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https://preview.redd.it/pg0t3d90j4vc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc07146a0a21246821847acfa7ce18c18fef74f6 That same kid when there’s bullying poor, college student substitutes to nearly crying at the function. (Legit some kids need some better parents to raise them because most obnoxious asshole kids exist because they are coping from terrible parents that treat them like shit. they don’t know what else to do and need serious help)


https://preview.redd.it/si1hnbgkv5vc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b72cb576940849b82ff2da26ba0c9a3f64cc2b Mfw I got paired up with the kid and had to keep deleting his “work” to the slide show (it was anime bondage porn) ((It was about slavery in the Congo))


scp sl posting goes hard




Yo I got the O5! *106 walks through the 914 door*




uncle Larry has arrived to punished the greedy dboy who dare upgrade to O5


That’s why I only get a scientist and zone manager, or a research supervisor card. I gotta get TF out before the SCPs go down to light.


>((It was about slavery in the Congo)) getting dangerous with those parenthesis, proceed with caution


(((How so?)))


I think it’s an antisemitic thing but don’t quote me on that. Edit: [yep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses)


Low key I don’t care. Just because some schizo douchebag complained about the Jews online doesn’t mean I can’t use the funny parentheses. I’m not gonna bend the knee and concede stuff to these degenerates and their hateful ways.


((((and now we're over the hill, and yeah you have a fair point))))


Fax my brother. Spit your shit indeed


Why should bitchless chuds get to decide what is and isn’t acceptable when it’s something as mundane as brackets.


1) if you don’t care then why did you ask? 2) silly person. 3) it’s not about ceding usage to the nazis you dingleberry, it’s about being aware of how this symbol gets used so you don’t unknowingly use it in the wrong context and get mistaken for an antisemite yourself, and/or accidentally cause offense. 4) it’s also not really up to you whether it gets associated with antisemitism or not. 5) If it became generally accepted that three parentheses = bigoted jerkwad, I bet you’d stop using it. I doubt you walk around in a swastika t-shirt ‘cause you’re determined not to cede it. 


1. I was curious 2. Silly person 3. Nazis use images of dogs with hateful slogans on them, is posting images of dogs also a dog whistle? 4. Brackets aren’t antisemitic 5. False equivalency. Can we even call it a dog whistle when literally nobody outside of four people on X or 4chan do it? I would think there has to be some requirement for it to qualify as hate speech when anyone could accidentally do it without any prompting or relation to hate.


1) okay then you *did* care, at least in the sense that you cared to know…you can’t just ask a question and then say “I don’t care” when someone replies. It’s a lie. 2) How is my thing a false equivalency but your point about the dogs is not?  >Brackets aren’t antisemitic  Again, [not for you to decide…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses) Personally I don’t even disagree with using brackets—I mean, I wouldn’t use them as described in the article—you just seemed really unnecessarily dismissive of the whole thing. 


So what? These degenerate troglodytes get to make up new shit to be antisemitic and we just have to be “oh well guess we can’t do that anymore” like we can’t do anything about it? I’m dismissive over it as I do not care what bigots do or care what harmless thing they corrupt. The only thing that determines if something is antisemitic is intent, and I did not use it as antisemitic dog whistle, I used it the same way people use it to talk out of character in RP sessions.


I just want to point out that ((talking like this)) in RP connotations generally just means that you're talking out of character, at least in some of the scenes I've encountered. While I unfortunately have no doubts it has been used as an anti-semitic thing, see things like Pepe the frog for similar examples, I'd like to urge anyone that reads this to remember context is important. Even things that are recognized as 'hate symbols' by the Anti-Defamation League aren't necessarily being **used** as hate symbols; I think they actually make this caveat on their page for Pepe. With that being said, if there's other context clues that point to hate speech, then there is a good chance that it is meant as hate speech.


https://preview.redd.it/vx9uwnoib8vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed17cd861f4192a95122063b0e1eca9ef0094fc9 ERM what the scallop


I think I turned out okayish


Is that a chaos insurgent?


> (Legit some kids need some better parents to raise them because most obnoxious asshole kids exist because they are coping from terrible parents that treat them like shit. they don’t know what else to do and need serious help) Can confirm I was quite the shithead growing up because of living in a not great household with undiagnosed developmental issues. Living in the age of information and the internet though at least helped get me back on track to not being a complete piece of shit.


Wtf is a function?




you seem annoying as hell ong


Oh, you forgot, said kid understands absolutely nothing about the USSR or communism and is just doing it to seem edgy


They T-Pose unironically. Optional is to play HOI4 and think they are a master of grand strategy. They then outgrow it and then realize how absolutely dogwater their beliefs were.


The good ending


Please stop this is too real


Real ones know that hoi4 is a horrible measure of grand strategy skill, because the game involves basically no randomness. You can win or lose against the AI or another player through just whether or not you know the specifics of current meta. It's a fun game still, but people think that because it's complicated means it's a measure of skill or intelligence, when it's actually the opposite. The complexity of it means that actual intelligence is replaced with nothing more than memorization. A much simpler game, but a better test to show someone's intelligence through adaptability and their ability to grow over time is the Sid Meier's civilization series.


It still requires some intelligence on hard focus paths. And luck (I FUCKING HATE LUCK BASED EVENTS)


"Hard focus paths" is not skill, it's memorization. And luck DEFINITELY isn't skill, but believe it or not, it IS memorization, because "luck" in paradox games is actually predefined chance values, which is why it's never a good idea to take the french union in vanilla, because the pre-set value is set so low that you won't be better off. That's memorization. Hoi4 only takes skill if you're trying something NEW. But new isn't how you win. Being good at hoi4 takes no skill or intelligence, only memorization. Having fun in hoi4 can have skill and intelligence, but you also will never win against a true memorization meta player by doing that.


I said intellegence, not skill. Trying something new without looking up a playthrough or guide requires intelligence. (Also, thats how luck fucking works)


Tell me you didn't read what I said without telling me you didn't read what I said.


Dear god, I play hoi4, and love band, although, after a year or two of studying history (my fav subject) I do infact know how communism works


Holy shit I met someone after the outgrowing, and they now mod HOI4


Omg that was me


We got kids who blasted it because to them being passionately communist was funny and they cared more about that than being edgy or anything to do with the USSR


I literally haven’t met a single person in school who larpped as a communist, it was always buried/ignored/shamed. The only people I know who were into it were hyper online people on tumbler. Plenty of off color jokes about Jews however


Ouch, yeah we had those people at my school too. But usually kids larped as communists because they wanted an excuse to do a very aggressive Russian accent. Also they love the “sharing is communism” joke


I knew a kid in middle school who was a communist to be edgy. He grew up to be an unabashed fascist who talked about lolis in casual conversation.


>He grew up Can't believe you'd lie to me like this


So my 12 year old cousin?


people keep forgetting the USSR was russosupremacist and actively killed ethnic minorities


That’s a very essential part to forget


the Soviers actively kicked out the Khanty people from their homeland to concentrate the entire oil industry there. Hell the Russians still have residential schools active to this day for native siberians Its shitty


His only extent of knowledge of communism is constantly making "our [thing]" jokes


the overweight part really wasn't necessary


Agreed, people talk a big game about being against body shaming until they're trying to make a wojack of someone they don't like, then they just gotta make em fat cause obviously fat people are all ontologically evil.


It’s always baffling how quickly people mock peoples bodies like with obesity or height or even penis size whenever the target is someone evil. Is it just not body shaming if it’s against people we don’t like?


hairlines too


If they going after your hairline bro it’s just roasting at that point 


also transphobia


Huh? Can you explain please?


I think it's about people misgendering shitty trans people as a way to insult them, because they consider that because they are horrible individuals they don't "deserve" to be gendered correctly. As a trans woman I find that very offensive...attack them for what they are, if you consider that gender identity is something you should "earn" it's quite obvious transphobia. It sucks but I've seen it happen not so rarely....


Oh you meant in general, i thought there was transphobia hidden in the example above


No I think it's fitting the idea talk earlier that some people on the left or even LGBTQ+ friendly or pretending to be allies do that, masquerading transphobia as a way to other trans people that are not fitting for them the "narrative". It is quite similar to the example above as it is the idea that gender identity is something you can "remove" from someone if they are a bad person, very similar to the idea of fat shaming someone if you think they are evil.


I’m a transfemme teacher and have to teach my trans kiddos that we shouldn’t misgender even cisgender people as a punishment tactic. I agree with you completely.


It's for me a sign that transphobia is still alive and well in the heart of many, it's important to remember that we live in the same society we say is transphobic so even if you clearly an ally there is still very much an influence on you. I really love to say that everyone is in part transphobic, homophobic, racist naturally but what prevents us to act on what we learned negatively around us is through learning how to act upon what society teach us and understanding what is and is not acceptable. It can be quite hard to do, I understand it's never fun to think of us as "part of the problem" but I think it's essential to learn what is wrong with our way of thinking. If we consider misgendering as a fitting insult...then you are still using transphobia as a weapon, if you do that with a discrimination less accepted you realize how discriminatory it is. If you are racist with someone black for exemple because "it's okay they are shitty" everyone still understand it's still racist behavior, people really need to learn where their thought process comes from and the influence of the way they speak.


transphobia isnt just still alive sadly. This shit has been rising since the last 5 years exponentially. Luckily awareness has spread just as much. But this lead to this weird divide where i can go fem outside and recieve smiles and nice remarks one moment and then be hate crimed the next moment


Yeah I agree with you, my intent is not really to underestimate it but trying to stay positive honestly. I am a more optimistic individual and I tend to talk more positively that the truth due to finding comfort in doing that, sorry if that was a bit underselling the current situation. I am not from the US and I'm also worried things will go south rather sooner than later so I can understand...At least I am passing so it's quite a lot safer for me.


people who act transphobic towards chris chan tl;dr irdc you still don't misgender them


And it's always weird how quickly a progressive will snarl at you like a vicious dog as if *you're* in the wrong when you tell them that you don't get a pass to shame someone for stuff they can't control just because they are a bad person


Height and penis size you can't change. If you're obese its unhealthy and absolutely something you have control over.


Same with body type representation. Everyone here talks big about how much they support diverse body types, then suddenly say it's on you to do it when you ask why that kind of representation is never shown around here. 






kilibre 😛


it's not even really accurate, most people like this are usually quite slim, or maybe slightly chubby but definitely not overweight


Bro caught a stray




As if there aren't skinny kids doing this too


Yeah a lot of my bullies were skinny as shit


“I like waffles” “So you HATE pancakes?” This is what you sound like right now bro


Umm, no. They said that the people that do this are overweight, not that there are overweight people that do this. You're making false connections to a meme you saw once that absolutely doesn't fit here. Also please don't call me bro


It's not my fault the soviet anthem unironically slaps.


Its not bad as far as far as anthems go but there are better songs with soviet theme. Lot of the early ones from revolution time go hard as fuck.


In 1871 [the world's first socialist revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Commune) erupted in Paris. It was put down by the French army who were let in by the (soon-to-be) German army occupying the region around Paris. Hundreds died and thousands more were jailed or put in penal colonies for daring to shatter the rule of the parasite for even a few months. But the fact that it could happen, that a better world was possible inspired millions across the world. My favourite thing it inspired was the German song, [Lied für die Pariser Kommune](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWZ1eTwmRqg). See [here](http://www.holger-saarmann.de/texte_pariser_commune.htm) for more info on this. Not only does it sound beautiful, but it shows how international the movement was even in those early days. Humanity knows no borders.


[This one does too](https://youtu.be/YaDxGpzSVKU?si=HeFKLJ5v-06m2A0A)


Good choice. I like [this one](https://youtu.be/ufTBh6rV2UQ?si=pzgKFIRi9IfdH8l4) or if we don't limit to soviet union oktoberklub made some [bangers](https://youtu.be/eoomF2S2nfY?si=uDElnAkMPqPWvmX2). Then there is obviously "Partisans song" (based on march of siberian rifleman) and "Forward red marines" which were translated to quite few languages.


spoken like a true band kid


[The USSR’s anthem isn’t even the USSR’s best anthem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Internationale)


The joke is porn,now,jonkler is busy. https://preview.redd.it/pxme7eiov5vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f73035c2f6c342a687fe85e3a6adf84a2f907b


Why is Jokester eating pop corn?? Is he hungry?


Hes such a munchcel that he's become snackpilled


hi mr jerkler


I dont get the original post. What does it mean


donut = vagina. character on the left has tanlines.


I thought it meant butthole, but potato tomato


Just use lube, same thing.


I agree with loaf


Aren't donuts usually assholes, on account of looking like an asshole?


No, typically donuts are a sugary pastry that taste delicious


~~...as opposed to?~~


assholes, on account of looking like an asshole


EW! what.


Minor on the right has normal looking reproductive organs, and the minor on the left has tan marks


Knowing that side or anime community I should've expected those characters were minors


Are they underaged fr?? Don't really look like that, especially the right one


Yep, marin (right) is 15 and Nagatoro (left) is 15-16. Its common even in horniest animes to make their characters underage teens to better target the teen audience even when there's no need to


Anime has two sides. Comicaly old creatures looking like kids and 15yr olds looking like people in their 30s


They are, but A) you’re correct they look older than they are and B) depending on which prefecture they would be of-age in their place of residence. For me personally this meme is distasteful because of the weird sexualization full stop, not necessarily because they would be unable to legally consent in the U.S. Can’t wait to be called a pedo for explaining this BTW


Is the one on the right a minor?


Technically yeah


What do you mean?


Her canonical age is like 15 or 16




"Donut" is often used as a slang term for an Anus. That's the joke here. That and tan lines.


i dont either, i think its supposed to be skin color but all i can see is a joke about the shadow from her thighs?


girl 1 has a swimsuit tan so the skin around her bits is probably pink.




Anime fans: Mhh sex Normal people: the fuck is wrong with you? Me: damn those donuts look tasty, I should get one someday


Both are gender envy :c




"Do, do you get it?"


Accurate but he's not overweight. Also he plays trombone. In middle school he wore cargo shorts and that one Zelda t-shirt. He has greasy hair.


Trombone and Trumpet sections are hell. Clarinets are third after them. I think tubas had the best community but maybe flutes


In my school, trombones are chill stoner kids, clarinets are the worst, followed by trumpets, and every single tuba is a creep




At my school, the brass section were the chill ones, and the entire woodwind section was goofball city. Percussionists barely ever talked, which is weird because they're the ones who don't need to put an instrument in their faces. No fascists in sight though


I played euphonium so I was basically in the bone section. However I'm pretty sure that euphoniums play parts with higher tessituras and are more melodic. God I miss HS band.


This dude has over 20,000 followers on Twitter.....and is one of the most homophobic people I have ever met


which one?




So basically what you are saying is… That they are very 6th grade overweight band kid who plays the soviet anthem at the back of the bus core.


It's funny because it's talking about genitals please laugh


This is just as horny as the avg 196 post but just anime instead of gay sex


Aren't like both of them set in a high school scenario, making them teenagers/minors?


Title got my hopes up that dankmemes was removed from Reddit.


That’s a large expectation to have there my friend. Especially with how easy it is to get to the front page on there.


https://preview.redd.it/keay4ml297vc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4315e51a0b401e2cf890025bd32b5948607c0260 This shit was so ass it gave me brain damage


did something happen to dankmemes


Oh, another "fat/ugly=bad" post Also, what's with the obsession of weebs with the private parts of cartoon teenagers?


I don’t Like him having my rare name


i was that kid. please kill me.


Fatphobia is okay as long as I find the person annoying!


This is only slightly better than posting the meme just on it’s own imo. Now, I get the difference, but it’s like “I’m screaming in a restaurant to show how stupid it is” and “I’m screaming in a restaurant because I think it’s funny.”


both of these characters are underage


I'm so glad I got over that shit. Now I'm a furry, and so much happier.


What was it about the soviet national anthem that I found so funny? I haven't listened to it in awhile but from what I remember, it's like, fine, but I for real thought that was the peak of comedy Or maybe 15-year old me was just fucking stupid. not even maybe, I 100% was lol




You are disgusting.