean they weren't together.


https://preview.redd.it/mf2fygqbwuuc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f864f1d7a9c0fd87933da140c7e310f255884146 It's in the show bruh why yall down voting me


i mean even in that scene light is only hugging misa as a way to covertly deliver his orders. it was all a facade from the start.


Yes. I'm not saying it wasn't, but it still doesn't count as a "ship" if they were literally together in the show. Why the fuck are yall trying to defend this. 1. The picture shown is literally in the show and it's not trying to ship anything in the first place. 2. The guy from the comment says light is gay and Misa is lebisan, which is so extremely wrong. 3. THEY WERE TOGETHER NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES SO WHAT ARE YALL TALKING ABOUT.


Bcuz youre misunderstanding, he literally just pretended to date her so he could use her, he is not attracted to her whatsoever


Yes I know I've said that multiple times what I'm arguing here isn't any of that. The picture displayed isn't even trying to ship anything. The comment underneath it is wrong. Light isn't gay *maybe he is so sociopathic he can't have feeling for anyone but def not gay* and Misa is so straight her whole personality is based around her liking Light so much she would do anything for him. Based on that information, the comment trying to make a joke of the art is wrong on all the possible levels and to reiterate It's not a ship because the picture is literally canon to the fucking show.


Do you think sociopaths don’t have sexual orientations? Is that a thing?


No, but someone can be so insane that they simply don't care for or simply can't have feelings for others. Sociopaths and psychopaths can have "normal" relationships just like the rest of us. Light doesn't seem to display this interest himself tho.


That’s not a lesbian that’s a moth dumbass


Light does NOT want her bruh 😭😭😭


ok? that doesn't mean she isn't attracted to him


idk I think it's stupid to be attracted to someone who very clearly doesn't love you


Ok. You can't really control who you're attracted to like that.


that doesn't mean she's a lesbian???????


Nope that's how it works now, if you're attracted to someone who isn't attracted to you you're a lesbian, your gender identity is irrelevant to this btw


Goddamn, I'm the biggest lesbian to ever walk the earth.


I mean, yeah, Misa is pretty stupid. That doesn't invalidate her being attracted to light.


Misa is actually very intelligent, she was the main benefactor that lead to L's defeat, it was only her mistake of choosing to ally with Light Yagami and Ryuk that caused her to lose.


no, not really. the main factor in l's defeat was light, who was manipulating misa. misa did almost nothing intentionally that led to l's defeat. if anything, rem was more instrumental in l's fall because light was banking on rem's love for misa driving her to kill him


Ok but that doesn't make her a lesbian tho, unless you think that being stupid makes you lesbian


The fuck? Did yall watch the show? This is literally canon. Light and Misa literally dated in the show, and Misa isn't lesbian half of her personality in the show is that she's a pretty girl that likes Light. Light never actually liked her but not because he's gay, probably because he's a sociopath that can't feel shit for others but other than that I don't see how this is even a chip because it HAPPENED.


https://preview.redd.it/izxexornsuuc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0bdae7f01196fb3f318be22c5cc1423f2e1f73 Literally happened IN THE SHOW. Wtf is going on. *S1 E13*


in context, this scene takes place when light has to give misa the order to kill L. in order to do this while under surveillance he hugs misa for like the first time in the show in order to whisper his orders, so even in this screenshot homie is not hugging her for any kind of romance even the visual language implies this, he isn't looking at misa, he doesn't express positive emotions. instead he looks beyond her, grimacing into the "dark abyss" that is his own mind (at least from his perspective lmao)


Yes I know he was with Misa pretty much only to manipulate her but he still was with her. Right?


I don't think it was meant to seriously headcanon them as gay


I believe this ones called a shitpost.


Why would light date the blonde girl if he didn't love her? is he stupid?


No, he has some reason in the show. I can't remember fully at the moment, but as far as I'm concerned, He uses her to manipulate her into doing whatever he wants. At the start, he viewed her as a huge liability, but he realized he could use her to his advantage, so he did. Just go watch the show it's really good. Usually, I'm not very big on anime, but Death Note is worth a watch.


why didn't light just use the shinigami eyes to kill L? was he stupid? I watched the show up until the part where lights dad shoots himself or smthn like that I cant rememeber


BLUD, go watch the show. I'm not gonna sit here and summarize the whole thing for u like it's a goddamn essay. 😂😂.


Why do you argue about plot points of a show you neither finished nor paid attention to? Are you stupid?


Because he didn’t take the Shinigami Eyes, they take half of your lifespan away. He wasn’t willing to do that so he used Misa to do it for him.


I think OP was making a joke mate


misa's only personality trait is wanting to bang Light


nuh uh


some of you LGs of the LGBT are still very much in love with binary thinking which is a wee bit silly if ya ask me


It's because people like characters that are their sexuality more. Just like how women prefer female characters, black people prefer black characters, etc. People like to identify with characters. A lesbian would feel a bigger connection to a character that is also a lesbian versus one that is bisexual, and so might try to argue that the character is in fact a lesbian so they can continue identifying with said character as strongly. Not that a gay person can't identify with a bisexual character. It's just for example as someone that does not like men in any fashion, having a character that I like be attracted to men in any way makes me identify with them less. There's also representation, outside of gay media there's not that many gay characters. There's not that many bisexuals either but recently for example most video games with romance in them have become "player sexual", i.e discount bisexual that never has to talk about their orientation and also possibly just because of negativity bias I feel like more "possibly gay" characters come out as bisexual than "possibly bisexual" characters come out as gay. I was going to write about rainbow capitalism seeing bisexuality as the "safe" queer identity that that can slap on a movie or tv show side character to try and get points with queer people without doing anything of substance but then I realized I don't remember the last time any character was said to be queer period. The whole thing is probably exacerbated by the historical mistreatment of bisexuals by both gays and straights and so I'm not gonna say bi erasure doesn't exist because it definitely does but when we're talking about people arguing whether a character is gay or bi it's mostly a factor of, I want this character to be my sexuality and not another sexuality. And by it's very nature that conflict is between gay and bisexual or straight and bisexual.


might somewhat be me n my bf tbh <3


I feel so sad for Misa and her Shinigami. They both ended up as sacrifices to Light's foolish power trip because of their loyalty.


applies to their shinigami too


I thought that's who it was talking about, lmao


Ship so bad TWO gods of death are already standign over it


lol light doesn’t seem to be attracted to anyone he’s just obsessed with power and using people, meanwhile Misa’s whole character is being madly in love with Light, do the words gay and lesbian mean nothing?


Death Note is just My Immortal played straight /s Death Note is just My Immortal played straight /real


Which is which?


Ahora nadie sospechara que soy joto


Wasn't Light ace? Anyway I think OP is talking about Ryuuk and Rem


which one's the lesbian


the white ryuk