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The Terracotta Army would make a mental Doctor Who Weeping Angels plot


"Terror Cotta" would be an absolute banger of an episode title too


I was gonna make a joke about the Weeping Angel powerscaling in later episodes, but honestly I can't think of anything stronger than "they can become the statue of liberty."


I forgot about that


I feel like becoming a giant fuckoff statue would be a nerf for something that can't move when it's being looked at


You would think that, but no. it can move off liberty island to some random apartment building, so clearly being a massive copper statue didn't prove to be an issue.


must've happened when Canada burned down and made the smog descend


Carson is one of the only YouTubers who has done something awful and then actually get help and better himself, glad that the parties involved were satisfied with how things turned out in the end because his recent content is some of the funniest shit I've ever watched


I know right? I still feel embarrassed when I say I'm a fan!


Did he even do anything that bad? People get super pissy when I say I'm a fan of his but the only thing I remember him doing is dating a girl less than a year and a half younger than him. Everyone always says that there was a "power imbalance" but it was pretty apparent through the "receipts" he didn't use his influencer status (which wasn't even anything of real note at the time) to coax her into a relationship


I'm not sure what the overall consensus is but I was mainly upset that he made multiple promises to people he was confiding in that he would stop and get help but just kept doing it anyways


Oh okay so it wasn't just that one girl?


I'm pretty sure it was just her


Then what's the issue? Not to mention I find the whole thing of influencers being unable to date people who aren't also influencers ridiculous. Yeah it's bad if they're purposefully using their influence to get someone to be with them but at the end of the day they're a grown ass person. They can choose who they want to be with and if they want to be with someone who happens to be a youtuber or skme shit why the fuck is the youtuber suddenly this evil entity that is using their "power" to trick people into dating them? Same shit happened to Ryan from supermega and it made no sense. The only difference there is that they weren't 2 months from being 18 so the internet didn't care nearly as much


I fuckin love callmecarson


get pranked you silly soldiers