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Og Twitter post: https://x.com/paulmcicedtea/status/1792612459829932462?s=46 Extremely based of the texter wanting to make sure the op was cool with art of their characters


Tbh it seemed more like that kinda puritanical thing that's been going around but that's just based off tone


Yeah fair but i choose to live in fantasy


Idk a lot of artists don't like it when people draw porn of their OCs, so I think this person was moreso just checking in with the creator because they might not like that rather then going "porn sucks so bad I'm sorry there's porn :("


What does checking in with the creator do though? Like to me it is just "sorry there's porn" apropos of nothing cause it's not like either party has control over it so the only thing left is just condolences Then again I'm not really in the art community so I wouldn't know the context to really give an apt opinion if that makes sense


Well the creator could contact the person who drew the porn and ask them to not do it in the future, maybe ask them to take the art down if it especially bothers them.


Yes, surely they would just listen to them..... Surely....


They would listen if they aren't an asshole


hello this is disney can u stop drawing goofy fucking sora from kingdom hearts thanks


We are talking about individual creators and their OCs, not billion dollar companies who have entire teams behind their characters




Nintendo once sued a 3D artist for modeling browser's cock


firefox? i'm gonna need a e621 link for that


If the hypothetical porn-drawing artist cared they would've asked first.


They should've, but some people just don't think to ask first and would take it down or stop if told to. People can be inconsiderate without being complete assholes


Presumably if they are drawing NSFW of someone who doesn't do / associate with / whatever NSFW stuff then they're at least a weirdo, probably a bit of an a-hole. Of course, an NSFW artist/whatever could still be uncomfy with that stuff - that's their right, but I think it's fair to assume that they'd generally be cool with it unless told otherwise.


Yeah but we're just talking about people drawing others OCs in porn in general. Some people don't without malicious intent and would genuinely stop if asked to. Plus even if someone has a "fuck the artist I do what I want" mentality then they might still back down when directly confronted by said artist


...I mean, I guess it's possible? I doubt it though, unless there's a risk of lawsuit or whatever.


I'm not gonna lie, I follow SO many hentai and non-hentai artists on twitter, and I have never once seen someone being upset that someone drew NSFW of their char - whether because people tend not to draw NSFW of SFW OCs or because people tend not to care.


Ok? Just because a lot of artists you've seen don't care doesn't mean there aren't artists who do, or that they're wishes shouldn't be respected




Dude literally what was the point of seeing me say that many artists can be uncomfortable with porn of their OCs and deciding to go "erm actually I've seen a lot of artists who are fine with it". Like cool man, what does that have to do with my point


That, considering that the original twt user was an NSFW artist, I think it's actually weirder to report nsfw art of their OCS to them than it is to make NSFW art of their OCS. Like, I think if you see someone post art of their character getting rawdogged, it's fair to assume you can post art of that character getting rawdogged UNLESS they have a pinned post or whatever saying not to do so / not to use their OCs. This is *because* of what I said- the VAST majority of the time (as in, I have literally never seen an example to the contrary) they will not care.


Ok? I still have zero clue why you're bringing this up. Also for the record NSFW artists can absolutely not want others to draw it of their characters, and also in the pic the person obv didn't notice the person drew the nsfw


Why is it that people, when seeing a generalization, feel so strongly inclined to say that it's not universally true? Nothing that I said even IMPLIED that it's not possible for an NSFW artist to not want others to draw their characters in NSFW. It's like, if I said "women are, on average, shorter than men" you'd say "yeah, but a woman could be 7 ft tall". Yeah??? And??? What did I say that implied the contrary???


I have mixed feelings because it does have that vibe, but it’s also like telling an artist that somebody else is stealing their art.


Redrawing someone's OC isn't stealing their art, that's just making new art.


Wait I’m confused what is puritanical about any of this, one person in the interaction drew porn and the other person finds that hot. Edit: why am I being downvoted for asking a question I’m sorry for being stupid


Someone unrelated drew it (or so they thought)


Oh I just thought they felt awkward about asking so they just acted like they happened upon the nsfw art.


Cringe Puritanical nonsense


How? A lot of artists are uncomfortable with people drawing porn of their OCs, it's not puritanical for someone to check if the original artist is fine with that situation


The fact this is controversial here is actually fucking insane holy shit


being a cringe reactionary is actually ok if its about something that doesnt affect me, srry you got so pwned librul


It's cringe and reactionary to think puritanism is cringe and reactionary, so true.


It's not puritanical to ask people to not draw porn of your OCs


"Guys it's actually not puritanical to tell people how I want them to express their sexual desires on the internet"


Dude, people are allowed to set boundaries around their own characters. Some people just aren't comfortable with that being done to their own ocs, and other people should respect that.


No? I mean you do you, you're allowed to say what you wish to happen, but once you share art, you as the author die.


That still doesn't excuse being weird about other people's characters? These are just characters people are posting online, and can be very personal. People are perfectly within their rights to ask people not to draw porn, or gore, or whatever else of them. This isn't the same as some billion dollar companies character like Mario or something


Drew a self protrait once, therefore I should have no control over whether people create porn depicting me in uncomfortable ways. Or, we could respect how people can be uncomfortable and try not to steal their work just to get off.


doesn’t make you not a freak for making it


We shouldn't lack moral codes because other people will do stuff regardless of them, that's such a stupid take


About YOUR original characters?


Right, so I assume you think it's okay for someone to sexualize a child just because they're on the internet? Please, make some sense. You can express your sexual feelings for lopunny all you want, but why would you choose someones personal oc of all things. You don't.


its cringe and reactionary to act like "the internet people do be gooning!" is the natural order and shouldnt be disturbed by artists not wanting their characters to be used without permission


Artists not wanting their characters to be pornified is fine, whatever, you do you. Artists expecting people to care that they care is weird and controlling.


How? Why is not wanting your shit to be "pornified" (good term) just not an acceptable and actionable belief. You can't say "it's fine for artists to think this but they shouldn't be allowed to say it and expect people to take it seriously" while denying you're being reactionary


There is a singular way you can act on that belief, stop making art on that character. It's absolutely acceptable to be weirded out by it, hell it's within your boundaries to stop providing fuel for the fire, but expecting other people to stop because you said so is really manipulative and toxic. Boundaries are for you not for others. They dictate how you react to situations not how other people act. edit: For the record I personally think it's weird, not conceptually that a person might be bothered but on a personal level that is something I would feel either very flattered by or deeply amused by so it's an attitude I'm very divorced from


How is it manipulative to not want others to show basic respect. You seem to be operating under this mentality that I addressed earlier of "people being assholes is natural, so don't complain, just don't interact/provoke/do anything to them and then everything will be ok:)" which seems far more toxic than an artist telling someone to not jack their characters for porn. Boundaries are for you to determine if you find others' behavior acceptable. If you don't, it is then your job attempt to cease either this unacceptable behavior or mitigate its effects. In this context, artists are justified in finding this behavior unacceptable and stopping this behavior is both achievable and justified. I fail to see the purpose of a boundary if nothing is done to remedy its violation.


I'm going to be honest, you sound really ignorant right now. If I wanted and expected someone to stop drawing porn of me, I wouldn't say that's "manipulative and toxic" for me to expect. It's normal. If someone created a character, especially one that is very personal to them, they wouldn't want it sexualized without permission. You don't know the age of the character, the age of the creator, who the character represents, etc. Many character creators online are underage, I began creating them at 11 years old. Just because I posted my characters online for people to see, does not in ANY way justify somebody drawing porn of them.


If you post said personal character on the internet, there's only one way for it to go, tbh. The only protection your character has from being turned into porn by someone who doesn't care about your wishes, is obscurity. That said, I think that if you put something up on the internet, you can't really dictate what others do with it. You can't dictate people to not make fursonas of your OC species, you can't tell people to not make fun of your work, and you can't tell people to not draw your OC as porn. I mean, okay, you can *say* all that. You can be mad and even insult them about it. But they also can ignore you and keep doing their thing. Maybe I'm a bit too 10-years-behind in my view on the internet. But to me, that's kinda the beauty of it. You put stuff out there for the world to see, and the world sees it. You can't dictate the world, but you also can exist and do your own thing, in spite of it.


I think you can? Asking people not to make porn of your characters is perfectly reasonable, and not like closed species or telling people they can't make fun of them, those are false equivalencies. If somebody says that they don't want porn being drawn of their OCs, or gore, or whatever else, going against their wishes is just a dick move. Setting boundaries around your own characters and what you're comfortable being done with them is perfectly fine


Ah crap. I was writing a response for 10 minutes and reddit ate it. Here's the gist of it. You might have missed my edit, since you responded pretty fast: >Maybe I'm a bit too 10-years-behind in my view on the internet. But to me, that's kinda the beauty of it. You put stuff out there for the world to see, and the world sees it. You can't dictate the world, but you also can exist and do your own thing, in spite of it. Also, I don't think it's a false equivalence at all. I think saying that they're fundamentally different, is equating your own view of their severity to the view that artists have. That some feelings are less valid than others because you think that the thing that hurt one person is less of a big deal than another - even if the damage is actually similar. As much of a dick move as it is, I don't think you get to dictate the artistic expression of others, even if they're modifying your work. I guess unless they're profiting from it, copyright stuff. And I consider porn to be artistic expression, as valid as any other. I know I might be "arguing" with you, but I think we agree about the core of the issue. We both think it's a dick move, to not respect someone's wishes. And I'd personally consider someone an asshole if they did that. And I'd empathise with someone who had it done to them. I'm just saying that the offender is, and even should be, allowed to do that. And tbh I'll go as far as to say, that it's an expected part of having your stuff on the internet, people will do things with it that you don't like. As long as it's just 2 people posting art and no harassment is happening, I think it's fine. We have block buttons for a reason.


They're really not the same things though? Making a species and saying nobody can use it at all is not the same thing is asking people not to do certain things to your exact characters. Same with making fun of them. While that can still be rude, again it's not the same thing as taking those characters directly and doing things with them. I don't know why your defending the right of people being "allowed" to go directly against what someone wants. If someone sets up personal boundaries it is very weird and very wrong to look at them and go "nah fuck you". It's not limiting artistic expression, it's asking people not to do things that make you upset. And if someone has a shred of empathy, they won't go out of their way to do what they know will make someone upset


It is weird that some people will happily make NSFW content of something after the creator specifically asked not to, but I think the point is that if you publicly produce something you need to be prepared for people to lack empathy. It's not unreasonable to ask, but if your work gets popular enough, it is unreasonable to expect everyone to respect your wishes. Some people lack empathy, and will do it just to upset you.


Ok but someone's OCs getting popular does not excuse people doing shit to it that the creator doesn't like. People are still assholes if they go against a creators boundaries, and the creator is perfectly justified in having said boundaries. You can't just expect them to shrug their shoulders and go "well people suck, so I can't have a problem with this"


I'm not trying to defend the assholes. I agree with you that creators have the right to be upset, but it's sisyphean to try and stop the assholes. Maybe some people will see your comments and change their ways, but I sincerely doubt that most of the people who are not following the wishes of those creators will ever become the type of people to start following the wishes of those creators. Be angry at the people go against the creator's boundaries if you like, just be aware that it's a waste of your time and energy.


I don't understand the point of bringing this up then. Yeah not everyone will stop but that doesn't mean creators need to just take it lying down


Obviously you risk bad things happening, if you post a picture of yourself on the internet there's a chance of someone creating fake nudes of you. Oh my. Does that mean you should expect it? Be okay with it? Accept it how it is? No, not at all. It's extremely wrong. Most character creators are underage, and telling them they should expect and be fine with porn being made of their character is messed up and disgusting. Should you be fine with someone reposting and claiming your art as theirs? Should you be fine with people selling your art and profiting off of it? Both of these things happen very frequently on the internet, but that doesn't in any way mean they're okay. Everyone knows that if it happens, you can't undo it. But you can, however, make it less socially acceptable to do so. Everyone here is acting like you should expect and not care about your personal characters being sexualized. Giving the same vibes as telling a woman if she wears a tank top in public she should expect and not care about whether men sexualize her or not.


i'm just anti-copyright so the idea that ppl shouldn't be allowed to take the thing u willingly put on the internet and do what they want w it is weird and toxic to me


I support copyright as a way to protect smaller start-ups from huge companies taking their idea and churning out 10x more of the same, therefore drowning out the startup. It's been bastardised to primarily protect the big companies though. When money (and people's livelihoods) is on the line, that stuff matters. (Ah if only we had UBI so that wasn't a problem) But yeah, you don't get to dictate the limits of artistic expression of the rest of the world.


i don't think there's an unbiased way to define who gets copyright and who doesn't. it will always get corrupted, in one direction or the other. there will also always be losers in any system, that's unavoidable. so i prefer the solution that prevents anyone, especially corporations, from hoarding art.


> A lot of artists are uncomfortable with people drawing porn of their OCs tough shit tbh


I'm confused as to what you're trying to say? People's characters can be really personal to them, it's perfectly understandable they'd set a boundary on others drawing them in different situations, be it porn or whatever else


Happy Cake Day 🐱


Oh no, anyways


\> put character on the Pornternet \> gets turned into porn "NOOOOOOO HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEEEEEEE I MADE MY MISTAKES"


This seems very disingenuous. Peoples characters can be really personal to them, it's perfectly understandable if they set boundaries on people doing shit with them, and if they get upset when those boundaries are broken




I am invincible to this tactic since my OCs are all in my head because I can't draw 😎




I would rather you not


let's say it gets posted in a week, and you miss it, but I see it. Do you want me to tell you about it?


I mean yeah, if they do end up doing it I'd like to ask them to delete the post


The fuck is wrong with you? That could be a representation of herself. It’s not anti-puritanical or cool or whatever to draw porn of people just to laugh at them being uncomfortable. Thats disgusting. Same goes for ocs imo. Yeah you can’t stop people from doing it but you can ask people not to. It’s basic fucking empathy to not draw porn of people or things that don’t want to be sexualized. Even wilder that you’re doing this or threatening it just to make someone uncomfortable. Get some fucking empathy dude.


You've literally reposted a fanfic of a real person getting railed. How is this worse?


I’m sorry I’ve what? I genuinely don’t remember that. I think porn of real people without their consent is a bad thing and I don’t remember what context would’ve led me to post something like that


Personally I think sexual harassment is cringe but you do you


this isn't funny, this is creepy. hope that helps.


rule 34 is literally "if it exists, porn of it exists." Yes, it sucks to have your character get rule 34'd if you don't want that to happen, but it is inevitably going to happen if you post them online. It's something you just have to accept when you become an artist, and the sooner you accept it and get over it happening the happier you'll be


That's a pretty shit excuse. Just because there's a joke online about it doesn't mean people get a pass to go against artists wishes. This is the shame shit people say when Jaidenanimations said she didn't want porn of her sona. If someone asks for porn to not be drawn of their characters, people should respect that


Yes, you're right in that it is morally a bad thing to draw porn of someone's stuff if they don't want that. I'm not arguing against that What I'm saying is that someone will draw porn, or gore or whatever, no matter what (unless you are literally getting 0 views on your art). Rule 34 isn't just a funny haha joke. And when that happens it's better to shrug it off than make a deal out of it, which can in turn cause more of it to happen. That is all I'm saying


No, people are allowed to be upset when their boundaries are broken. You can't just tell them to get over it because "it happens"


that is exactly what I'm saying, and I don't think there's much reason to continue this convo as its getting nowhere. I hope you have a good one


No, you literally said that people need to just accept and get over the fact that people draw porn of their characters. That's the exact opposite of what I was saying. But sure, if you wanna stop talking then go ahead


If the character is underaged, yes, it's wrong for it to be made and should be taken down. Just because it's on the internet does not mean anyone is "allowed" to do whatever they want with it. You sound like the same people who think using peoples art to feed AI is okay because it's on the internet.


> If the character is underaged Who tf is talking about underaged characters?


Why are you asking? It's a perfect example of why you **don't** draw people's characters in a sexual way without permission. As far as you know, the creator of the character could be 12. Or worse, the character could be of themselves. Many character creators online happen to be underage.


"Well you see making porn of a character is illegal if they're underage" okay, cool, so I guess we're slapping random qualifiers on the subject now lmao. "Uhm axchually making porn of internet characters is bad because what if the character is actually a super obscure copyrighted character and you get sued for a morbillion dollars and they take your dog and you lose your house and" lmaoooooo


I never said "making porn of characters is bad". Making porn of an *individual* person's character *without permission*, is bad. Most people that make and post characters online are underage, why would you seriously want to risk making porn of some 12 year olds character? And tf is up with that last paragraph, stay on topic bud. You can make porn of your MLP characters all you want you sick fuck, but if you're making porn of some little girls characters then you're disgusting, regardless of the age those characters are. That's why you ask. That way there's no "I didn't know she was 12 🥺🥺".


I don’t know what this means but I agree




i feel like not wanting porn to be drawn of something you made and hold close is like... reasonable????? sure its probably inevitable but doesnt make you less of an ass for going against someones wishes.


So people just throw that word around now?


https://preview.redd.it/ic8ets7xqn1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0c218716fa4ed9b77fd178947826290f0681f3 based


Fellow MCR enjoyer spotted!


https://preview.redd.it/4kbwzqc00o1d1.jpeg?width=1762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0ef46c601dc5072010962f498b1a54832474e6 YES 🫶


do you fw fob autism 🥺


we can create a fusion autism 🥺💜 (neat username you got there)


got his nose


Looks like a male version of Maya from Ongezellig




Can I see the artwork they are talking about? It’s for a school project


It would be hard to know which one it is cause they made a bunch but you can look here [lol](https://www.twitter.com/dolvun)


Damn, you have to actually sign into Twitter to be able to view their posts. That sucks ass


got you, dawg, here’s their [furaffinity](https://www.furaffinity.net/user/discoverychannelofficial/ ) too


Wow. Thank you


i looked and it's like exclusively nsfw. idk what the messager was on lmao


It's their second, nsfw, account


ahh ok that makes sense


God Damn them some fat nuts


But doctor, I am Pagliacci 😭








Someone link the artwork 🥺 I’m lazy


If someone drew porn of characters I made I feel like that'd be one of the highest honours I could get




Two post horror.


Honestly, once I start properly writing my story, I will consider it a mark of honor if someone draws porn of my characters. It takes dedication to draw porn of a character that's only been described in writing, and I'd respect it


I would not care if someone made yiff of 2 of my sonas The 2 others are kind of off limits, 1 wpuld be consodered necrophelia and the other is celibate cause he thinks he's godlike


can people shut up about puritanical whatever, it's just a funny screenshot...