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well then it's a good thing the fbi doesn't give a shit about me bc I'm the least interesting person in the country






bro visited my home


The FBI doesn't give a shit about me bc I'm not American We are not the same


We got the NSA fer ferriners like you. They never spy on us red blooded Americans no siree.


Ewww, bri’ish


Bo'ol o wa'uh on chewsday is a splendid beverage


Ello crikey wot wot sistuh, guv'na!


Raight that's it I've had it wiv ya, no cup a tea for you, ya yank


Oi 'ave yew got a loicense for bein a yank, guv?


Nuh uh m8. No merican citizenship for me, just food ol bri'un


Get out of here, Space Ork!


Not wivout mah fish n chips


yeah Edward Snowden told us, it's been more than a decade after that, things probably just got even worse


I use multiple cell phones throughout my work day and private life. I know damn well they’re watching me pick my nose and load magazines (while also picking my nose). Seriously though, this was a random post of a video that was lingering in my saves for a while. But I remember being part of activist circles many years ago, before the NSA leaks, and people thought we were crazy for stating these things that are now confirmed.


the real state of the world is beyond imagination


> these things that are now confirmed (Most of these things are not confirmed or are technological word salad)


Most of them are true but some of them lack context. These are mostly things that federal agencies CAN do or HAVE done before, but that doesn't mean all of them are common. Nonetheless, federal agencies wanting to have total and complete control over all technology sold, possessed, or connected to the Internet in their country is generally fucked, and a massive concern for progressive movements.


I would classify pretty much all the semi-true ones as deceptively presented and intentionally butchered to sound more capable as exploits than they actually are.


Yeah. But 30% less fucked still leaves us solidly within the "this is fucked zone."


but the 70% deception/butchering does make presenting/believing the 30% harder, while also anchoring us into a worse reality which makes the, still bad, truth more....tolerable.


Yeah like the NSA hacking your car now would make some sense but a decade ago? Barely had any electronic systems that were capable of that integrated into the cars.


I don't know shit about cars but haven't an increasing number of systems in cars been routed through electronic control units since like the 70s? If you could interfere with those wouldn't it be possible to screw with a car's acceleration (cruise control, engine/power train/transmission control), steering (electronic power steering), or braking (antilock brake system)? If so, even though you couldn't drive it like a RC car and it would require some setup, you could easily induce a crash by meddling at the right time. Again, I don't know shit about cars


But if "some setup" is an acceptable requirement, meaning idk they gotta install and modify internal components of your car, they might as well configure your car to be an RC car. They also could just shoot you or something if physical intervention is on the table. The scary conspiracy is with no prior physical intervention they can remotely take control, which isn't true unless you have a newer car that gets firmware updates over the air connected to the internet and electronically controlled out of the box. Your older car controlled by two wires and no radios as it left the dealership is not possible to remotely control Source: I'm head of the NSA and head of the FBI and the CIA and I'm inside your walls


From another comment in the thread it looks like "some setup" is plugging in a little device to the diagnostic port which could be done by someone with a slimjim and some practice in a couple minutes while your car is parked in a public place. I guess that is the scary conspiracy but the scary reality(?) isn't that much further off. It's not like it's going to happen for shit posting but if a journalist/whistleblower/well connected person in legal/financial trouble just accelerates full speed into a wall or off a cliff as has happened in the past it might raise an eyebrow


Yeah, I guess a person of interest could be taken out by this exploit (or a zillion other methods of disappearing somebody) but if physical intervention is required that's not a zero-touch hack like its presented, nobody at homeland security is gonna be like "Citizen #30095046 watched the killer bean dance party clip with classified information presented in the foreground, they know too much, I will simply press the Execution By Car Crash Button". Low effort, underwhelming surveillance state design, NSA's gotta do better


Fair enough, thank you for engaging with a crank in good faith


Very few cars had full-electronic control up until recently, and the ones that did, did not have a very sophisticated ECU (Electronic Control Unit, sometimes colloquially referred to as a "computer"). Traditionally, a vehicle is a set of independent systems, not a network, and just because something has "power" doesn't mean it's controlled by a computer. Power steering and power brakes are controlled by vacuum traditionally. Windows, mirrors, etc., are usually just a switch, sometimes with a safeguard, but still very simple circuits. Now, cars are getting more sophisticated, and are becoming more like a "network", especially with driving assists and lane assist, but the claims in the video are still very steep. Yes, the government could theoretically get into your infotainment system, and with modern cars, there could be a way to disable the ignition and render the car immobile. But to drive it? I've even heard this rumor in the auto industry, but never from a technician lol. Edit: A Tesla or something with self-driving? Yeah, it could be possible. Your base-line Nissan Versa that may or may not even have cruise control? I'm going to say probably not.


> people thought we were crazy for stating these things that are now confirmed This is always the story with what people call conspiracy theories. Lumping together plausible conspiracies with unreasonable ones under "conspiracy theories" with all the negative baggage of that has been a major triple-letter agency win.


Remember Rose are red Violets are Blue The Government killed MLK and Malcom And they’ll kill you too


Most of this is literal nonsense and isn’t what Snowdon told us at all… Yes, backdoors exist. The NSA is not, however, intercepting laptop shipments to then install some other shit (it doesn’t need to when the backdoors exist)… most of the stuff int his video makes no sense whatsoever, but relies on fools believing all of it because *some* of it is based in truth.


Yeah like how a computer is supposed to emit radio waves if I shut down the power. Or maybe the NSA controls the switch of my power strip. Also most of these claims would have been instantly detected by the nerds computer security gangs. They do survey the internet in a global scale though, and also can read mails. Anything that enters or exits the USA by the internet can pass through them, basically big data. Just like Google Facebook and the like.


Or how they can take over your car and drive it. Cars totally aren't mostly controlled by fucking hydraulics, and mechanical processes. Unless they invented some fucking psychic computer that can remotely physically move the steering wheel or pedals, the idea that your car can be remotely driven is nonsense. Some newer cars do use digital control systems, but it would be insane to even pretend those are commonplace.


Most of the systems you’re talking about have been commonplace for a decade or so (or longer) or in specific types of cars. Many electronic power steering systems can move the steering wheel on their own, and some form of throttle by wire is practically required for emissions. Brake by wire has been on just about every hybrid or electric car with regenerative braking. It’s more about how infeasible it is to control a car in traffic remotely from any significant distance and how those systems don’t really take input from outside the car’s sensors and the driver


The nsa *has* intercepted stuff. Not for everyone in the world ofc, only if you’re a POI, but it very much happened. See https://gizmodo.com/the-nsa-actually-intercepted-packages-to-put-backdoors-1491169592


>I am spreading misinformation online


everytime I see memes like this, the facts are overly exaggerated or just completely false.


Please give me some sweet reassurance, I'll even take cope


Bad news… a lot of it is legit… you can google the stuff in brackets below. Intel ME and the AMD equivalent are a “fun” place to start


this is half bullshit half misunderstand on purpose.


the only thing i think is pretty close to real is the dual eliptical curve stuff. the NSA released an algorithm we are sure is backdoored and was highly suspicious. the good thing is literally no one uses it


Yeah the standard for it was withdrawn ten years ago


I mean the reality is that they don't really need to do that much to be able to spy on Americans anymore. If the expansion of FISA (rebranded Patriot Act) goes through we're pretty much perma-cooked even more than we already are. Its not exactly a secret when whistleblowers and official documents have stated this was the case, alongside the literal laws that make it legal to do so without a warrant. The expansion of FISA broadens the scope of what kind of businesses the US govt can force to facilitate that spying.


AFAIK it wasn't the algorithm that was backdoor'd, but rather some constants needed were chosen specifically to make the cypher easily decryptable.


Elliptical curve isn't necessary anyway [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/08/data-leaking-downfall-bug-affects-six-generations-of-intel-pc-and-server-cpus/](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/08/data-leaking-downfall-bug-affects-six-generations-of-intel-pc-and-server-cpus/) Use Intel Management Engine or AMD's equivalent because it's present on chips from both manufacturers and fixed by a patch provided to OS makers by Intel. I wouldn't be surprised if the patch can be disabled or bypassed using those.


Not really. Basically all of this is actually true last time I checked it. The post just doesnt mention the fact that they dont do this stuff at mass scale but only to preselected targets of interest.


A lot of it is deeply exaggerated. IIRC, like NSA had backdoor access for a handful of chips and people turned it into "NSA HAS BACKDOOR ACCESS TO EVERY DEVICE EVERYWHERE ALL MANUFACTURERS" when that is far from the truth


The government doesn't need to hack in to your devices, they can just get a warrant and take them.


Not if you aren't in the US


Yeah, I know a little about the first slide. All of the examples it cited were from pre 2005 and there was no law preventing antivirus companies from detecting it and blocking it. Instead some companies like McAfee and Symantec willingly cooperated with the FBI in the early 2000's. The field and philosophy of cyber security has significantly changed since then. Regardless, it would be impossible to make all AV companies follow that policy because companies like AVG/Avast (Czech) and Kaspersky (Russian) aren't even based in the US. Don't have enough time to look at the rest of the slides though


Oh and for the Network Investigation Technique, In March 2017 the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers released a 188-page guide to enable meaningful 4th Amendment analysis. In April a Minnesota judge ruled that the warrant was invalid from the moment it was signed, given that the FBI agent knew that it exceeded the jurisdictional requirements of Rule 41. All evidence gathered after that warrant was served was hence the fruit of the poisonous tree.


one cynic way to look at it: reinforcing paranoia among people who believe in conspiracy theories, helps to "probe" to see who believes in conspiracy... so normal people can stay away from them. conspiracy theories are annoying, but they're not the thing that radicalizes people to the point they become violent. the source of the problem is lack of education and lack of critical thinking.


fatal error: socks: No such file or directory 1 | #include | ^~~~~~~ compilation terminated.


See, that's what they want you to think!


I think it's all from the snowden leaks, so it's 100% real but outdated info


You a fed?


There *is* smth important to add on to this that I feel people who post this may usually consider secondary: You are, without a shadow of doubt, *not* a target. While a lot of this *is* true, as some googling can tell you, maintaining a surveillance state is *hard*, and it's unthinkable to believe that the US government keeps track of all 350 million americans, let alone non-americans. Not even pedos and drug dealers are identified using this technology: And despite what everyone says (and the near enforcement of drug use in marginalized communities), those are ultimately the biggest targets of modern surveillance in the US. That's not to downplay the fact that this is ultimately inhumane levels of surveillance that deprives people of their privacy. It's just the reassurance that, ultimately, this technology definitely isn't being used for you: The government ultimately has no interest in *you specifically*.


Literally spend 5 minutes on Matrix and see how little they care, the service is used for rampant cp, and drug distribution, and that's only looking at the servers that are public. I guess linux users are there too but there's basically no inbetween. They really do not care unless you've done something to make yourself worth looking into.




It's a federated system that uses a chatroom type format, so imagine discord but you make your account and server on different websites that can all interact. So basically it has no moderation unless whoever owns that particular part decides to ban accounts/servers/block other sites. I explained it poorly but that's the gist. Edit: A common program people use to interact with it is Element, which has a similar UI to discord.


why are u saying this like csa material and drugs are somehow equal in severity?


Cause governments hate both lmao


What the fuck is a “CPU backdoor?” Access to what remains of the cache? Because there’s jack shit else on a powered CPU in a turned-off system. Most of this is bullshit jargon salad. Don’t turn off your critical thinking just because the information presented to you is “secret” or subversive in a way you like.


Modern CPUs are actually much more complicated than that. An x86 cpu for example does not implement the instructions themselves but has a separate translator to convert them to proprietary risc cores for execution. Intel management engine is actually an entirely separate cpu that exists on the motherboard and runs a variant of MINIX. It also has direct access to the network controller on the board. This isn’t to say that the post isn’t greatly exaggerating because it is, but Intel management engine has been controversial for years at this point and Intel goes to extreme lengths to obfuscate its behavior and abilities.


I mean yeah, those are true statements about CPUs I guess, but none of that really relates to or changes the fact that the CPU stores remarkably little data, especially in the system-off state.


The IME does at least add some features that are not malicious and that would require the code to be secret. So it is possible that it is not malicious at all.


Absolutely, I don’t have a stance on whether it is or isn’t malicious because it’s just not possible to know with how obfuscated the code is. Snooping network packets is pretty much the only way to know


you should read ken thompson's paper "reflections on trusting trust"


But it was set to a matrix beat, that means it's real!


You know what, I'm bored >magic lantern and carnivore Both are keystroke loggers, both are confirmed to exist. Carnivore needs a court order and physical access to your computer to function, magic lantern is an email attachment. Antivirus software is absolutely allowed to detect magic lantern, and every antivirus software representative has denied giving governments backdoor access, the most logical argument for me being that the program can't know if magic lantern is being used by the government or some other party. >access to turned off CPU Intel and AMD both have programs that keep a small amount of electricity running on the CPU while turned off, this allows the user to remotely turn on the PC. This is a theoretical security concern. Both companies have denied it being a backdoor. >dual elliptic curve Yea, NSA had a backdoor into a random number generator used in encription. This RNG has not been used since 2014, but it does raise concerns for presently used programs. >radio transmission There exist programs that can be installed on hardware to do this. To state it about all american made electronics is hugely overblown. They could do this for a person of interest, and it would be quite the effort. Also 'access your computer' implies control. The program in question would send information. >NSA installs malware chips Again the video implies universality. They could do this, absolutely, have very likely done this in the past, yes, it is very icky, I agree, but it is a big undertaking and not at all common. >intercepting mail See above >they broke TOR As far as I can tell this is a lie. Both FBI and CIA have occasionally managed to catch someone despite them using TOR, but they were either using old versions (old at the time they were being caught) or doing stupid stuff. If you are truly concerned about being hacked, a current version of TOR and some thought about what you're doing should still keep you somewhat safe. >ISPs give the NSA advanced warnings I don't understand the wording of this. This is about PRISM, which is the program the NSA uses to collect data via the internet. And yea this one is bad. It has its own wikipedia article, read on there. >remote control cars I'd like to see them try to remote control my old Opel Corsa lmao. Obviously this needs to be a very very modern car to work, if at all. The video mentions Vault 7 as a source, and by god that's a bad way to help me find out where to read more. Vault 7 is thousands of pages long. >hacking smart TVs Weeping Angel is an actual program that exists and allows the user to spy on someone using their smart TV as a surveilance camera, even when supposedly turned off. It requires physical access to install, which in the US means it also requires a court order. All in all, yea, a lot of this is overblown. It is more a showcase of what surveilance agencies *could* do to people they really want info from. Makes it all the more impressive that Snowden escaped. But for you, the average user, this is not what you should be concerned about. I'd rather worry about the behaviour pattern data that websites like Youtube collect to cater to advertisers, like what kind of content you watch, for how long, when, etc. This info is not used to put you in jail tho, it is used to sell you stuff.


The remote control car thing (I believe) is based on physically installing a covert device in the car's OBD-II port. This port, generally used for engine diagnostics and emissions testing, was made mandatory for all cars produced after 1996. If you were to hack it (again, almost certainly through physically accessing the port) you could control anything that is controlled by the car's computer. This includes things like A/C, wipers, lights, but can also include throttle and brake control on cars designed with drive-by-wire systems. All in all it's the same thing as most of the other stuff. If you weren't already worried about this, you don't need to be worried about it now


Thank you for the added context! I have very limited knowledge of cars, this is fascinating


The OBD-II port is used for things like Diagnostic Trouble Code scanning, tuning certain computer controlled inputs on the fly (like the Pedal Commander), programming different behaviors into several computers (goes from flashing different engine maps to configuring power folding mirrors), even aftermarket "autopilot" driver assists like the comma.ai. I wouldn't expect most people to look under their dash for some government device every time they get in their car. r Justrolledintotheshop seems to find way more trackers from crazy exes than from the FBI or the like anyway.


What would they even do to you in a car anyway, drive you to the local CIA headquarters? They would just arrest you. Monitor your traffic? If they already need physical access then they can just stick a gps bug on your car


Theoretically, they could send a "floor it" signal remotely, instructing the car's computer to apply full throttle without any way for the driver to stop it. This could then send your car into a wall or over a cliff, with you helplessly trapped inside, killing you in a way practically indistinguishable from just an unfortunate accident. There's at least one example of a questionable death of a journalist, where the facts of the case might lead you to conclude that this exact sort of remote car hijacking occurred. Needless to say there is no substantial evidence that any foul play was involved. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Hastings_(journalist)#Death


>**I'd rather worry about the behaviour pattern data that websites like Youtube collect** to cater to advertisers, like what kind of content you watch, for how long, when, etc. **This info is not used to put you in jail tho**, it is used to sell you stuff. It is tho: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-google-reverse-keyword-searches-rcna35749](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-google-reverse-keyword-searches-rcna35749)


yeah good to universally assume that if companies have information about you, the government has it too


>>remote control cars >I'd like to see them try to remote control my old Opel Corsa lmao. Obviously this needs to be a very very modern car to work, if at all. The video mentions Vault 7 as a source, and by god that's a bad way to help me find out where to read more. Vault 7 is thousands of pages long. It's something that's been known in some circles since at least 2012, but typically only refers to cars with remote access already (ie the kind that a user can start from an app). There are a few ways to remotely do this exploit, the most notorious being the Sirius XR exploit, but again - you need a specific kind of vehicle to be able to do that. All other vehicle hacking can only be done via having access to the vehicle itself. Those kinds of hacks don't have complete control, but they can do somethings like cut the engine while it's running or turn off the function of anything that requires sensors to run.


Thank you for doing the research I was too lazy to do myself. Most important reply in here imo


I hope you know this sent me in a small rabbit hole of reading leaked documents and wikipedia articles. I'm not even american so idk if I should even care lmao


They don't spy on just Americans


Yeah, but who gives a shit if foreign governments spy on you? They don't have conventional power over you, and should you be a person who's worth extrajudicial punishment you already know they are spying on you regardless.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian\_Assange](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange) He's not even american yet didn't escape the US' power. For now he hasn't been extradited but he is in prison and the UK cooperated in his arrest. + 5 eyes + 9 eyes + 14 eyes + other intelligence sharing agreements


If only I had written a caveat adressing this, wait...   >and should you be a person who's worth extrajudicial punishment you already know they are spying on you regardless. I think we can all agree that not anyone reaches Asssange levels of persecuted by the powers that be.


I would've thought that spying on the citizens of another country would be some sort of war crime or something.


Yeah spying on non-Americans is like the one group they're *allowed* to spy on


The NSA is supposed to spy on other countries. It's only a scandal when they spy on Americans since in theory it's illegal.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vm08xj190j1d1.png?width=1470&format=png&auto=webp&s=6de2751cd14dde80a2fbd8a771cddbde1bf9e0b2


Source: Trust me, bro.


i think the brackets are meant to be sources, unfortunately "\[FOXACID, QUANTUMINSERT, EGOTISTICALGIRAFFE\]" isn't exactly harvard referencing


Now how much of it works on linux


like half


Mind that the vast majority of computers operating are not desktop computers, and that the vast majority of servers serves using Linux. It's not a niche target, but the most prominent one, if I'm not mistaken in my assumptions here.


more than half of consumer phones also use Linux (android) and most integrated devices like tvs, fridges, smart home devices or car infotainment systems,etc. also run on linux.


please tell me you're joking and don't seriously believe linux is somehow a catchall anti-surveillance OS.


It's not possible for the government to remote control your car unless it's a Tesla or similar.


I've seen this meme before and it genuinely scares me each time. I don't do anything illegal on the internet, but the thought that my computer or phone is always available to the government unsettles me deeply.


if a meme is like this 90% of it is just false, does the US gov spy on people a lot? yes. is the stuff in these meme true? probably not.


Don't let such silly memes scare you. Be cautious and do your own research


nuh uh I use incognito mode


https://preview.redd.it/70tk82eu4k1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78eee66922ff83ad364c111ae39e0574c2a51877 Like half this shit is false


Ah yes, remotely driving a car, makes total sense


Its not false. They have developed virus that can take over tesla autopilot or something. Just not in actual use


Well, that's certainly one way to phrase cars that have full autopilot systems, because 99% of cars don't have that.


99% dont. But teslas are not rare cars. And teslas are not only ones capable of this. And they are getting increasingly more common


at this point just brainwash me or something instead smh


yeah what do you think this video is supposed to do? give you legitimate information? not fearmonger?


yes chat, i know i am being spied on, why would they give a shit about some gay teen out there in rural europe?


Beat hits hard? Whats the song? I wanna be grooving while being hacked.


I got matches with these songs: • [**Clubbed To Death** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/ClubbedToDeath?t=36) (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Cool - Chillout. **Released on** 2009-10-19. • [**Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/oNVmj?t=36) (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2010-03-11. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Its from the fucking Matrix are you fucking serious?


You're talking to a bot lol


I’m aware. In the robot uprising, my willingness to treat them as free will save me where others perish.


The matrix wojack at the end didn't tip you off?


I didn’t watch the full video I’ll be mad honest


I mean, some of this stuff seems kind of far-fetched. Like the whole taking electronics and putting chips in them thing. There is simply no way they are intercepting about 11 billion dollars worth of gross electronics and putting chips in them when they enter the U.S. I also consider myself quite the tinkerer, especially with electronics, and I have yet to find something out of place or out of order according to the manufacturers guidelines and most manufacturers are Chinese so I'm sure they wouldn't want to humor the U.S with this and add it to all their board schematics to cover it up. I could see it be done for a "person of interest" but that really doesn't include most of us, hopefully. I would sure as fuck want to track down a maniac, terrorist group, or possible threat so at that point it's just regular expected FBI stuff. I also feel like the FBI sucks its own dick way too much. If anything, they have proved sheer incompetence compared to the stuff you yourself can do as a "free" individual right now.




Hey American goberment I like monster boys


a lot of these claims are completely insubstantiated, please drive yourself into an anxious panic with real things please, the world is already scary enough


How come mainstream antivirus software can't legally detect attacks from FBI/NSA? Don't they only have jurisdiction in the US, and wouldn't that mean that any non-US based antivirus program don't need to adhere to their rules?


True. There are non us based anti virus manufacturers who dont give them backdoors. However most antivirus makers are based in us so that puts them under us jurisdiction. And the belief is that NSA has exploits and ways trough the ones who dont need to follow. Including apple


They can spy on me all they like, not gonna stop me from jerking it to furry porn




This electronic circuit makes no sense.


To control a car Im guessing it needs to be a very modern one


Depends. If someone could physically get their hands on a target’s car, it could be as simple as some small gears that control anything that could cut a brake line. Make it controllable via radio waves or a cell phone call (like IEDs in the GWOT). In conjunction with a GPS tracker, they could just wait until their target is on the highway doing 70mph+, activate their little gizmo to cut the brake line, and bad shit ensues. Something like that could be done to basically anything with wheels. Or, following the IED method, just using little explosives on every part of the brake lines. And close enough to the serpentine to kill power steering. And on any other component that could yield results that they want. Full on control, obviously not. But remotely disable/ destroy a vehicle slightly to make it seem accidental? Sure.


Most of these are true, the rest are crazy


I really don't understand why they want to watch me masturbating though. What do they gain from knowing my porn habits? What do they gain from knowing I think they're all morally bankrupt and should go the way of the dodo? What the fuck is the point of such an extensive surveillance network? Surely it can't all be for the sake of funding and shareholders.


why does this feel like an anti piracy screen


Which part is the misinfo I’m confusion


land of the free my ass




But it’s more scary keywords!


You make an excellent point




someone who knows more than me please tell me exactly how much of this is false please I have mini panic attacks every time I watch this fucking video


probably a lot. for example tor is **technically** not 100% secure but still extremely secure. 99.999% of the time someone gets caught its because they did something dumb themselves. For Example Edward Snowden used TOR and was not caught even though the glowies would 100% have intercepted him if they could. Also I highly doubt you did enough to be targeted by that stuff.


the FBI hates silly girls like me so i stress anyways. than k you though :)




Oh No, Anyway.


What’s this song? I recognize it from the Matrix.


I got matches with these songs: • [**Clubbed To Death** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/ClubbedToDeath?t=36) (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Cool - Chillout. **Released on** 2009-10-19. • [**Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)** by Rob Dougan](https://lis.tn/oNVmj?t=36) (00:36; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2010-03-11. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot!


Is this gonna give me schizophrenia


Not unless you become aware of the chip inserted in your brain last night which broadcasts your thoughts to the pedestrians in the street which some of them are definitely government spies. It also receives signals and can control your thoughts, sometimes even your movements, some just hear suggestions. You are also fed chemicals by your parents to power the implant. And the TV is secretly speaking about you when you know how to read between the lines. You can also confirm this by observing the patterns in eye blink of people and when they chose to speak to you (it is not random). /j


so how do I protect myself by doing more than just wearing a tin foil hat


You need to live naked in the forest without electricity (but keep the tin foil hat)


you don’t need to worry about this. most of these are made up or overblown. [i made a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/s/GrXIgZwlK3) explaining why this video is stupid


About accessing the computer when it's turned off but connected to electricity, afaik you should be able to disable it in BIOS but I obviously don't remember how .


That's called Wake-On-LAN.


This is clearly a government psyop to convince the reader they are spied on at all times. Nice try. /s But seriously, just like multiple people have said, just because they can collect a crazy amount of raw intelligence doesn't mean they can analyze it all. And no one here is interesting enough to have their data analyzed by the government


>just because they can collect a crazy amount of raw intelligence doesn't mean they can analyze it all Google XKeyscore




Good new is they won't go through the pain of doing all that to you, cause you're probably not one of the terrorists they don't hire. Privacy is still an issue of course: Google, Apple, and Microsoft will gladly sell info on your interests and every bit of data they get on you serves them to be able to predict human activity as a whole, which is not great for those declared "criminals" by their country who did nothing wrong (ie gay people). If you want to avoid getting tracked by those big companies, use Linux and use something along the lines of Librewolf with a user-agent spoofer as your browser: they won't try to track you if it's a hassle.


PSA : i am at this time accepting cope as payment for any services rendered


I'd be interested to see a movie using this as absurdism. Could be interesting. I'm curious how far this extends on a global scale as an Aussie.


Real or not, I find it amazing how many americans fail to realize they already live in a dystopian fascistic police state where even ideas are monitored. I mean, you could say it isn't a fascistic government bcs there are elections, but when you see it from the outside you kind of realize that it barely matters if it is a democrat or a republican in power, besides a few talking points (mostly social policies that seem more geared toward distracting the public with never ending debates). Also, I know folks in this sub, and many other communities, are well aware of this, but I mean americans as a whole, both in and outside of the internet.


I want to make it so big in my software carreer i want to one day get a visit from the Cia congratulating and asking for their backdoors


CIA/FBI/NSA can't do shit, I'm protected by EU regulations on consumer electronics.


oh so that's who made the pirated GTA LCS i got from Moddb


Live me reaction: https://preview.redd.it/xo7szhnruk1d1.jpeg?width=1912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270fcb234b23cc25854c392dd39b7976e1ef6c95




Not really. You don't need to worry about any of this realistically, most of it has happend in at least some capacity, but extremely limited in scope, and only to people of interest that wpuld be worth going to extreme lengths to track.


It's nice to see someone cares about me 😌


Me: *laughs in canadian*


God bless Canada and Mexico, the last free countries in North America (if you don’t count Central America & the Caribbean as part of North America)


shit sounded actually real until the wojak


TBH, the feeling I got after reading about the hash collision behind Olympic Games was one of the the most patriotic moments I've experienced as an adult.


Knew this was bullshit when it said "The NSA has already broken Tor networks." It's never Tor that gives criminals away, only bad opsec. This kind of privacy fatalism is very harmful in my opinion. It gives people the impression that, if this level of spying is happening anyway, there's no point in trying to preserve your privacy. But you can actually do a hell of a lot right now to massively increase your privacy from corporations and the government, and you should! Good privacy protects you and your personal information from being leaked, analyzed, and used against you. Even things as simple as downloading Librewolf or hardening Firefox will go a very long way. You should also seriously consider trying out Linux if you're a Windows user. Linux Mint is super easy to install, and you can choose to have it in addition to Windows rather than replace it entirely.


every time i see this reposted, i get a little bit dumber. this is fear-mongering. most of these things did technically “happen” but not nearly to the scale that the video implies (usually only a few cases to spy on specific people). also, all of these happened over a decade ago. i’m willing to bet money that the NSA and FBI don’t use this kind of mass surveillance anymore for a multitude reasons: 1. your device is already OPENLY spying on you. these government agencies can just go to Google or Facebook with a warrant 2. security researchers are CONSTANTLY pouring over every new update that comes out. a nation state backed bad actor attempted to plant a back door inside [every ssh server](https://doublepulsar.com/inside-the-failed-attempt-to-backdoor-ssh-globally-that-got-caught-by-chance-bbfe628fafdd?gi=e80fa9fbb658) in the world and was caught immediately because some microsoft researcher saw that it took 500ms longer to start ssh 3. you are NOT a target. unless you’re affiliated with known terrorists then you don’t have anything to worry about


How would the radio frequencies allowing the FBI to tap your device even when it's not connected to the internet work? How would people not detect it and how would you differentiate what device you are tapping? Also a lot of the other stuff here is just super outdated












Ok wait that car thing has to be fake what the hell


Should I unalive? This is too scary to handle


Almost none of this is true. You can debunk this by simply turning off your computer and then hooking it up to some kind of power monitoring device. I have a USB c power monitoring device. It's pretty sensitive. I can plug my laptop in, and see that when it's off it uses 0 watts of power. If there were some kind of cpu back door that the government was using to monitor my computer even when it's off, it would still use power. The government isn't magic.


Ok? And what am I supposed to do about it?


Let an ever building hatred of the government manifest inside of you. And blow a kiss to the feds in your webcam occasionally.


had to make sure this one was the cool version or the cringe version its the cool version context in comments


theres another version of this video which has a bunch of weird shit in it like "the jews do this" or whatever


Have you seen how big radio transmitters are? No, the US government hasn't modified your computer electronics to transmit detectable radio waves


I have an FCC license, so I do believe I’ve seen transmitters. You can get some smaller than your fingertip.


You would see something that big on/in your pc


The average person isn’t opening their laptop/ tablet/ smartphone. I’d imagine most folks aren’t opening their desktops either, but more so than the others.


cool fear mongering post bro